30 Days of Denial Pt. 05

An adult stories – 30 Days of Denial Pt. 05 by switch8888,switch8888 A note to my readers:

This story is a work of fiction that contains themes of female domination, chastity, orgasm control, objectification, feminization, humiliation, total power exchange, cuckolding, and extreme edging. If these themes are offensive to you, please stop reading now.

If, however, these ideas are as intriguing and tantalizing to you as they are to me, then please enjoy.

As always, I appreciate any feedback, constructive criticism, or ideas for improvement that you might have to offer in the comments.


I must have fallen asleep while lying in your arms, because the next thing I knew, I felt a now-unfamiliar sensation emanating from my cock. It felt warm and sensual; comforting, yet urgent. I blinked away the heaviness from my eyelids as I slowly realized that you were gently stroking my fully erect penis, reaching around from behind me as you spooned me in your bed.

“There you are,” you purred softly in my ear as I slowly regained consciousness.

“Wait a minute,” I thought silently to myself, “I’m erect? How is that possible? Where… where is my cage?”

Groggy and confused, I wondered for a moment if this had all been just a hyper-realistic dream. As I reached down toward my crotch to investigate, you grabbed my collar from behind and squeezed it tightly, pulling back with just enough force to cut off my air supply and reinforce the reality of my situation.

“No touching,” you said sternly, grabbing my wrist and pulling it behind my back with the hand that had previously been stroking my eager member. “You know better than that, princess. Don’t make me change my mind about allowing you to have an orgasm today.”

“Y- y- yes, M- Madam. I’m so- rry,” I coughed and stammered, now fully awake and breathless as I choked on my pink leather collar.

“You’re forgiven. But don’t you DARE try to touch yourself again, understand?”

With that, you released your chokehold on my collar, allowing me to breathe again. I gasped, swallowing in the air as if I had just come up to the surface after 5 minutes under water.

“Y- yes, Madam. I understand. It won’t happen again,” I promised.

Swollen with 70 days of desire, my cock stood rigid and engorged in front of me; taunting me with its close yet untouchable proximity; begging for your hand to return and finish the job.

“Good – Now let’s make sure of it. Spread your legs. Arms behind your back,” you ordered.

I winced as I obediently exposed myself, knowing what was coming next. Your discipline was always strict and immediate. You had a way of making sure that every act of disobedience hurt far too much for me to even THINK of disobeying you in the same way ever again.

“That. Was. A. BAD. Girl,” you said, forcefully slapping my heavy, aching balls with every word. “A. Very. Very. VERY. Bad. Girlllll.” With the last word, you grabbed my scrotum and squeezed my testicles like a vice grip, sending a wave of pain and nausea through my groin and into my belly. You pulled my balls behind me and tucked them away into my ass cheeks.

“There we go. You look so much nicer with those ugly things hidden from view,” you observed, pleased with yourself.

I somehow managed to keep my arms behind my back and my legs spread wide throughout my punishment, knowing that any attempt to block myself from you would just result in more discipline.

“Now what did we learn, dear?”

“A good girl never touches herself without permission,” I replied, reciting one of the many rules you had made me memorize.

“Good. Don’t forget it,” you urged. “Allow the pain to solidify your lesson in your mind and remind you never to test me on this boundary ever again. Otherwise, your next punishment will be exponentially worse.”

“Yes, Madam,” I said, controlling my breath in an attempt to quell the residual aching deep in my groin.

“Now where were we?” You said, thinking out loud. “Ah yes, let me tell you a little bit more about what you witnessed earlier.”

You returned to ever-so-lightly stroking my cock as you started your story. “Mistress Addy told you that I started out as a submissive, and I suppose that’s partially true; more by circumstance than by desire, though.

“You see, most men with huge cocks are naturally dominant – especially the ones who are willing to walk around the clubs naked; they WANT you to admire it. Truth be told, I wasn’t really a sub – I was just a slut for massive, take-your-breath-away cocks. The power dynamics were merely incidental. At first, anyway.

“My size fetish started in college after my first hookup with a well-endowed underclassman. There was just something about the way he stretched me out and touched places inside me I didn’t even know existed. I felt physically close to him in a way I had never felt before as I rode his cock, giving me my first back-to-back-to-back orgasms. And the amazing thing about it was that he wasn’t even trying that hard; He was just a clumsy college kid who was still figuring out how to use the gift that God had given him. No, it was simply his sheer size that got me off like that!”

My cock was throbbing with need as you described your college exploits. You barely made contact with me as your fingertips gently caressed my shaft, yet this was the longest sustained attention my penis had received in 70 days. I was about to explode.

You must have seen it on my face, because you abruptly pulled your hand away.

“Oh no, no, no…” you said. “It’s not time yet. Learn to control yourself, princess.”

I breathed heavily as my engorged cock twitched at your slightest touch, letting out a steady stream of pre-cum as I fought back the urge to release.

