Ruth cautionary tale by styxx

Ruth cautionary tale by styxx

This is a story based on an event. It serves as a caution hopefully. , Ruth.

Ruth had a fantasy. One she had had with her through college years. Even before that.

The catalyst had happened in her early teens at a friend’s house. During one of their frequent stopover nights, her friend Cindy’s dog grasped her leg in his forepaws and humped against her white socks until she managed to wrestle the dog off. Nothing came of it at that time, but it remained with her, occasionally dropping into her mind and fuelling a wish. She had seen the size of his cock, fully exposed from its furry haven. It was red to purple in colour from base to tip and dripping precum from a very pointed end. Her fascination with the dogs cock turned into a desire as the dog licked itself clean. In her girlhood imagination, her lips were doing the cleaning. It was Ruth’s first wet panty experience and she enjoyed the rush of heat to her sex and the tingle it caused.

Ruth also used to live next door to a dog breeder. Until her leg had been used as a sex object by Cindy’s dog, she had shown little interest, but from that time on, she watched on many occasions. She watched the dogs fucking and tying like any voyeur, through binoculars, getting hot as they humped and knotted. She would rub herself over her panties in her youthful, but unbroken exuberance and was always a little surprised by the heat in her loins and the amount of wetness she could produce. Looking through the binoculars, soon led to her creeping up to the boundary of her parents place, to get a better look. Hidden in the evergreen shrubs, she studied the actions of the stud dogs, even to the point of noticing the foibles of each in its approach toward a bitch in heat. Ruth became expert at an early age; at bringing her self off to a shattering climax, without once, pushing her fingers between her pussy lips. Her virginity was to be given to someone special who she had yet to meet. Her dreams though, were a completely different thing. In those, she was fucked senseless by these dogs and mysterious, faceless men.

Time moved on; her life and dreams changed.

During her early, married years, she quelled the fantasy for the most part, only allowing her mind to indulge in those relaxed moments during a long, hot soak in the bath. Her fingers, took the place of an imagined dog’s cock, shafting her. Those orgasms, with her fantasy in full flow, were always the better ones and far better than those she sometimes managed with Tom. She had fallen for him after College and gave her body to him after a few months of some very serious petting. During her freshman days, she had learned how to suck a guy to completion. She had even learned how to hold him from cumming in her mouth until she wanted him to. Her expertise was often the talk of the football locker room. Not one of her lovers got beyond that. Her purity, in so much as her hymen or virginity as concerned; stayed in tact, until Tom whisked her off to Europe. Vienna lulled and soothed her into a relaxed and ready state. Tom, for once, hit the right note and they made love on an iron bed that squeaked in protest. It was something of an anti-climax, being nothing like she had imagined her first time to be. Ruth blamed herself, but they soon learned how to exploit and excite each other’s body. It became better, but never quite good enough.

So, Ruth was destined to a life of normality, domestic quietitude and a gradual decline into the almost, anonymity of being an everyday housewife.

Two events happened closely together to change that though. The first came after Ruth had been married for three years and was looking as if she would remain childless. Slightly desperate and more than a little harangued by her mother, blaming Tom for being unable to sire a child, she turned to her friends for support. Cindy, who had stayed in touch, invited her to a stud farm to get away for a few days and have some time out. Her latest boyfriend worked there and got them in for a weekend. They found a small motel out of town and paid for two single rooms. The weekend turned out to be a great success. They were treated royally and given the tour of the various areas. The familiar, but almost forgotten itch, resurfaced while she found herself watching both artificial insemination techniques with a guy buried in a mare’s vagina, up to the shoulder and natural insemination processes. It was Ruth’s first time seeing a stallion in full flow. She was almost overwhelmed by the size of the stallion’s cocks, with their mushroom shaped heads and the violence of the act. The stallions would bite the mares, often tearing out chunks of their manes while in the throws of their orgasms.

Ruth’s legs nearly gave out a couple of times while the frenzy of copulation unfolded before her eyes. Her sex heated to uncomfortable climes and her breathing shortened. Ruth hoped that it wasn’t too noticeable. A sidelong glance at Cindy told her exactly how she must have appeared herself. Beads of perspiration glistened in the harsh light of the overhead fluorescent tubes; Cindy’s skin was reddened and suffuse; a vein throbbed at the side of her temple. Ruth could almost feel the heat coming from her, could almost smell her wetness and readiness for wild and uninhibited sexual abandon. Her own wantonness was no less than Cindy’s. She needed to be fucked and she needed it to be wild.

Friday night, back at the Motel wasn’t looking too good. Cindy and her guy left her in the bar early. Their hands had been quivering and the sexual charge between them was almost palpable. Ruth ended up frigging herself into a stupor in the shower and then dreamed her most erotic dream for many years, with her, being impaled on horses and anything phallic shaped. Her bed in the morning was a mess, telling of the thrashing her imagination had produced, but she felt unfulfilled and frustrated.

They were to tour the domestic animal area on Saturday. The stallions had taken Ruth to uncharted places in her mind, but the dog section took her completely off world. Her old fantasy was there in front of her, in full and glorious Technicolor. What was more; she could witness the acts of the canines without having to hide. It was as much as she could do, to not climb into the insemination cells and let the animals fuck her until she collapsed. Cindy and David, Cindy’s guy, wondered off and left her talking to one of the assistants. He was quite informative and explained each of the different techniques they used. Ruth did something she had never before thought about. She casually invited the young guy to dinner at the motel and fully intended to screw the luckless fellow into next week. He accepted, but turned out to be hopeless in the sack; she felt regretful after, beating herself up for her unfaithfulness.

The second event was to be the most devastating to her life up till then.

Ruth returned home, back to the tirade of her mother and her desire to become a granny. In the end, Ruth informed her mother that she wanted nothing to do with children. Spite drove the next words from her mother’s mouth. “Is that because you can’t have any, because Tom sure can?”


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