We had left the restaurant during the conversation and driven back to my house. Stephanie went to lay down for a while. Amber came home in tears.
“I don’t know if I can do this. I’m counseling these couples about marriage, children, families. I sit there and think to myself that I should be in the chair on the other side of the desk.”
“Amber, you’re one of the calmest people I know. Yet you seem more emotional lately, not that you don’t have reason. I just wonder…”
“Oh, I get your drift. Huh. Maybe you’re right. My world is turned upside down but I’ve never been quite like this. My period is due. I do get more emotional during my period, so maybe this is normal. We’ll know soon.”
“What do you want to do if you have your period?”
She smiled and said, “Try, try, again!”
“I loved trying to make a baby with you. Those were just very special days. It was much more like making love than just having sex for me. I just wanted you to know.”
She leaned in and put her head on my shoulder. “I was really shocked at how much I cared, how special it all felt. I had had this earnest conversation about sex for procreation, then found myself responding to you so much. I didn’t want it to end.”
“That’s exactly how I felt as well.”
“I don’t know the future, but I have some great memories. Thanks.”
She had her period two days later. We looked at each other and smiled. Stephanie came in saying she had to find a place of her own, these two lovebirds were driving her crazy. We all laughed.
The next two weeks flew by. Nothing really changed for Amber with regard to Jeff. There was just silence. Stephanie got word that her divorce decree would be finalized in thirty days. I was buried in work as we had landed a new research contract with tight timelines.
Amber and I returned to sleeping together. There was a lot of touching, a lot of talking, a lot of holding, and a little sex as well. We were saving the passion for when she was the most fertile. We repeatedly made love during her most fertile days. It was a loving time. We were both moved by the experience of being together. It was impossible to ignore the attraction. Of all of them I would have said Amber would have been least likely to have a relationship with, given her religious background and beliefs. Yet here we were.
Stephanie was a great support through all of this. She facilitated us, allowing us to focus on the moment. I thanked her over and over. She just smiled.
Two weeks later, I stood outside the door of the bathroom as Amber and Stephanie chattered inside. They had taken two pregnancy kits into the bathroom. Now I just waited for the result. There was shriek, followed by another a couple of minutes later. The door flew open and Amber ran to me, yelling, “They are both positive!” Stephanie came out all smiles as well. We all hugged and danced around. They went to get on the phone with the others. Amber couldn’t stop dancing around. She was so excited. I was, too. I had wanted this experience with Christie, but at least I would have this experience in a different way. Everybody came over, one at a time, to share the moment.
“Well, how’s it feel to be a daddy?” This from Claudette, as we stood in the living room, watching Amber chatter away.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that word in relation to me. I’m happy. Amber is a wonderful woman and will be a great mom. I just hope I can support her.”
“You’ll do fine. I hear nothing but great things about the two of you together. Stephanie is highly impressed.”
“Are you the father?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Are you also the husband?”
“No, I’m not.”
With that answer the receptionist looked up for the first time. Amber and I were here for her doctor’s appointment. Her doctor verified that she was pregnant and gave an approximate date of delivery. They went through all the standard information concerning diet, exercise, abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and drugs. She did say that given Amber’s narrow pelvis this might best be a Caesarean birth. We had given family histories which she reviewed. “All right you two, I think you’re good to go. Make an appointment as you leave. I’ll see you soon. Good luck.”
Amber felt fine for the next few weeks, then the morning sickness began. She felt strained, afraid to share the news at her church given the circumstances. Finally, she decided to just share the news, God would take care of the rest. Her shared the details with her two closest friends at work. To the rest, she was just pregnant and expecting. The usual greetings were exchanged and worked moved on. She heaved a sigh of relief that it had gone well.