“Here, let show you how big he was,” you said. “If I was stroking his cock right now instead of this tiny little dicklet of yours, it would be just abouuuut… here.”

You held your hand loosely in the air around my shaft until it looked like you were holding an invisible beer can. Starting from the base of my pelvis, you began stroking the invisible cock, moving your hand upward and pausing for a moment just a couple of inches above the head of my penis.

“Hmm…” you thought out loud, “if I recall correctly, it was right about here where he had a slight curve to the left. Yes, just about halfway up his shaft.

“Wait! HaHaHa!” you exclaimed, letting out a genuine belly laugh. “I just realized that the bottom half of his shaft was longer than your entire cock!”

You continued laughing hysterically as you continued your demonstration, tracing the shape of his appendage around mine and reaching up to more than twice my length before beginning the long descent back down to my pelvis.

“I had to use two hands, actually,” you said, briefly looking up, as if you picturing every detail of his impressive cock in your mind. “And oh my goodness could he last! He was no two-pump chump like you. No way. I could do this to him for an hour, and he’d still be able to rail me to multiple orgasms before filling my pussy with his seed.”

On and on you went, expending your effort on the ghostly cock surrounding mine, careful not to touch me in the process.

“Obviously my arms would get tired pretty quickly, so I’d usually end up using my mouth to get him nice and hard for me.”

You waved your tongue around his invisible head, a full seven inches above my cock, opening your mouth as wide as it would go and bobbing your head up and down to simulate a blowjob; an act you had never performed for me.

“I could barely get my mouth over the glans,” you said, pretending to gag on his gigantic member. You tossed your long, radiant red hair over your shoulder as you “recovered” and got back to work.

My cock bounced and strained for contact as you described all the ways you would pleasure this superior specimen, reinforcing my diminutive size in comparison at every turn.

“Can you imagine what it must be like to have a real man’s cock like that? To feel a pussy spasming around you, struggling to accommodate your girth? To hear the little gasps escaping her mouth as you slowly enter her? To see the look of raw pleasure on her face, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as you plunge deeper into her pussy than any man has ever gone before, only to realize that you’re not even all the way in yet?”

You paused, looking down at my swollen, rigid cock; disappointed.

“No, of course you can’t,” you sighed. “This pathetic excuse for a dick will never please anybody. After 70 days of being locked up, this is the best you can do? You’re as big and hard right now as you’ll ever be, and just look at it! It’s… it’s… barely there!”

You flicked the head of my cock away from you as if it was a pesky tick, sitting up and crawling to the other side of the bed so you could look me in the eye.

“In fact, this isn’t a dick at all,” you declared. “This is just a swollen clit. Isn’t that right?”

An awkward pause filled the air as you waited for me to respond to what I thought was a rhetorical question.

“Answer me, princess. Isn’t it true that you’re far too small to call yourself a man, and that you have a clit where you should have a cock?”

“I- umm…”

“Isn’t it true that you make a much better woman than you do a man? That you enjoy getting all dressed up and feeling your soft, silky panties brushing across your pussy?”

“Well, I- I do enjoy dressing up for you,” I confessed, blushing with equal parts shame and pleasure.

“I know, princess. I know you do. And don’t you want to put the ugliness of your life posing as a macho man behind you for good? Wouldn’t it be freeing to know that you’d never have to disappoint another woman with your pathetic excuse for a cock ever again?”

“What?” I asked, confused. “I- I want to please you, Madam. In every way. More than anything.”

“Good. It’s settled then.”


“Here, I have a gift for you,” you interrupted cheerfully, handing me a gift-wrapped box with a big pink bow on it. “Open it!”

I started opening the gift as you grabbed a bowl of ice water from the nightstand beside you, which had escaped my notice until now. You submerged my cock and balls in the ice water, causing me to slowly lose my erection as I tore into the wrapping paper.

Inside the box was a new chastity device; pink, semi-translucent, and glittery, with a shockingly small tube for my cock that looked to be no bigger than a wide thimble.

“Isn’t it pretty!” you exclaimed. “Let me put it on for you, princess. It will cover up that unsightly mini-bulge better than ever!”

By this point, my erection had shriveled down to the size a grape in the frigid ice water, allowing it to easily fit into its confining accommodations.

I noted some interesting differences with this new cage compared to the prior one as you installed it. There was a special attachment on the cage that pinched my shaft just under the glans from both sides, pressing the tip of my urethra against the opening and preventing me from pulling out. It managed to be both breathable and sanitary without allowing access to my cock; clearly designed for long-term wear. You quickly set it in place and secured it with a pink padlock that had a heart-shaped button on the front of it.

“This is a very special lock, princess,” you explained. “It operates like a typical padlock until you press this button, and the button can only be pressed while the key is inserted. I’ll tell you what the button does in a little bit, but first, your reward.”

I perked up at the word “reward” as you walked over to the bedroom door and called out to Mistress Addy, who had been waiting patiently for us in the living room.

“Come on in, Addy! She’s ready.”


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