I made it home, and in, before dawn and nobody stopped me. What to do with two cars, I wondered? Momma and her brat had to go first, they had been missing a week or more, so I unloaded the Ford, and drove it into my shed, then reloaded momma’s car into my trailer. Then I drove the trailer and truck into the shed until evening. Bodies next.
I looked around the place very warily, then entered and went down to the basement three steps at a time. The new slut was moaning, and her eyes were fluttering, so I let her have another upper cut to the jaw, to hold her for the next chore. She went back down without a whimper.
I then opened my special room up, and the stench was bad. It was fucking bad. Gross out time. I vomited everywhere, and panicked anew. Slow down, I told myself, and I finally calmed enough to do the chore needing done. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my mouth. Then I opened the door again, and gingerly took the little kid out and up to the shed. I then went back and got momma. She was a fucking heavy fat cunt, but I struggled with her, and finally got her up to the shed too.
Next, I grabbed the hose, and sprayed the entire room clean. It took me at least half an hour to remove all the blood, but finally the room, although wet, was no longer a slaughter house! The mattress was a worry, but I just gritted my teeth, and dragged it up to the shed too. A trip to the store was in order; a new mattress, but that chore was for later, that task could wait. For the time being I went up to the guest room and took that mattress down to my room.
I had the blood gone, I had a new, clean, dry mattress, what was left? The smell, fuck!
I had no windows down here, and there was no way I was gonna vent out the room in a hurry, what to do? I know, cans of air freshener! I always kept a few extra cans, and truthfully, I was so used to the fetid smells down here, and my sluts didn’t matter, so all I had to really do was mask the smells for a few hours. I ran up to the kitchen, grabbed two cans, and five minutes, a slightly sweaty me, and two empty cans later, the room was as good as new (or as good as I was gonna get it, lol).
The bodies. Next item. Two dead, one not yet. I grabbed my new slut, and ripped her clothes off, and then tossed her onto the new mattress. I tied her hands above her head, and her legs, spread-eagled, to the bottom of the bed. Then left her.
Next stop, the shed. But I couldn’t risk moving those two in the daylight. Never mind, I thought, as long as they were discreetly hidden, I’d be ok. A further trip to my shed, a bit of moving things here, and there, and rearranging and I was finally happy.
Bed, that’s what I needed now. My warm, comfy, snug bed. 7 am and I was in bed, a nice soft CD playing quietly, to sooth me, and I was ready for sleep.
Am I good, or what?
* * * * *
I arrived at my planned drop zone, and had a good idea of where I would leave her car. There was a shopping area, just off the highway, with a large area behind the stores, for employee cars, and dumpsters. I had stumbled across this area a few months ago, while out on one of my many reccies, and knew I could use this some time, so memorized it.
Very slowly, and as quietly as possible, I eased my truck and trailer around to the back of the stores, and with the headlights off, sat idling for over 20 minutes. I figured that any patrols would be fairly regular, and I also figured that any nosy neighbors wouldn’t wait too long to call the cops about a suspicious truck entering the complex. 20 minutes was enough time to see if any one responded. If anyone did come, I’d drop the gear shift, race out, lights still off, and use the element of surprise to my advantage. Nope, no one came close, lol.
With my trusty gloves firmly on, I jumped out of my cab, and it took all of 60 seconds to drop the tailgate, fix the ramps, get in her car, throw the gear shift into reverse (no need to start the motor, the natural incline of the trailer would deal with it sliding backwards), and let it slip down the ramps.
I left the car sitting in the middle of the parking lot, and it only took another 30 seconds to stow the ramps, lift the tailgate, jump back in my still idling truck, and drive off. 90 seconds from when I jumped out of my cab, to driving off after the deed, and all tasks completed in near silence. Fuck it, let the cops find her car where I left it, I didn’t care. In less than ten minutes, I was gonna be long gone, and there was no way they could trace me, if they hadn’t actually seen me drop the car.
But remember, I am smart. I knew still more tricks. I got back on the highway, and continued driving east for another 30 minutes, then took a more indirect south route, and circled back to my home via a completely different road, always looking in my mirrors for strange headlights.
* * * * *
I loved this life. The adrenaline rushes, the thrill of the chase, the . . . hell yes, especially the kill, lol.
I never did play with my new slut that first 24 hours, fuck her. I slept all day, and after rising, showering, and eating (I was famished, hard work does that to me, lol), I decided to get rid of my last two “guests”. I decided it was better to avoid any further delays, and just get it over with.
The bodies took about two hours to bury, but I was getting good and quick at that chore, without slacking off either. The car took longer, I drove all night till I found a dark road, and then dropped the car, and scampered off. No delays, no fuss. I was sick of momma, and wanted her gone!
I got home at 4 am, slept an hour, ate etc, then decided to visit my new slut. Was I in for a shock, lol.
She was easily 60, if not older, and although her head hair was a flaming red, her cunt was grey and sparsely covered. Her tits too, were a disappointment, I was obviously tired when I undressed her, because I never noticed these things earlier. The reason she looked well stacked was obviously the fucking “push-up” bra she wore. Her tits were the saggiest I had ever seen! But great fucking dark big nipples, lol.
She was awake, and very scared, when I called in on her, naked (as usual), and erect (as usual, lol). Her eyes said it all.
I had gone through her wallet (while eating breakfast) and I noticed she was a “miss”. Fuck, a spinster? Not another fucking virgin? I took her gag off, and she seemed to hyperventilate on me. I pulled up a chair, then sat back and watched. This might be fun, I thought, but she recovered in a few minutes.
“What is the meaning of this?” she asked indignantly.
“What?” I mocked her, lol.
“Where are my clothes, young man? Untie me now, and let me up, I say.”
“What?” I repeated, acting dumb.
She looked at me, then sighed. No tears though. She seemed a tough old broad.
“You idiot! I said untie me and give me back my clothes. Are you deaf? I will ask the police to go lightly on you if you do this now. This is your only chance. Do not be a silly man.” She then said.
“I am not an idiot. No! Maybe sick, yes! Cruel, sure, why not, lol. Demented, definitely, lol. But I am NOT a fucking idiot.” I replied, my temper rising.