After Party by Kari99

After Party by Kari99

“Fuck youuuuuuuu!” James bayed to no one in particular as he hopelessly mashed the buttons on his Switch controller. He had needed to win this Slaparazzi minigame to keep Andie from winning Mario Party – again. The rest of the partygoers howled in laughter as the game ended.

“Boom!” Andie raised her hands victoriously in the air. James shot a glare in her direction. It broke into a grin.

“Alright, you got me,” he laughed. “I’d have kicked your ass at Diddy Kong Racing.”

Andie smirked, showcasing her dimple. Despite what any non-single guy at the party might tell their girlfriends, Andie was far and away the most beautiful woman there. She was in shape, but not model-thin; her breasts were not too big, but large enough to be noticed through the button-up purple plaid shirt she was wearing; her ass was comparably sized, and fit snugly enough in her blue jeans that every guy – even those non-single ones – had spared a moment to admire it at some point that night. Her dirty blonde hair fell to just above her shoulders, with the green streak dyed into it pulled behind her ear. She had a silver stud pierced into the left side of her nose.

It was the nose piercing that caught James’ eye. He suddenly realized how sexy he thought nose piercings were. He had seen a fair few, especially over the past two years living in the dorms at Blair University, but it wasn’t until Andie smirked at him that he understood how much he liked it on women. Or maybe it was that he liked it on her?

He shuffled off to the kitchen to refill his cup from the keg. Andie watched him go.

He’s cute. She thought to herself. They had Statistics together, but were connected more through a mutual friend than anything. That friend – Stacy, with whom Andie was renting the townhouse – had invited him to the party. She was glad. He was funny, and he was cute. And she could kick his ass at Mario Party.

James hadn’t intended to hew so closely to Andie’s fashion sense, but he too was wearing a plaid shirt – green and black – and blue jeans. He was tall and not particularly muscular, but had inherited an innate ability to stay skinny from his mother. He had gotten a buzz cut the week prior, which Andie didn’t care for, as she thought he looked better when his light brown hair was shaggy. But she liked that he had kept his scruff.

She turned her attention away from her classmate and joined in on a conversation about Kingdom Hearts that two slightly tipsy guys and one fairly drunk girl were having. They seemed to be confused about some of the finer points of the storyline. Andie decided to jump into the fray and straighten things out for them.

Ten minutes later, after having thoroughly schooled her guests on Sora’s journey to become a Keyblade Master, she found herself being offered a shot of rum by the cute boy from Statistics.

“What’s this for?” she asked, skeptically, but grinning nonetheless.

“Well you were the victor, I only thought it appropriate that I buy you a shot,” James said.

Andie laughed. “Buy me a shot? This is my party, I’m pretty sure I bought that shot yesterday from Sherlock’s.”

“Well…I…” James frowned thoughtfully “…did not think about that.” Andie laughed again. “Tell you what,” James continued, “When I go home, I will pour some of my own rum into a shot glass, and bring it to class on Tuesday for you.”

“Well that does sound like a nice breakfast,” Andie said.

“I agree! Better than Wheaties. But in the meantime…?” He offered the Dixie cup of rum again. She took it. “To your superiority.” He toasted and threw the shot back. She followed his lead.

Over the next half an hour, their physical attraction to one another was complemented by a mutual interest in each other’s minds. They discovered they had much in common, from a love of Harry Potter (and a fiery hatred of the Cursed Child that, upon discovery of the other’s matched distaste, turned both of them on) to the revelation that they had both attended the same Green Day concert the previous year. Their conversation twisted and turned, occasionally including other partygoers, sometimes just the two of them, matching wits. Both of them, at different points in the night, thought to themselves that this was the best party they had been to in a long time.

“I just don’t give a shit, even if Joss is involved. A reboot is a stupid idea,” James proclaimed, hours after Mario Party had ended.

“I mean, I agree, but think about what they could do on, like, HBO,” Andie said. “Think of the sex scenes that Buffy and Spike could have without network restrictions.”

“I admit that would be stimulating, but it’s just not necessary. The story has been told as well as it can be!”

Andie shrugged, and then looked around.

“Damn, this party cleared out,” she said. There were only four other people in the house, one of which was Stacy, one was her boyfriend, and the other two were saying their goodbyes.

James checked his watch. “It is 3 AM,” he said, surprised. “Uhh..would you mind if I hung out here another, like, half an hour? I’m dangerously close to sobriety and would love to avoid having to pay a stranger to drive me home.”

“Yeah, sure!” Andie thought she might have sounded a little overly enthusiastic. “Would you…like some more water?”

“Please.” James shamelessly stared at Andie’s perfect ass as she walked away. He sighed. In the past few hours of talking to her, he had actually forgotten that she was incredibly gorgeous. He acknowledged the enormous crush he had developed on her.

You’re practically in love, Jimmy my boy. He thought to himself, and chuckled.

Andie, filling up James’ cup with water in the kitchen, was at the same time smiling to herself at the butterflies James had snuck into her stomach. She returned to the living room just as the last two guests shut the door on their way out.

“I am drunk,” Stacy said bluntly. She turned to her boyfriend, also named James, and spoke in the overly-proper way that she often did when inebriated. “Let us fuck!”

Other James looked at Andie and her guest, blushed a little in embarrassment, but did not argue with his girlfriend. Stacy grabbed his arm and led him upstairs. The door slammed shut, and that was that.

“Well okay,” James said.

“So what would you like to do?” Andie asked.

Eat your pussy? Have all the sex? Marry you and have 15 babies? James thought in rapid succession. He kept those options to himself, and instead made an equally bold suggestion: “I could try to earn back my dignity.”

Andie raised an eyebrow. “You can’t possibly be serious.”

“It was very close. It was so close.”

“Oh boy.” Andie shifted her weight. “Well, you are my guest. If that’s what you want…”

“It is,” James said, pointedly.

Andie booted up Mario Party.

James didn’t stand a chance. Andie beat him in Precision Gardening. She demolished him in Candy Shakedown. She wiped the floor with him in Soak or Croak. Appropriately, they were very evenly matched in the Looking for Love minigame, but Andie came out on top there as well. It was a more thorough beating than the one she had handed him earlier that night. It was definitive.


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