Teacher’s Pet Ch 17 by DavidHog

“Excellent.” He said as he took another $100 bill out from his pocket. This time Leanna looked around before moving a step closer to him. She felt his brutish hands again on her right breast. She forced a smile as she felt the emboldened hand give her tit a squeeze. She couldn’t help but cringe though as the fingers entered her bra to put the bill into the bra. He made sure to tickle her bare nipple and paused for a second before slowly withdrawing it.

She looked around again, thankfully everyone was too busy with what they were trying on to seemingly notice the employee being groped by this stranger. The teen smiled and said thank you before rushing them to the room at the end of the hall. She knocked loudly and rushed the woman that was in there out of the room into one of the ones at the side, saying that they had to do a quick inspection of the room for safety reasons.

The Woman swore under her breath when she realized that the inspection took a few seconds and that Katee was instead ushered inside shortly after.

Leanna turned to Katee and smiled “Just get undressed in there Katee, I’ll make sure to bring you some cute outfits, exactly the kind that you’re looking for” She said as she glanced at Mr. Wilson and gave him a wink.

Katee rushed into the room and moved to close the door. “Oh no you don’t” she heard as Mr. Wilson stopped the door from opening. “This door is staying open, I want to see my pet’s sexy little body at all times” He sneered.

The young teen’s cheeks blushed a deep shade of red. She knew that this way she would be stripping naked in view of the entire fitting section, and the entire store beyond that if people were to look close enough. To make it even more awkward, this monster would be standing in front of her looking at her changing. It wasn’t that she wasn’t used to being naked in front of him at this point, but being forced to change in front of him in public was utterly embarrassing.

She begged him to let her change with some privacy.

He smirked “Obey now, or you’ll be walking out there completely nude.” He sneered as he pointed outside of the fitting section into the busy store “You know I will do it.” He said as he pulled up a chair and sat to her right. He wanted to make sure that his large stature didn’t give Katee an opportunity to hide behind. He knew what he was doing, he wanted her completely exposed.

Katee shuttered as she peeled off her top and shorts. Mr. Wilson grew hard as he watched his teen pet reveal her matching white push up bra and thong. Her body looked magnificent. Her tits were a fucking miracle that never ceased to amaze him no matter how many times his eyes feasted on her chest.

Katee’s cheeks blushed a deep shade of red. Women were coming in and out of their rooms were all giving her dirty looks. Of course they were looking at Mr. Wilson with the same amount of vitriol, but he didn’t seem to mind. She wanted to run and hide as she saw Leanna approaching with a handful of outfits and underwear.

Leanna looked her almost nude high school classmate’s body up and down in her matching white thong and push up bra. She felt anger inside, knowing that while she herself was a pretty girl, she would never be able to look like this little bitch did in front of her. She was jealous of her full D cup tits, she couldn’t believe that although Katee was two years younger than her, she had boobs like this. Her figure was fucking perfect, Leanna would have killed to have a body like hers, but she knew she couldn’t. So instead, she did the only thing that a girl like her would know how to do, which was make Katee pay.

She faked a smile “Katee, such a cute bra you have on. And that thong, my my you naughty little girl.” She had a proud moment as she saw a look of dejection spread across Katee’s face. Leanna didn’t quite know what was going on, but she had figured out by now that whatever Mr. Wilson was doing was against Katee’s will. And this made the spiteful girl feel good.

She continued “Sir, I don’t know exactly what you wanted to start off with, but I think this is a cute outfit to show off Katee’s assets.” She said before handing the outfit to him. He looked at it.

“Yup this will do.” He smiled before giving it to Katee to up on.

Once again Katee moved to close the door. Once again she was met with resistance.

“Katee, nonsense, keep the door open. I want Leanna here to see you put the outfit on to make sure that you’re doing it right. You’re not the brightest bulb in the shed after all, let the professional help.”

Leanna couldn’t help but laugh out loud, it made her feel good to see Katee get put in her place.

“Maybe Leanna could come in here and help me?” Katee begged softly, with a look of desperation in her eyes.

Leanna replied before Mr. Wilson got a chance too “Katee, it’s against store policy for an employees to go into stalls with customers.” She looked at Mr. Wilson, and smiled before continuing “But if you’re not bright enough to figure out these outfits on your own I will be more than happy to help you out here.” She sneered

Katee looked at Leanna, before looking at Mr. Wilson. She knew she wasn’t going to get help from either of them. She reached for the first outfit from Mr. Wilson and looked at it. It was blouse and jean short combination.

The nearly nude young teen went to go slide her hands through the sleeves of the blouse but was interrupted.

“Looks like you were right sir.” She sneered before stopping Katee in her tracks “Katee, look at the blouse, it’s not meant to be worn with a bra.” She said in a way an adult would speak to a child, making Katee feel even smaller, before continuing “Lose the bra.”

Katee looked at Mr. Wilson, who gave her a stern look before chiding “Go ahead girl, it’s only women here in anyways, as well as your loving boyfriend of course.”

Katee’s eyes welled up with tears, as she slowly reached her hands back and unclipped her bra. She led it fall to the ground, revealing her tits to the open.

Leanna was in a state of dismay. This young girl’s tits were miraculous. She couldn’t believe that despite losing the push up bra, they seemed to remain in an unchanged position. They were so big, yet utterly gravity defying. Leanna, being a popular and athletic girl, she had been in a lot of locker rooms and seen a lot of tits, but nothing like what was in front of her here. This only served to enrage her further. She was going to make Katee pay.

Behind her several other women were gawking at the teen’s nude chest, meanwhile others were wondering what strange situation was unfolding. Leanna felt a tap on her shoulder. It was a middle aged Woman and her daughter.

“Does she really have to change out in the open like that? It’s making some of us uncomfortable.” She scorned Leanna, while pointing at Katee’s nude body.

Leanna took her anger out on the Woman as she snapped back “M’am, it’s 2023, Women have every right to be as naked as Men do, and this is a fitting section. If you have a problem with it, leave.”

The Woman had a notion to respond back but thought better of it. Instead, she muttered something under her breath and returned back to the change room.

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