Broken Little Thing: Chapter 3. by DarksX

Introduction: Hi,

It took me a while, but there you go. This is probably the last installment of this series.

Thank you for reading and for all the comments and support!

If you wish to read more of this stuff, vote and leave me a comment.

– DarksX , Note: Remember, this story took place in September 2021, so the epidemic was still a thing.

Broken Little Thing: Chapter 3

“So, how is she?” My sister-in-law asked me from the other side of the line, from all the way south, in Florida.

Ava was upstairs showering again, getting dressed so I could take her out to dinner. And I thought, how was she?

Perfect. That's what I thought. The loveliest person and the best sex I ever had. A girl who had for only a couple of years stepped into her teenagehood, who still struggled with how her body developed, and that had graced me with the view and the feel of that amazing work in progress. A beautiful little thing, so broken inside, my love for her seemed to overwhelm her every moment. One that would gladly let me have her little body and who seemed unafraid to go to whatever length necessary to give me pleasure. My niece, who had given me her virginity that Sunday morning and let me have her again in the afternoon. That fantastic girl I would use all means I had to make happy.

On the phone, though, the answer was a simple “She is ok.” It couldn't be more than that, as her mother couldn't suspect a thing.

Melissa calling me to check on her daughter was unexpected. For a moment, I even thought about this coincidence and attributed it to some daughter-mother bond, things people talk about that I never believed in. I mean, why call at that moment?

Turns out I was right, and there was no such thing as Melissa feeling what Ava felt that day. She opened the conversation by talking about her daughter, what she thought was proper, and, right after, Melissa hinted she needed money.

“Those idiots at the bank, honestly! Some places are not accepting my cards here! All my money is in that account! This is impossible!” she barked, playing feeling insulted while I knew pretty well how deep into financial trouble she was in.

“Do you have Venmo or Zelle?” I cut her short. “And I suggest you withdrawal the money before the 'bastards' at the bank take it from you.”

While I tried to imagine a world in which that woman could have birthed a girl like Ava, already so mature while beginning her first year of high school, I just asked her how much money she needed. She played coy, embarrassed, but she couldn't conceal her glee when I agreed to a little more than the amount she had initially suggested.

Anything to keep you away from here, I thought. And it seemed as if she had read my mind.

“So, would you be ok if I stayed here for a little longer? Maybe stretch this just a bit. A couple more days, maybe?” Melissa said. The way she spoke, as if it were her powers of persuasion and not my will that got her what she wanted, was starting to annoy me.

“Mel, why don't we make it three weeks and then talk again?” I asked. Inside, I just wanted to tell her to disappear and leave Ava with me for good. “You can make it a month if you want.”

“You are the best, you know!? Ava will be so happy! She loves being with you,” she said, her excitement utterly unrelated to what she said, I recognized. Nonetheless, those were the first truths she said in the whole conversation.

“Yeah. I like having her here too. Tell Brian I said hi,” I cut the conversation short.

“It's Mark,” she answered.

“Oh. Yeah. Mark. Anyway, have a good trip.”

When Ava came down the stairs in her pale blue and sleeveless evening gown, I had to adjust my eyes. I knew that dress, as I had given it to her, but I didn't remember it looking that way on her. The smooth fabric hugged every single one of the beautiful curves of her petite, slim silhouette, and even her small breasts seemed enhanced by it. I met her at the bottom of the stairs with a smile, giving her my hand and helping her down the last few steps.

“You look amazing,” I said.

“Doesn't it look a little tight?” She asked, her full cheeks blushing. She had her light brown hair loose and waving down her back, holding it up for a moment and turning for me to see how tightly the fabric hugged her. I admired the form of her behind, how the gown made its heart shape so evident.

“If anything, it adjusted to how beautiful your body has become,” I said, and I wrapped my arms around her thin waist, pulling her to me.

