A Bonding Experience Pt. 08

An adult stories – A Bonding Experience Pt. 08 by enigmatic_newbie,enigmatic_newbie A quick refresher:

Judy – A divorced woman and mother to Alana. Tomieka’s slave.

Alana – Judy’s daughter. A slave of Keke.

Junko – Alana’s friend and a new slave of Keke.

Tomieka – Keke’s daughter. Owns Judy.

Keke – Tomieka’s mother. Owns Alana and Junko.

Daiyu – Temporarily owned Junko. Junko and Alana’s periodic owner going forward.

Evelyn – the hostess that Judy and Tomieka met in part 7 but was not named.

Note: I know most people aren’t interested in these multi-part stories, but one person did request more after part 6, so I did a couple more. Sorry!

A Bonding Experience – Part 8

Judy stood next to her Mistress, both of them naked in front of a room full of potential customers. Behind them stood Evelyn, the owner of the dungeon/playspace. The couple might not be getting paid, but they were both working for her tonight.

Judy was ready, but watching her Mistress undress she could see hesitation. She was putting on a brave face, but she was nervous. Maybe that was for a good reason. Tomieka had talked to the older woman the day before and knew what they would be demonstrating. Judy did not. Still, she wasn’t worried.

“I’m glad you all could make it tonight,” Evelyn said to the assembled group. “We have some fun products for you to consider, and I’m excited to say we have these fine ladies here to demonstrate them for us.”

The hostess then proceeded to introduce Tomieka and Judy and go through a preamble about payment methods and terms that it sounded like she had given dozens if not hundreds of times before.

When that was finished she had two men carry in several pieces of equipment. She pointed to the first one. It looked like a wooden sawhorse with a padded top. The only difference was the metal rings on both ends of both legs.

“This lovely sawhorse was made by one of our local community members. As you can see, it could have several uses, but he mainly uses it to secure his slaves for punishment. The lovely Judy here will be demonstrating it for you.”

Judy felt her pulse quicken.

“Her Mistress did not want to inflict pain on her slave, however. So instead of doing that, she has volunteered to demonstrate this other lovely product made by the same member.”

The woman then reached out and grabbed a large wooden square four or so inches thick with a hole in the middle. There was metal all along the edges of it, somehow bolted on. There were also large metal rings screwed into the side near the corners.

Evelyn unlatched something on the box and it hinged open. The woman then situated it around Tomieka’s neck and closed it again. The latch was closed again, and locked shut.

The older woman then grabbed a length of chain. Judy watched as their host attached that length of chain to another one hanging from a hook in the ceiling. The lower chain was attached to the hanging chain in the middle, leaving two equal lengths hanging down. The woman then got another chain and did the same thing a couple of feet from the first. The lower chains had some sort of odd connector Judy didn’t recognize on both ends.

The two halves of the first chain were attached to the rings on the left side of Tomieka’s head. The two halves of the other chain to the two on her right.

Somehow, the woman had known how long to make the chain. The wood rested on the black girl’s shoulders, but only just. The girl clearly wouldn’t be able to sit down or even bend slightly until she was released.

Evelyn then had Tomika place her hands behind her back and bound her forearms together. Now Judy’s owner was completely helpless. It was strange to see, but it got the mother aroused. She was impressed at how amazing her Mistress looked standing straight up, but helpless and bound. Not for the first time, she wondered what the girl saw in her.

“Ah, beautiful,” their host said after stepping back to admire her handiwork. “And I know all you lovely people appreciate just what a special occasion this is, having a dominant woman all tied up and helpless, for the first time no less.”

There was no expression on Tomieka’s face as the audience murmured their agreement. Judy wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.

“And now, let’s get this beautiful slave ready for her spanking. Judy, come here.”

Judy approached the woman who grabbed her and positioned her next to the sawhorse contraption. The woman had her bend at the waist. The pad was comfortable. And the covered board was fairly wide. It rubbed the top of her thighs on one side. Her abdomen and much of her stomach rested on it, the other end of the pad not all that far from her breasts.

The older woman then grabbed one of Judy’s arms and put a cuff around it, attaching the other end to a leg of the sawhorse. The other arm received the same treatment. Then the woman grabbed one of Judy’s legs, widening her stance a bit and making sure she had no slack to wiggle around. Once the leg was cuffed and attached the other leg followed.

If she tried hard enough Judy might have been able to make the entire thing wobble a bit, but it seemed quite sturdy, so even there she wasn’t sure. And short of that, there was no way she could move an inch.

