Auntie Kim's Treat

An adult stories – Auntie Kim's Treat by TheseLegs,TheseLegs Clark leaned out off the curb to look around the bend in the street, then looked the other way just for something to do. He checked his phone. She was twenty minutes late, no missed calls. He considered calling her, but he was nervous enough about this trip. He always got tongue tied around Auntie Kim, ever since he was five and noticed her beautiful round breasts, threatening to spill at times from the top of her shirt. He got a little hard thinking about the hug she had given him at graduation, the last time he had seen her. Two years had gone by quickly, he hadn’t been back home. He wouldn’t even be going to his parents’ anniversary party if not for Auntie Kim’s offer to pick him up on her way.

He looked at the message arranging meeting time and place, confirming he was at the right address, and Auntie Kim was twenty-three minutes late. His mother had always complained about how unreliable she could be; a free spirit is great to have around, she said, when she decides to show up.

“Clark, is that you?” Auntie Kim walked up behind him, from the direction of the house. Dressed in a blue blouse with a plunging neckline and a skirt that split for her right thigh as she walked, she raised her arms toward him. “It’s great to see you, Kiddo! What are you doing out here? Why didn’t you come to the door?”

“I… I didn’t realize this was… I thought you were… sorry.”

Auntie Kim laughed as she embraced him. “You’re so sweet, I could just eat you up!” she said. She led him into the house by his hand, then pointed at her suitcase leaning against the island in a huge open kitchen. “Bye Honey, I’m going!”

“It was great seeing you, Kim, stop by anytime,” called a voice from the back rooms.

“Grab that,” Kim said as Clark followed her to the door. He picked up the suitcase and carried it to the car in the driveway as she popped the trunk so he could put it in.

“Is this your car?”

“You like it?” she asked, opening the shining red door of the Toyota Supra and swinging in behind the wheel.

“Yeah, it’s gorgeous. It’s perfect for you, too, you look like… You- you look good in it,” Clark stammered, blood rushing in both his heads. His jaw hanging as he looked at her, he couldn’t believe she was in her forties, in the same great, generous shape as he remembered, and her hemlines had only gotten shorter.

Auntie Kim laughed, shutting her door. Clark rounded the car and took his backpack into his hands, setting it in his lap as he sat in the seat next to hers. “You could put that in the trunk, too.”

Clark shook his head. “So whose house is this?”

“A friend of mine. We’ve been at a few of the same seminars. I got into town last night, so I called him and invited myself over,” Kim said as she backed out of the driveway. She pulled off down the quiet street with smooth control and glanced at him with a smile. “Look at you, you’ve really filled out. You look like a real man, now! How’s school?”

“It’s good,” Clark said, blushing.

“Your mom says you’ve been so busy, you haven’t been home?”


“Not once in two years?”

Clark shook his head.

“How have you been so busy for the last two years you never made it home to visit your dear old mom and dad?”

Clark shrugged, clearing his throat.

“Been too busy hitting the gym?” she asked, squeezing his forearm. “Or is your girlfriend monopolizing all your time?”

His face burning, Clark tried to get over the stutter he developed just for this occasion.

Auntie Kim laughed, and his difficulties only increased as he became even more flustered. “Relax, Clark,” she said, but how did she expect putting her hand on his leg would help with that? “Are you sure you don’t want that bag in the back–?”

“No, I do not,” he said, somewhat more forcefully than intended.

“Okay, sorry,” she said, putting her hand back on the wheel. “Do you have a girlfriend? Your mom said you have a girlfriend.” She glanced at him so he shook his head again, and she sighed. “This is going to be a really long drive.”

Clark felt his throat tighten, and he fought to control his composure. He told himself that Auntie Kim was right; this was a long trip, and he’d only managed to ruin five minutes so far. “Sorry, Auntie Kim,” he said. “I guess I’m just nervous. It’s been so long, and I messed up not figuring that you’d be at the place you told me to go. Like, duh, I’m supposed to be smart.” He laughed at himself, relieved when she laughed along. “And Marnie and I broke up a few months ago. I haven’t gotten around to mentioning it to Mom. Actually, it might be better if you did.”

Auntie Kim glanced at him with a smirk. “Like when you got that C minus in dance?”

Clark laughed harder, knocking himself a little looser. “Exactly. It’ll be easier to hear from you.”

“Well, okay, but she’ll want details, so you’re going to have to tell me a few. Too busy at school? Or at the gym?”

“School. The gym is just how I’ve been dealing with stress.”

“You must be under a lot of stress. So, what happened? Tell me everything.”

Clark settled into the bucket seat, feeling like he was thirteen again and he could tell Auntie Kim anything. Well, almost anything. “We met at work last summer break. She’s a cashier in the cafeteria, and I do prep.”

“You’re a cook?”

