Adorable Girlfriend Becomes Goddess Ch. 03 by Heyyaitsme,Heyyaitsme

I found myself standing in front of Veronica’s apartment door, a single suitcase in hand. I had been standing there for about 10 minutes now, and I still couldn’t convince myself to knock. It was like there was a primal fear that had absolutely no business being there telling me that if I went through this door… Everything would change.

Which, of course, was ridiculous. This was Veronica we were talking about, my loving girlfriend who was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. I shouldn’t be scared of her…

Was I scared of her? My brain was flooding with constant thoughts about why I was so nervous, what had me so paralyzed with fear, and I just couldn’t figure it out. I don’t think it was Veronica, so what was it?

Another five minutes passed before I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I finally took the time to breathe and take a quick glance to see a text from Veronica.

‘When are you coming over?’

With a deep breath inwards, I looked at the door and steeled myself. Whatever I was so worried about, I would figure it out. Right now, I was going to spend time with my incredible girlfriend.

*knock knock knock*

In nearly no time at all, the door swung open to reveal Veronica in a pretty yellow sundress with white flowers dotting it, her red curly hair tied up in a ponytail behind her back and her eyeshadow winged to the sides to give her a contrasting mysterious look to her cutsie attire.

Her eyelids were lidded halfway to give a sultry, seductive look and her hand seemed to be behind her back as if she was hiding something. I knew she thought she was being sneaky, but she was never very good at being secretive.

To my relief, the moment I saw her the anxiety washed away nearly immediately and instead was replaced with excitement as I saw the enticing look on her face and the fun-loving gleam in her eyes. It shouldn’t be possible for someone to be this adorable and attractive, but god did she pull it off.

“Hello, mister. You kept me waiting. That’s very rude of you.” She purred in an absolutely over-the-top porn actress tone, clearly playing things up to make me laugh.

Of course, it succeeded as I gave her a teasing grin and couldn’t help but chuckle at her antics.

“I’m so very sorry ma’am, I got here as fast as I could.” I responded, matching her ridiculous energy as I stepped past her to enter the apartment.

“Mmmmm well, we’ll see if you can make it up to me.” She quipped, dropping the act and instead giggling. “Did you do what I asked?”

As I set the suitcase down, I looked over my shoulder with a raised eyebrow. She was still making sure I couldn’t see behind her back… What was she hiding?

“Did I do what you asked meaning…?”

Her demeanor changed nearly instantly, her eyes piercing into mine and her stature standing up straighter. It was like in a single second, the cute girl in front of me had vanished and now stood the predator that I had so desperately missed and been longing for.

“Clothes. Did you pack them?”

I cleared my throat and stood more straight, unconsciously adjusting my shirt without even realizing it. “You uh… You said to pack light so I just packed like a change of clothes or two. Extra shirt, pants, underwear…”

I trailed off and struggled to maintain eye contact as her gaze bore down on me and her eyebrow raised further as if she didn’t believe me.

“That’s it! I promise!”

I didn’t even know why I was defending myself, I didn’t do anything wrong!

She slowly took a step forward and to my shock, I actually found myself taking a step back as a shiver went down my spine. I had been in this apartment for less than a minute, and she was already in my head and playing with my strings. How was she so good at this???

Another step closer and looked me up and down, like eyeing a piece of meat, before her expression broke to one of devilish playfulness and a grin broke through her facade.

“Good boy.”

Before I even had a chance to process the way that statement made me feel, she revealed what she had been hiding as she pulled a water bottle from behind her back and unceremoniously tossed its entire contents onto me.

Immediately I began sputtering as I reeled back in surprise, having to blink the water out of my eyes as I looked down at my now absolutely soaked shirt and pants.

“Veronica, what the fuck?!” I tried to sound mad but, despite myself, I found the words difficult to get out through my own laughter as I looked up at her to see her gleaming mischievous grin and heard her contagious high pitched laughter.

