Birthday Stripper

An adult stories – Birthday Stripper by DanDraper,DanDraper ***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.



Ethan Myers woke up that morning with a sense of enthusiasm but, at the same time, was very cautious about how the day would go. Like most people, he is happy it’s his birthday, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up on how good of a day it may be, considering how his previous few birthdays have gone.

He got out of bed, changed out of his pajamas for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. After he washed up in the bathroom, we went downstairs to the kitchen, where his mother, Linda, was waiting for him with her usual pancake birthday breakfast waiting for him.

“Happy Birthday!” she said out loud and ran towards her son.

They gave each other a big hug. Ethan was about to walk away but she grabbed his head with both hands and kissed him several times around his face. The last kiss was on the lips, and it stayed there for a few seconds. He hated when she did that, especially when the last kiss went on the lips, but she only did it on his birthday, so he let it slide. Like the pancake breakfast, the kissing was just a yearly tradition with her. It made her happy, so he let her do it.

They sat down for their breakfast. Ethan was devouring the pancakes. Ever since he was about six years old, she made him a large stack of blueberry pancakes for his birthday, with whip cream on top. She made it other times throughout the year, but she always made sure she did it for his birthday.

“So, are you excited to be going out for your 21st birthday?” she asked.

“I’m sure it will be alright,” he replied, still downplaying his enthusiasm.

“It should be better than alright. You’re finally allowed to legally drink alcohol; it’s a milestone,” said Linda. “Sure, you’ve been drinking beer for a few years now; I drink with you sometimes, but you can now legally go to bars and other places to drink with your friends.”

“Sure, it will be great to be able to go to places without worrying about being carded. But if I’m going to be honest with you, based on my previous birthdays, I’m not getting my hopes up until I’m sure nothing bad will happen today.”

Ethan had every good reason to worry. He had nothing but bad luck on his birthdays and just didn’t want to set himself up for disappointment.

Around his 18th birthday, the COVID-19 epidemic started, and everything was shut down. He was in his last semester of high school and had to stay home to finish out the year online. He wasn’t going to do much for his birthday that year since he was only 18 and it was the middle of the semester, but he was hoping to at least have a good get-together with his friends. By the time things began opening up again, it was several months later, and it was far too late to do anything for his birthday.

On his 19th birthday, there was a major snowstorm that shut down everything in town. The storm lasted a few days before it finally stopped, and by then the whole town was more concerned with plowing the streets, getting back to work, and getting kids back to school. Ethan had a party planned to make up for his 19th birthday, but the storm put the party on hold. By the time everything was settled, the idea for a party had just been forgotten.

On his 20th birthday, he was in the hospital with appendicitis. He let the symptoms of it go too long because he thought he was just having a stomachache; because of that, he had to stay longer in the hospital than it normally would take to get the toxins out of his system. Once again, his party plans were canceled. His friends did visit him in the hospital to hang out, but only two at a time because of the hospital’s visitation rules. It was still the same; they visited him nonetheless.

Now it was his 21st birthday, a very big milestone for most young Americans. This year, there was no pandemic to worry about; the weather was good, and he was in perfect health. He couldn’t foresee any problems for his birthday, but at the same time he didn’t want to get his hopes up until he was sure nothing could go wrong.

“I know you’ve had some bad luck the last few years, but you should still try to be more optimistic about the outcome,” said Linda. “You don’t want those strippers to see you pouting, do you?”

Ethan was about to take another bite of his pancakes but stopped when he heard her mention strippers.

“How did you know we were going to a strip club tonight?” he asked.

“Please, it’s your 21st birthday. There’s mostly one thing men your age would want to do as soon as they can legally go there.”

“You’re ok with me going to a strip club?”

Linda laughed. “It would be very hypocritical of me to be against it, don’t you think?”

Linda was referring to the fact that for several years of her life, she worked as a stripper. She started right after high school, when she wanted to get out of her mother’s house because they weren’t getting along. A friend of hers who graduated a year earlier told her how much money she was making from dancing and convinced Linda to give it a try.

Linda was never too shy about her body and thought it was a great way to make a living. She was a beautiful woman with long red hair, a slim frame, and a perfect set of double-D tits. She liked the attention she got from her looks, especially how men threw themselves at her. Because of this, she made a killing as a stripper.

She stopped briefly when she was 22, when she found out she was pregnant with Ethan with her then boyfriend. They got married, and she decided to become a stay-at-home wife and mother, something she really enjoyed. But a couple of years later, the marriage failed after he ran off with another woman, never looking back. Needing to take care of her son, she went back to stripping while her mother, whom she got back on good terms with, moved in with them to help take care of Ethan while she worked. Her mother was surprisingly supportive of her career choice.

When Ethan was in his last year of middle school, she decided it was time for a career change. She mostly did it because she was afraid of what might happen if kids at Ethan’s school found out that she was a stripper and gave him hell for it, especially when he was about to enter high school as a freshman in the next school year. She saw nothing wrong with being a stripper, but she knew how kids can be, and she didn’t want him to have any trouble because of her.

