No One Notices the Hired Help by YDB95

“You didn’t…”

“Oh yes I did!” There was no point in hiding it now.

“Guess I should’ve joined you after all!”

“You’re still welcome!”

“I think I missed the boat, though.” But he was laughing too hard for her to feel sorry for him.

From his perch in an oak tree just on the other side of the lake, Troy couldn’t hear just what they were laughing about. But he’d seen too much to care. He leaned back against the trunk and felt like beating his head against it. The only thing that stopped him was that he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. But he would have Celestine’s full attention this evening, thank you very much!

There was, of course, no way to explain away bringing a towel on their secret trips to the Green Lake; and so Celestine had never brought one. She preferred to lie back in the purple heather that grew just beyond the rocks. As usual, Dylan watched, titillated but silent, as she settled herself to dry off in the sun.

After what they had almost shared, Celestine couldn’t resist an invitation. “You know, you’re welcome to join me,” she cooed.

“Then we might both be caught naked.”

“I told you, it’s not the end of the world.”

“What if Troy heard about it?”

“Then I’d have a good chance of getting away from him, wouldn’t I?” Celestine offered.

Dylan chuckled. “You really don’t want to marry him, huh?”

“Not at all. But you know what good a young woman’s wishes do for her in this place.”

“I never knew you to settle for that, Celestine.”

“I don’t want to! But what choice do I have?”

“What if we went to Polerma?” Dylan asked.

Celestine couldn’t stop a bitter laugh. “How? I mean, I’ll tell you what, Dylan, if you can get the money, I’ll go with you, even if it’s after I marry Troy, but –”

“Really?” Dylan stood up on the rock, looking every bit like he wanted to jump for joy. He didn’t, but it inspired a wonderful flutter in Celestine’s heart, and another one in her vagina.

“Yes,” Celestine said. “I’d love to go away with you, especially to a place like that. But how would you ever get the money?”

“I’ll get it somehow, if you really mean it. I promise that!”

“Care to seal that promise with a kiss, my friend?” Celestine sat up and held out her arms.

“I’m willing to seal it with more than that. Is the invitation still open to join you?”

“Yes!” Celestine squealed, and presently she was treated to the wonderful sight of Dylan tearing his clothes off. His chest was pasty from working inside at the store, but it was broad and toned. Naturally she was most interested in his penis, the first she had ever seen. It looked just like she had imagined it, perhaps a bit bigger, and it was fully erect just for her. “So lovely,” she said as he lay down beside her.

“I’ve always thought the same of you, like I said before,” Dylan said. “Sorry I didn’t give you a look at me until now. I just felt so…ungainly next to you.”

“Ungainly? Dylan, you’re beautiful!”

“Well, thank you.” He didn’t sound like he really believed it. But in that heady moment Celestine didn’t care.

Troy didn’t see Dylan join Celestine in the heather. He had taken his leave as soon as she got out of the water, and pedalled his bicycle furiously back into town. “House on fire, Troy?” called out some old school chum whose name he couldn’t recall as he rushed through the streets, blinking back tears of rage. His and Celestine’s fathers had a deal — didn’t that matter to her?

Arriving back at the Barcroft Club, he found he couldn’t face his father or anyone else in there right then. Instead he stayed on his bicycle and rode down to the seedy end of the waterfront and his favourite pub. It was early for drinking and there was dinner with Celestine and Portia later to think about, but just then that was the last thing he cared to dwell on.

Especially when his eye happened to land on an old standby in the window. Ruth was five or six years older than he and had lost her husband to the sea, and had taken full advantage of her freedom since then. She had taught Troy most of what he knew about women, which he looked forward to putting to good use with Celestine when she finally wouldn’t have the right to put him off any longer. A roll in the hay with Ruth was just what he needed right then, he concluded; then he could forgive Celestine, for they’d be even.

Ruth was looking lovely in a red and white dress and a matching flower in her hair, and she gave Troy a cordial smile over her wine glass when he stepped inside. But once he’d collected his scotch on the rocks and made his way to her table, cordial remained the best of it despite his hearty, “Ruth, looking lovely today!”

“Thank you,” she said with a tight smile. “What’s wrong, Celestine still not putting out for you?”

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?” Troy grinned through his disgust, and wondered if maybe he ought to admit she was right.

“Old friend?” Ruth slammed her glass down hard enough on the table to catch the barmaid’s attention, though she stayed away. “After all the fun we had, you’ve wanted nothing to do with me for how long, now? And don’t think I haven’t heard from your friends who know all about what we did!”

“It’s not as though your lifestyle is a secret around here, Ruth! Come on, and I am here now. How about a round for old times’ sake?”

“If you’re right about me, then I think I could do better than you, Troy.”

Troy forced a smile; he’d gotten through to harder-to-get women than this. “Wouldn’t you like a chance to make me better? I’m sure there’s still some stuff a mature, well-travelled woman like you could teach me, and I’ve got to admit I’m dying to learn more before Celestine and I tie the knot.”

“A crumb like you would know where to find others who can teach you a lot more than I can,” Ruth replied. “If there’s anyone left in Candover you haven’t used and thrown away like you did to me.”

“Excuse me?!” Troy had reached his limit. “Just what are you calling me, and should you really be throwing stones?” That gave him an idea. “You know, Ruth, whatever you think of me, the upper crust in this town still considers me one of them. I have their ears, and you’d be surprised at whom I haven’t yet told what a slut you are.”

“What did you just call me?” Ruth stood up and clenched her fists. Once again the barmaid took notice, and in the corner of his eye Troy could see her rushing off to the back office.

“I said nothing that isn’t true,” Troy sniffed, confident that she wouldn’t do worse than yell at him. But he stood up as well to glare at her eye to eye. “And here I’m offering you some fun we both know you love, and then I’ll keep my mouth shut with the folks that really matter!”

“I wouldn’t go to your bed again for all the money your father has laundered!” Ruth growled.

“You bitch!” Troy had just enough time to slam his fists on the table before Carleton, the security man, grabbed at his arm.

“Let’s go, Troy,” Carleton said.

“You stay out of this!” Troy kept his glare fixed on Ruth, who smoothed out her skirt and sat back down with a triumphant smile. But he was no match for Carleton, who effortlessly dragged him to the door.

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