“What babe? You looked thirsty!” She cackled as she immediately began to back away from me as I tried to lunge for her. “Nuh uh uh! My home, my rules, remember?”

I stopped just short of grabbing her and instead merely gave her as serious of a glare as I could although I don’t think it quite hid my amusement as much as I would have liked.

“And what rule is this, exactly?”

“The rule where I say no wet clothes are allowed. Yours are sopping wet, so you need to go take a shower.” She insisted with an absolutely insidious grin as she looked me directly in the eyes. “So go take em’ off and take a shower like a good boy, and then we’ll get onto rule two.”

Like a puppet master, she had expertly stopped me dead in my tracks and pulled my heart up into my throat with nothing more than simple words and penetrating stare from those chocolate brown eyes. Every inch of myself felt like it was burning red despite the cold water, and my stomach was churning with excitement and anticipation.

“Good boy?” I barely managed to choke out, to which her eyes lit ablaze with excitement at my reaction. Still, not one to let go so easily I cleared my throat and stood up straight, trying to regain my composure and control of the situation. “What second rule is this?” I questioned, unintentionally lowering my voice a bit to try and appear more confident.

Not missing a beat, she stepped closer and leaned up to whisper in my ear with her lips so close I could feel her intoxicating breath.

“You’re not allowed to put new clothes on without my permission.”

I stood, frozen, the hairs on the back of my neck standing at full attention along with other things as she pulled back, gave me a wink, and stepped past me like nothing had happened.

“Get yourself cleaned up.” She spoke in a cheery voice while she moved into the small kitchen area. “When you’re finished we’ll eat dinner and watch a movie. Sound good?”

I wanted to give some sort of witty retort, at least prove she wasn’t that in my head but I couldn’t figure out how to think straight. Her confidence and sultry demeanor was one thing, but somehow the ‘good boy’ comment got to me in a place I just hadn’t expected and it left me dumfounded. “Okay… Sounds good.” I mumbled as I started to move towards the bathroom.

As the door closed behind me, I swore I could hear her giggling.


I stood in front of the mirror, wiping away the condensation as I took in a deep breath. At the very least, a shower did wonders to help me actually regain some composure and process things a little.

Truthfully, this was all very tame. Obviously she had seen me naked before and while we had never gotten all the way to fucking we had more than our fair share of sexual experiences. Not wearing clothes wasn’t a big deal, but… Somehow it was really getting to me. It wasn’t that she would see me naked, it’s that she was controlling me.

I felt like I should be ashamed. I felt like I should be humiliated.

But all I felt was a burning desire to see where this was going.

It felt like there was a massive battle raging within me, one side of me roaring that I was a man and that I shouldn’t let this cute girl treat me this way, and the other was saying… Well, why not? Veronica was kind, sweet, and yeah maybe she was a little sadistic but I loved that about her. Why shouldn’t I love a strong woman?

It didn’t make me less of a man to see where this went right? Especially if she likes it too…

But then again, did she like it? Was this all just some act out of pity? To play into my desires because it amused her? What if she really-?

“Jasper for the love of god, it’s been 40 minutes! Food is getting cold!” Her voice cut through my overthinking and left me staring at a lightly fogged reflection of myself before I sucked in a deep breath and let it out.

It’s Veronica. You know her. You trust her. You’re just having some fun, so… Have some fun.

“Sorry my love, I’m coming! Am I allowed to wear any clothes?”

“Not unless I give you permission, and you have to earn it!” She quipped back as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Well, there you have it. Gotta stay naked. I turned and exited the bathroom to see her bent over the table as she set down a plate, giving me an incredibly nice image of her from behind and more importantly…

Her incredible legs. Against my will I imagined them around my head and to my dismay I felt an erection begin to grow just from the thought as she stood up straight and turned around, almost immediately looking down and smirking at my display.

