The List by Stitch202010

“Hello beautiful.” and she immediately smiles. They go on talking about everything and anything they could think of. They wanted to learn everything they could about each other and truly enjoyed talking to one another. They went on talking until around midnight when Alyssa got tired and wanted to go to bed. They made plans to hang out the next afternoon. Saying goodnight they hung up the phone and went to sleep.

Waking up the next day, Alyssa checked her phone and saw a few messages. One was from Blake already. It read,

“Good morning beautiful, looking forward to our date tonight.” She smiled and replied,

“Good morning handsome, I can’t wait to see you tonight.” She then gets up and gets ready for the day. As the day went on, they continued to message each other figuring out what they would like to do for their date that afternoon. Alyssa suggested mini golf for their date and Blake agreed. They planned on meeting at four that afternoon at the mini golf place.

The other message on her phone was from her best friend, Danielle.

“How was the date last night?”

Alyssa couldn’t help but think about the date last night. She had told Danielle about the guy that she was meeting.

She replies, “It went well. Meeting him again tonight!.”

Alyssa met Danielle at high school and they became best friends immediately. They have gone to each other for everything over the last few years. Alyssa and Danielle send a few more messages back and forth about the date and when they can hang out again. Danielle was out of town visiting family for another two weeks but they planned to get together once she returned back home.

Alyssa continued her day around her house until it was time to get ready for the mini golf date. She got ready and drove over to the mini golf place. Alyssa pulled up to the mini golf place and messaged Blake that she would meet him by the entrance. Walking up to the entrance, she fixed her outfit.

She was wearing a pair of jean shorts that fell mid thigh and a nice shirt that she loved wearing with tennis shoes. She figured since it was mini golf she could dress a little more casual. Standing at the entrance, she spots Blake walking up. He was wearing a pair of khakis shorts and a nice shirt as well with tennis shoes. Alyssa smiled when she saw him and he smiled when he found her in the crowd. He walked up to her and gave her a quick hug.

“I’m excited to play mini golf,” Alyssa tells Blake. He nods and says,

“Me too even though I’m not very good at it.” Alyssa laughs and holds his hand as they walk inside to play. Throughout the game of mini golf, they continued to talk about themselves and their families. Every time Alyssa beat Blake at a hole, she would smile until Blake fake pouted. Then she would give him a kiss to feel better. Blake lost just about every hole so he got lots of kisses. Once they finished the game, they turned in their mini clubs and walked outside.

Blake suggested going to the ice cream place next door and getting ice cream. Alyssa agreed so they walked over to the ice cream place hand in hand. Alyssa got a small chocolate chip ice cream and Blake got a small raspberry cake ice cream. They found a table nearby and sat down to eat their ice cream.

They talked about things they liked to do in the area and places they enjoyed going to. Places like the zoo and museums. They talked about the common trails that they have hiked before in the past. They both mentioned a certain trail that they both have hiked that had an amazing view at the end of it and wasn’t a very popular trail. Alyssa says,

“Would you want to go hiking on the trail with me?” Blake nods his head. They planned to hike the trail as a date but did not have a definite date on when they would. Spending the next few minutes talking about their favorite parts of the hiking trail and finishing up their ice cream. Blake wanted to continue to spend time with Alyssa today so he asked,

“Would you like to come back to my place and play some video games.” She nodded and responded, “I’m not very good at video games but I’m willing to try or watch you play.” She also wanted to continue to spend time with Blake so she was happy he suggested they hang out more. They got up and threw away their ice cream cups and went to their separate vehicles. Alyssa follows Blake to his place. Getting out of the vehicles, Blake tells Alyssa,

“Oh I forgot to mention but I live with two roommates. They may be home but they shouldn’t cause any problems.” Alyssa nods and follows him to the door. He opens the door and holds it open for her. Walking into the house she notices the two roommates sitting on the couch watching tv. They turn around upon hearing the door open.

Seeing Alyssa standing in the doorway, they stand up.One of the roommates has black hair with brown eyes. He was the shorter roommate. His body was well defined like someone that worked out often. He introduces himself as Conor. The other roommate has blonde hair and blue eyes. He was on the skinnier side but still was in shape. He looked to be the same height as Blake. She learns that his name is Henry. They both seem really nice. The guys all exchange a few words of greeting. Blake then grabs Alyssa’s hand and leads her to his bedroom.

Walking into his bedroom, Alyssa looks around. She notices it was clean but still messy. The bed wasn’t made but the floor was clean. Blake sits down on the computer chair and Alyssa sits down on the edge of the bed.

“So what would you like to play?”, He asks. He pulls out a container of games for his game system that was hooked up to the tv. She looks through the games and pulls out Mario karts. He smiles and goes to set up the game system with the game. He walks back and hands her a controller then sits down next to her on the bed. They started playing the game and in the beginning Blake won every game. As they continue to play, Alyssa starts to pick up on the little tips and tricks and improves her gaming skills.

Eventually, Alyssa finally won and jumped up doing a little dance. Blake watched her while smiling and laughing. She sits back down on the bed and they continue to play a few more games. At some point they stop playing and decide to watch a movie. Blake gets up and puts a movie in and they get comfortable on the bed. They enjoy watching the movie for a while. During the movie, Alyssa sneaks glances at Blake and catches him doing the same. Eventually she leans in and kisses him. He pulls her close and they make out for a few minutes.

Remembering the roommates were still home, they both sat back and took a breather before things got too heated. With it being her first time there and just having met the other guys in the house, Alyssa didn’t want things to go too far just yet. They go back to watching the movie and cuddling until the movie ended. Once the movie ended, Alyssa decided to head back home but she told Blake that she would call once she got home so they could talk more. Walking out of the bedroom with Blake following her, she walked past the roommates in the living room and said bye to them. Blake walked her out to her car.

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