“There now, that should do. Now, let me introduce you to our new crop. I know there are a few of you that won’t be the least bit impressed by this, but it is an excellent tool for beginners or those that don’t like pain.” The woman laughed. “Judy here falls into both of those categories by the way.”

The mother tried to peer between her legs to get a look at the object in question, but she could only see the woman’s legs, and unfortunately she was holding the object up for the crowd.

She saw the feet turn away from the audience and toward her.

“Now, let’s see how she reacts to this.”

Judy felt a swat and let out a little yelp. Whatever this was, it stung more than hands had. She felt several more swats, moving around her ass. She tried hard to control herself but still found herself letting out a low grunt or groan with each hit. The impacts didn’t feel nearly as powerful as a hand did, they stung far more. She wondered what her ass would look like when this was done. Red? Bruised?

There was a pause. Judy felt a swing far harder than the others thus far. She let out a started cry before she even knew what had happened.

“I don’t think she likes that,” the woman laughed. “As you can see, despite being an affordable item and mostly for beginners, it can be quite effective. I think she needs a few more, what do you guys think?”

A few of the assembled people stated their agreement. Others just laughed.

“A few more it is.”

Judy felt a series of blows in quick succession. She tried to stay silent but found it impossible. And after the first couple of impacts, she was no longer thinking of anything other than the sensation on her ass.

The blows stopped. “There now, that was well done.” Judy felt the woman run her hand over her tender ass. The woman then leaned over and began to release her. “I know you didn’t enjoy that. Honestly, that made it that much more fun. But I appreciate you agreeing to model for us tonight. You did very well. I’m sure everyone else here looks forward to having you do this for us again as much as I do.”

To Judy’s knowledge, they hadn’t agreed to do this again, just to help out with the group. But as much as it hurt, she wasn’t upset at the thought of continuing to model for the woman.

“Now, on to your Mistress.” The woman moved over to Tomieka. A woman handed her some sort of glass bulbs. “These little guys are our latest nipple suckers. They don’t look like much, but you won’t ever see them falling off. They don’t generally even need lube to stick.” Evelyn squeezed some rubber on the end and then attached the glass to Tomieka’s breast. One for the other breast soon followed.

“There now, doesn’t she look lovely? And thanks to these nipple suckers those pert little tits will soon be quite sensitive. Now, I didn’t tell her this, but she is going to get a taste of the crop as well…and her slave is going to give it to her.”

Judy, who had been staring there awkwardly, was suddenly brought back to reality. She saw the look of surprise and worry on Tomieka’s face. She wondered what her own face looked like, because of all the things she had pictures possibly happening tonight, this had not made the list.

After a stunned silence, she spoke up. “Evelyn, I’m sorry. I’m not sure I can do that. I love her. I don’t want to hurt her. And I am her slave. I can’t do anything without her permission.”

“Yes, yes. I understand your reticence. But she agreed that you two girls would be our models for this evening. And I did warn her that there might be a surprise or two, and she still agreed.”

Judy looked at her Mistress, who was just standing there in stunned silence. “I understand. But would it be possible for me to take it in her place?”

The woman looked surprised. “Your ass has to be throbbing right now, and you said you didn’t like pain. Are you SURE you didn’t enjoy that?”

“Quite sure, Maam. I can’t stand the thought of more, but I would rather take it myself than have her endure it.”

“Well, she was right. You are a special slave. But I’m afraid this isn’t optional. Every good top should know what it’s like on bottom. I can’t make you do this. But if you don’t agree, I will have to spank her myself. And I promise you, I will go much harder on her than you will.”

Judy didn’t know what to do, she just looked at her Mistress. Fortunately, Tomieka had come to her senses. She laughed a very nervous-sounding laugh.

“It’s okay slave. She’s right. I agreed to this, and it will help me understand and appreciate you more to know what you go through for me. Please go ahead and do as she asks.”

Evelyn handed Judy the crop. She moved very slowly behind her Mistress. She tentatively flicked the crop and lightly hit her mistress on the ass. It felt so very wrong. She performed a few more light flicks.

“Oh come now. You can do better than that. You are going to need to hit her harder. If I don’t think she got enough from you, I’ll have a turn once you are done, and you know how that will go.”

Tomieka turned as much as she was able to. “It’s okay, slave. Show me what she did to you. I can take it.”