“Awww is someone excited to see me?” She teased as she moved towards me and gave me a soft kiss, which only ensured my situation down below. “Don’t worry, we’ll give it a nice work out this week.” She whispered before giving an innocent giggle.

“Jesus, is this the kind of teasing I can be expecting for the next few weeks?” I responded playfully, but I felt the nervousness in my voice come through regardless.

“Teasing, playing… Pain.” She confirmed with a lowered voice as her hand moved to cup my balls and squeeze just a little harder than necessary, which elicited a grunt from my lips. “I think we’ve been dancing this dance long enough, time to see it through.”

I looked down at her with a million thoughts racing through my mind, and it must have shown on my face. She stared up at me, her doe eyes looking deeply into mine. It was like we were both testing our own resolve. Seeing if we were willing to go through with this. And, for the briefest moment… I swear I saw doubt in her expression.

Not a word was said but I knew we were both trying to see what the other was thinking; if we were both okay with this.

The two of us continued to stare, my balls still firmly gripped in her hand before she slowly let go and backed away. It was difficult to tell, but I felt fairly certain I saw the doubt in her eyes grow to a fully hesitant expression.

Before I could truly tell, she fully turned to grab the food almost as if she was intending to hide her face from me, and all I could do was clear my throat and sit down at the table with an awkward cough.

It was stupid to say, but we went an entire 5 or 10 minutes without saying anything, just eating in awkward silence while I nervously adjusted my entirely naked body. Every minute that passed in silence, the more a strange tension grew, like both of us were aware something was wrong but neither of us wanted to address it.

Finally, I decided to break the silence by pushing my empty plate away and looking across the table directly at her.

“What did you mean?”

She looked up from her food in surprise, blinking once or twice before responding.

“What do you mean what did I mean?”

“You said we’ve ‘danced this dance’ long enough. What does that mean?” I didn’t intend for it to be, but the statement came across somewhat aggressive like I was offended at her wording.

She looked back down at her food immediately and just gave an awkward shrug, something she always did when she had something to say but couldn’t gain the courage to say it.

“I dunno, it just sounded right at the time, I guess.”

My brow furrowed as I tried to get a read on her, trying to get any kind of understanding of what she was thinking.

“Right… So…” Once again the silence filled the room as I struggled to figure out how to continue to push. She had been so confident, so in control only minutes ago but now…

I just had no clue what was going on. It was like whiplash.

“What’s happening here, Ver?”

I watched her shoulders tense as she continued to stare at her food like it was the most interesting thing in the room.

“We’re eating dinner?”

“No, I mean between us. You’re acting really weird.”

“Sorry. I’ll stop.”

“No, that’s-” I started to snap in frustration before sighing and letting out a deep breath. “That’s not what I meant. You’re… You’re acting really confident. Which I…”

I could feel the words struggling to come out, like I was afraid to say them. Actually, I was afraid. I didn’t know why but this was terrifying for me.

“Which what?” She prompted, no small amount of frustration in her voice as she moved her red bangs out of her face and stared me down across the table. “What are you trying to say, Jasper? I’m tired of how confusing you are.”

For a moment, I was taken aback by the sudden aggression coming from someone who had been quiet only moments ago. “I… I just… Look, it’s really hard-”

“Yeah, I know it is.” She interrupted, suddenly pushing her plate back and pointing at me with an accusatory glare. Where had THIS come from? “I know it’s hard, but you know what? It’s hard for me too! I don’t know what you want. You like when I’m in control but the moment I try to do anything with that, the moment I try to pursue it, you get all weird like I’m insulting your fragile masculinity! I decided to finally just make the first move and put myself out there for you, and you’ve been acting weird and distant the moment you came in. What gives Jasper? Am I not good enough for you??? Because I’m trying here and the more I try to do what you want, the more you push away from me!”

Every word she spoke seemed to get her more riled up, and by the time she was finished she was standing as her chair clattered behind her. I was struck dumb as I tried to process everything she had said. Never before had I realized I was making her feel this way in my own insecurity, and I was feeling a mixture of guilt, concern, and even anger.

