My Fantasy Gets Fulfilled? by sbrooks103x..,
I’d like to thank fritz51 for giving me an early read, and my Sweet Inspiration, blackrandl1958 for her guidance, and of course her editing.
I had just come down from another incredible orgasm. Unlike the cliché, my husband James (not Jim), didn’t just roll over and go to sleep, but was gently caressing and kissing my breasts. I was getting dangerously close to another peak but I was spent, so I reluctantly pushed him away, giving him a passionate kiss good-night to reassure him that he had done nothing wrong. I threw an arm across his chest and snuggled my head against his shoulder and tried to go to sleep.
Unfortunately, slipping away into slumberland had been difficult lately, and sleep wasn’t going to come to me just yet.
Ever since I became sexually aware I realized that I was attracted to both sexes, that I was bi-sexual.
I never had the opportunity, or the courage, to actually experience being with a woman, and had more or less successfully repressed those desires.
I was in my thirties and I was afraid that I may have been approaching my “sell by” date, and if I didn’t do something soon, I would have to take my desire to my grave.
James was my best friend and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Maybe I needed a shrink? With that thought I finally fell asleep.
The next few weeks were a roller coaster of emotions. Some days, I would just roll along normally, then I would inch upward as my urges grew stronger, then I would come screaming back down to reality.
Finally, I decided it was time to fish or cut bait.
“James, have you ever had any fantasies?” I asked, trying to test the waters.
“Of course, Sharon, doesn’t everybody?” he said. “How about you? I’ll bet you wish that I had a bigger cock and could go all night.”
“Oh, my God, no, you destroy me every night.”
“Well, what do you fantasize about?”
There, he had thrown down the gauntlet. I needed to buy some time.
“No, you go first,” I said.
“I’m not sure if that’s exactly fair, since you brought it up,” he said, “but okay. I’m probably not so different from most guys, it would be really hot to be with two women.” He saw the shocked look on my face, and quickly added, “As long as one was you, of course. Now, what’s your fantasy?”
I couldn’t tell him. If I said I wanted to be with another woman he’d think that he’d be getting his fantasy, but my fantasy was to be alone with a woman, and while I might have been open to different experiences that would include my husband watching, I didn’t know if I could handle him having experiences with another woman. I know it sounds selfish. Fuck, it is selfish, but that’s how I felt.
I begged off, and sweetheart that he is, he didn’t push me.
Of course, that wasn’t the end of things.
My urges were driving me crazy, and I finally made an appointment with a counselor.
It didn’t take long for Dr. Bennett to get the story out of me, then she tried to set me straight.
“I think you misunderstand what being bisexual means,” she said.
“It means that I want both men and women,” I said.
“Close, but no cigar. It means that you’re attracted to both men and women.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“Yes, but not in the way that you think. Let me give you an example. You’re at a club, or a party, and you see a man, a very attractive man. You’re attracted to him. Does that mean that you can go off with him, have sex with him?”
“Of course not! I’m married.”
“But you’re attracted to him. Aren’t you allowed to have sex with people that you’re attracted to?”
A light began to glimmer in my brain.
“I… I see what you mean, that being married means that I can’t act on any other attractions. But what can I do if I’m attracted to a woman? My urge to be with a woman is so strong, I don’t know if I’d be able to resist.”
“You’ll have to do the same thing you do when confronted with an attractive man.”
“I… I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve been repressing these urges for so long, I feel like I’m going to burst.”
“I’m afraid that there’s no magic spell for that. Have you thought about approaching your husband? As it’s not another man, he’s not likely to feel as threatened. Many men find the idea of two women having sex a real turn-on.”
“Even if one of them is his wife?”
“Sometimes, especially if one of them is his wife,” she said with a laugh.
“I suppose once we got started, I could put out of my mind that he was there, watching me, watching us, but…”
“But what?”
“What if he found her attractive, what if he wanted to play with her?”
“Well, I assume you’d be looking for an attractive woman, it would only be natural that James would also find her attractive.”
“But that’s what I’m afraid of,” I cried.
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Assuming that you don’t want to cheat…”
“Oh, no, I could never cheat on James.”
“Then I’m afraid that I can’t tell you what you want to hear. If you want to stay married and follow this path, you must be honest with James and deal with the fallout.
“I don’t think I have to tell you that your husband may not want the marriage to continue if he’s left out, or if it becomes too one-sided and he wanted it to stop and you couldn’t, or wouldn’t.
“If he did agree to it, he might either consciously or unconsciously be expecting to get more than you’ll be prepared to give. You must be prepared for any eventuality.”
Feeling more depressed than ever, I thanked Dr. Bennett and went home to consider my options.
While Dr. Bennett gave me a clearer understanding of my feelings, I was still back where I had started. The thought of bringing an attractive woman into our bedroom filled me with dread.
I relegated my desires to be with a woman to my masturbation fantasies. I even fantasized that it was a woman when James would go down on me, until I felt his stubble scratching me.
Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer.
“James, remember when we talked about fantasies?”
“I remember when we talked about my fantasy. As I recall, you didn’t want to talk about yours.”
The silence was deafening.
“Come on, Sharon, it can’t be that bad… can it?”
This was it, no more holding back.
“Well, Honey, for a long time I’ve had the urge to be with another woman.”
“I assume by ‘be with’ you mean to have sex with?”
“Yes,” I said, as I saw his eyes light up. “Get your mind out of the gutter, I’m not talking about a threesome, I’m talking about me being with another woman.”
He looked so sad, you’d think his dog had died.
“Couldn’t I at least watch?” he asked hopefully. “Even that would be so hot!”
“Maybe,” I said, “It would depend on her. But you’d better keep it in your pants.”
“Sure, sure,” he agreed, a little too readily for my tastes. “So, when will we do it?”
This was getting far more complicated than I wanted.
“First of all, we’re not doing anything, you’d best get that idea out of your head right now. Second, I don’t know. I don’t even know where to begin…”
“Maybe I can help,” he said, nearly jumping out of his chair until I shot him a look that could kill.
“If you’re trying to convince me to not do this, you’re doing a fine job of it.”