A Dangerous Bet Ch. 01 by Newmarket,Newmarket

Mary and her husband Luke were high school sweethearts who married young. Their relationship appeared great to their friends and family. But secretly, Mary was developing the creeping sense that she missed out on the opportunity to have the type of spontaneous sexual exploration she heard about from her twenty-something-year-old friends. She would never admit it to anyone, but her sex life with Luke was mundane. She didn’t need to sleep around but longed to experience more.

She had pushed Luke to be more dominant in the bedroom for years, but he always ended up embarrassed or frustrated. She also made several ill-fated attempts to introduce toys and porn, but Luke always ended up feeling like he was inadequate. Eventually, she stopped pushing Luke because of the inevitable fight and awkwardness that followed. Mary tried to accept that attempting to give herself an orgasm by playing with her own clit while Mark awkwardly humped her with his slightly smaller-than-average dick once a week would need to be enough. Still, with every underwhelming performance from her husband, her fantasies of being ravished and left quivering on the floor by a truly dominant man were growing more frequent.

Once a month, Mary and Luke got together with a group of old friends from high school. These evenings usually involved a healthy supply of drinks and food while the boys watched a sports game and the girls chatted about their varied love lives. But this month, their friend Paul was taking his turn hosting. Mary found evenings at his house to be the most fun because Paul was the only guy who liked to mix things up by suggesting new activities.

Paul was the type that generally won at life. He had a great career and the wealth that came with it, he was tall, and handsome, with a strong jaw and athletic build, he had the charisma to command a room, but the kindness and humility that made him nearly impossible to dislike. On top of this, Mary had heard from one of Paul’s previous girlfriends that he was also an extremely well-endowed and mind-blowing lover with a proclivity towards BDSM. Though she would never say it to Luke, Paul was often present when she was lost in her darkest fantasies.

While Mary was in the bathroom brushing her long brown hair in preparation for the evening, she received a group text from Paul saying, “Hi all, I got a new poker table. Bring some cash if you want to liven things up a bit.”

Luke, who saw himself as a bit of an online poker pro, called to Mary from the living room, “Oh, baby, I am going to clean up tonight. But this might be a long night for you. Have you ever played poker before?”

Mary responded with a nervous laugh, “Sounds like something for the boys. Us girls always find ways to keep ourselves entertained.” She had been a bit worried about Luke’s gambling. But, it never seemed to get him into any trouble.

After Mary finished getting ready, the two met at the door to leave. Luke smiled at Mary asking, “Is that a new dress? You look great but it makes me feel like I should change.”

The dress was black with an open back. Its tight cut hugged the outline of her perky C-cup breasts, fit stomach, and round ass. Feeling a bit self-conscious, Mary pulled the formfitting black dress slightly lower on her legs as she looked at the jeans and a somewhat too old t-shirt that her husband was wearing.

“No, you look, great Hun. I have been feeling a little uninspired in life lately, and I wanted to spice things up a bit. But you don’t think this dress is a bit much?”

Luke kissed her on the cheek and reassured her, “You look like a solid ten. I’d do you right here if we weren’t going to be late.”

Mary smiled back at Luke, but thought to herself sarcastically, “Oh, sure you would” as they walked down the driveway to the waiting Uber.

When they arrived, Luke and Mary were met at the door by Paul’s warm smile and his usual tight hug. As Paul let go of Mary, he stepped back to see her fully, “Wow, Mary, you look gorgeous. You are a knockout in that dress!” Mary felt herself begin to blush deeply as she turned to see Luke’s reaction to the compliment, but her husband was already focused on a conversation with another friend who had handed him a shot and a beer.

The poker game was well underway within a few hours, and the drinks were flowing. The boys played at the poker table while the girls laughed from the couch on the other side of the room. Everyone was feeling loose and sharing stories about long-past misadventures and recent exciting dating experiences.

Everything was light and fun until Luke drunkenly asked, “So, Paul, is it true that your last girlfriend would only call you ‘Sir’ in private?”

The guys, who had heard bits and pieced about Paul’s sexual experiences went silent. Paul liked to keep his sex life discrete. It would have been fine if Luke had asked that privately, but being asked in front of a group of women, who were now eagerly waiting to hear his response, caused Paul a rare moment of embarrassment and anger with Luke.

