A Dom Loves Their Subs Ch. 12

An adult stories – A Dom Loves Their Subs Ch. 12 by daddymoth,daddymoth Roman entered the kitchen, wobbling in his stilettos. He was wearing a pair of overalls and a striped t-shirt, and he was clutching a teddy bear. He suckled a pacifier, grabbing the fridge handle.

“Hey, Princey.” Val put their hands on his shoulders and he turned to look at them. “What can I get you, baby?”

“Bottle,” he mumbled through his pacifier. “Please?”

They opened the fridge for him, grabbing a sippy cup of oat milk. Roman grinned and took it, spitting out his pacifier. He sat on the counter, drinking his milk, as Val poured a glass of water from the sink.

“Sir?” he squeaked.

“Yes, Prince?”

“Can we play?”

“Sure, baby.” They smiled at him, taking a drink of water. “You wanna make a pillow fort? Tea party?”

“I wanna play ‘Save the Prince!'” Val raised their eyebrows at him and he gave them an award-winning smile. “Daddy said I could!”

“I don’t know if little princes are old enough for that game.” Val leaned on the counter, nose-to-nose with Roman. They pecked his cheek.

“I’m old enough! Promise!” He held out his pinky finger, beaming.

“Okay, then…” Val scooped him off the counter and he squealed as they slung him over their shoulder.

“Ahh!” he giggled. “The dragon caught me!”

“That’s right, Princey. And the dragon’s going to have lots of fun with you.” They opened the playroom and carried him inside. He put up a fake fight with lots of giggling and squirming around. They dropped him on the bed and took out their phone. They straddled his hips, keeping him down as he writhed around.

Val: Did you say Roman was allowed to play save the prince?

Thomas: Absolutely not

Thomas: Why?

Val: He said he had your permission.

Thomas: Brat

Thomas: Feel free to punish him

Val: What would you like me to do?

Thomas: Tie him up

Thomas: Not in a fun way

Thomas: And leave him tied until I get home

Thomas: Spank him if he keeps being a brat

Val: Will do. When do you get home?

Thomas: Two hours

Thomas: I should be home by then

Val: You don’t mind his clothes being off?

Thomas: Binder on

Val: Will do. See you in two hours.

“Sir, get off me! You’re heavy~!” Roman whined. They tucked their phone back in their pocket and gave him a long, stern look. “What?”

“Daddy’s not very happy with you, Princey.” Roman paled and stopped squirming. “And dragons don’t like liars.”


“No.” He pouted adorably. “Stay.”


“Keep whining, Princey…” they threatened. He fell silent, looking away. “Stay.”

They got up and went to their toy shelves, examining their bondage gear. They loved punishment bondage. It was so much more creative than regular bondage, pretty though kinbaku was.

“Sir?” They gave him a stern look. “I–I’m on my period.”

“That’s fine, baby.” They started to grab toys off the shelf. “You need anything?”

“Can I keep my underwear on?”

“Yes, Princey.” They set everything on their rolling cart. “Thank you for telling me.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. Please don’t punish me. I just wanted to play with you.”

“I offered options to you, Roman. Instead, you chose to lie to me.” He flushed and hugged himself. “Princes don’t play adult games without permission.”

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“Get up. Clothes off.” He whimpered and slid off the bed, reluctantly stripping until he was only in his binder, panties, and stilettos. “Shoes off, too.”

“Can you help me, Sir? Please?”

“Okay, Princey. Sit down.” He sat and they knelt at his feet, helping him out of his shoes. “Are you gonna behave for me?”


“Good boy. On your back.” He laid down, sticking out his lower lip in a pout. “Quit pouting. It won’t make your punishment any better.”

“I know.”

“Tell me why you’re being punished.”

“Because I was naughty.”

“Be specific, Roman.”

“I lied to you so I could play big-kid games. And I–I broke Daddy’s rule about asking permission before playing.”

“Good.” They held up a set of restraints and he whined. “What did I—”

“No whining. I know.” He spread his limbs without being told and Val smiled. They cuffed his wrists and ankles to the bedposts.


“No,” he grouched.

“Roman.” He huffed and pulled the restraints. “Roman, give me an answer right now.”

“I want Daddy!” he screamed. They leaned over him to unlock the restraints, and he spat at them. They both froze, Roman in fear and Val in displeasure. “I–I’m really sorry, Sir. Please don’t punish me more—”

“Silence.” He let out a quiet whimper, but didn’t say another word. Val unlocked the restraints. “Over my lap. Now.”

“But only Daddy can—”

“Now, Roman.” He obediently bent over their lap, breath trembling. “Unlike a certain naughty prince, I asked your Daddy for permission.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to!” He looked tearfully up at Val.

“When I ask you a question, I expect an honest answer. And when I try to make you comfortable, I expect not to be spat on.” Their voice was sharp and venomous. Roman had never heard them this angry. “You get ten spanks. And you will thank me after each one.”

“Ow! Thank you, Sir,” Roman hissed as they brought their hand down on his ass. “Thank you, S–Sir. Thank you! Ow! Sir, ow!”

“That’s five. I’m not hearing a lot of thanks.”

“Thank you, Sir!” Roman mumbled into the mattress. He squealed as they spanked him again. “Thank you, Sir! Ow! Please stop!”

“Use your safeword, or you get all ten.” He sniffled, trembling on their lap. “Color, Roman.”

“Yellow.” They pulled him up to a seat and he looked at them, his face red and tear-stained.

“This is a punishment, Roman. The more you misbehave, the more you get punished.”

“I know, Sir. I’m really sorry, Sir.”

“Then act like it. You have three more, or you can call ‘red.'”

“Can I thank you at the end? I’ll take them all, but—”

“Okay.” He nodded and got back in position. They gently rubbed his butt, then brought their hand down sharply. “Eight… Nine… Ten.”

“Th–Thank you, Sir.” Roman shook like a leaf, sitting on their lap. He clung to their shirt, sniffling.

“Alright, Princey. It’s alright.” They shushed him, stroking his hair. “Your punishment’s over.”

“I want Daddy,” he sobbed.

“Daddy’s still at work.” He let out a wail and Val shushed him, holding him tightly in their arms. “Tell you what, as long as you can behave until Daddy gets home, I’ll let you watch a Disney movie.”

“Really?” He wiped at his tears, sniffing.

“But only ’til Daddy gets home. Then, you do what he says.”


“Alright. Go pick which movie you want. Disney movies only.”

“I know. Nothing more than PG.”

“Good boy.” They gently pushed him off their lap. “I’ll get you some water and a snack.”

Roman left the playroom and Val went to the kitchen, texting Thomas.

Val: Punishment over. Romans having subdrop.

Thomas: Do I need to come home

Val: When you’re done with work. I got him for now

Thomas: K

Thomas: Be home ASAP

Val filled a sippy cup with water and grabbed some apple slices from the fridge. They went to the living room to find Roman curled up in a blanket, watching Aladdin. He reached for his snacks as they sat down.

“Here you go, Princey. Feeling better?” He gave a small nod, crunching into an apple slice. “Come here, baby. I know you want snuggles.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Roman whispered, pressing against Val. They put an arm around him, smiling.

“Thank you for taking your spanking so well.” He sighed, eyelids drooping. “You’re such a good boy for Sir.”

“Mm…” His eyelashes fluttered shut and he leaned into them, yawning. “Night-night, Sir.”

“Enjoy your nap, Princey.”


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