Judy stood there for what seemed like forever before making up her mind to comply. She swung the crop slightly harder, then harder still. After a few swats, Tomieka began to exhale loudly with each hit. It felt incredibly wrong, but Judy kept it up.

“Come on, girl. You’re almost there. Give her a few good ones and we can call this over.”

Judy paused, then hit Tomieka several times in quick succession with a decent amount of force. The black girl grunted with each.

Judy stopped. The mother had been careful to do the bare minimum every step of the way, and she was certain that she hadn’t hit her Mistress as hard as Evelyn had hit her. She was worried that their host would not be satisfied. She waited nervously for the woman to speak.

“Well, I suppose that is good enough. Tomieka, I hope that little demonstration helped you understand what your slave here does for you.”

The girl smiled. “I have always appreciated her. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without her. But that certainly gave me… a different perspective.”

The woman flashed a predatory grin. “Good. It really does help for a Mistress to spend some time as a submissive. The understanding of what it’s like helps make them a better Owner. If you need any further lessons in that area, I would be happy to oblige.”

Tomieka laughed. It was good to hear. Judy had been worried she would be angry, either with her or Evelyn, but that didn’t seem to be the case. She seemed to be taking things quite well. “Thank you, I will keep that in mind.”

The audience laughed along with the girl.

Evelyn reached over and removed the little suckers on Tomieka’s nipples, then turned to Judy. “Okay girl, kiss your Mistress’ breasts, suckle them.

Judy approached and did as requested. It felt good to give the girl pleasure after what she had just been forced to do to her. She tried to devour the breasts, wanting everyone there to see her do it, to see who was really in charge of this relationship despite what they had just seen.

After a minute or two, Judy felt the older woman brush up against her. The woman moved around her and reached between Tomieka’s legs from the back, pressing a vibrator up against her clit. It started to buzz.

“Now now, Judy, don’t stop. I don’t want you to rest until she cums.”

Judy hadn’t even realized she had paused. She redoubled her efforts to make up for it. Before she knew it, Tomieka was moaning. That wasn’t unusual, but this sounded wild and uncontrolled. Judy didn’t know if it was from having an audience, the spanking, or those little nipple suckers, but clearly, Tomieka had lost all control.

The black girl collapsed. Her limp legs still held some of her weight, but it was only the wood surrounding her neck that kept her upright. Startled, Judy grabbed her Mistress by the ass and tried to support her.

It had been awkward squatting under the wooden contraption to kiss the woman’s breasts, but this was even more so. She tried to hold the woman’s ass forward, keeping her upright, while bent even further over to continue suckling her beautiful breasts.

She didn’t have to deal with it for very long. Tomieka screamed and came. Judy felt the girl squirt all over her lower body. She continued to hold the woman for several minutes until she regained the ability to stand on her own. While she did so, Evelyn started her sales pitch.

After a few minutes, the older woman stopped talking long enough to release Tomieka. She encouraged the audience to applaud the couple which they seemed more than happy to do. She then returned to answering people’s questions about the products and taking orders.

Tomieka and Judy remained at the front of the room, naked and holding hands, perfectly content to just stand there in silence. Eventually, people started to leave, many of them taking the time to compliment and thank Tomieka and Judy.

Once they were all gone, Tomieka hugged her slave, squeezing her. She pulled back. “Well, that was an adventure.”

“It sure was. I’m sorry, Mistress. I didn’t want to do that. It was miserable. Thank you for not being angry.”

“Like the woman said, I agreed to this. And she would have hit me even harder.” Tomieka laughed. “I can see why you don’t like pain. That was no fun at all.”

Evelyn laughed. “Oh come on, you didn’t enjoy it? At least a little bit? And Judy, you didn’t enjoy spanking her ass for a change?”

The two women both shook their heads. “If that never happens again for the rest of my life I will be just fine with it,” Tomika said.

“Me too,” Judy piped in.

The woman smiled. “Except it is going to happen again, at least once in a while. You girls are going to continue modeling for me, aren’t you?”

Judy saw Tomieka look over at the older woman, hesitating. The look on her face said she wanted to say no. After a pause, however, her expression changed. “Yes, I do believe that we will. I’m sure you will make me regret it, but we’re your girls.”

The woman smiled a mischievous grin. “Oh, you’re not my girls, not yet at least. But I appreciate you helping out. And if you would like to be mine officially…”

Tomieka laughed, but it was a forced laugh. “Thanks, but I think I’ll stay a Mistress for now.”

