No One Notices the Hired Help by YDB95

Presently they both learned Celestine could indeed come from Dylan’s fingers alone. “Yeeeess!” she shrieked with joy, loudly enough to worry for a moment that she may have been overheard in the next cabin once she returned to her senses. “I hope no one’s trying to sleep this early!” she giggled as Dylan’s fingers came to a stop; she clutched his hand to prevent him from removing it just yet.

“Me too,” Dylan said. “But they must have known what they’d get with us on board!”

Celestine laughed and kissed him again, and at last let his hand out of her pussy and lay back on the cot. “Your turn,” she said.

“Mine only?” Dylan quipped. “Don’t expect me to believe you won’t enjoy this too!”

“That goes without saying, doesn’t it?” she asked as he settled himself on top of her; she lost no time in grasping his penis gently and guiding it in. “Ohhhhhhmygod!” she exclaimed at the sensation of enveloping her true love within her for the first time.

“Is that all you imagined?” he asked.


“I agree.”

There were no more words, or at least no more articulate words, for the time being, as Dylan’s first slow, loving thrust brought on a cathartic moan of joy from Celestine. Now she did recall the book and all it had to say about the noise a woman made during an encounter. She hadn’t believed it — no matter how she loved Dylan, she was not that sort of lady — but now she did. As Dylan’s lovely body hovered just above her and thrusted again and again inside her, Celestine realized she couldn’t have held her tongue if there’d been a knife at her throat. Nor, she saw just as quickly, did she have any desire to try to keep quiet, for she could see in Dylan’s eyes how thrilling her responses were to him.

“Gonna come again!” Celestine felt the words coming and couldn’t stop them, though once again she had no desire to. “Oh, oh, oh…” Each was more intense than the last, but the climactic one died in her throat as she threw her arms around Dylan and held on for dear life as her orgasm washed over her.

Dylan hugged her back but didn’t stop pushing, to her delight. “That’s beautiful!” he managed to say between gasps as he continued flailing away.

“Now you!” Celestine was deliriously happy and wanted to share it, and she was dying to see and hear Dylan’s big moment. She slapped his backside playfully to egg him on, and he picked up the pace yet again. “I know you’re close!”

“I am!” He gazed deep into her contented eyes as he flailed at her as fast as he could go.

Celestine took his face in her hands and kissed him hard, until she heard the eruption in his throat and felt him come to a stop buried deep inside her. His exclamation as he came was just as deliciously guttural as hers had been, and her heart nearly burst as she watched his eyes grow wide, still fixated on her.

“Oh, Dylan, that’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“It felt as good as it looked!” he said, catching his breath at last and laying his head on her shoulder, making no effort to pull out just yet.

Celestine closed her legs tightly around him, lest he get any such ideas. “I love you, Dylan,” she cooed, stroking his hair.

“I love you too,” he said. Then he chuckled. “Is it too soon to ask just what happened last night?”

“I’m honestly not sure if I know everything either,” Celestine said. “What I do know is, Mother came barging into my room and figured out that I was planning on leaving — she did not know where, if you’re wondering.”

“I was,” Dylan said. “She said she knew what we had planned.”

“And she told Troy she didn’t really as soon as you were gone,” Celestine said. “That much I heard from Agnes later on.”

“Where were you?” Dylan asked. “Not in your room, I know.”

“Climbed the tree, did you?” Celestine asked. Dylan gave an affirmative mumble and resumed caressing her left breast, and she went on. “Oh, keep that up! And no, I wasn’t in my room. By that time, Agnes had come by with my dinner. You know how Agnes knew all about what an absolute terror Mother could be, and how she always said ‘If there’s anything I can do, just ask.’ Well, this time when she said it, I said, ‘There is.’ And I told her all about what we were planning and said I needed a way out of the house without Mother knowing. She said leave it with her, and in the mean-time I could join her in the servants’ quarters for the night. So as soon as I’d finished my dinner, I snuck off down the hall to her room.”

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