“No, I never cook there, just chop stuff. We started hanging out, then sort of dating, then real dating, I guess, by the end of the summer. When we went back to class, we tried to make it work, but she wanted more time than I had.”

“Such a driven young man,” Auntie Kim said, fluttering her eyelashes at him. “I hope you let her down gently.”

“Oh, she dumped me,” Clark admitted. “I kept getting wrapped up in coursework and forgetting to meet her, not returning calls… I was a bad boyfriend.”

“Well, bad for her, maybe,” Auntie Kim gave a haughty shrug. “I hate when men cling and want to spend just all the time together, you know?”

“I… I guess. Anyway, she found out I’d started going to the gym, and that was kind of her last straw. She’d been complementing the changes in my physique until she found out it took up my time. It didn’t help when I told her I work out to reduce my stress, and she kept causing more.”

“Ooh,” Auntie Kim said.

“Yeah. I still see her at work, too. It’s been awkward. I’m going to look for another job when I have time.”

“That all seems very reasonable,” Auntie Kim said. “Why didn’t you tell your mother?”

Clark looked out the window as they turned a corner, rubbing the back of his neck. “She was just so happy that I had a girlfriend.”

Auntie Kim laughed, and as always, she looked gorgeous while doing it. The morning sun shone through her deep auburn hair and over her plump lips as they curled into a smile. Clark adjusted his backpack again as her face turned and their eyes met. “Her loss. Lots of women out there appreciate a man with a lot going on.”

Clark laughed self-consciously, a high nervous sound that made him even more self-conscious.

“I mean, looking at you now, all grown up, I kind of wish I hadn’t promised your mother I’d never sleep with you.”

Clark’s jaw dropped. “You what?”

Auntie Kim laughed, slapping the wheel. “Dang it, I also promised I wouldn’t tell you that.”

“You what?!” Clark asked. “Are you being serious right now?!”

She glanced at him, winking.

Clark’s mind raced with all the possibilities of why she might say such a thing, his heart pounding in his ears. Was it possible his mother really told Auntie Kim not to sleep with him, a clear indication that Auntie Kim actually did want to sleep with him? She was probably just kidding around, she always had a weird sense of humor, but what embarrassed a few short years ago, he suddenly found arousing. “Did you promise about this trip specifically?”

Auntie Kim laughed, “No, you were about eight or nine. You brought us cake, and you did this adorable thing where you bowed and kissed my hand.”

“I remember.”

“Do you really?”

“Yes, Milady.” He’s been obsessed with knights and chivalry when he was nine.

Auntie Kim laughed, and when she glanced at him, she seemed to be blushing. “Well, I said something about if you were ten years older, and your mother took me to task. ‘You’re his godmother for fuck’s sake!'” She imitated Clark’s mother, and it made him smile as always, “‘Just because you’ll do it with anybody, you’d take advantage of my poor innocent boy!'”

Clark swallowed slowly, “She… she thought you’d do that?”

“Right? Just because I sleep with a lot of people, it doesn’t mean I don’t have standards. It just happens that anyone I want, I get.”

“Well, except me,” Clark said, and she glanced at him with an eyebrow raised. “Since you promised my mom.”

“Right,” she agreed, laughing. “So tell me about school.”

Clark told her about school, the heavy classwork that came with a biochemical engineering degree and Auntie Kim seemed to be awake at the end, which was good because she was driving. She told him about her recent projects, like the consulting job for the hotel where they would be staying that evening. In one way, their conversation felt a little like a time machine, like the last two years hadn’t even happened, but in another, their relationship had a whole new dynamic. Now that Clark was an adult, one she found attractive judging by her glances, he felt more confident. He felt like she was interested in what he said and not just humoring him. Now that he was more mature, he was able to imagine with more realism that she would spend the evening seducing him. That would be great for when he was alone in his hotel room later, masturbating.

With the good conversation and the pleasure of looking at Auntie Kim, the day of driving flew by. Every time he made her laugh, he tucked the sound and image carefully into his memory, for later. He loved to make her laugh and smile, make her glance at him with her brow arched, and when she touched his arm or hand for any reason. It happened a lot over eight hours, but it never stopped thrilling him to feel her warmth on his skin.

Dusk was falling firmly into night when she pulled into the shining plaza of what had to be the fanciest hotel in the city. The sheltered driveway was around a huge, well-lit fountain surrounded by small but colorful garden plots. By the time Clark finished marveling at it, valets had opened the doors and ushered them out. One of them greet Kim by name, standing very close to her, and then spared a sneer for Clark as he rounded the front of the car.

Auntie Kim glanced at Clark, smiling as she whispered something, and the valet laughed as he stepped back, then caught her car keys. “Take extra special care of her for me, okay Bobby?”

“You bet, Mrs. H,” Bobby said, sliding into the seat.

Clark watched the car roll away until Auntie Kim beckoned him forward with a tug at his hand. “Mrs. H?” he asked, still looking back.