One of the dancers she used to work with a few years earlier was making a lot of money as a pharmaceutical sales rep. She helped Linda get a job with her company as a sales rep, and within a year, she became the third best sales rep in the company. Several years later, she became a sales supervisor for the company and has worked in that position ever since. When Ethan was old enough to take care of himself, Linda’s mother decided it was time to move to Florida, as most elderly people liked to do. Ever since it was just the two of them.

When Ethan was about 16, he heard a few rumors about his mother’s previous profession. He didn’t believe them at first, but thinking back on a few details he knew about his mother, he was starting to suspect it may be true. She used to work a lot of nights, she always had stacks of dollar bills, and he distinctively remembers a few of her friends calling her Ruby. He used to think it was just a nickname because of her red hair, but now he suspected it was her stage name. To top it all off, she never seemed to be too shy about her body. There have been a number of times over the years where he has accidentally seen her naked, and she never seemed embarrassed by the situation.

It took him some time to get the courage to ask his mother about it because he was afraid of how she would react if he was wrong. Either she would be insulted by the accusation or find the whole thing hilarious. He was also prepared to accept it if it turned out she indeed used to be a stripper. After he confronted her about the rumors he heard and the evidence he heard about her and she admitted everything. She told him everything, from when she got started to why it all ended. This was a complete shock to him; he was really hoping he was wrong and just being stupid. Even after he promised himself that he would be accepting of her past, he still found it hard to believe. It took him some time, but he learned to accept that part of her life.

Eventually, some of his friends did find out about his mother, and he had to confess to them about it. They didn’t give him a hard time about it, which gave him some relief. But they did occasionally make a joke about it, which he couldn’t blame them for because he would’ve done the same thing if he were in their shoes. But they never went too far in their jokes or said anything negative about her. All of his friends loved Linda; they considered her the coolest of all their friends’ mothers.

“I guess I should’ve known you’d be cool with it,” said Ethan.

“Of course, I am. In fact, before I realized what your plans were, I was going to take you to one myself and buy you a lap dance.”

Ethan laughed. “I definitely believe you would.”


Later that day, five of his best friends, Mike, David, Jaylen, Billy, and his sister Becky, all came for a pre-party get-together before they went out to the club. His mother surprised them all with a birthday cake and insisted they all sing happy birthday and have just one piece of cake before they left. It was kind of embarrassing, but Ethan let it go because it made her happy. She also got him his favorite cake, so he wasn’t too upset by it.

Afterwards, Linda took him aside to give him Ethan $300 in cash, mostly in ones and the rest in small bills. She said she wanted him to have as good a time as he possibly could at the club. He thought it was too much money, but since it was his birthday, he decided to just accept the gift and thank her.

Before they were about to leave, Ethan saw how everything was going well for him today. He was half expecting another disaster to keep him from going to the club and celebrating his 21st birthday with his friends. But so far, nothing bad was happening, so he decided to let himself be more excited about tonight.

That excitement was short-lived when Mike suddenly got some bad news to share. He had a friend who worked there as a bouncer and was going to get them in without a cover charge. He just called Mike to let him know that there was a kitchen fire at the club and the fire department had to come and stop it. The rest of the building was OK, but the club would have to be shut down for an unforeseeable amount of time.

“Sorry, Ethan,” said Mike. “Better luck next year.”

“It’s OK, I should’ve known when I saw how well my day was going,” said Ethan.

They all discussed whether or not they should try another strip club, but there weren’t many options where they lived. The only other one was more than an hour away; it was actually the club that Linda used to work at, but she didn’t say anything when they mentioned it. They discussed the idea of just going to a regular bar and drinking, thinking they could just go to a strip club another time. But they couldn’t settle on a place to go that was good enough for them.

“Guys, why not just hang out here?” said Linda. “You know we have a finished basement here with a bar.”

A long time ago, when Linda began to make some good money with her job, she converted the basement into a place where people could have some fun. There was a bar with a large assortment of liquor and beer, a pool table, a big-screen TV, and a seating area to watch it. They had a lot of family get-togethers there over the years, and Ethan and his friends always enjoyed hanging out in their basement.

“Yes, but the idea is to go to a bar so Ethan can finally use his real ID,” said David.

Ethan gave him a stern look when he said that. His mother was cool, but he wasn’t sure how cool she would be knowing he had a fake ID to go to bars with.

“David is right, but we can’t decide where to go, so let’s just hang out here in the basement,” said Ethan.

They all decided it was probably for the best and made their way down to the basement. At the bar, Ethan passed around whatever beer or preferred drink they wanted. Their main plans were to go to a strip club, not just a bar. But all things considered, they figured this was the best available option for them.

“It’s too bad, I was really looking forward to strippers tonight,” said Billy.

“I got so many dollar bills in my pocket, I have no idea what to do with them now,” said Mike.

“I was really looking forward to getting a lap dance,” said Becky. She was the only woman in their group of friends and was a lesbian. She didn’t like the idea of going to those clubs without a guy friend there with her.

“There will be other times,” said Ethan.

“Or maybe you can still have one,” said Linda. “As some of you all know, I used to be a stripper and–”

“Are you offering to–”

Ethan gave Billy a sharp jab to the arm before he finished that question.