She was still a tiny girl, but how she had changed was more noticeable by wearing a dress I had bought her a little more than a year before. Now her cute and probably A-cup breasts pressed against the fabric that was once loose on her chest, and there were wrinkles on her waistline, marking how her hips had become slightly wider. Ava had complained about how many girls in her first year of high school already looked like fully grown women, but she was also on the path to becoming one. She just had to understand that her case was different, her body proportionally smaller but not less attractive in any sense. I had seen all of it and delighted in how perfect every little detail was, how delicate… and it hit me that she shared that fantastic petite body with me.

I leaned forward, looking at her, and I sighed. Even wearing pumps, she was more than one foot shorter than me. “And you worried about your body,” I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Ava had that shy little smile when she looked at me, her eyebrows arched, yet again feeling emotional. I thought she had trouble believing this was happening, so I kissed her lips to make it more real. My little girl let out an appreciative moan, and I felt her let down some of her weight in my arms and relax. What that morning made her tense and apprehensive now seemed to have the opposite effect.

“You were not lying…” She muttered.

“Not a single word I said was a lie,” I reassured. “If I love how you look, I think you should too.”

“I'll try,” she looked down, and I admired how her thick eyelashes curtained her big brown eyes. Things I had always noticed about her now had a completely different color.

“Let's go?” I gave her my arm, and she hooked hers on mine, like the couple we were becoming.

When we got outside, still trying to make the night as special for her as possible, I stopped in my tracks.

“The SUV will be easier for you in high heels,” I started while pointing at my daily driver, a black Audi SQ8 parked by the turnaround driveway in front of the house, “but we can go in the McLaren if you want,” I said with a playful smile.

Ava let out a little, childish gasp and instantly tried to hide her excited face. I suggested it because I knew she loved that car, but trying to contain her excitement indicated she was trying to act more adult and mature. Honestly, although I admired her for trying, it was bittersweet to see it happening. I didn't want her to change because of me.

“Anything you want, sweetheart. No shame in adding a little more thrill to this awesome day,” I said while hugging her sideways, and I smiled invitingly at her. It was my best attempt at mixing our old relationship with this new one.

She looked at me, still thinking, and a second later, her seriousness turned into an almost mischievous grin, “let's take the McLaren, then!”

I opened up a big smile, “Let's go!” And I started walking fast with her to the garage, and she followed me by stepping forward as fast as she could, as if we were two misbehaving teenagers up to no good.

In the car, Ava squealed playfully at times when I pressed hard on the gas and had fun. When we stopped under a traffic light, I told her that her mother had called. She got instantly apprehensive, fearing for the worst, as was often the case with her mom.

“Our two weeks just turned into a month,” I said, an eyebrow up and waiting for her reaction.

“R-Really!?” Ava almost screamed, and her excitement was contagious. How could it not be if she were beaming like that after realizing she would have more time with me?

“Yes. Your mom wants to stay for a little longer in Florida. She asked for an extra week, and I gave her two.”

“Uncle Allen, this is awesome!” She said as the information sunk in, in a dreamy tone. Then, she went back to that insecure mood I knew all too well, “I mean… You don't mind me staying, right?”

For a second, I wondered if she was playing with me. However, when I looked at her, I could see she was, for a fact, feeling apprehensive.

“Ava…” I reached for her, my hand gently caressing the curve between her upper thigh and hip, something I considered more intimate than if I had touched her exposed leg. She instantly put her little hand over mine, holding tight, pressing my hand on her in a very reassuring way. With our eyes connected, I said, “I want you to stay with me, but this will have nothing to do with me. We have a month. If you still want to stay after this time, I'll do everything I can so your mother lets you move in with me. I would have you living with me before anyway if I was ever sure that's what you wanted. Now…”

“Now you know I do…” She finished my sentence, giving it the meaning that she wanted.

We smiled, and I drove off with the car as the traffic light turned green.

After a couple of minutes of silence, we both just basking in the excitement of what was happening; I decided to start establishing the rules for us to move on.

“For everyone else, you're still only my niece, so we'll have to act accordingly,” I said while making a right turn; the engine roared as I downshifted, making some teenage boys on the sidewalk howl excitedly.

