She had stopped next to one of the guitar players and was leaning back onto his shoulder as she sang. That bitch was touching another man as she sang Smith’s love song for her.
I watched horrified as the guitar player seemingly innocently turned his head and whispered something to her. Her eyes lit up and she subtly nodded her head. I saw Smith staring at them, his eyes were black as coal. The scowl on his face couldn’t be hidden. I did notice the camera never did a close up on him again.
Was that it? Had she cheated on him with one of the guys in her band? It was bad enough that she was clearly flirting with that guy on national television, but did they take it farther or had she already betrayed him and that was when Smith realized something happened?
I looked at the title of the video and gasped. It was Valentine’s Day two years ago. There was a break after the song where the host talked to Lindsay. When they finished, another song started, but it wasn’t Smith on piano.
I guessed Smith must have stormed off leaving a back up to take his place. I wondered what happened after that. I knew he wasn’t ready to talk about her yet, so I wasn’t going to ask. I googled their breakup and there wasn’t a single rumor about the reason. Nothing about her cheating. Nothing about him walking off that stage. They must have had amazing PR people to block all of that. All there was, were interviews where she said she wished he hadn’t broken up with her, and one interview with him saying he would always love her, but they were going in different directions. He said he didn’t want to hold her back.
That was surprising. She was one of the biggest Country acts in the world when they broke up. He wasn’t holding her back; he was lifting her up. When he left, she struggled to stay on top. After her last album bombed, she reinvented herself as a Pop singer, but her preview single sucked.
For the rest of the week, we texted every day and talked a few times. Nothing Earth shattering, we were getting to know each other. Well, he was getting to know me. Our talks were generally about my life, and he got to know me, while I tried to figure him out. He just wouldn’t open up to me.
He ended up going out of town on Friday and Saturday, so when Valentine’s Day came, I hadn’t seen him for a week. I was going to change that.
He said he didn’t want to do Valentine’s Day, so we wouldn’t. That would not stop me from seeing him though.
I rang his bell at seven in the morning. I had three bags of groceries and a plan for the entire day. When he opened the door, I could see that he was in a bad mood. I ignored it and pushed past him into the house.
“What’s all this, Teagan? I told you I don’t…”
“I don’t want to go another day without seeing you either. You’re so sweet,” I said then kissed his cheek. “In case you were worried about it, this isn’t a Valentine’s Day thing. See?” I asked pointing to the counter.