“Although that does sound like a fun idea,” she replied with a little laugh. “I was going to say, I still know a few women who still dance and occasionally perform at parties. Mostly for bachelor parties, but they also do birthdays and other events. I’m sure I can get somebody to come here tonight for you all.”

Everyone was excited by that idea. Even Ethan’s excitement returned. While Linda made a few phone calls, Ethan and his friends continued drinking in the basement and playing pool. They also decided to finished off the birthday cake since they were already going to spend the evening in Ethan’s home.

Linda came down a while later with the good news.

“Ok, I made several calls and found one person who is available tonight, and she said she will be here within the hour,” said Linda.

She paused while giving everybody a chance to cheer to show their excitement.

“Who is she?” Becky asked.

“She goes by the name Diamond,” said Linda. “She’s blonde, beautiful, and has big tits. They’re fake, but I’m sure you all don’t care.”

“Will she do lap dances?” Billy asked.

“Yes, she said she would,” said Linda. She paused so they could cheer again. “Except for you, Ethan.”

“What? Why not me?” Ethan asked.

“Because for you, we’re doing a champagne court,” she revealed. “Which is thirty minutes of alone time with her and some champagne, just like how they do in the clubs. That will be my little gift for you.”

Everybody cheered again. A couple of them patted Ethan on the back, telling them how much they loved his mother.

A half hour later, Linda had to come back to the party for some bad news.

“I’m sorry everyone, but my friend’s mother slipped in the shower and broke her hip,” said Linda. “She has to take her to the hospital and won’t be coming tonight.”

Everybody groaned in disappointment.

“Of course, that will happen to me,” said Ethan. “Don’t get me wrong, I hope her mother is alright, but it just goes with the theme of how my birthdays have been.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help make your birthday more special,” said Linda.

“Maybe you can strip for us, Ms. Myers,” Becky joked.

Ethan gave her an angry look.

“What? I know you’re not going to punch me in the arm,” she said, very smugly.

“No, but he will punch me in the arm for you, so quit it,” Billy said angrily to his sister.

“She’s joking, but why not?” said Linda.

Everyone laughed, even Ethan.

“Good one, mom,” said Ethan.

“I’m serious. Why don’t I put on a show for you all?”

Everyone went silent when they realized that Linda was being serious.

“You can’t be serious, mom,” said Ethan.

“Why not? I still have the moves and the body for it, and I really don’t mind showing off what I’ve got. I can come out of retirement for one night and perform for you all.”

Everyone was still silent for a very long time.

“Well, why not?” said David.

Ethan was about to punch David in the arm before someone else spoke.

“If you really want to, it could be fun,” said Jaylen.

“I was joking, but if you’re willing to give us a show, I’d like to see it,” said Becky.

Billy and Mike also agreed that it was a good idea. Ethan just stood back, stunned that his closest friends were agreeing to let his mother perform a strip show for them. It was one thing when his friends joked about how hot she was; it was something that all friends do about each other’s mothers. But it was another thing to actually let it go this far.

Ethan started yelling at his friends about this. They argued back that it was just this one night, and it could be a lot of fun. The argument kept going until Linda intervened by taking her son away from them to the other side of the room to have a private conversation with him.

“You can’t be serious about getting naked for my friends,” said Ethan.

“I am serious; it could be a lot of fun,” said Linda. “I kind of miss it, and this may be a good opportunity to perform one last time.”

“I can’t believe I’m trying to convince my mother not to strip for my friends,” Ethan said as he rubbed his temples from the migraine he was suddenly feeling. “My birthday curse just keeps getting worse and worse.”

“It doesn’t have to be a curse if you enjoy it,” said Linda.

“I’m not going to enjoy seeing my mother naked.”

“Why not? It’s not the first time you’ve seen me naked.”

“Those were accidents,” said Ethan. “It happens when you forget to close the door to your bedroom, or the bathroom, or a couple of times when you thought it was OK to change your clothes in the laundry room for some reason.”

“And the few times you caught me sun-bathing topless in the backyard,” she reminded him.

“Now I have to ask, was that all by accident, or was any of that on purpose? Because that seems to be the case a lot of times, I’ve seen you naked.”

“They were all accidents,” she assured him. “But at the same time, I don’t have a lot of modesty, so I don’t mind getting naked in front of people, even in front of my own son. In fact, if you weren’t such a prude about it, I’d be walking around the house naked a lot more often.”

“I can’t believe my mother is upset that I don’t want to see her naked,” he said, feeling very annoyed by the situation.

“Well, you don’t have to see me strip if you don’t want to,” said Linda. “I’ll just perform for your friends while you sulk in your room all night about it.”

“So, you’re going to do this whether I’m ok with it or not?”

“Yes,” she answered. “So, you might as well stick around to make sure things don’t get out of hand. And who knows? You may enjoy the show yourself.”

Ethan had to think hard about this. His mother was going to strip whether he liked it or not, and as much as he liked his friends, he didn’t trust them enough to not try anything with her if he wasn’t around. He figured he might as well stick around for supervision.

Also, he had to admit he might actually enjoy himself because even he thought his mother was a sexy woman. As much as he felt embarrassed over the years whenever he accidentally saw her naked, he did like what he saw. For a woman in her early forties, she kept herself in very good shape. He did find her very attractive; so much so, she showed up in a few wet dreams he had about her.