“Got it. I'll be careful,” Ava said, looking out the window, seemingly deep in thoughts; then she looked at me, “For you, I'm not only your niece anymore…”

“No. You're not,” I answered, and without even looking at her, I felt she had the question ready: So, what am I?

By being afraid of the answer, or maybe trying not to get too excited, she didn't ask. Perhaps, she already knew the answer.

Dinner went on as smoothly as I could have hoped for.

Francesco, the manager, a tall Italian with a fashion sense that screamed both his sexual orientation and his love for high-end brands, recognized Ava instantly, even with her mask on. The restaurant had been our first stop every time she spent with me for the last four or five years. That year she had spent the Summer at home because of the pandemic, but soon as her first high school year resumed through online classes, her mother decided to travel as the brainless, reckless mess she was. For that, I was very lucky.

“La ragazza è bellissima stasera!” He complimented her, taking Ava by the hand and carefully making her spin on her heels for him to see. “Oh my God! You were just a little girl two summers ago!”

“Grazie, Francesco,” she shied the answer in Italian, and I enjoyed watching her taking the risk. When her eyes met mine, I smiled at her with an eyebrow up as if saying, 'I told you.'

I let her order everything she liked – seafood, as always – and I also treated her to an occasional sip of my white wine when she felt like it. I knew I didn't have to worry about her, as well-behaved as she was. And when I stopped to think about it, Ava was the only person in my life I knew I could give unrestricted access to anything and still have peace of mind. That would make everything so much easier.

“One month,” I started saying, and she looked at me with undivided attention. “I'll make some changes to our arrangements.”

“Really? Like what?” she asked, stopping poking an oyster.

“I'll give you a credit card, so you can buy whatever you need without having to ask me, for instance.”

“You don't need to…” she declined, and the sincerity in her voice made me question if she was really a combination of her mother and my brother.

“I don't need to, but I want to,” I smiled. I wanted Ava to feel what it meant for me and to what length I would retribute the fact that she had decided to be with me.

“Thank you,” she said while blushing scarlet yet again.

Even though the restaurant wasn't that busy, and our table was in a very private corner, I lowered the tone of my voice.

“And you can start sleeping in my room if you want.” When her eyes grew wide, I continued, “But you can stay in your room, of course.” Was I pushing too much or too fast? I wondered.

“N-No, I would love to…” Ava smiled timidly, rushing to accept the option I gave her.

I smiled too. Then the young girl looked down, her long and thick lashes fluttering and her high, full cheeks even redder.

“Uncle Allen… You said that for everybody else, I'm just your niece… But what am I to you now?” And the way her voice trembled let me know how much that question meant to her.

“Honestly?” I said while taking a deep breath.

“Uhum… Honestly,” she almost begged.

“I'll take anything you want to give me,” and I lowered my tone even more, “You can be my girlfriend, my partner… Or just be my niece if you want, and nothing will change between us. But I certainly was never in love with someone the way I love you right now.” Even though I was a very serious man, never too affected by my emotions, and constantly downplaying anything I ever felt, I let the feelings I had pour through every single word at that moment.

“I love you too, so much…” Her eyes watered immediately.

I touched her little hand over the table and whispered, “Consider yourself kissed. Right now.”

Then we went back to dinner with that marvelous feeling all over us. We talked a little about trivial things and commented on the food and the restaurant until I noticed Ava blushing yet again, completely out of the blue.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Will you teach me things?” She asked, and I knew exactly what she meant by how embarrassed she looked.

“Anything you want to know or do…” I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

“Umm… I never know if I should say what I'm thinking… If you'll like to know…”

“Just be honest. I'm getting to know this side of you, as I'm sure you are too,” I said, and I prepared myself to hear her say something unexpected.

Ava had had time to think about all that happened that day and remember the things she had said… Part of how open she was certainly had to do with the novelty of it all. There was no way a shy, young, inexperienced little girl like her could be that open, that selfless, that avid to have things happen to her…

Well, I was wrong.