After all, it wasn’t fair to ME that she hadn’t communicated this! But then again, was it fair to her that I hadn’t communicated as well? I was struggling to find any response as she continued to glare at me with intensity, her usually cute exterior suddenly fuming with anger.

“Well??? What’s the answer, Jasper?”

I felt a lump in my throat preventing everything I wanted to say. I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to explain, I wanted to admit I loved how she was acting but I was concerned she was only doing it because I liked it and she didn’t. I wanted to admit my own masculinity was in the way, that I was unable to voice my emotions…

And, instead, my dumbass simply shrugged. “I… I’m sorry I… Don’t know.”

The smokey anger in her eyes turned to hurt as she took a step back, her lips pursed while tears began to well up. “I… I’m trying to do what you want, Jasper, y-you just… You don’t talk to me…”

As she spoke my stomach felt like it dropped to the floor and passed it, going all the way down to hell as the guilt pulled me with it. She was right. I didn’t talk, I didn’t communicate… I didn’t know how. I had always put pride in my ability to shut down my emotions, to keep everything contained…

And only now was I seeing, in real time, how hurtful that could be to the one person who wanted to understand me.

“Veronica I’m… I’m so sorry, I-I know how bad I am at sharing how I feel. I-It’s just so hard, and this whole situation is so difficult I-”

“Stop talking, Jasper.” She spoke through quivering lips, looking at me as she wiped away a single tear. “Unless you’re going to tell me, right now, what you want for once in your life, please just… Stop talking. I’m tired of the excuses.”

My mouth closed and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat. How long had this been building up? How long had I let this go on? She was on the verge of tears, and… And I had caused that. She had been trying for so long to understand and I had shut her out.

“I don’t know what I want.” I practically whispered in shame as I looked down at the table. Slowly, the silence became deafening as neither of us spoke, the only sound being small sniffles from Veronica as she wiped her nose.

“I guess you really don’t.” She whispered as she sat down once again, almost seeming defeated. “I really thought if I could get you to be submissive again like you were that night… You’d finally open up. Y-You were so… Honest that night. You were so… you. I just wanted to see that side of you again.”

It took a moment for my brain to process as I dug my nails into my thigh, trying to wrap my mind around any of this.


She didn’t look at me as she simply nodded her head weakly. “Yeah. It’s always so hard to get you to open up. And then that night you told me everything, you… you weren’t ashamed. But after that you closed down. I’d try to tease you but you always immediately pushed back… I just… I wanted to see that side of you again.”

God, how stupid could I possibly have been? This entire time I thought she was being the problem, but I was the one pushing her away! And all because… What? I was afraid to have my ego hurt?

Now look at her. She wanted this because in the time where I should have been most embarrassed… I was free. How fucking stupid could I have been?

But now, I’d ruined it. This was something we both wanted and I just couldn’t-

“Did you like it?” Her question cut through my thoughts like a hot knife through butter.

“… Yeah. Yeah I did.”

“Then why do you push back so much, Jasper?”

Fuck. If I knew the answer to that, life would be so much easier.

“I don’t know. Part of me thinks I shouldn’t let myself be treated this way. And… Part of me just…” I trailed off, not sure how to tell her. How was I supposed to be honest about this?

How was I supposed to be honest about the fact that I wanted her to prove she deserved this control of me? To prove she was in charge?


“I… I don’t really know how to say it. And I… I kind of don’t want to.” I sighed as I put my hands over my eyes. For the millionth time, silence overtook the room. I had definitely ruined this. If I had just been honest, maybe we could have salvaged it. But now… I was still pushing back. I was still being an idiot.

I still wasn’t being honest with her despite how badly I wished I could.

“Do you remember our safeword?”

I froze in surprise before peeking through my fingers. “We didn’t have one. It was just 2 firm squeezes.”

“Right. But we need a word too. How about… Chocolate?”