“Ok, I’ll stick around, but only to keep an eye on things,” said Ethan. “Also, I’m going to have to insist on setting some ground rules with them when you do this.”

“As long as the rules are reasonable, I’m willing to go with it if it makes you feel comfortable with everything,” said Linda.

They went back to his friends, who were awaiting their answer about Linda’s offer to perform for them.

“Ok guys, I’ve decided to let my mother perform for us,” said Ethan, and everyone cheered. “But there will be some ground rules.”

The first rule he gave them was to show his mother some respect when she performs. They had to remember that just because she was stripping for them, she was still his mother, a woman they all liked. They all agreed to that rule immediately; they all said that no matter what, they would always show her some respect.

The next rule was to keep this whole thing a secret. It should go without saying, but he needed to say it just in case. Also, as part of the rule, there would be no cameras allowed, and everyone had to put their phones away when she started dancing. The last thing he wanted was for any kind of evidence of this night to be recorded anywhere.

The few rules were simple. Linda was allowed to keep any money that was thrown at her, no matter how much it was. They can cheer and make comments, as long as it isn’t too degrading. Also, there would be no touching; she could get close to them if she wanted to, but none of them are allowed to touch her. He had to remind them of how hard he can punch them in the arms if they touched her. He even warned Becky that he’d punch her brother Billy in the arm in her place if she misbehaved, and that scared Billy enough to give her a warning not to try anything with Linda.

Finally, he told them there would be no lap dances, so don’t bother asking her. They all groaned to show their disappointment, but they understood. Linda had to agree with her son about that rule, but she said if all went well, she would do an extra show for them to make up for it, which made them happy again.

When everyone was in agreement with the rules, Linda went off to her bedroom to change into something sexy and get her music ready. Meanwhile, Ethan and his friends did their best to make some space for her to perform.


Linda spent about half an hour getting herself ready. She was very excited to be performing in front of a crowd again, even a small one for her son’s friends. When she returned downstairs, she was wearing a long robe to cover the outfit she planned to perform in.

During that time, Ethan and his friends made a small area for her performance. They cleared away a coffee table from the TV sitting area and moved around a few chairs and a couch to create a small open area for her to perform. It was the best they could do with what they had in the basement. Linda would’ve preferred a pole, but there was nothing they had that could’ve worked in its’ place, so the dance area they created would have to do.

“Are you all ready?” she asked the crowd.

Everybody cheered and grabbed something to drink from the bar before taking their seat. Ethan was going to sit to the side, but they all insisted he sit in the middle of the couch since he was the birthday boy. Linda connected her phone’s playlist to the Bluetooth systems they had in the basement and began her first song.

“We’re ready for Ms. Myers,” Mike called out.

“Lady and gentleman, my name is not Ms. Myers or Linda; I am Ruby, and I’ll be your entertainer for the evening,” she said, taking a pause for the crowd to cheer for her again. She saw that her son was only mildly into the whole thing; it was disappointing for her, but at the same time, she understood how he was feeling.

“I hear there’s a birthday boy in the audience. A young man who just turned 21.”

They all pointed to Ethan and cheered for him. Ethan said nothing; but the slight redness in his face showed how embarrassed he was feeling. Linda grabbed an unopened beer bottle that someone had left on the bar and opened the twist top.

“Before I begin, let’s all raise our drinks to toast our man of the hour and say happy birthday.”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” Everyone said it together as they raised their drinks. Even Ethan happily raised his glass with them and joined them in taking one big sip of what they had in their hands.

“Ok, let’s get this party started,” she said before ripping her robe off and tossing it away.

Everyone cheered as they saw the sexy dress Linda was wearing. It was a tight and very short red dress with no shoulder straps that showed off plenty of her cleavage and long legs. She also wore matching red high heels; she would’ve preferred her old platform stripper heels that she still had in her closet, but she didn’t think they would work with the type of floor she had to perform on.

She started dancing around the open area they created. She was initially a little nervous; she wasn’t going to dance since she hadn’t danced in years. But once she got started, she was happy to see that she still had her moves. She went around to each of the guests and did some moves for them; she shook her ass in front of them or bent down to give them a good look at her cleavage. Each one she could see felt like reaching up to touch her, but they resisted. She didn’t mind if they touched, but she agreed to her son’s rules, and she was willing to help enforce those rules.

She came around to her son and did a little dance for him. He was a little embarrassed, but he was smiling as she danced. Linda was glad because it showed that he was starting to enjoy the show. She spent a little more time dancing for him, giving him more of a show since he was the birthday boy.

Everyone was cheering or shouting something for Linda as if they were at a frat party, and she was loving everything they were saying. There were a couple of comments that Ethan didn’t like, but they apologized as soon as he gave them a dirty look. He was starting to enjoy the show, but he wasn’t going to let his friends say anything bad about his mother.

Around the second song, she finally reached behind her back and pulled down the zipper. Everyone was excited to finally see something they’d been waiting a long time to see. She pulled down the dress to reveal she was wearing a strapless bra. They were slightly disappointed but were still very happy with the performance. She pulled down the rest of the dress to show the matching red thong she was wearing. She could tell that they were at least glad to see her fine ass.