“His last name is Hernandez. Just wishful thinking on his part, as I keep telling him.”

Clark tried to work out a witty comment but remained stuck on the fact that Bobby Hernandez wasn’t much older than he was.

“Pick that up for me,” said Auntie Kim, pointing at her suitcase. “Let’s go up to the room first, then we’ll have to do a bit of shopping, then dinner.”

“What are you shopping for?”

“A jacket for you, for starters. I bet you were planning to show up to your parents’ do in that hooded sweater, weren’t you?”

“It’s my best hooded sweater,” Clark said. “Listen, Auntie Kim, I’m already mooching this ride, I can’t let you…”

“You can’t let me?” Auntie Kim cut him off. “You listen, Clark. Dragging you back home to go to this party is my anniversary gift to your folks, and I’ll be damned if my present is going to show up wrapped in a hoodie. You won’t ask for anything, so I’m just gonna give it to you. You’re going to take it, and instead of arguing with me, you’re gonna say ‘thank you, Auntie Kim, you’re beautiful when you’re being so kind and generous.'”

“Thank you, Auntie Kim. You’re so gorgeous when magnanimous, it makes me want you to give me even more stuff.”

She laughed. “I’m only going to buy you stuff I like, though.”

“That’s probably for the best, but I was referring specifically to dinner.”

“Of course, kiddo,” she said, linking his arm with hers. “This whole weekend is my treat. I could see the look on your face when I described the restaurant, but money is truly no object here.”

“Thank you so much, Auntie Kim,” he said. “Your generosity is only surpassed by your loveliness.” He added, “I’m really hungry.”

“Do you want to grab something from the café while I check in? Don’t ruin your appetite though.”

“Never,” he said, trying not to let his gaze wander over her curvy form as he stepped away from her. “I’ve always got an appetite.”

“Put it on my account. Anything you want, it’s on me.”

“Thanks, Auntie Kim,” he said.

The muffins were eight dollars each! Cookies were four, pieces of cake twirling beneath the lights in the display case ranged in price from sixteen to nineteen dollars. Clark rubbed the back of his neck. “Two chocolate chip cookies and a cup of coffee, please, and Kim Merchant said to charge it to her room.”

The barista looked him up and down, appearing unimpressed. “Your key?”

“Kim went to go check in, she said…”

“I need a key or cash.”

“Keep it, then,” Clark said. Walking back across the lobby, he met Auntie Kim and she already looked annoyed, so he didn’t mention being turned down at the café. He didn’t have to.

“Who was working the counter?” she asked, leading the way back.

“I didn’t catch his name.”

“I can already guess,” she said. Her cheeks and lips were flushed, her eyes narrowed as they entered the café off the main foyer and set on the barista. “Yup, exactly what I expected.”

The Barista paled when he glanced up and noticed their approach. His lips moved in the words, ‘oh shit’. He tried to look busy as they reached the counter, then greeted them with a smile and a very poor attempt at surprise, as though just noticing who had come in. “Oh, Ms. Merchant,” he said. “Welcome back, can I help you?”

“You can explain to me how you keep forgetting about the arrangement I have here.”

“I… I didn’t, but…”

“I was standing right here when Carol explained to you that anything I want, anything my guests want, is provided without delay. This man is my guest, so give him a fucking muffin.”

“He asked for cookies, and I didn’t think he could be a guest of yours. The way you’ve gone on about your standards…”

“I didn’t realize I was such hot shit around here people pretend to know me just to get free cookies!” Auntie Kim said. “You think this guy is below me, you little prick? Below you? Because he doesn’t fit the mold? Because you think I bring too many guests here for the night? Because you don’t get that this snobby fucking attitude of yours is what I find so unappealing? Give the man his fucking cookies.”

“Here you are, sir,” said the barista, not without sarcastic emphasis on the last word, as he handed the cookies over on a plate.

Clark took them off the plate and took a bite of one. “Thanks,” he said.

“You still want that coffee, too? How do you take it?”

“Sure, thanks,” said Clark. “Black.”

“A pleasure to serve the newest boy-toy of the illustrious Kim Merchant,” the barista assured him with a smile and a wink. “Enjoy your stay.”

Clark stepped back with his coffee and took a sip as Auntie Kim stepped up to the counter. “My standards certainly aren’t defined by your approval, you waste of breath.”

“It’s none of my business,” he said, straightening his tie. “You’ve made that clear.”

“Good. Come along Clark,” she said. She turned on her heels and Clark watched her a moment, shoving the entirety of the second cookie in his mouth so he could pick up her suitcase.

“You must have a huge cock,” the barista said, his voice low. He frowned at Clark shaking with cookie-muffled laughter. “What’s your secret, you lucky little fuck?”

“It’s a secret,” Clark replied with his mouth full before following the woman from the café. She moved fast across the foyer, up the huge set of steps that narrowed by about half as it curved around the reception area. He had to jog up the stairs to join her side by the time they reached the second floor.

