Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Three by BikeWriter

I got a few hours of fitful sleep that night, but mostly I watched Tabby’s beautiful face as she slept and I worried. I spent the night with my shoulder holster on and pistol in it. I was ecstatic about holding her close to me, though. The Most Beautiful Creature in the Universe not only loved me, she’d been in love with me her entire life!

I woke her with gentle kisses at about 7:00 AM; we took a shower together and this time we both enjoyed scrubbing each other. I got a raging hard on, since I wasn’t thinking of her as a baby anymore. She asked me the Mae West question, “Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” I laughed crazily at that of course. She asked, “Would you like for me to take care of that thing for you?” I laughed and told her, “It’s taking all my will power to resist saying yes, Darling, but that “thing” can wait until you make an honorable man out of me by marrying me.”

I don’t think anyone will ever fully understand the depths of my love for this exquisite woman/child. Had she asked of me my love for her be the nonsexual love of a Knight/Priest she would have had it. Tabby dressed in those hip hugger denims, tank top, and riding boots and I remarked her dangerous pointy things were sure hot looking in that snug tank top. With the vest and jacket on she made an adorable little biker broad. She wore her favorite beret and told me she’d switch to a scarf for the bike ride. She had me out of breath from laughing when she told me, “I like these boots, Jack. They make me look tall and statuesque!” She was still a slim little squirt, but she meant more to me than the rest of the world put together!

Tabby suggested we go by the diner for breakfast again, and told me, “I’m hungry for more of those grilled cheese sandwiches like you shared with me.” I told her, “It sure is nice to be engaged to a beautiful woman who agrees with my tastes.”
She put her hands on her hips and informed me, “Jack, you’d better be on your best behavior around that waitress, I won’t marry a no-good, jive-ass, trifling man!” She’d gotten that term from Judge Hatchet, the out-spoken lady television judge we both loved. I ducked my head, shuffled my feet, and told her contritely, “Yes, ma’am, Judge!” We laughed, and once again I damned near cried at how beautiful she looked. I told her so and my Love gave me more sugars. I thought to myself I had only tasted her body and gotten kisses, but I was pussy whipped already!

I had the waitress add sliced avocados to our grilled cheese, bacon, tomato, and egg sandwiches, knowing my Love liked them as I did. We enjoyed our breakfasts, the waitress earned another good tip, and I didn’t get pinched a single time. That gave us a good start considering it was a potentially terrible day.

We made a detour past a clinic run by one of the international birth control organizations and they quickly fixed Tabby up with a prescription and a one-month sample of pills. I breathed a deep sigh of relief, which earned me another laugh from Tabby. I told her, “Seriously, Babe, none of this has been your fault or mine, and I know you are still in survival mode, but I don’t want to make you a mom while you’re still a baby yourself. You can talk to me about making more Baby Jacks when you’re eighteen or twenty years old and physically mature!”

Our next stop was a jewelry shop. My darling picked out her engagement and wedding rings and I was proud to pull out my cash card. Tabby insisted, “We will buy a ring for you, too, Jack. Pick one out. I want my territory marked!” We walked out with three rings, Tabby was wearing her engagement ring.

We drove on to the bike shop. Tina and Rex both oohed and awed over my pretty Tabby. She excitedly thanked them and shared the news of our engagement with them and showed them her rings. Tina gave us both hugs and congratulations. I got a handshake, a slap on the back, and good-natured ribbing from Rex about cradle robbers. He made me an offer of a loan to help pay for her diapers and formula. He knew the real situation well enough, though, to fill in the blanks about why we’d ever gotten intimate with her being so very young.

Rex had a cooler with a couple of cases of beer and some colas mixed into it. I stuffed a ten into the kitty jar, and asked Tabby her preference. Tabby had been raised the European way pertaining to alcohol and around her parent’s home or mine if she were thirsty for wine or a beer, she drank it. She asked for a soft drink this time and I opened one for her and a beer for myself.

Tina got down to business with her make up kit, and then held a coin to Tabby’s cheek while she circled it with her colored laundry pens. She added freehand details, and made it look shockingly like a tattoo on my darling’s adorable face! I told her, “Don’t you ever think of getting a real tattoo, Tabby Jack. I’m damned upset just looking at this fake one on my Darling!” I had never liked tattoos on women, their natural skin colors are attractive enough for me.

Several of the other regular shop customers came in, some with wives and girl friends, hanging out prior to the funeral run. I knew some of them and had a couple of friends among them. Tina was like a protective mother hen hovering over Tabby, telling the men loudly to give her her space and gaining her more sympathy and hugs and kisses from all the women. I could see it was doing Tabby good to socialize with them. Most of these folks were good hard working middle class people. All of them were patriotic and sympathetic toward the fallen police officer and his wife’s orphan.

I asked Tabby, “Do you feel comfortable enough for me to go check our ride, Sweetheart?” She hugged Tina, smiled, and told me, “I’m okay here with Tina protecting me, my Love, but don’t please don’t be gone too long.” This was a welcome change and much healthier than her clinging to me at the hospital, though I’d thoroughly understood it. I knew she had found her mother substitute, and it was more than obvious Tina had already adopted Tabby into her own heart!

I hugged Tabby, and kissed her passionately, which got a big reaction from everyone, and left us both breathing hard. I went to check the bike. Hell, I knew how erotic she looked French-kissing an older lover, but I wasn’t going to be bashful about showing my love for her. I was damned proud of her and becoming more so every day.

I kick started my Harley engine and it started easily and idled smoothly. The gas tank was nearly full, and the oil clean, so it looked like we were good to go. I rode it out of the shop and parked next to our truck in case Tabby wanted to transfer anything to the saddlebags.

She still seemed okay when I went back in and kissed her again. I told her loudly and dramatically enough for everyone to hear, “Sweetheart, I missed your sweet lips so much while I was gone from your side!” This brought moans and groans from some, but Tabby looked at me adoringly and smiled. I grinned, winked, and told her, “Don’t let anyone tease you, Lover, they’re just jealous of us.” That brought a cackle of laughter from Tabby, which made it well worth my effort. I hadn’t heard her laugh that loudly in days and it was worth more than millions to me.


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