She went back around to each guest and did another little dance for each of them. She was teasing them as she got her tits close to each of their faces. At this point, they started throwing dollar bills at her; a couple of them threw their money into the air to let it rain down on her. Even Ethan couldn’t help getting in on the action. It was mostly his mother’s money that she gave him earlier, but he still wanted to be part of the fun.

As the third song hit, Linda went in front of the whole crowd, as it was finally time for the main part of the show. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She held the bra cups with one arm, letting them fall down slightly but not revealing anything yet.

“Oh, please don’t tease us anymore,” one of them begged.

“Take it off, Ruby!” Becky yelled.

Finally, she flung the bra away, and the crowd was in an uproar. Even Ethan was excited to see her doing this and cheered for her. Despite seeing her topless several times before, this was the most excited he had ever been to see her like this. As she danced around, Ethan took notice of something that he was surprised he didn’t notice right away when she took her bra off and that was both his mother’s nipples were pierced with studs. He never knew this little detail about her, and he couldn’t help thinking that it made her look a little sexier than she already is.

She went around dancing for each one of them again, making sure she shook her tits a little extra this time. As she went around, they threw more money at her and put some dollar bills in the sides of her thong. She went to Ethan last to give him an extra-long dance. She shook her tits in his face and did the same with her ass when she turned around. Ethan put some money in her thong and gave her a big slap on the ass, making everyone cheer loudly when he did that. Linda was very surprised to get that ass slap from her own son, but at the same time, she was glad that he was enjoying the show.

Finally, the playlist finished, and Linda took a bow as she put her robe back on.

“You were wonderful, Ruby!” one of them called out.

“This was way better than a strip club,” said another.

“Should I do one more show?” Linda asked.

Everyone looked at Ethan to make sure they had his permission.

“I don’t see why not,” said Ethan, and everyone cheered.

Linda came back a half hour later, this time wearing a sexy nurse’s uniform. It was the only costume she had left from her former stripper days. Everyone loved it, and they loved how she took a fake stethoscope to listen to everyone’s heartbeat and made comments about how turned on everyone was. They also loved it when she took a tongue depressor and played around with it in her mouth in a very sexual manner.

She did one last show for them, this time wearing a skirt suit that she sometimes wore to work. She always fantasized about stripping in those clothes, and she was glad she finally got the opportunity to do so. She even put on her eyeglasses for this performance as a prop. She was glad everyone liked her outfit choice, although they thought she was playing a sexy librarian or a sexy teacher. She didn’t correct them; she just went with it.

After the last performance, she was finally done dancing with her son and his friends. She spent the next hour hanging around with them, drinking beers, all the while still naked except for the thong and high heels. She felt very relaxed standing around with her tits out like that, and she loved the attention she was getting from her son’s friends. She was even glad to see that Ethan was okay with her just standing around like this.


Luckily for Ethan, none of his friends came with their own cars tonight. They all had plans to drink plenty of alcohol tonight and planned to take Uber rides all night. They were right to do so because they all had too much to drink that night during Linda’s performances. Ethan was only a little buzzed; he never planned to drink too much anyway. He didn’t buy into the whole getting drunk for your 21st birthday tradition; he was just glad to be out having a few drinks with his friends and not have to be carded.

One by one, they all left when their Uber cars showed up, and Ethan made sure they all got into the cars safely. They each said their goodbyes and promised not to tell anyone about his mother stripping for them.

When he got back to the finished basement, he found his mother, still nude, sitting on one of the high stools at the bar. She was counting out all of the money she made that night, looking very happy with how much money she made from her son’s horny friends. came around the bar and grabbed two more beers for them both. He opened one of them and handed it to Linda.

“You made a lot of money tonight,” said Ethan as he sat on a stool next to her and began drinking his beer.

“I didn’t do it for the money, but I’ll take it anyway,” she said as she finished counting her money and then started drinking her beer.

Ethan didn’t want to bring up how some of that money was from what she gave him earlier when he was about to go to an actual strip club. She seemed to be very happy with her little fortune.

“You really enjoyed yourself tonight.”

“What can I say? You put on one hell of a show,” said Ethan. “By the way, those took me by surprise.”

He was pointing to her nipple piercings, and she couldn’t help laughing.

“Yeah, I used to wear them when I used to dance professionally, and I still like to put them on occasionally,” she replied. “I thought it would be fun to wear them tonight because I know how much people really love seeing them.”

“I sure did,” and they both laughed.

“So, would you say your birthday curse is finally over?” she asked.

“I think it’s definitely is over. Thank you for that, by the way. You really made this birthday something to remember.”

“I’m just glad I was able to give you what you wanted tonight,” she replied.

“Not exactly how I planned it, but I did get everything that I wanted, and you helped me get it,” he said before drinking some more. “Well, all except for the champagne court dance you promised that your friend was going to give me. But there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Linda’s eyes flashed open when she realized that she forgot about her promise for a champagne court dance.

“Oh no, I completely forgot about that,” she said. “I promised you a champagne court with a stripper.”

“Yes, but like I said, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“But that was supposed to be my gift to you.”

“Mom, you’ve already done enough for me tonight,” he told her.

