Under The Sea: Sex With a Sea Monster – Pt.1 by Blackdawn

Now looking behind, she screamed when seeing something large swim by and ran to the other side of the air pocket. Already starting to hyperventilate, arms crossing her bare chest, gown barely hanging from her waist, the boards below her feet wet and slick then slipped when she jumped from something else that moved.

“Be careful my dear, I don’t want you getting hurt.” A hard voice said sternly yet, soothingly.

Eyes already darting across the space of air that looked a diameter of 10 feet, but she saw no one. That’s when a large shadow took up the space in front of her suddenly within the water then burst through the wall of ocean, its large form slammed down in front of her and came to a sliding stop at her feet.

Struck in fear and awe, Mora was looking up to a man by at least 10 feet in height, he was so big he was squeezing within the perimeter of the air pocket.

The being before her having black glossy eyes – small orbs, skin that was pale white yet carrying splotches of black all over, chin was square and thick and a bare upper torso that was finely chiseled and packed with muscle, but going on down was unbelievably scary, from his waist going on down was that of the body from an octopus, black. That’s when she noticed the gills on his face, starting from under his ears and went down his neck, they looked just like a fish, she could hear his labored breathing through the slits.

Finding her voice, she screamed and was some how able to over come her fear that had previously kept her frozen and turned to run.

She didn’t know where she was running to, but instincts told her to run and that’s just what she did but didn’t get very far when she was forced into an abrupt halt by a tentacle that grabbed her foot causing her to trip, yet before she could hit face first on to the floor board another tentacle wrapped around her right wrist followed by the other. Soon her other foot was taken a hold of and found herself held completely in the air and was turned around to face him.

Sucking in a breath, she screamed at the top of her lungs but even that was put to a stop as a suction pad laden tentacle forced slimly into her mouth shutting her up as another ripped her gown completely off, exposing her naked form.

“My dear,” He said slowly. “I have been waiting so long for you, so long for my mate, my wife. The chosen one that can accept my sperm.”

The monster leaned down to her and a long, wart looking tongue came wiggling out and licked the side of her face, he pulled back in a shiver then gasped in ecstasy and looked down to her, a yearning hunger carried in his eyes. “You are so fresh my dear Mora. Your body is so pure and clean.” He groaned eagerly. “It makes me want to take you right now, at this very moment.”

Mora screamed a muffled scream, her mind screaming “no” and fought at her fleshy restraints, fear steadily grasped her stability, fear for her virginity, for the idea she was about to be raped.

He leaned down even lower, tongue coming out and played across a breast, wondering onto her nipple licking it and playing with, suckling and nibbling on it. Then it licked across her breast going between and to the other one where he encased it within his mouth and sucked on it, his hands grasping her back and moaned in lust. Tentacles began wrapping around and slithering about her body, one having moved to right between her legs and started rubbing her clit making her mind scream in rejection when her body answered back by becoming wet.

It felt so good, just like her dreams. That’s when it all came together, that’s when she realized what was going on and couldn’t believe it, she had always known she was different from other girls, even more special compared to them.

Her tormentor made contact with her stare, he looked pleased, gave a quirked smile and said. “So my dear, you finally realized it.” Giving a deep chuckle, “You finally realized I am the chosen of your dreams.” Then he closed the distance between them, placed his face in front of hers where they were touching nose to nose. “I am Odium, Mora, and I am to be your mate. Just as you will be mine. But first,” He wiggled the tentacles across her form making her tense. “We must consummate our union my dear.”

He paused for some moments before speaking again.

“This is your destiny my dear Mora, my mate. It is why you have had dreams about me, why I have had dreams you. I have been searching for you for so long. You, the one true mate that can produce my offspring.”

Her gut knotted in fear when hearing that. What did he mean by producing his “offspring”. She shook her head and screamed, she screamed as loud as she could but all that came out was gargled, barely an audible sound carried past Odium’s ears. This was wrong, all of this was, it had to be a dream, there was no way it was real. This wasn’t some fantasy, not a figment of her imagination. She watched as Odium wiggled and twisted in anticipated for things that was soon to come, then reality hit her like a truck – all of this was real.

Another tentacle wrapped around her back and worked its way to her breast where it instantly began caressing her mound, the little suction cups on the end gently latching onto her skin then releasing, Odium meanwhile licking and nibbling on her other nipple.

Mora couldn’t help it, she let out her own moan of pleasure as the feeling between her legs intensified, the tip of the tentacle positioned into a tiny hook that would wrap around her clit, curl, then retract, and upon retraction would pull completely back rubbing its whole slick self completely across her pussy before repeating. Spreading her legs, she allowed the writhing tentacle more access to do its job and squirmed as it moved even faster, the tentacle in her mouth already having started with moving back and forth in a some what quick fluid motion..

Another tentacle had climbed up her leg and tickled part of her pussy, then moved further away, sliding between her butt cheeks and the tip completely penetrated her ass hole. It hurt and she screamed in pain of it against the tentacle still in her mouth, still moving back and forth. The tentacle in her ass drove in even deeper shooting pain all across her body making her start to cry of it and every muscle in her body to tense and pull.

Now he pulled back his torso back, all the tentacles still remaining in their spots, the rest merely wiggling about and arched his back with his arms outstretch, groaned and moaned until something slithered out from beneath him and presented itself right in front of her face. She gasped internally at the massive penis he was giving her, it was long as the tentacles but the tip was round with a bulbous end, it was already rock hard, veins protruding across its fleshy smooth surface and a clear liquid, the pre-cum already dripping out profusely.

The tentacle came out her mouth giving her chance to take one full breath before the dick was shoved in. The dick wasn’t nothing like the tentacle, it was far more thicker, and its round end made it even harder for her to breathe as it was forcefully rammed down her throat and was soon gagging on it.


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