“Are you okay, Auntie Kim?” he asked.

She sighed, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about that.”

“About what? Walking too fast?”

She laughed. “No, about that guy being a dick to you. About my reaction to it. I was already annoyed because they shifted my reservation.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s a convention at the arena tomorrow, antiques or something. They filled up, so they changed my reservation to my usual room.” She stopped at a dark oak door labelled, ‘Executive Suite’ and slid her key card through the slot.

The lights came on as they entered the elegantly furnished sitting room of the suite, the kitchenette and very large closet on the right side. Clark walked past that, placing Kim’s suitcase on a round table and sliding his backpack off to set on a chair. “This is really fancy,” he said, looking around at the amenities.

“Only one bedroom, though,” Auntie Kim said, frowning. “How do you feel about the couch? I could have them bring a cot up.”

Clark fell onto the soft, luxuriant cushions of the sofa and bounced into laying position. “It’s nicer than my bed,” he assured her, putting his hands behind his head. At first, he thought his easy-going approval put a smile back on Auntie Kim’s beautiful lips, but the movement of her eyes over his body as she stood over him made him reconsider. He liked her attention but became self-conscious in it. He cleared his throat as he sat.

“Sorry,” she said, snapping out of her daze. “I must be tired from the road. Let’s get you dressed and then we can eat and go to bed. I mean I can,” she corrected herself hurriedly. “We’ll eat but not… I’ll go to bed, you’ll go to couch.”

Clark liked the way her cheeks darkened in his gaze as he stood next to her. “Sure thing, Auntie Kim,” he said. “Thanks for everything. My desire for you to buy me stuff is only matched by my desire for you.” He laughed awkwardly when she stepped back side-eyeing him. “Too much?”

She laughed back, shaking her head as she walked to the door. He wanted to step up behind her and hold her but didn’t. He wanted to touch her so bad he ached, but he didn’t. His heart began to beat faster when she took his arm again, holding his hand. She told him as they walked about how the hotel had several high-end boutiques, explaining the synergy of the operation. She picked him out very nice clothes that had no prices, even the socks and underwear were probably worth a fortune. She bought him a pair of shoes and a pen that came in a case. He didn’t want any jewelry, but she still bought a silver cross on a thick chain because his mother would like it. Outfitted, he looked at himself in the full-length mirror. As he straightened his tie, Auntie Kim came up next to him. Her plump lips parted breathlessly but closed again without saying anything. She blushed as she nodded. “Presentable,” she said. “I guess we can finally get something to eat.”

Clark rubbed his hands together, then offered her his arm. “Milady,” he said, bowing like he had when he was nine. She took his arm and leaned against him as they walked to the restaurant. She was obviously proud to be seen with him, and that made him proud.

They shared a bottle of wine at dinner, though not evenly. She said he could just have one glass, but he didn’t mind. When Auntie Kim drank wine, she was so much fun. She was bubbly and couldn’t seem to keep her hands still, always stroking her glass or her face, the edge of the table, sometimes his hand or his arm. She laughed at almost everything he said, and her strange sense of humor got even more brazen, until it was harder to tell if she really was just kidding.

When they went back to the room, Clark carefully hung his fancy clothes in the closet as per Auntie Kim’s instructions.

“That looks good,” she said. She wasn’t looking at his clothes-hanging technique, but the frame left bare apart for a tank top and boxers. Clark curled his fists upward, flexing his arms and his shoulders, gratified by the involuntary smile on the face of a woman who appreciated a well-shaped man. “Stop tempting me, you little devil,” she said, brushing at her shoulder as she turned away.

Clark hadn’t seen the gesture in six months, since his parents had visited. He hadn’t known Kim to do it. “What are you so tempted about? All this?” He asked, and when she turned back, he kissed his left bicep.

Auntie Kim laughed hard, breaking the tension and making her fall onto the sofa. The split in her skirt reached her hip as the fabric crumpled at her waist. He tried to stop staring at the gorgeous roundness of her butt as it jiggled, but at least she was too busy giggling to notice. He motivated himself to go into his backpack for track pants when he glanced down and saw his half-mast flagpole bouncing free in salute.

Properly covered by the time Auntie Kim pulled herself together, Clark joined her on the sofa. She wiped her eyes still, grinning at him as he settled into the lavish upholstery. “You’re such a funny guy, Clark,” she said. “You won’t be single long.”

“Is that an offer?’ he asked. “I hope that’s an offer.”

Auntie Kim laughed and slapped his knee, having to lean over so far to do it that he could glimpse the edges of the cups of her bra between her breasts. “That’s not an offer, no.”

“That’s okay, I’m kind of leaning toward what you said, at least for now. Focusing on my own stuff, you know?”

“As all those who follow my advice, you’re making a very wise decision.”

“I knew you’d approve.”