“But I can still give you that one gift,” she said as she got off her bar stool and walked over to him.

“How do you plan to give me a champagne court? Are you going to try and call another one of your old stripper friends and see if they can come another day?”

“No, I was thinking I’d give you that champagne court.”

She said this as she moved very close to Ethan. She wrapped her arms around him and pushed her naked tits up against his chest.

“Mom, are you really suggesting you give me a lengthy lapdance?”

“No, I’m suggesting that Ruby give you a lapdance,” she said in a seductive voice.

Ethan chuckled. He couldn’t believe his mother was doing this.

“Well, Mom, or Ruby, or whoever you are, I think you had too much to drink tonight.”

“I haven’t been drinking that much.”

“But still, I’m your son. Dancing naked for me was going far enough, but a lap dance? From you?”

“Why not? I saw how you were looking at me when I was dancing; you really loved it.”

“I admit, I loved the show. But I just can’t do that.”

“Your mouth says no, but your hand on my ass says something differently.”

At that moment, Ethan realized he had his hand on his mother’s ass. He didn’t even realize he was doing it until she said it. Now that he realized his hand was there, he couldn’t help thinking how great her ass felt. He could feel his dick getting hard, and he was sure his mother could feel it also.

“Nobody is around. It will be our little secret,” she said as she gave him a very alluring look. “Let Ruby make your birthday extra special.”

“This is wrong on so many levels,” he said. “But why the hell not?”

Linda squealed in excitement as she gave him a big hug. She then went behind the bar to the mini fridge, where she kept a small bottle of champagne with the twist top covered in gold foil. It was the kind they tend to serve in strip clubs. She liked those bottles, so she always kept them on hand. She then grabbed two champagne glasses, and she and Ethan made their way over to the couch.

Ethan took the bottle from her, opened it, and poured it into both their glasses. They raised their glasses and made a small toast before drinking it all up. Linda then took her phone, paired it again with the speakers, and put on a playlist she thought sounded right for the occasion and lasted long enough for the length of a typical champagne court.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“I’m ready whenever you are, mom. Sorry, I mean, Ruby.”

Linda gently got onto his lap. She positioned her pussy right on top of her son’s groin; she loved that he was already hard for her. She began rocking her body back and forth; her tits were just inches away from Ethan’s face. He couldn’t help staring at those beautiful mounds of flesh; he felt like a dog drooling at the sight of a juicy steak. He kept his hands on her ass in the beginning; he really wanted to grab her tits, but he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to do this with her despite this being her idea. Linda solved that dilemma for him by grabbing his hands and moving them to her tits, and he gave them a good squeeze. He had felt his share of breasts in his young life, but he never felt ones as good as his mother’s felt right now.

She turned around for him and began rubbing her ass hard against his groin. His dick was still in his pants, but with the way she was pushing herself into him, it was as if he was ass-fucking her. She leaned back against his body, and Ethan reached around to massage her breasts again. He had fun kneading those large mounds of flesh and playing with her nipple piercings.

Linda turned back around to face him again. She grabbed the champagne bottle and gently poured it over her right breast as she brought her nipple right up to her son’s mouth. He took this as an invitation to suck on that nipple, and he eagerly did so just as the champagne poured onto his face and into his mouth. He suckled on that pierced nipple like he was breast-feeding, but instead of milk, he was getting champagne.

“Don’t forget the other one,” said Linda as she moved her right tit away and did the same thing with her left tit this time.

She was having a lot of fun letting her son play with her tits like this while she poured champagne on her chest. She did this plenty of times back in her stripper days; men always got a kick out of drinking champagne or other forms of alcohol off her tits like this. She never thought she’d be doing this with her own son, nor would she ever think she would get aroused from getting him turned on like this.

She pulled her tits away from Ethan and then just poured the rest of the champagne all over her tits, letting her son see the yellowish bubbly waterfall on her chest. She threw the bottle away and then began grinding her pelvis into his groin, furiously dry humping him. Ethan held on to her hips tightly as she did this, even trying to guide the direction and speed of her movements.

“You like me doing this?” she asked in a sultry voice. “You like me acting like a little slut for you?”

“Yes, Ruby, I really do,” he replied.

Linda brought her tits closer to his head and squeezed them around his face, even motorboating him a little bit. Ethan began sucking on her tits again; he was becoming obsessed with them. He flicked the nipple with his tongue, wanting to tease her like she was doing to him this whole time. Then he took it into his mouth and sucked on it like a piece of candy, pulling on the piercings. He went back and forth on each nipple this way, enjoying every moment of this experience.

Linda then slid down his body until her tits were on the bulge of Ethan’s pants. She began moving her tits back and forth on his groin, simulating a titty-fuck. She looked up at him as he did this, giving him a big smile and a wink. She then went back up on his body and returned to furiously dry humping him.

“Oh yes! Oh, yes! This feels so good!” She screamed out. “I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum!”

She looked at her son, who had a huge smile on his face. She wasn’t really getting an orgasm, but it was something she used to do for men in the champagne rooms. They liked the idea that the woman they were with was getting off as much as they were. Sometimes her pussy would get very stimulated from the dry humping she would give the men, but that was about it.