Collecting his composure Paul responded, “Yeah, she asked me to be her master and I agreed.”

Mary would never have pushed if she wasn’t a few cocktails deep, but ignoring Paul’s obvious discomfort she eagerly asked, “What did that involve?”

Paul hesitated for a moment, staring intensely at Luke who smiled back drunkenly. Paul broke his gaze and turned to Mary as he responded calmly.

“It involved her willingly giving me total control over her and every element of her life – it was her becoming my slave behind closed doors. It was me accepting complete responsibility for her growth and happiness. It was using the extremes of sexual pleasure and punishment to push her beyond her self-perceived limits.”

Mary looked back at him transfixed, thinking, “I desperately want to surrender myself to this gorgeous man.”

The room was silent for several seconds before one of the other guys broke the ice with a nervous laugh, “OK, watch out for this guy! Who’s turn is it to deal?”

The lighthearted energy soon returned to the room as the conversation reverted to normal. After several more hands, their friends slowly started to leave as the guys ran out of cash. Finally, it was only Paul and Luke playing cards while Mary was lost in thoughts about what Paul would do if he had absolute control and power over her.

She was brought back to the present when she heard her husband groan loudly and saw Paul pulling all the remaining poker chips toward himself.

“I guess that’s it, out of cash Luke?”

Luke realized just how much he lost as he peered into his empty wallet, “Come on, give me a chance to win it back. We aren’t all rich like you.”

“If we play again, what will you put on the line in place of cash?”

Luke’s eyes circled the room for a moment, looking for inspiration. Finally, he made eye contact with Mary and drunkenly asked, “Babe, do you have any cash?”

Mary paused for a moment looking at the two of them. She felt slightly ashamed of her husband who seemed beaten down and pathetic in his stretched-out t-shirt in contrast to the man who confidently sat across the table, with his strong shoulders and arms visible beneath a well-fitted button-down shirt.

Mary started to reply without knowing where the idea was heading, “You know I never have cash on me, but I have another idea… Paul, if you play again, you can be my master until the game finishes. But everyone’s clothing stays on for the game, no matter what! If Luke wins, he takes all the cash.”

Paul looked back at Mary inquisitively for several seconds, “And if I win?”

Mary smiled back at Paul, “If you win, I spend the rest of the night serving you.” There was a pregnant pause before she added in a playful voice, “I’ll mop your floors, do your laundry, whatever work you ask.”

Luke broke the tension by announcing with drunken confidence, “So long as everyone’s clothes stay on Mary can be your slave until we finish the game. And there is no chance I’m losing. I’m in.”

“OK, it looks like we play on!” Paul responded jovially. “Mary, please go make your master another drink.”

Luke laughed as Mary replied, “Yes, Sir.”

Paul shuffled the cards, and the new game began. In the kitchen, Mary leaned on the counter and took several deep breaths to compose herself as she considered the many possible directions this could lead. She couldn’t possibly stay the night if Luke lost. And, if she did, what would Paul ask her to do?

Mary fixed her makeup and long brown hair before making Paul’s drink. She re-entered the room with her shoulders back and perky breasts forward, walking in what she thought was an appropriately seductive sex slave manner.

Mary set the drink next to Paul and paused. Both men were focused on their cards, and she was unsure what to do next. Without looking up at her, Paul then instructed, “Get on your hands and knees. I don’t want a ring on my new poker table. So, you are going to the table for my drink.”

Luke glanced up at Mary, feeling uncomfortable about the arrangement for the first time. But Mary obediently dropped to her hands and knees without looking at her husband.

Her tight black dress immediately rode up, exposing her round ass and black thong. She cringed as Paul set the cold drink the bare skin that was made visible by the lowcut back of her dress. As soon as Paul let go of the glass it began to wobble dangerously.

“Don’t you dare let that fall?”

“Yes, Sir.”

After releasing the glass, Paul’s hand began to slowly move down her back. Mary felt her heartbeat faster as his fingers started to delicately explore the feeling and shape of her uncovered ass. It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on steadying the drink.

Luke had completely lost sight of his wife from his position on the other side of the table, and he was becoming distracted from the poker game by the sight of Paul’s lingering arm.