I couldn’t believe my ears as I sat up, looking at her in genuine confusion. “I… s-sure? Chocolate is fine? I don’t understand, what’re you trying to-MPH!?”

I was cut off as she suddenly lunged across the table, her small hand smashing into my lips and shutting me up as I stared at her in wide eyed shock. What was she doing?!

“Stop talking. You admit you want this. I want to get to know you again like that night. Obviously, you’re having a hard time fighting through your shit to understand and one of us needs to make a move.”

Every word she said was spoken with utter confidence as she looked me in the eyes with a fierce defiance. Even through her tear stained cheeks and watery eyes, I could tell she was serious.

This was Veronica. When backed against a wall, she fought. She doubled down and refused to give in, even if it was a horrible idea. And right now, I could tell how badly she wanted this from me and she was willing to risk everything for it. Never had anyone in my life desired to get to know me like this before. No one had ever cared about me like this before.

She took in a deep breath and steeled herself as she continued. “I’ve given you a safeword. You have the opportunity to say it. I…” She faltered before gritting her teeth. “…I will respect it if you do, and I will love you nonetheless. But this is something we will always wish we explored if we don’t right now. So.”

Her fingers moved from my mouth and she stared at me with great intensity, waiting for my reaction. Though she didn’t say it, it was obvious what she was waiting for. The next word out of my mouth would define the future of our relationship… Forever.

I could say chocolate. I could say chocolate and save my dignity. My confidence. My ego. I could forever go knowing I didn’t let myself get pushed around, and that I had stood up for myself.

I could be what I always imagined a man to be.


“Okay, Veronica. Where do we start?”

Her tear-stained cheeks grew to a bright red, and a giddy excitement shone in her eyes as she leaned back in her seat, looking me over while she wiped away her tears.

“We start with the obvious… Making it clear who’s in charge. On your knees, Jasper. It’s time to find out what you’ve been missing out on.”

__________________________________________________ __________________________

My heart was racing and stuck in my throat as I kneeled down on the floor, feeling the cold tile sit hard and rigid underneath me. Every sound in the room seemed muffled as I, for the first time in my life, shoved my insecurities deep within me and just let myself try and feel the moment while I kneeled at the feet of the redheaded wonder in front of me.

Her cheeks were still stained from her tears, but I could see excitement beginning to brim in her eyes as she watched me, her boyfriend, her protector… Kneel subserviently before her.

I suddenly realized she hadn’t been lying. Maybe, just maybe…

She really had wanted this as badly as I had.

“So… What now?” I managed to stutter out nervously as she slowly raised an eyebrow. It was incredible to me how quickly she could shift moods, one moment ago being so emotionally stressed to now slipping into such a dominant persona.

Part of me wondered how comfortable she felt in control… Maybe she was more comfortable with this than I thought.

“I’m not sure… This is new for both of us. But… I’ve done a little research.” She gave me a sly grin before leaning back in her chair, lounging as if she was as comfortable as anyone could be.

Without warning her leg swung up and plopped onto my shoulder, he barefoot inches from my face as she continued to look me over. I felt my skin immediately begin to heat up as I stood still, carefully observing her while trying to keep calm.

She was using me as a common house object, a simple footstool!

…Was I excited by that?

“Tell me, Jasper.” She whispered in a low, breathy voice that would have caught my attention no matter the situation. “What do you hope happens now?”

I felt struck dumb by the question as certain parts of my body throbbed, making it incredibly difficult to concentrate. What did I hope happens? Fuck if I know! I felt absolutely out of my element, entirely vulnerable…

“Isn’t… Isn’t the point that I’m not supposed to control what happens next-MPH!”

My eyes widened in surprise as her foot jumped off my shoulder and landed squarely on my lips, effectively shutting me up not because it was necessarily an effective gag but because I was legitimately shocked.