Linda began to slow down when she heard her playlist coming to an end. She let her son feel her up a little more before the song finally ended, and she got off of his lap and sat down next to him on the couch. They both said nothing for a long time, which was just fine for Linda. She was worn out and breathing heavily. She hadn’t done a lapdance like that in years.

“That was amazing,” said Ethan. “Thank you, Ruby.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” she replied.

Linda reached out her hand and put it on her son’s dick, feeling the erection that was still there. Ethan looked at her strangely, wondering what she was doing.

“You didn’t cum for me,” she said as she pulled her hand away.

“I tend to last a while,” he said, not realizing he was bragging.

“I used to get men off every time I give them a champagne court dance,” she said as she took her hand away from Ethan’s groin. “I guess I’m losing my touch.”

“I would have to disagree,” said Ethan. “I may not have cum, but I sure felt like it was going to a few times.”

“I’m glad you at least enjoyed yourself.”

She then moved in close to her son, getting face to face with him.

“What are you doing?” Ethan asked.

“I just remembered that I used to give my favorite customers a kiss for their birthday. No kissing was allowed in the private rooms, but I did it just for a few guys on their birthdays.”

“You already gave me a birthday kiss this morning,” Ethan reminded her.

“That was a small kiss I gave you as your mother,” she replied. “Now I want to kiss you as Ruby.”

They both leaned into each other’s faces at the same time and gave each other a long, passionate kiss. It was so good that neither one of them wanted to be the one to end that kiss, as they both wanted it to go on forever. Eventually, it was Linda who decided that it had to end and forced them both to stop kissing.

“Whew!” she cried out. “That was intense. If that’s how you kiss your mother, I wonder how you kiss your girlfriends.”

“I can show you right now,” said Ethan.

He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her in close for another long, passionate kiss. This time it morphed into a full-on makeout session as their tongues pushed their way into each other’s mouths and their hands began roaming each other’s bodies. They completely forgot they were mother and son in that moment; all they cared about was how good the other person’s body felt.

Ethan began unbuckling his belt with one hand and pushing his pants down. Linda pulled herself away from their embrace when she saw him doing this.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You were upset that you didn’t get me off, so now’s your chance to do so,” he replied.

It was the first time that night that Linda wasn’t sure how far she was willing to go with her own son. So far, she has danced for him naked, given him an erotic lapdance, and been making out with him. Now he was hoping to get more out of her than any other mother should let her own son have from her.

Ethan got his pants down around his ankles, revealing his massive erection. He began jerking himself off as he looked at his mother, who was ogling his dick. Linda knew it was going too far and probably a big mistake, but she had never been so turned on before in her life. She got down on her knees and decided to give her son what he wanted from her.

She spit in her hand a couple of times and began jerking him off as she looked up at him. She then gave him a little wink before she opened her mouth wide and took his whole dick into her mouth. She left it in her mouth for a moment, wanting him to enjoy the feeling of her warm mouth engulfing his dick, and she also liked how it felt in her mouth as well. She couldn’t see it from her position, but Ethan had a big, ridiculous smile on his face.

She began bobbing her head up and down, slowly at first to get him slightly warmed up, before she began picking up her speed. Her lips were perfectly sealed around the shaft, and every time it went back into her mouth, she used her tongue to massage the shaft. After a while, she began taking it all the way t the back of her throat, gagging on his dick, before she started bobbing her head again.

At one point, she stopped the blowjob to put his dick between her tits and rapidly moved her body up and down for a good titty fucking. She looked at her son as she did this, who was happy with what he was getting. She then went back to the blowjob and sucked his dick with much more ferocity.

The blowjob was intense and was getting too much for Ethan to hold back. He spent the entire lapdance he was getting from her holding himself back from creaming his pants. And now, with this amazing blowjob, he felt he was going to cum into his mother’s mouth.

Linda sensed this and slowed down a bit so he could last a little longer. Ethan tried his best to hold it off, but he had his limits. Linda braced herself as several streams of that warm white fluid spilled out and landed in her mouth. She let the cum stay in her mouth for a while, enjoying the warm, gooey feel of it in her mouth, before she swallowed it all. Linda then squeezed out whatever she could from his shaft, getting a few extra drops of that tasty cum. When she was done, she pulled his dick out of her mouth and sat back up on the couch next to her son.

“That was incredible,” said Ethan.

Ethan began to pull his pants back up before Linda stopped him.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I thought we were done.”

Linda gave him another big smile. “Oh no, sweetie, I’m not done with you yet. We’re just taking a break until you can get it back up again, and then we’re taking this a lot further.”

“Really?” he asked very excitedly.

“That’s if you’re up to it.”

“Oh yes, definitely,” he said, trying not to sound too excited but failing at it.

They started kissing again. She helped him take off the rest of his clothes, and he got her thong off, the only thing she had on left. He got his hands between her legs and grabbed at her shaved pussy, feeling how hot and moist it was getting. He began to finger her clit and she began moaning to show the pleasure she was getting.

“Oh yes, you’re getting me so wet,” she cooed into his ear.

He gently pushed her back on the couch as he got into position on top of her, and she spread her legs wide open for him. They were ready to take each other as lovers.

“Fuck me, baby,” she said to him. “Fuck Ruby’s brains out.”

