Fortune and Fortitude – part 3 by Lerena

Quinn folded her arms. “Can’t they be vassals?”

Everyone looked at her in shock. Annika coughed. “Excuse me?”

Senguine scowled. “Don’t you understand what that is asking? You would be demanding that they abstain from sexual relations with any creature other than him. Depending on their feeding habits, that could prove extremely problematic.”

“I’ll do it,” Ria offered shyly. “I can be a vassal.”

“You will do no such thing,” Senguine growled. “I will not see you suffer such a fate.”

Ria raised her eyebrow. “Oh? Now you’re going to tell me what I can or cannot do?”

Senguine rolled her eyes and looked away. “There are things that you don’t understand. Not yet.”

Quinn narrowed her eyes but didn’t comment. “It was just a thought. We don’t have to make anything official.”

Jared silently thanked her. Fortunately, he had had the prescience not to react when Ria spoke up — he might’ve offended her or worse, Quinn. Truthfully, he was still uneasy about the whole concept.

The room was quiet again. Annika broke the silence. “No, we do need to figure this stuff out. None of us can have sex with him unless we can make that commitment, or we risk damaging his power supply.” She hesitated. “What’s your current plan to get vassals? How many do you have?”

Jared looked down. “One.”

Kiara winced. “That’s not good. We only have a few months.”

“It’s fine. Between all of us, I’m sure we can manage to wrangle up some humans for him to-”

“We’re not doing that.” Quinn bit her lip. “We’ve made a deal. She has to be willing, and he has to get to know her first.”

The proteges collectively groaned. “Are you kidding me?” Ria exclaimed. “He’s never going to get powerful at that rate!”

“I never should have agreed to that deal,” Annika muttered.

Jared was irritated. “Alright, look. Senguine, what is the minimum number of vassals I’d need to get accepted into the Summit?”

Senguine thought for a moment. “At least ten. Fewer, perhaps, if you have demonic vassals.”

Jared cringed inside. “How many if they were all demons?”

Senguine gritted her teeth. “No fewer than seven. But that number would be immensely difficult. Save yourself the trouble and take some humans.”

“We’ll keep that in mind,” Quinn said dismissively. She grinned. “Counting me, if you all became vassals, we’d be well on our way.”

“That’s the minimum,” Annika commented. “That’s not very good.”

“Quality over quantity is your only bet,” Ria said quietly. “You’d have to be… thorough.”

Jared took a deep breath. “I admit, I don’t think I’m ready for this, but I guess I don’t have much of a choice. I’m not going to force any of you into anything you don’t want to do.”

Kiara shifted. “You saved my life. Becoming a vassal is a small price for that.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

“Regardless,” she held up a hand. “It offers our best chance of survival.”

“Not as high as if he would man up and take some vassals by force,” Annika reminded her.

Quinn folded her arms. “You seem opposed to this idea. Why?”

Annika pursed her lips. “Let’s just say that having some options in terms of sex is probably a good idea for my goal.”

Ria bumped her with an elbow. “What happened to being all in? No plan B?”

Annika scowled and closed her mouth. “This had better work.” She threw her hands in the air. “Fine, I’ll be a vassal.”

Quinn smirked and turned to look at Senguine. “Per our deal from earlier this evening… We have three promised vassals. Talk.”

Senguine chuckled. “You only learned of your demonhood hours ago, and you already excel at manipulation.” She glanced around. “I believe this conversation should be private.” She looked down to her watch. “It appears the shooter is gone.”

“The three of you stay here. I will return when we’re finished. None of you are going home tonight, understood?”

They nodded, and Senguine gestured to the door. “Shall we?”

Quinn and Jared followed her out the door. To his surprise, the pain in his leg was entirely doable. He limped slightly, but he didn’t need any help to get down the stairs. While he was sure Ria did most of the work, he hoped his newfound strength was helping.

Senguine led them through to the dining room, where she retrieved some wine from a drawer. After grabbing a glass, she sat down across from them. She offered some, but they declined. Shrugging, she poured herself a glass. After a single sip, she spoke. “Very well, ask your questions.”

“I thought you said you’d tell us everything.”

She took another sip. “I will. But first, your questions.”

Quinn took a deep breath. “Nasha. Is she a demon or not?”

“She’s a demon.”

“What kind?”

Miss Senguine merely smiled. “I don’t know — honestly. I was commissioned by her mother to place her in a new home. I had a few children I was already dealing with, you among them, so I put you in the same town.”

Quinn nodded. “You said something about Ria not understanding being a vassal. What did you mean?”

Her smile faded. “Her bloodline is known for sentimental attachment. I’ll have you know, as a vassal, she may fall in love. And you cannot satisfy her.” She gave Jared a pointed look. “It’s bound for ruin.”

Quinn bit her lip. “I see. What’s my bloodline?”

“My my, jumping to the big questions now, aren’t we?”

“Answer me.”

“Fine.” She set down the wine glass. “You are of the same bloodline as Ria, the engora bloodline.”

Jared coughed. “She’s a succubus?”

Senguine frowned. “That’s a rather crass term, but yes. You’re a succubus.”

Quinn’s eyes raced, trying to keep up with her thoughts. “What are the odds… But it makes sense. Are engora common, then?”

Senguine shook her head. “No. They are uniquely female and pass down from mother to daughter. The only other Engora other than you two was my sister, Ria’s mother.”

Quinn blinked. “Me and Ria are sisters?”

Senguine rolled her eyes. “No, child. You’re my daughter.”

Quinn froze. Jared shook his head slowly. “Um… what?”

Senguine raised her eyebrows. “Now we’re getting to the good stuff.” She took another sip of wine.

Quinn jumped to her feet and slammed her hands on the table. “You’re my mother?!

“What did you expect? Honestly, dear.”

Jared groaned. “This cannot be happening.”

Senguine nodded. “Oh, yes. Imagine my surprise when you happen to walk in with her as your vassal. You can see my confusion, I hope.”

That certainly made a lot of sense. Still, they looked nothing alike! Jared buried his face into his hands. “I- I don’t know what to say.”

“Oh, we’re just getting started.” She crossed her legs and reclined in her chair. “You were born Quinn Olivia Scott, an Engora.” She smiled. “Unfortunately, your father and I were having difficulties, and he wanted you to grow up separately from me.”

Quinn slowly shook her head as Senguine continued. “But I kept in touch, I watched you grow. Once you blossomed into puberty, I thought I’d allow you some privacy around the home, in case you wanted to bring home a boy.” She took another sip. “In a twist of fate, instead a boy brings you into my home. Truly ironic.”

Jared took Quinn’s hand and gave her a squeeze. This was crazy enough for him, but for her? He could hardly imagine.

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