She didn’t say anything, she just stared down at me between her toes, like observing a meal she was about to reject. I felt so little, so humiliated as I kneeled naked in front of my girlfriend while she literally had her foot pressed into my face…

But that didn’t stop that strange tug of excitement in my stomach that made it feel like, somehow, I craved this.

I continued to stare back at her, enraptured, unwilling to move a muscle. What would she do next? Would she remove her foot? Would she demand something of me? What could she possibly have planned? As my mind raced with the nearly infinite possibilities…

…She pouted.

“You’re so annoying. You were supposed to say something, I’d shut you up, and say ‘it doesn’t matter what happens next, I’m in control’.” She moved to straighten her back as she said this, putting her hands on her hips and mockingly deepening her voice, however in doing so her foot pushed even further against my face and nearly caused me to topple backwards.

“S-Sorry?” I mumbled into her foot, feeling absolutely ridiculous for the act.

“Yeah, you should be mister. You stole my thunder.” She responded with a confident nod and upturned chin. She turned away from me and crossed her arms to playfully let me know how upset she was.

God damn it, even in this position, she was the cutest thing I had ever laid eyes on.

Suddenly, her eyes opened and a gleam of malicious intent filled them as she slowly looked back down at me. “So, you’re going to make it up to me, bitch.”

My eyes widened at the insult and I started to protest before she pressed her sole directly into my lips, causing me to instead have to throw my hands back behind myself to make sure I didn’t fall.

“I don’t think so, mister. You’re doing what I say and you’re not talking back to me… Right, Jasper?”

I stayed silent. I weighed my options. This is what I wanted, right? I wanted her to be in control…

Suddenly, I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I took in a deep breath and looked directly into her eyes. Yeah, maybe the bitch comment had gotten under my skin…

But, I was becoming certain that’s exactly what I wanted to experience.

“Yes ma’am.” I mumbled through her toes, to which her eyes glittered with malicious anticipation.

“Good boy.”

The simple comment burned through me like flames, reaching the center of my chest and filling me with emotions I had never felt. My muscles tensed, but my mind went blank with a pleasure I’d not ever experienced before.

Suddenly, nothing to me mattered other than hearing her say that again. I had to hear her tell me that again.

“Now, you need to make up for being such a pain in my ass, which means you have to do something for me.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Her foot finally moved off my face and she grinned down at me.

“Ohhh you’re finally catching on, I knew you could do it eventually.” With that, she stood up so quickly her chair slid behind her and she turned around to begin walking toward the living room. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

With no other explanation, I simply put my hand on the table and used it to help myself stand up. Almost instantly I felt my knees hurting from kneeling on the floor, and as I let out a small grunt she looked over her shoulder at me and let out a melodramatic sigh.

“Oh, Jasper, silly boy. I guess I haven’t set any rules.”

Darting to hers, my eyes fervently tried to search her expression to figure out what that was supposed to mean. “Did I do something wrong…?”

“No, I suppose not. But only because we haven’t quite figured this out yet.” She responded with an over the top sagely nod while she put her finger to her lips and looked at the roof like she was deeply contemplating. “See, we need to find out what we like, and what we don’t. And, right now, I don’t like that you’re taller than me.”

Although I could see where this was potentially going, and my bloodflow was certainly quickening because of it, I chose to play dumb.

“But… I am taller?”

“Not my problem. Fix it.”

“How? Should I get you some high heels or…?”

A sly grin grew on her face. “Not a bad idea, but wouldn’t be practical for how you’re going to make things up to me. No, your head needs to never be above mine if I’m in charge. How about…”

Slowly, she extended her bare foot until it was in front of her as she stretched out her hand and gave a quick and demanding snap while pointing at the floor.


My breath caught in my throat as I stared at her in shock. Sure, I had thought it might go that way but…

The way she demanded it. Her firm, calm demeanor, gleaming devilish eyes, and dimpled smirk sent me into an absolute spiral. My stomach was churning, my heart racing, and without a doubt my dick was throbbing. I had been in love with this girl as long as I’d known her, and I’d lusted after her before but this was different…

This was a different kind of love. Wordlessly, I dropped down to one knee, then to the other. Then, on all fours.