“Well, I had to ask. That being the case, can I at least count on you to commit to modeling for me at these weekly sessions for the next month or two? It will be a good experience for you both. And we have some special sales coming up for the holidays. Maybe if you two work hard Santa will bring you some of these items under the tree.”

Tomieka laughed. “It’s a deal.”

“Holy cow, Mom. I can’t believe it. You really did that? You are like a completely new person. I think a year ago you would have fainted had someone even suggested that.”

Judy laughed. “You are right, I’m sure. And the weird thing is that I didn’t think anything of it. It didn’t bother me a bit, and I can’t wait to do it again. It feels very surreal. It’s like the me from a year ago wouldn’t recognize this me. I would barely recognize her. But I like this version of me.”

Tomieka leaned over and kissed her slave. “I like her too.”

“She is a lovely woman. We are lucky to have her in our lives,” Keke interjected. “But what about my precious daughter? You really let old Evelyn do that do you huh? I’m glad you were willing to put yourself out there like that. Before long, you’ll be a fixture of the local community.”

Tomieka smiled. “I’m glad you approve. I was worried you would be mad at me.”

“Mad?” she answered. “Heavens no. I’m proud of you. Don’t get too attached to labels. You can be dominant as the day is long and still allow yourself to be helpless once in a while. If something feels right to you, give it a try. Even if it turns out to be something you don’t want to do again, at least you will know. That’s better than wondering. And you might discover something you love.”

Tommika took a second to ponder her mother’s words. “As a one-time experience, it wasn’t bad. I’m glad I did it. I’m hoping in the future it will be less exciting, but who knows? I think that not knowing is most of the fun.”

Keke smiled at her daughter. “Oh yes, that is most of the fun. I’m glad that she is taking you two under her wing. I think this experience will be good for you both. I will say though, I think that you have caught Evelyn’s eye. I will warn you, she usually gets what she wants. If you don’t want to try submitting to her, you should probably have a polite excuse ready. The odds are you will need it at some point.”

Tomieka looked surprised. “Oh wow, you really think so? I thought she just had a mischievous personality. I could see her trying to have her way with Judy, but me? I just can’t see it. Besides, I agreed to do the demo, not knowing what is in store, but she knows I’m a dominant. She said as much during the demo.”

“As I said, honey, don’t get too attached to labels. Just because you are dominant doesn’t mean you can never submit to anyone. Honestly, having someone you know is dominant submit to you can be an amazingly entertaining experience. And being dominant but allowing yourself to submit can be very rewarding as well. Trust me on this one.”

Tomieka sounded surprised. “Oh wow, Mom. I had no idea. I don’t think I want to hear any more. I’ll just take your word for it.”

Keke laughed at her daughter. “Fair enough.” She turned to Alana and Junko. “Speaking of new experiences, these two need to get ready. It’s almost winter break. I got a call from Daiyu this morning and told her you two would be done with finals on the 15th.”

“She wanted to know if you had finals on Thursday and Friday or if you were done earlier in the week. She can’t seem to wait to have you two under her power. And if I know her, she was probably angling for some bonus time with you.”

“I didn’t know your schedules, so I told her that I was keeping you through the official end of finals at 3 pm Friday.” Keke laughed. “She plans to pick you two up at my place at 3:01. She doesn’t want to count that first day. She says it will just be ‘getting to know each other’. That seemed fairly in line with what you agreed to, so I agreed. She will have you for seven full days, so through the 22nd. I told her that I want you back fairly early on the 23rd so you have a chance to get ready for the holidays.”

“Junko, I told her that I was okay with you telling your parents that you are staying with Alana, so feel free to do so if it helps. Daiyu told me to let you know, however, that she wanted you to make sure your parents know that you will be busy and unable to talk that week. She expects you, both of you, to leave your phones with me.”

“Alana will be fine, but if your parents get worried and won’t stop texting or calling you, Junko, I will let her know and we can make arrangements for you to contact them and put their minds at ease. Be warned though, Daiyu will probably use that as an excuse to have you for longer.”

Judy looked at her daughter. “Wow, this is…quite the adventure you two are going on, huh? Are you nervous?”

Alana answered her mother. “I’m not going to lie. I am more than a little nervous. But I will have Junko with me. I am sure that it will go fine. I’m just still a little bit uncomfortable about the thought of serving someone else. I love Keke.”