“It can get lonely sometimes, though.”

“Even when you get everyone you want?”

Auntie Kim glanced at his through her eyelashes. “Almost everyone.”

Clark felt himself blush, and he adjusted himself a little closer to her on the couch. He had wanted her before, he had always wanted her, but he felt his longing acutely when she was so close to him. He knew now that she wanted him, too, and she was so used to getting what she wanted, it gave him the confidence to reach for her. He put his hand on her shoulder as he leaned toward her. “You can have me, if you want. Just for tonight.”

“No, no,” she said. “Your mother…”

“We wouldn’t tell her.”

“Clark, don’t even joke about it. Do you know how hard this is for me?”

“I know how hard something else is for you.”

She stared at him a moment before she burst out in shrieking laughter. He took his hand back, placing them together in his lap. Even though he wasn’t laughing, he wasn’t joking, he still loved to make her laugh. “You’re too cute,” she told him. “We should get some rest, though, we have a long way to go tomorrow.”

“Right,” Clark agreed. “Sorry, Auntie Kim. You’ve done so much for me today, I’m really grateful, and you’re just so beautiful. I’ll stop being so irresistible if you will.”

“I’ll try,” she said with a chuckle, squeezing his knee as she stood. “Goodnight, Clark. I’m going to bed.”

“Okay,” he sighed. “Goodnight, Auntie Kim. I’ll stay here, on couch.”

He was happy to make her laugh once more before she retired into her room, and he smiled as he lay back on the sofa, which was almost long enough to lay out flat. He closed his eyes to relive all he laughs and smiles of the day, adjusting his dick as it began to swell. Settling deeper between the soft cushions, he stroked his member slowly, bringing himself to throbbing rigidity with lustful thoughts of Auntie Kim. He put one hand on the pillow next to his head, imagining it was her breast. His hand moved faster at as he thought about her body, and especially about their bodies together. He was on the cusp of orgasm when her bedroom door opened, and once his hand was out of his pants, he froze.

He watched Auntie Kim through the dark as she drew a glass of water and drank it. He stayed still when she turned to him, and she seemed to be watching him. His heart pounded, wondering if she could see his erection from where she stood, or his hand’s proximity to it. He wondered what she was thinking, if she really wanted him as much as he did her. He wondered why she was standing there staring at him.

“Auntie Kim?” he said.

She jumped a little. “Sorry, did I wake you?”

“I wasn’t sleeping. Are you okay?” He could barely make her out as she shook her head, stepping closer. She wore flowing pajamas that shimmered as she moved. “Auntie Kim? What’s the matter?”

“I can’t sleep in there, knowing you’re here,” she said. Clark sat as he waited for her to elaborate, which she did in a quivering voice, “Of course you couldn’t sleep either, all crammed into this little couch. You take the bed, I’ll sleep here.”

“Don’t be silly, this is crazy comfortable. It’s just because I had coffee earlier.”

“That was my fault, too,” she said. “I just won’t feel right unless you’re in a proper bed.”

“I’m not taking your bed, Auntie Kim. This is all you,” he motioned around at the fanciest room he had ever been in. “I’m fine here.”

“It’s ridiculous that I’d be in that huge bed all alone, and you’d be stuck here. I won’t be able to sleep.”

“Are you… inviting me into you bed?”

“It’s a king-sized bed!” Her voice was a little squeaky with embarrassment or excitement. “There’s so much space, we wouldn’t even have to touch each other!”

Clark smiled as he stood. He noted her downward glance and felt no shame in his arousal. “Thank you, Auntie Kim. You’re so fucking sexy when you share so much with me.”

Auntie Kim bit her lip, and he followed her into the bedroom. They lay down together without speaking, without touching. “Goodnight,” she whispered as she rolled over.

He closed his eyes, conscious of every movement he made, even his breathing, and simultaneously conscious of hers. He wished he knew what she wanted, how he could give it to her. He considered all the ways he could touch her, but he wasn’t comfortable enough to do that, despite all the flirting, despite what could even be interpreted as an invitation. Considering for so long only made him harder, but he began to wonder if she had fallen asleep. The body next to him in the bed was warm, laying on her side facing away, her slow breathing showed none of the tension he felt. After watching her drink most of a bottle of wine, he supposed she must be sleeping, and he chanced moving slightly away. She was right about the quality of the mattress; he couldn’t imagine that his movements would disturb her.

In the low light, he studied the sensuous curves of Auntie Kim’s body and imagined reaching over to touch her, to stroke the soft bare skin of her upper arm. He imagined what she would do if he pressed up against her, and in his imagination, she turned to him smiling. She touched his face, leaned toward him to place her lips to his. She took his hand to guide it to her breast.

He closed his eyes, trying to will the thoughts away, but that only made it easier to picture her full, red lips parting to kiss him. He told himself to stop, he tried to imagine her being angry about his perversions, but then he recalled the angry Auntie Kim who had told off the Barista, and how hot she had been when her annoyance manifested in dominance. His dick throbbed.