From her position on all fours, Mary heard Luke’s groan followed by the shuffling of the cards. Her husband must have lost that hand.

Paul’s fingertips found the lacy fabric of her thong and followed it between her legs. Mary’s breath became shallow and quick as Paul ran his fingers back and forth along the crease of the thin fabric that was the only barrier between him and her. With each pass, his fingers became more focused on her clit, until they were making steady, light, circles around it. Unconsciously, Mary let out a soft moan as she bit her lip.

Luke looked intensely at Paul from across the table, beginning to feel quite nervous about the position he put his wife in.

Still looking at his cards, Paul said, “Mary, tell your husband what I am doing and how it makes you feel. I think he’s curious.”

Mary’s body stayed still, but her mind was instantly thrown into a state of panic, terrified by the thought of describing what Paul was doing to induce the rush of sexual desire she was feeling.

Paul transitioned from lightly rubbing her clit to firmly squeezing it with his thumb and index finger.

The sudden, but sustained jolt of pain caused Mary to gasp and quickly blurt out, “He is squeezing my clit through my panties.”

Paul continued to squeeze, “And before that?”

“He was rubbing me through my panties.”

“And how did that make you feel?”

Mary’s voice shook as she responded, “It made me feel so fucking good…”

Paul looked directly at Luke as he asked, “Do you want to feel that again?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Paul released her clit and began lightly massaging her again through the fabric that was rapidly becoming soaked with her own juices.

Luke couldn’t bring himself to look at Paul, but he let out a “Fuck” as he lost another hand.

Paul knew that Luke was normally the better poker player, but he could see how much this was throwing him off his game. And he was enjoying a bit of revenge after Luke put him in such an uncomfortable place in front of everyone.

Slightly increasing the pressure of his fingers, Paul asked, “Mary, do you ever think about fucking me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Luke glared at his card while his face rapidly reddened with humiliation.

“Which of us would you rather fuck tonight?

“You, Sir.”

Luke slammed his hand on the table in frustration as he folded his poker hand to Paul.

Mary hadn’t ever felt this turned on with Luke. As she became completely engrossed with Paul’s touch, she arched her back and began to lean into Paul’s fingers. Suddenly, there was a loud bang as the drink, which she had completely forgotten about balancing, tumbled to the floor.

Mary scrambled on her hands and knees to retrieve the rolling glass as the two men jumped to their feet.

“Stop, Mary, there might be broken glass,” Paul said firmly.

Mary halted and looked back over her shoulder at Paul and her husband. Her dress had ridden up to her waist and the wet fabric of her thong was almost entirely swallowed up by the plump lips of her hairless pussy.

Paul walked forward and picked up the glass and inspected it before telling Mary, “It’s OK, nothing is broken, just a spilt drink. Go get a towel from the kitchen and clean up the mess.”

Mary got to her feet, simultaneously feeling embarrassed about having her dress around her stomach, sorry for making the mess, and touched that Paul’s first reaction was to make sure she was safe.

“I’m so sorry…” she started as she began to fix her dress.

Paul quickly cut her off, “Did I tell you to pull your dress down?”

“No, Sir” she replied sheepishly.

“Then put it back and do as I instructed.”

Paul and Luke both watched as Mary slowly pulled the dress back up, fully exposing her thong, and walked out of the room with her head down.

Back in the kitchen, Mary paced back and forth for several minutes. She knew that they had crossed a line and that she could not take back what her husband just saw and heard.

When Mary returned, the two men were playing cards again in silence. With her dress around her waist, she walked with much less confidence this time. Mary got back down on her hands and knees and cleaned up the mess before crawling back to Paul’s side.

Luke watched as Paul’s arm moved back below the table.

After losing yet another hand, Luke finally interjected, “Listen, thanks for the night, Paul, but I think we should go.”

“You are both free to leave anytime, but I understood that Mary agreed to serve her master until the game was over.”

Luke responded, “Fuck that, let’s go, Mary,” as he rose to his feet and walked around the table to collect his wife. He felt his stomach drop when he saw that Mary was on all fours, face against the floor, ass in the air, as Paul absentmindedly rubbed her through her lacy thong.