“I’m sorry, Judy. This is my fault. I keep telling Alana that I wouldn’t be mad if she backed out, but she won’t do it.” Junko looked genuinely distraught. She looked straight down, unable to make eye contact with anyone. “She shouldn’t do this for me.”

“Junko,” Alana answered, “I love you as well as Keke. I want you in my life. This is a small price to pay. If this is something you feel like you need to do, I want you to, and I want to be right there beside you. Where you go, I go.”

Judy reached across the table and took the Asian girl’s hand. “Junko, Alana is a big girl. No one is going to convince her to do something she doesn’t want to do. So you really need to stop apologizing to me.”

“My daughter is an adult and can make her own choices. Even if I don’t understand them, I will support her. I’m also here if you need me. I’m glad my daughter met you. I know you are there for her just like she is there for you. I hope that you know that I consider you family.”

“That’s us,” Keke said. “One big happy family. I never would have expected us all to get here, but somehow it all worked out perfectly. We are all very lucky women. I think this is where we were all meant to be. There is nothing in this world that I would give this up for.”

Everyone at the table heartily agreed with Keke. Junko appeared to be relieved, but still uncomfortable.

“So anyway…” Keke continued. “Hopefully they will be back before Christmas Eve. Judy and Alana, I was hoping we could get together for the holiday, but it doesn’t have to be on the day itself. I was kind of thinking we could move our Saturday and Sunday dinners to Sunday and Monday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. You are welcome to come over early and spend the day if you would like.”

“That sounds great”, Tomieka replied. “We will take Christmas Eve if that’s okay, and come over there bright and early on Christmas Day.”

“That sounds great.” Keke looked at Junko and smiled. “And just so you know, Junko, you would be invited even if you weren’t staying with me. As Judy said, you are part of the family.”

For the first time Judy had noticed tonight, the girl smiled. “Thank you, Mistress. That means a lot to me.”

“Okay,” Keke went on. “Now that is out of the way, we just have to talk about after the New Year. You girls know you will be with Daiyu again for a week before you go back to school. She wasn’t ready to talk dates with me yet. She said that you all will figure that out during your time together. So if you have a preference, you might want to be ready to sell it to her. She will listen on occasion, but you have to make sure she thinks the idea is in her best interest.”

Alana frowned. “Hm…okay. I will keep that in mind. Honestly, I don’t know that I have a preference. I do kind of wish we could get the first one out of the way so I can stop thinking about it though. Not being able to ask Junko what her previous week was like is kind of stressing me out.”

She looked over to Junko. “I just like to know what I am getting into. I’m not second-guessing my decision, not for a second. I can’t wait to go through this, whatever it is, with you.”

Junko smiled, but it looked forced.

Keke laughed. “Well like I said, the woman can be reasoned with. You could make that happen if you want to, but she wants you girls 24/7, so if she has you during the school year she would probably want far more time. And I do NOT recommend trying to serve her while you are still in class. Your grades would most certainly suffer…badly.”

It was Alana’s turn to laugh. “No, I am more than happy to wait. And I want to savor every day with you until then. I haven’t been out of your sight for even a full day since this all started. It’s going to be rough.”

Keke laughed and kissed the girl. “Well it’s good to know that I will be missed, but there is no doubt in my mind that she will keep you girls busy. I doubt you will have much time for thinking.”

Judy laughed and everyone looked toward her. “Sorry, I was just thinking, look at us. I was the most vanilla woman on earth. I was straight, or so I thought. Now here I am, the slave of a girl who is way out of my league. I waltz around naked in front of strangers. I even perform sex acts in front of strangers. And now I model kinky products.”

“And my daughter…and her amazing friend…are slaves to a remarkably impressive woman. And they are about to go on a kinky adventure as slaves to another woman who from what I gather will not care about them like Keke does.”

“I mean, who could care about them like Keke does? I am glad they have her in their lives. Honestly, I’m glad my daughter, well…both of my daughters, because I consider you one too Junko…are her slaves.”

“I know how that would sound to someone else. I know how that would have sounded to me a few months ago. I am learning so much about myself, and it’s all thanks to my Mistress and her lovely mother. I owe you both. We all do. I can’t wait to see where we are all at in another six months or a year from now.”

“Well said Mom,” Alana agreed. “We owe them both. And I plan to spend the rest of my life paying Keke back. I don’t know what this will look like a year from now, but as long as we are all together, it honestly doesn’t matter. As long as I have the people at this table, I will be the happiest girl on earth”

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