As smoothly as he could, Clark turned from the sleeping woman, but that couldn’t stop his thoughts. He registered the warmth of her back even though they weren’t touching, and couldn’t stop thinking of her lips, the perfect red lips he had been watching laugh and smile all day. Sometimes she bit her bottom lip, a bashful gesture that he thought signified arousal. He couldn’t keep his hand away from his rigid cock as he thought of her perfect plump lips opening to take the head of it into her mouth. Auntie Kim’s body was so close to his, so soft and warm, and he touched himself as he imagined touching her.

Very soft and slow at first, he stroked his member, imagining that Auntie Kim was pressed up against him, reaching around him. His hand moved faster as he imagined the things she might whisper into his ear. His breathing became harder, his shaking more intense, but he told himself that the mattress was so good, she wouldn’t be able to feel his movements.

He froze when her hand came to a rest on his arm. Auntie Kim must have rolled in her sleep, and now she was holding him. It felt so good, and yet was intolerable.

“Everything alright?” she asked. Her arm tightened around his. “You’re trembling.”

Clark didn’t know what to say. He remained quiet, even trying to breathe silently. His alarm at being caught by her did nothing to subdue his erection. Her touch, the gentle pressure of her bosom resting on his back, kept blood rushing to his manhood. It throbbed in his hand, the one at the end of the arm in Auntie Kim’s gentle grip that still moved toward his wrist.

“You naughty boy,” her sultry voice tickled his ear. “Don’t you know how hard I’ve tried?”

“What were you trying to do?” Clark asked.

“I was trying to ignore how much I wanted this,” she said, her hand now over his, adding slight pressure to his rigid manhood. “I want this so bad, but I try to put it aside. I don’t want to take advantage of my sister’s child. Even if you’re a gorgeous man now, strong and so sweet, I know I shouldn’t want you. I tried so hard not to want you.”

“Oh Auntie Kim, me too,” he said. He slipped his hand out of the way and she gasped when her fingers met his rigid member, drawing back only for a second before he put his hand over. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“I shouldn’t,” she moaned, stroking him with his encouragement.

“It’s nice,” he whispered, turning to her. He kept one hand over his and put the other on her face. He caressed her cheek with his thumb and her large eyes turned up to meet his, sparkling through the dimness. “You’re so pretty.”

“Clark, we can’t…”

He coaxed her lips closer, turning her face upward, and met them gently with his. “You’ve got me so fucking horny, Auntie Kim. I tried, too. I know it’s… I know we shouldn’t, but I can’t help wanting you. I can’t help needing you.”

“Oh, Clark,” she said, meeting his lips again. This time they opened slightly, her playful tongue darting against his. She gasped when he touched her breast, moaned when he squeezed it, and shifted her grip on his dick when he began to rub the generous mounds. “Oh, Baby…”

“Your breasts are so fucking perfect,” he said. He took down two buttons for a better look. “I’ve always wanted to touch them, I’ve imagined my hands on them like this so many times, but they feel even better than I thought.”

“Mm, Baby, yeah, they feel good when you touch them like that,” she panted. “Touch them more, make them feel even better.”

She kept rubbing his dick as he devoted both hands to the worship of her tits, enjoying the fullness, the softness, the warmth of them. He kissed her lips, then her neck, then bent to the tops of those beautiful slopes. He kissed her breasts, licked them. He buried his face between them to surround himself in the sexy sight and smell and feeling of her flesh. He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked, twirling around it with his tongue.

Auntie Kim moaned, writhing as she rolled to her back. He leaned over her to keep licking and sucking her breasts as he took the last button of her pajamas down and bared her chest fully. Even in the dark, he could see that she blushed beneath his gaze. That sudden shyness from a woman never afraid of going after what she wanted aroused him even more; he was forbidden fruit to her. He bent to her, kissing her lips with passion that had been building acutely all day. More generally, he had fantasized about this almost his whole life.

“You cock is throbbing in my hand,” she said. “It’s big and hard, Baby. It’s so dirty to be turned on by your young cock, but I can’t help it. It looks good, feels good, smells good. I want to taste it.”

She sat and then rolled to her knees, her hand remaining on his throbbing manhood and at least one of his on her breasts at all times as she positioned herself over him. He watched intently as she glanced at him, smiling, her tongue teasing him at the edge of her plump red lip before venturing out against the head of his dick. Her touch was like electricity, jolting him, making his loins spasm. She glanced at him, pleased by his reaction, as her tongue moved around his swollen head, taking a drop of precum from the tip.

“Yes,” he whispered as more of his dick disappeared into her soft, wet mouth. “Yes, your hot sexy mouth feels so good on me, Auntie.”