With a single word, she had me crawling on the floor behind her.

I didn’t look up at her, I almost felt as if I shouldn’t but instead just waited to hear her continuing to move forwards. For a moment, there was no sound whatsoever so I chanced a peak up at her only to see her staring directly at me with what might have been the most sensual look I’d ever seen.

“Yeah…” She practically whispered, almost sounding out of breath herself. “This feels good…” With that, she turned to walk away and as I continued to watch I realized from where I was sitting I could easily see a beautiful show underneath her sundress.

If I had needed any other reason to stay crawling behind her, that easily solved it.

Somehow, the embarrassment wasn’t lessening but instead becoming more… crave-able. I still felt ashamed, but with every shuffle, I wanted more of it. I wanted to feel more of whatever this was.

I wanted to do whatever she wanted, and I wanted to feel embarrassed about it.

As we reached the living room she sat down gracefully on the couch, putting one leg over the other as she watched me crawl the rest of the way with what almost seemed to be a giddy expression. Once I arrived and sat back up on my knees, she leaned forward.

“Still doing good?” She asked in a genuinely kind voice.

I looked up at her and almost felt like I shook out of a stupor as I took a quick glance downwards at myself, before looking back up.

“Have I said the safeword?”

Her confidence faltered as I watched her cheeks flush red. “Well, no…”

I simply gave her a single, challenging raise of my eyebrow in response and said nothing.

Her cheeks flushed even more red. “Don’t give me attitude, I’m just checking up on you! Fine. You want to be that much of a punk?” Suddenly her hand sprung out and gripped my chin, pulling me in so she could stare directly into my eyes from above. “You better be certain you know that safeword because it is the only thing that will save you from me.”

I didn’t realize it was possible, but even kneeling I could feel my knees go weak as her breath voice flowed across my face. My breathing grew heavy, and I could practically feel my pupils dilate as I stared in the face of my tormentor and felt a burning desire to know everything she had planned.

“Is that a challenge?” I whispered, knowing it would only egg her on.

“A promise.” She growled as her demeanor once again shifted to the dangerous predator I had seen those months ago. With a surprising amount of force, she shoved me backwards and with no way to catch myself this time I fell straight to the floor. Like a cat, she pounced on me and her hands wrapped around my wrists to shove them above my head while she planted herself firmly on my torso. “Ready to find out how you’re going to make things up to me?” She hissed with a sadistic grin as I prayed my heart kept from exploding from anticipation.

“D-Do I have a choice?” I responded with an attempt at confidence, but my stuttering voice betrayed how nervous I truly was.

“No, it was rhetorical.” She responded with an intense stare, looking down at me as her crimson hair cascaded down to create a curtain; leaving just her beautiful, enticing, dominant expression looking down at mine. “You promised to let me try those moves on you, remember?”

Remember? How could I forget?

“Yes… I do.”

“Mhm, well, I was just going to see if you could get out of them. Now, I’m not pulling any punches.”

I struggled to find any response for that, and instead defaulted to probably the dumbest response I possibly could. “…Do you punch in wrestling?”

Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. “It’s like you want me to hurt you.”

“…Kinda, yeah.”

“God, you really are made to be used huh?” The moment the statement left her mouth she winced a little bit, as if regretting the choice of words. “Too far?”

I let out a nervous laugh as the tension momentarily broke, shaking my head. “Nope, as long as you’re the one using me.”

“Good. Now…” Without warning she rolled off of me, leaving me on the floor blinking in surprise. I started to turn to look at her, when suddenly I felt her hand wrap around my right wrist and her foot shoved against my cheek, forcing me to look to my left. For a moment I had no clue what was happening until the feeling of her legs wrapping around the arm she had stretched out had tipped me off.