“Oh no, I don’t want to fuck Ruby,” he told her. “I want to fuck my mother.”

“Then do it. Fuck your mother. I’m yours for the taking.”

Without any hesitation, he shoved his dick right into her tight pussy, causing Linda to let out a loud moan. He left it in there for a moment, wanting to enjoy the feeling of his mother’s warm pussy around his dick. He started fucking her slowly while she held him close to her body, letting out small moans every time he pushed himself into her body.

“Oh yes! Oh Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!” She cried out. “Fuck your mother! Fuck your whore of a mother!”

“Oh, your pussy feels so good, mom. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, baby,” she replied.

She begged him to go faster, and he complied with that request, picking up his speed, hurting her but in a good way that she loved. He was fucking her so hard that the couch began rocking heavily and creaking loudly. It wasn’t even an old couch, but he was sure they must’ve broken something inside of it to move it this way.

Linda made him get off of her and sit back up on the couch. She then got on his lap again, just like she did before with the lap dance. She got his dick back into her pussy again and began rocking back and forth on his dick, this time with more intensity than when she was dry humping him earlier. She had her hands firmly placed on his shoulders, and he did the same with his hands on her hips. She was going wild as she was fucking her son and yelling obscenities. Ethan was sure she was getting herself off from fucking him in this position; he had never been with a woman who had so much sexual energy.

Ethan wanted to take control of her again and made her get off of him. This time, he made her get on her hands and knees as he positioned himself behind her. Linda had a firm grip on the arm of the couch; having had plenty of sex on that couch, she knew what she had to do to stay on it during different sexual positions and not fall off. Ethan grabbed her by the hips, drove his dick back inside of her, and began to rapidly pump his dick into her. An orgasm rippled through Linda’s body, and she let out a scream.

After a while of this, Ethan couldn’t hold off much longer and got that feeling in his dick that it was soon going to be over. He made his mother lie down on her back again because he wanted to look her in the eyes as he finished inside of her. He didn’t care if he wasn’t wearing a condom and didn’t bother to ask if she was on the pill; he really wanted to fill her pussy with his cum.

He fucked her as hard as he could with the few minutes, he knew he had left. They kept looking at each other as he did this, not wanting to let go of their eye contact. He tried to hold on a little longer, wanting to get as much time with her as he possibly could. Finally, with one last thrust of his body, he shot a big load of cum right into her pussy. They kept their eye contact as Linda felt his warm cum fill her up.

They held each other for a minute before he got off of her, and they both sat back up on the couch.

“That was the best sex I ever had in my life,” she said. “I usually say that to a lot of guys that I fuck to make them feel good, but in this case it’s true.”

“Thank you; I feel the same way,” he replied.

They held each other for a long time before they decided it was time to leave the basement and head off to bed. There was still a mess from the party, but Linda said they’d clean up in the morning. They didn’t bother getting dressed since they were in their own home. They just picked up their clothes and headed upstairs to their bedrooms.

Ethan wasn’t sure if he should go off to his bedroom or go to his mother’s room after everything they had done. He decided to go to his own room, but his mother grabbed him by the arm and made him go to her bedroom instead. They didn’t have sex right away, as Linda was still worn out from the fucking she just received. But as soon as she was ready, they had sex one more time before falling asleep in each other’s arms.


Ethan woke up to find that his mother was not next to him in bed. He left her bedroom and went to his own room to put something on, then washed up in the bathroom. He could hear her in the kitchen downstairs and decided to go down to join her. On his way there, he smiled as he could smell pancakes being made.

In the kitchen, he was surprised to see his mother standing by the stove, completely naked. She still had her nipple piercings on which he was glad to see.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” said Linda.

“Good morning, mom,” he replied. “This is a nice surprise.”

“I figured after everything, you wouldn’t mind if I started walking around here naked like I always wanted to.”

“Of course, I don’t mind anymore,” he said. “It will make it a lot easier for me to fuck you whenever I want.”

He walked up to her and gave her a big kiss on the mouth. He gave her a little spank on the ass, which she loved, and then sat at the kitchen table. Linda got two plates of pancake breakfast ready for them and took it to the kitchen table. Before she sat down to eat with Ethan, she poured whipped cream on the pancakes and set the whipped cream can aside.

“You already made me pancakes for my birthday yesterday. You didn’t have to do this again.”

“That was for your birthday,” she said. “This is me making breakfast for my new man.”

“I’m your new man?” he asked, feeling very surprised to hear that.

“That’s right, and I’m your woman now,” she replied. “But we’re definitely having an open relationship. That’s non-negotiable.”

“What? Really?” he asked. The surprises just kept coming to him this morning.

“We’ll discuss the details of that later,” she said. “Right now, let’s just have a nice breakfast.”

They continued eating as they had a nice, long conversation. It was hard for Ethan to pay attention when he was sitting across from his naked mother, but he did his best to listen. After they were done, Linda was about to put the dishes away, but before she had the chance, Ethan grabbed her and made her sit on top of the kitchen table. He then took the whipped cream can and sprayed as much as he could all over her tits and she laughed the whole time. He then took off his own clothes and proceeded to make love to his mother on the kitchen table.


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