She left shining saliva on his shaft as her tongue moved up it, then took more into her mouth. She sucked on tight as she raised her head, her eyes on his. He stroked her hair as she went down on him deeper. He pulled her nipples upward, and she raised herself enough to bring his slick member between her squishy pillows, squeezing them around his throbbing cock. The look on her face as she let him slide between her tits was one of longing, of hunger.

“Your dick is tasty, Clark,” she told him, licking the tip as it emerged from between the bulging breasts. “I love to take it in my mouth and taste your manly flavor. I want to taste your tangy cum and swallow it, keep it inside me.”

Auntie Kim went down on him again, bobbing her head faster, taking him deeper. He bit his lip as he tried not to come so soon, but his day of excitement and her insistent sucking was too much. The maddening pressure built in his member and deep in his loins, overwhelming him with sensation after the last few months without physical contact from another person. Auntie Kim kept sucking, swallowing his spunk down like a suckling animal, until he stopped shaking from his climax.

“Thank you, Auntie Kim,” Clark said, stroking her cheek as she took his softening dick out of her mouth. “I appreciate what you’ve given me almost as much as I appreciate your exquisite beauty.”

“Clark,” she said, averting her gaze uncertainly.

“I love how you make me feel,” he told her, guiding her face up, meeting her eyes. “I want to make you feel as good as I do.” He kissed her, unbothered by the bitter taste of his ejaculate on her tongue, and she kissed him back, opening her mouth invitingly.

Their hands entered one another’s clothing as their lips and tongues played. Auntie Kim’s silk pajamas drifted to a heap on the floor, followed by the undershirt she’d bought him, his underwear, then her panties. She lay back as he pushed her legs open, gazing up at him as he gazed down on her. His hand ran tickling along the back of her thigh, shifting her butt closer to the edge of the bed so he could go off the end of it and still reach her pulsing separation with his mouth. He licked her soft, deep pink flesh, noting the level of excited moisture dribbling from her hole.

“Mm, Auntie Kim, your pussy is so pretty,” he said, studying the delicate folds. “I’ve always wanted to see it. As long as I’ve known cunnilingus was a thing, I’ve wanted to taste your sexy juices. I’ve dreamed of it.”

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. She writhed in his hands as he licked her, soft and slow at first, experimental, but as he discovered her most sensitive areas, he became bolder in his touches and licks. He played around her vagina with two fingers, moisture flowing freely as he licked and sucked her clitoris. “Oh, fuck, yes…”

He licked down her labia, pushing her legs wider, letting saliva from his watering mouth mix with her viscous juices. “Yes, Auntie, your juices are flowing, and they’re so delicious. So fucking good.”

Auntie Kim cried out, the compliments getting her pussy even wetter, he slurped lustily as he moved back to her clit, and it throbbed between his lips. He pushed his fingers into her as her hips began to move faster, with a growing urgency. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, oh god, oh, oh…”

His fingers entered her with wet slurping as he pleasured her orally, loving the sucking feeling on them and wondering what it would be like to have his penis inside her instead. It twitched toward rigidity at the thought. Giving Auntie Kim this orgasm was getting him stiff, her breathy cries, rolling eyes, and trembling hips. “You’re so sexy,” he said between licks. “You’re so hot. You taste so good.”

“Oh, oh, oh fuck,” she moaned, her legs tightening until her ass came off the bed, pressing her trembling flesh to his mouth. Her pussy gushed as she shook harder, screaming at her climax and shaking spasmodically until she collapsed back into a pile of bedclothes. “Oh, Clark…”

“Mm, Auntie Kim,” he replied, grinning a shining wet smile as he climbed back onto the bed, over her panting form. “Auntie Kim, your sexy screaming and shaking has me hard again.”

“Hard again already?” she chuckled. “I love twenty-year-olds.”

“We love you, too,” he replied. He kissed her breast, bit gently, then moved his slimy lips up over her clavicle, kissing her neck and her ear. She met his lips with hers, opening her mouth, no shyer of her flavor than he had been of his. Their sexy flavors met on their tongues, their kisses wet and sloppy as he positioned his throbbing member against the hole even wetter and sloppier. “We want to make love to you.”

“Clark, it’s wrong…”

“No,” he said. “Nothing this good is wrong. It doesn’t matter if you’ve known me since I was a baby, I’m a man now, and I can decide what’s right for me. It feels so fucking right to be with you, Auntie Kim. Touching you feels great and amazing and not wrong at all.”

“It feels good, but…”

He kissed her before she could negate the simple fact that it felt good. If it was good, it couldn’t be bad, something that felt so right couldn’t be wrong. Her womanhood called to him, he could feel her pulsing invitation in the bottom of his dick as he stroked her with it. “I want you so bad, Auntie.”

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Oh, Clark… oh please…”

“Yes,” he said, “Yes, I’m going to give it to you.”

“Oh, fuck,” she moaned louder. “Yes, give it to me, Clark.”