“Now hang on-AGH!” The shout of pain erupted out of my mouth more in surprise than anything as Veronica gripped me in a shockingly impressive arm bar, using her legs to provide pressure to twist my arm upwards. I tried to look at her only to feel her foot press even harder into my head, forcing it into the carpet as she ratcheted up the pressure to an near-unbearable degree that immediately had me groaning and tapping on the floor with my other hand.

“Agh, damn it Ver! I give I give!”

Quickly, the pain lessened considerably as she let me relax a bit although she did not let me go.

“Really?” She asked in genuine surprise with no small amount of smug excitement in her voice as well. “That easy? It was way harder to get you to tap last time!”

“Fuck, maybe… But that was different…” I groaned, trying to look at her only to receive the exact same treatment once again, my face being shoved forcefully into the carpet. She might have no longer been trying to get me to tap out, but I was shocked at how well she still had me trapped. I could barely move whatsoever, and with simple flexes of her muscles she could keep my head firmly locked down, and bend my arm at unnatural angles.

The truth was, with very little effort, she could have me howling with pain in less than a second and I was both incredibly surprised… And very turned on by that revelation.

And, given my naked state, I was positive she was aware of that.

“Different? Different how, huh?” She asked in a sing song tone, flexing her legs with every syllable to make me wince in pain.

“It’s not a headscissor, Ver. You’re bending my arm instead of just stopping my airflow.”

“Uh huh. But it’s still pain, which you like, right?”

I had to consider that thought for a moment. Did I like it? It was pain, but it was a little different. It wasn’t quite as arousing but at the same time-

I let out a tiny squeal of surprise as she suddenly twisted my arm again.

“What was that for?!”

“You’re not answering me. Do you like it?”

“Agh, I-It’s complicated Ver! Can you stop twisting it?”

“Sure. Just tell me you don’t like it.”

My cheeks were heating up as I tried to shift to a more comfortable position, only to have her shockingly powerful legs and feet clamp down to keep me exactly where she wanted me. Jesus, this was a legit hold! I actually felt like I couldn’t escape.

“I…” I trailed off and grit my teeth in pain. It should have been simple. I could just say I didn’t like it, and she would stop. The pain would stop…

Why didn’t I want to say it?

“Ver, look, I don’t like the pain but…”


I sucked in a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I like that I can’t stop you, I guess.”

I waited for a response, but received none. Just my arm continuing to be twisted in an uncomfortable position as she seemed to contemplate my answer, but seeing as my head was pressed away from her it’s not like I could tell. Abruptly, I felt the foot not pressed against my face move across my body, giving my arm temporary reprieve although she continued to keep a firm grip on it with her hands. Before I could ask what she was doing, a gasp was forced out of my chest as I felt her soft toes begin to teasingly glide along the length of my shaft.

“W-What are you-?” I started to ask before her toes fully wrapped around the head of my cock and she whispered two words that immediately shut me up.

“Good boy…”

My cock twitched wildly as she continued to glide her foot up and down for nearly a minute, tantalizingly driving me insane with every single movement. It was impossibly arousing, and I nearly completely forgot about her having me trapped before suddenly her leg snapped back to my arm and gave one giant pull that nearly had me yell in pain before she suddenly let me go.

“See? For every time you’re honest with me, I’ll be nice to you.” She purred as I rolled away and sat up, breathing far more heavily than I expected as I realized just how horny she had gotten me in only a minute.

I stared at her, wide eyed and absolutely dumbfounded. I could only think of one thing to say.

“T-Thank you…”

Her eyes were alight with joy, and her dimpled smile held the scheming charisma of a thousand demons.

“You’re so welcome Jasper, but don’t thank me so soon… I have so many pins to put you in. You’re mine to play with, and I have so many plans. Hopefully…” She crawled towards me and placed her face right in front of mine, her tongue darting out to run up my face as I remained frozen in absolute amazement and fear. “…You’ll be able to survive it all…”

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