No One Notices the Hired Help by YDB95

“You know her daughter, then?” Ben said.

“The Celestial body?” Jimmy quipped. “No one in town doesn’t know about her. And engaged to that rich bastard, what’s his name? Tony?”

“Troy,” Ben corrected. “But that’s what I wanted to tell you. A little bird told me today she’s been going to the Green Lake with some other guy.”

“The Green Lake?” Jimmy perked up and looked at his old friend. “Alone with a guy not her fiancĂ©?”

“You’ve got it,” Ben said. “Imagine the scandal if that got out.”

“Especially if her precious little girl was no longer pure,” Jimmy said with a grin.

“Hey, hold it, Jimmy!” All at once Ben was all business. “I don’t want anything to do with any rape.”

“Then don’t come with us,” Jimmy said. “No one needs to know how I ended up there.”

“Oh, Jimmy, please,” Ben said. “I just meant you could blackmail Celestine or something like that.”

“You know me better than that, Ben.” As Jimmy swallowed the last of his beer, the door swung open again, this time with the visitors he’d been hoping for before. Two young women, one looking just as hard-bitten in her own way as Jimmy, the other terrified despite her flashy clothes, stepped into the barroom. Jimmy saw them and leapt down off his stool. “Peg!” he said. “You brought a friend!”

“The tide still ain’t washed you out, huh, Jimmy?” said the older-looking one, who Ben guessed was Peg.

“You’re not rid of me yet,” Jimmy said, reaching into his pocket for his remaining cash. “Or is that what you brought your friend for?”

“Don’t even think of it, Jimmy!” Peg said, putting a protective arm between him and the other woman, who looked to Ben to be a few years younger than he, while Peg looked much older. “She ain’t ready for any of your stuff. Have a heart.”

Jimmy looked back at Ben. “You’re right, I do want to buy you something,” he said. Turning back to Peg, he said, “what’ll both of you cost?”

“You can buy us both for your friend if you want,” Peg said. “But I’ll never let you touch me again!”

“You will if you want a place to sleep tonight, kiddo,” growled the bartender. “You know the rules, Peg.”

“Oh, all right,” Peg said. “But I want your friend and Relly here in the same room.”

Jimmy looked disgusted, but a glance at the bartender made him conclude it was this or nothing. “Fine,” he said.

Ben didn’t want to think too much about just why there were two little beds in the same room in a whorehouse, but at least it meant he didn’t have to settle for the floor. From what he’d seen of Peg both with and without her dress, he figured he got the better part of the deal anyway. The younger woman was a bit chubby but not unattractive, and she looked relieved to be with him rather than Jimmy. “Relly, was it?” Ben asked, admiring her vast bosom as she matter-of-factly tossed her dress aside while Jimmy and Peg got down to business behind him.

“Short for Aurelia,” she said with the closest thing he’d seen to a smile yet. Ben waited for her to ask his name, then realized she likely didn’t want to know.

“That’s a pretty name,” he said, helping himself to a squeeze of her breasts, the biggest he’d ever had access to.

“Ow, be careful!”

“Sorry!” he jumped back and held up his hands.

“He hurtin’ you, Relly?” came Peg’s voice across the room.

“I said I was sorry!” Ben protested.

“Stop apologisin’,” ordered Jimmy. “You bought ‘er, didn’t you?”

“I really am sorry,” Ben whispered to Aurelia, and now he rubbed her breasts much more gently.

“That’s more like it,” Aurelia said. “And thank you.” Leaning up, she whispered in his ear, “It’s my first night in this dump. Me ma lost ‘er job last week and it’s the last thing we could think of to make ends meet! I don’t know how good I am at this, but I’ll try to make it worthwhile, all right?”

Ben wasn’t sure if he believed her, but she did look sincere in her bewilderment over the whole thing.

“Enough of my sob stories,” she said. “I know what you’re here for.” She pushed him down onto the bed and straddled him.

Ben had concerns about her weight, but that no longer mattered once she had him inside her. “Oh, lovely!” he grunted.

“Been a long time at sea, huh?” she cooed, welcoming his hands back on her breasts.

“Wet in every way but one!” he said, losing no time in thrusting into her — or in any case trying to. She had him pinned to the thin mattress, and all at once he realized she could likely do just about anything she wished to him. But that only added to his pleasure as she rocked hard back and forth above him.

“I said not that, Jimmy!”

“You want me to tell your boss you wouldn’t give me what I paid for?”

Ben was quite sure he didn’t want to know what “that” was, or what the slapping sound he heard next, blended with Peg’s grunts, which did not sound very pleasurable to him. Fortunately, he was able to let Relly’s throaty moans drown the rest of the room out. They rang out with increasing intensity, interrupted only by occasional encouragements for him to give it to her harder. Notwithstanding that he couldn’t push any harder under her weight, he rocked as best he could until he felt his orgasm coming.

When he was sure the point of no return was at hand, he remembered a trick he’d learned in a parlour in Polerma, where even the whores expected pleasure in return. He reached down between their bodies and rubbed as close to Relly’s clitoris as he could reach.

It worked, and she came with a roar just as he did. “Thank you!” she whispered loudly as she caught her breath.

“You’re…good at this,” Ben said; it felt utterly inappropriate, but he could think of nothing else to say.

“I guess I’ve got to be,” Relly said. “But if they’re all as kind as you are…” She leaned over and kissed him, and in the silence on their side of the room they could almost avoid hearing the howls from Peg and the brutal commentary from Jimmy from the other bed.

By the time she met Dylan for their walk to the Green Lake the next afternoon, Celestine had gotten over her shock and humiliation at discovering Troy had spent the night. “But it still makes me feel a little dirty to think about it,” she confided in Dylan as they made their way through the downtown streets. “Especially since he probably thinks I was thinking of him!”

“Who were you thinking of?” Dylan couldn’t resist asking.

Celestine gave him a bemused look but said nothing. In the awkward silence that prevailed, Dylan decided the time was right for his less salacious but wonderful news.

“Listen, I had a talk with my mother last night…”

“Oh, go and rub it in, why don’t you?” Celestine had always been jealous of her best friend’s relationship with his mother.

“Oh, I wish you’d been there!” Dylan protested. Then he reconsidered. “Of course, if you had been, we couldn’t really have had this talk…”

“About me, was it?”

“About us, Celestine.”

They had reached the edge of downtown, and the streets were far less crowded now, so Celestine was able to stop in her tracks. “What about us, Dylan? Please don’t tell me she wants you to stay away from me or anything like that!”

“The opposite!” Dylan said. “She wants to help you get out from under Troy. I swear I didn’t know, but she’s been putting money away for years, and when I told her I wished I could take you to Polerma…Celestine, she offered to get us passage there! On a ship!”

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