From her position on the floor, Mary looked back at Luke as her mind and body fought a silent battle. She knew that she should leave with her husband and never speak to Paul again. This was a drunken night that got a little out of hand, but that’s all it had to be. On the other hand, she had fantasized about a moment like this for years and Luke was never going to give it to her. How could she walk away? In a lot of ways, it was her husband that put her in this exact position by gabbling her honour and dignity on a stupid poker game.

After several long seconds, Mary replied, “You are the one who gave me to Paul as a slave until the game was done. It was your stupid bet.”

Mary’s breath shuddered as Paul began to increase the pressure of and speed of his fingers.

“I’m not going back on our agreement. He is my master until the game is done.”

Luke returned to his chair, pulled it out angrily, and sat back down.

Paul laughed, “So, I guess that is settled. But Mary, you know that I still need to give administer your punishment for spilling my drink, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Paul’s chair squeaked as he pushed it back several inches from the table. He stood and slowly removed his belt before sitting back down.

“Let’s do this here so Luke and I can keep playing our game. Mary, please get up and bend over my lap while your husband deals the next hand.”

Obediently, Mary bent over Paul’s lap, leaving her round ass pointing up while her toes lightly rested on the floor. Every inch of her body tingled with anticipation as she submissively waited on full display to both men.

Luke quickly dealt the cards and pushed all his chips into the middle of the table, “Let’s get this over with.”

Paul lightly caressed Mary’s right ass cheek for several seconds before bringing the belt down on it firmly.

Mary gasped loudly but remained in her position.

Paul called Luke’s bet before bringing the belt down for a second time causing Mary to squeal and her feet to flutter and kick in pain.

Luke, tired of waiting, reached across the table to turn over all the cards as Paul stuck Mary for a third time causing her to let out a long and pained moan. With her still bent over his lap, Paul brushed the hair from Mary’s face and gently massaged the three long red welts that were already forming on her ass.

Having inspected the cards, Luke declared, “Look, there, you won. The game is over. Mary let’s go.”

“What about my prize?” Paul responded as he began to slide Mary’s panties down to her knees.

Still bent over Paul’s lap, Mary looked back at her weak, drunk, husband. The sight of Luke contrasted against the feeling of Paul’s large cock growing against her stomach solidified her choice, “The game is over, and you lost. I’m honouring the deal. I’m surrendering complete control of my free will to Paul for the rest of the night as we all agreed.”

Paul chuckled, “Sounds like that is settled. Luke, you are welcome to stay.”

Luke walked over to the couch and lumped down with his head in his hands, “OK, so play your stupid game.”

With Mary still bent over his lap and her panties around her ankles, Paul forcefully pulled the neckline of her strapless dress down, exposing her breasts. Then he gathered her long hair into a handful and pulled her head back as he began to rub her clit. After so much teasing through the fabric of her panties, the feeling of his fingers on her wet swollen clit was almost overwhelming. Within seconds she felt an orgasm building inside her. Paul pulled back forcefully on her hair as her entire body tensed and began to quiver.

Watching through his fingers, Luke heard a moan that he had never heard Mary make before as she writhed in Paul’s lap.

Paul picked Mary up in his strong arms and threw her on the poker table, face up, sending poker chips and playing cards flying. Pulling her to the edge of the table, he positioned himself between her legs, unbuttoned his pants and set his large hard cock on her. It was as thick as her wrist and extend from her pelvis to her belly button.

“Mary, how does your Master compare to the cock you are used to?”

Luke cringed as he heard his wife respond, “Sir, it’s gigantic, there is no comparison.”

Paul parted Mary’s wet lips with the tip of his cock and slowly began to push himself inside her. Luke watched Mary’s hand as it gripped the edges of the table tightly, the knuckles turning white.

Mary moaned, “Ooooh, fuck, you’re huge.” As Paul began to pump, keeping half of himself back.

As his pace quickened, Paul slid four fingers into Mary’s mouth to gag her while he gradually fucked deeper with each stroke.

Luke couldn’t take it anymore and started heading to the door. Mary did not seem to notice at all. As he put his shoes on, he heard skin on skin as Paul began to fuck her with the full extent of his massive cock. With each thrust, Mary let out a muffled moan, mixed with pain and ecstasy. The last thing Luke heard, as the door closed behind him, was Mary’s, “Uuuuuuuuuuugh” as a second powerful orgasm flowed through her.

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