Mr. Peter Chapman Pt. 03 by BigMadStork

Mr. Peter Chapman Pt. 03 by BigMadStork..,

This is a three-part Romance story that slowly unwinds. I can barely apply a band-aid, so take zero medical advice from this story. Everyone having sex is at least 18. This is a work of fiction; I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a fun story. Special thanks to rancher46 and RF-Fast for editing my story and improving it.


Chapter 12 — It’s Official

Point of view Cara:

I wake up to Peter’s father knocking on the door, saying we need to take showers. Peter rolls over with ME, still in his arms. My feet never touch the floor as I am sat on the toilet while he adjusts the shower. I flush, and we swap positions. I get Ax body wash, and Peter gets lavender shampoo. I thought Beth smelled odd yesterday. Now I know why.

We touch all the parts we want. I can see Peter’s full length and girth. It’s a nice one. We are in a rush, so shampoo makes for a quick, smooth hand job. Nothing special, just relieving his backlog problem.

We dress. I had already staged clothes here, so clean clothes for me! Peter’s mom treats us to a nice ham and cheese omelet with country potatoes, raisin toast, juice, and coffee. Big breakfast for a long day. Then he gets to do it again tomorrow.

While eating breakfast, Winnie asks Peter, “Peter, where do you go last night?”

Peter looks at his mom like she went simple, “Mom, we were in my room. We spent the whole night there. Why would you think we went anywhere?”

With an absolutely straight face, mom says, “Because I kept hearing ‘Coming!’ I wanted to know where you were going.” Now her smile breaks out.

I turn bright red, while Peter blushes and groans.

Peter reminds us, “It’s an eight-hour test today and tomorrow. It’s multiple-choice, but each question is long and detailed. Many can have more than one correct answer, but they don’t tell you which one. It’s a hard test. Due to recent law changes, rural doctors can take the tests remotely. It’s led to many doctors working in rural areas because it’s much easier to qualify. The state also picks up the cost of the test, which is sweet.

“Tonight, my brain is going to be mush. We can eat here, go out, or do whatever you want. No drinking or bar for me. No loud music.”

I add my opinion, “Since the best restaurants are two hours from here, that’s out of the question. Either Beth or I will make something. I will spend the night with you, but no sex. I don’t want anything wearing you out, and you will sleep great with a woman next to you.”

His mother adds, “Cara, that’s OK; I will keep him warm.”

Peter laughs, “Mom. I love you, but there is no way I want to wake up palming your breast like I did Cara this morning.”

Both Winnie and I blush, thinking the same image.


We all walk out after breakfast. I go to my office, Peter to HR to take his test, and Peter’s parents go to check up on the surgery patient.

It wasn’t long before Winnie showed up to ask questions about Peter and me. When her hour was up, Beth came in and took Winnie in her arms, so the two of them were in front of me.

Beth starts, “First. I don’t know how to deal with jealousy. Last night, when you took Peter, that hurt. I’m going to guess you feel the same way about me. How do you handle it?”

With a straight face, I say, “I created a top ten list of ways to dispose of your body.”

She laughs right in my face!

Beth is still giggling as she admits, “That’s what I did last night!”

Winnie had a good hard laugh at our expense.

She continues, “Obviously, both of you care for my son. I’m worried about him. He’s only had one girlfriend and has been in love with her since grade school. He obviously didn’t handle losing her well. How does he get past her?”

I offer, “When Peter falls in love again, the true healing will come quickly. Beth and I are different yet compatible. Peter will decide how this ends. I doubt either Beth or I will give up on him. We will be available, comforting, accommodating, and won’t fight in front of him. That could hurt him, and we both want to avoid that at all costs. Beth and I were great friends before Peter, are still trying to date Peter, and will remain friends when one of us wins the lottery.”

Winnie offers up, “That test he is taking today is brutal. He loves Italian food and BBQ. I was thinking either baby back ribs or a large pan of meat lasagna with garlic bread and a salad.”

I sadly say, “I’m stuck here all day. That menu takes a while to make and cook, and we don’t have any of the ingredients. That means we need to go shopping.”

Winnie looks at her phone, “We got a stint and an elbow scheduled for today.”

Beth smiles, “I guess it’s up to me. Five for dinner?”

I agree, “Yes, five. Make two pans. We can always freeze leftovers.”

Winnie smirks, “He loves his Italian. That’s a lot, but it won’t last past tomorrow. Maybe we can get some spaghetti, and we’ll have two meals, lasagna and spaghetti. Peter won’t mind at all. How about Italian dressing tonight and a Caesar dressing tomorrow?”

Beth suggests, “I’ll check if they have any Italian desserts or cookies.”

Winnie halts that idea, “Cheesecake. He loves cheesecake. Good, bad, and horrible, he likes it all. Plain or ten ingredients, all good to him. He’s also partial to angel food cake. They’re a pain to make.”

I’m happy, “How about penny-ante poker? There are a lot of crazy versions we can play. We could go swimming as well.”

Beth says, “Yes, swimming. Let’s get him some exercise and out amongst his friends.”

Winnie says, “Poker tonight, and swimming tomorrow. We got a plan. We’ll let the men know what and when they need to know it. It’s fun keeping them in the dark.”

We all laugh as they take off for their day. I have a patient in a few minutes.


We all meet up for dinner at Peter’s apartment. Beth has been here a while and has dinner all done and ready to go soon after we arrive. It was delicious. We play cards, then bedtime. The following morning is waffles and bacon. They bought the good, thick bacon, and it’s perfectly cooked. Peter finished his test. The plan was to have more Italian. I changed the plan.

My parents are from Queens, New York. They were old-school Italian. We never asked what dad does for a living, and he’s never explained. It was law in the house that NOBODY was following in his footsteps. My parents aren’t rich, but they’re wealthy enough to travel some and have new cars when they need them.

When I called home asking how to make Cannoli, Italian cookies, and mom’s famous fettuccini alfredo, mom smelled a rat. As soon as I admitted that I was interested in a man, I realized my mistake. At noon today, my dad showed up to get the key to Peter’s apartment from me. Mom is out by the car, protecting her kitchen equipment and ingredients. You can’t get the authentic Italian version of everything in Ness City, Kansas. They brought it all here on some plane dad has access to.

Dad made me smile when I listed who would be coming to dinner. He asked about Beth, and I said yes, she is competitive.

With his thick New York accent, Dad says casually, “No trouble at all. Your problem will be resolved.”

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