Clark’s breath caught in his throat at her words, then he took a deep one as he lined up the head of his moist dick with her pulsing snatch. He pushed it into her slowly for his first insertion, and to maximum depth. “I’m inside you, Auntie Kim,” he whispered. “You feel so soft and warm inside.”

“You’re so dirty,” she said, panting in pleasure, writhing on his hard meat. “I thought you were such a good boy.”

“I was a good boy,” he said, beginning to withdraw for another thrust. The second came faster, harder, and he smiled as she cried out softly. “I’m a man, now. A man who knows what he wants.”

“Fuck me, Clark,” Auntie Kim moaned. “You’ve grown into such a man.”

Clark thrust harder still and pushed himself deep, swirling his hips and hoisting her into his lap. He pulled her into his arms and after bouncing her a few times, she began to move faster on her own. She kissed him as she rode him, sucking on his lips hungrily as she took his cock, her fingers in his hair. He pulled her large breasts up with his hands so he could lick and suck them, hardening inside her more at this silky soft stimulus. “Oh god, Auntie, I love your big squishy titties so fucking much.”

“I love that you love them, Baby,” Auntie Kim. “I can feel your love in the way you touch them, and your love feels really nice.”

“Yeah,” he sighed into her boobs, nuzzling them.

She rode him faster, rolling her hips. “Oh,” she said each time she dropped her privates onto his, driving them together harder. She screamed, throwing her head back as her back arched, when he bit her breast. She recovered panting, and they kissed as he withdrew to set her down on the bed.

Leaning forward, Clark lay her down on the silk sheets and took a grip on her hips to turn her over. He pulled her up at her waist until she was on her knees and took a moment to feel her out. Her vagina twitched around his fingers, her clit was slick and swollen, every flap and fold were wet and hot. Her dripping wet hole seemed to suck on the head of his cock as he placed it at the opening, and he thrust in.

“Yes,” she said. “Yes,” each time he pushed his dick into her. “Baby, your forbidden dick feels so fucking good in me.”

“I love putting my dick in you, Auntie Kim,” he said.

“Yes,” she said.

“You feel so good inside, your pussy is so wet and ripe.”

Auntie Kim made a humming noise, her hips jerking, as he manipulated her clitoris with two fingers. He thrust harder, filling her deeper and faster, as her tight pussy became tighter around him. Her clitoris swelled, throbbing insistently beneath his touch. Her pussy contracted as her strange humming became louder and less harmonious.

He lifted one of her legs, rolling her to her side, and leaned down to kiss her mouth. Her body began to jerk and writhe in pleasure it couldn’t contain. Her cries of ‘yes’ became louder. Squeezing one breast as she came on his dick, Clark buried himself deep inside and let the intense contractions of the flesh within her squeeze his sensitive muscular organ.

“Mm, Baby, you’re making me come!” Auntie Kim said. “It feels so good, Clark!” She screamed, bucking around him, as he pounded her hard, pushing her into the expensive mattress from above.

“I’m going to come soon, too,” he said, panting. He leaned tighter against her, then pulled her over with him as he rolled to his back. She landed straddling him, barely missing a beat in the rhythm of their pleasure.

“Your cock is so strong,” Auntie Kim moaned, grinding him deep into her. “I already took some into my belly from the top, now I want more…”

“Auntie Kim…”

“Mm, Baby, you’re so sexy, you’ve got me thirsty down there, too. I want another load of your cum inside me.”

“But Auntie…”

“I want to take your warm cum into me Clark. Please, please, give it to me…”

He closed his eyes as he felt his climax approach, overtaking his senses. He knew nothing but pleasure, sheer bliss, for a few seconds as he unloaded deep inside her twitching womanhood, completing the depraved act he had been imagining most of his life.

Clark set the woman down and she flopped to her back, she let her leg fall to the side as a thick trickle of cum escaped her pulsing orifice. “You look so sexy with my semen inside you, Auntie Kim,” he whispered, brushing hair away from her face so he could kiss her.

“Such a man you’ve become, Clark,” she murmured, smiling. “You don’t really need to call me that anymore.”

“I know,” he said. He lay down with her, holding her. “I just think it’s super fucking hot.”

“Me too, Baby,” she said, chuckling.

“You’ve really inspired me,” he murmured. “You’re so open in your sexuality, and I think you’ve got the right idea about more flexible relationships. I’m ready to tell my mom about Marnie, and how I’m not interested in an involvement like that right now.”

“Even if your mother never finds out about this, she’s going to blame me,” Auntie Kim said. “She always said I would be a bad influence.”

“You’re a great influence, Auntie Kim. I mean, if you’re up for it, I could see road trips home a couple of times a year.”

“I like how you think,” she said, snuggling against him. “And I really like how you fuck.”

“Thank you, Auntie Kim. You’re so pretty when you give me praise.”


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