Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Three by BikeWriter

Rex and Tina were impressed we even knew the Judge, much less were such close friends with him. He’s sort of a living legend in our state. They offered to ride with us to his office and stand up with us. We gladly accepted their company. The ride into town helped to relax us from the overwhelming sadness of the services.

When we got to his office we found the Judge had written a special ceremony for us. It was long on love, honor, and respect and and short on legal crap. He was already in his black robe and made a very imposing figure. He told us he’d have his staff print a presentation style copy of the ceremony and send it to us, and asked if we were ready, and at our nods he said, “We’ll get ‘er done then!”
The Judge read the ceremony off smoothly, as Tabby clung tightly to me. We both answered “I do.” when he asked. I put her wedding ring on her finger, then she put mine on me. The Judge pronounced us man and wife and told me to kiss my bride! I kissed my gorgeous bride, and kissed her some more, then Judge Thomas kissed her, and Tina kissed her. The Judge probably broke some rules when he produced a bottle of champagne and glasses, poured, and made a toast to our future, but we knew no one in our state would dare tell him that!

We reminisced with the Judge about some of our poker games, with Tabby in everyone’s lap as she grew from toddler to teen. She’d charmed us all by demanding hugs and kisses, and played with everyone’s chips and cards. The Judge had made several fishing trips with us, too. I recalled his visits to me in the military hospital and appreciated them. I’d always hoped he didn’t feel any guilt for my wounds, he’d been one of the officers we’d liked and trusted. Before we left the Judge embraced us both and kissed the bride again. We thanked him profusely, of course. He told us, “If you need anything you call me!”

We walked out into the fresh air as man and wife, and I couldn’t resist hugging my child bride to me and whirling her around! I shouted, “I love you, Mrs. Wilson!” She was clutching me just as fiercely, she smiled up at me and said, “Let’s get a room and consummate this marriage for at least three days!” We thanked Rex and Tina for everything, and swore we’d get back with them soon. We rode our bike to the biggest hotel in town and reserved a honeymoon suite for three days.

We went to our suite, and I carried her across the threshold for good luck. I hung the “Do not disturb” sign on the door, and both of us left a trail of clothes to the bed. The one rational act I made was to toss my .45 and shoulder holster onto the bed. She shoved me onto the big bed and grabbed my dick with both of her little hands. She spoke to it, “Hello, Jack’s prick. I’m Mrs. Wilson, and we’re going to get to know each other much better now!” I groaned in ecstasy as she took me into her hot mouth! She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, pulled me out of her mouth for a moment, and told me, “I’ve been owing you this one, Jack!” She inhaled me again!

What she was doing felt oh, so fine, but I knew the pleasure wouldn’t last but seconds more unless I had a diversion. I begged her, “Please, Baby, put your sweet pussy on my face!” I didn’t have to ask her twice. My little darling only relaxed her grip on my cock enough to allow her to swivel up over my face and plant that pussy right where I wanted it! I licked her from one end of her pretty slit to the other, then tongued her pink asshole!

She went crazy on my dick. I moved my mouth forward and found her clit, and worshiped it for a while by sucking on it and flicking it with my tongue. She seemed to like that just fine too, because she was near drowning me in her juices. I probed my tongue into her and tongue fucked her as deeply as I could for a about a minute, then licked and lapped toward her rear and inserted a finger in her pussy and began to rub her G-spot, so I could get some air. While I was there I licked her fine ass again, and she shifted by bowing her back to allow me better access to it. I gave her a rim job, then tongue fucked her ass as deeply as I could as I added another finger to her tight pussy.

I moved the hand I’d been holding one of her small boobs with. I shifted two fingers of it to her pussy and G-spot as I moved the hand that was wet to her ass and as gently as I could I inserted a finger into her ass I’d been lubricating with my tongue. That left my mouth free to seek out her lovely clit again, which I did. I wanted her first orgasm as my wife to be mind blowing and I knew it was coming as soon as I inserted another wet finger into that fine ass!

She had been busily giving my prick the best blowjob I’d ever had in my life, or maybe it only felt that way because I was so in love. She began moaning, then I think she was trying to scream around my cock, she let herself go! I felt it with my prick, my mouth, and my two hands I was making love to her with. My Love shook from her head to her toes. She violently slammed that sweet pussy into my mouth, I increased the fucking of her pussy and ass with both my hands and vowed to myself to hang onto her clit until she was finished cumming or I was dead, whichever came first! All this was such a total orgasmic turn on I came, too, Her mouth didn’t miss a drop of my cum, as far as I could tell. She was still sucking me when she passed out from the sensory overload.

I withdrew my fingers from her pussy and ass, and reached for her chest to be sure she was breathing properly. My dick went limp and plopped from between her lips so at least I knew that wasn’t obstructing her airway now. I shifted her off me and moved up beside her. I could see now with some relief her chest was rising and falling. I groped around until I found my pistol, then I reached to the other end of the big bed and pulled the spread up over us. I held my wife close and watched the beautiful face I adored as she slept.

I watched her sleep for about an hour before she stirred. She looked up at me with the most gorgeous eyes in the Universe and gave me a world class smile. I kissed her sweet lips. Have I mentioned I’m crazy about her? I whispered to her, “Hello, Sleepyhead, how are you feeling now?” I began to realize I’d created a monster when she shoved me over, moved atop me and said, “Your wife is horny again, Mr. Wilson. Perhaps you could do something about that?” With that she reached behind her and grasped my prick.

She began stroking me, and within two strokes I was up to the task.
I was busy ogling her chest, and told her, “I’ll do anything, but please don’t poke me in the eye with those dangerous pointy things!” She did exactly what I’d wanted her to do. She thrust her little right breast at me, and just as predictably it went into my mouth. There is an advantage to a small breast; you can suck on damned near the entire thing, which I did my best to. I had her nipple up against my palate as I nursed on her. I was intently enjoying the erotic look on my darling’s face. Her eyes closed, then her eyelids fluttered as I began lashing her puffy nipple with my tongue. I thought with practice I should be able to get her off like that.


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