“Ok, honestly…” she whispered, still blushing and now looking to her own hands, “I want to know and do everything… Especially the things you like,” she practically whispered, and her cheeks looked like they were on fire, “I don't want you to miss being with any of your previous girlfriends.”

“I don't, and I won't…” I said after gasping at her determination, and I was obviously excited. What man wouldn't be after hearing something like that?

“I just didn't want to sound like a slut…” she said so quietly I barely heard it.

I leaned toward her and whispered in her ear, “If you were, who's slut would you be?” And I chuckled.

She giggled, “Yours…”

“So?” I said while sitting correctly on my chair, a sly smile on my face.

She gave me a shy yet marvelous little smile while I let everything sink in myself. Ava was thinking and making a plan, so I would want her indefinitely, probably fearing she would end up like one of my many failed relationships. I didn't think that would ever happen, but I couldn't blame her for thinking like that. At the same time, we were both finding out how open to sex she was. There was no ending to how positively surprised I could get with that girl.

I felt myself twitch to life inside my trousers while making a list of things I could teach her, initiate her at… While remembering I had taken her virginity that same morning, I wondered if that avidity was her being precocious or if her low self-esteem pushed her into that. Whatever it was, I was lucky, and that thing between us got better by the minute.

When we got home, I took a quick shower, and when I returned to my room, I was surprised by Ava already back on her combination of long t-shirt and shorts, the one that had started it all, sitting at the edge of the mattress, her little feet on the floor and waiting for me.

“Hi,” she said timidly, and the girl blushed scarlet.

“Making yourself comfortable?” I leaned forward and gave her a little peck on the lips.

“Are you sure you don't mind me sleeping here?” She asked while I tossed my robe on a chair and stayed only in my shorts.

Just by seeing her, my member was instantly waking up. It was up to me to hold my horses. I repeated things in my head like a mantra: She is young. She just lost her virginity. She gave it to you twice today. Be nice, make her feel comfortable, and go to sleep.

“Of course, I don't. Do you?” I asked back.

“I don't know yet…” She said, “But I'm sure I want to try.”

I sat beside her, “You slept with me before. You were little and had a terrible nightmare. Do you remember that?”

Ava blushed even more, and in a way I didn't think was possible.

“I do… But it's different now,” she said, looking down with a little smile.

“I know it is,” I said, suddenly slightly embarrassed. It was utterly, absolutely different now. “You grew up… We did things… It is very different.”

She looked at me, “Do you want to…”

“Stop offering,” I laughed, and it was her turn to look embarrassed, but she still had that cute smile on her young face.

“Why?” Ava almost whined.

“Because if I keep taking you every time I want, which means all the time, we will live only to do it,” I brushed a strand of her lengthy hair, tugged it behind her tiny ear, and laughed. The very thought of having her all the time was exciting, but I had to watch out for her. I knew she wouldn't.

“Well… I don't mind,” her eyes down; Ava chuckled almost mischievously.

I had to take a deep breath. She clearly wanted to make a point. Ava wanted me to know she was open to me, and I not only admired that, but I also loved it. I knew it had to do with her trying to make sure I wanted her, as I couldn't imagine that little girl being that lascivious. It didn't fit. Otherwise, I'd start believing I didn't know my niece as well as I thought.

“Oh, Ava…” I pulled her to me, laid back on the bed, and rolled her over so she'd be on top of me, then I held her little face with both my hands, “This is good to know. Very good to know as I can't seem to keep myself away from you.” Feeling her little weight and her crotch on my lower abdomen as she straddled me was delightful, to say the least.

“But?” she included, feeling it was coming.

I moved my face close to hers, “But I fucked you twice today. If I don't take care of you, who will?”

At first, she seemed embarrassed by what I said, then her face lit up with a gorgeous smile.

“Yeah, I know… I just wanted you to know I'm here for you,” she said.

The way she purred the response, on purpose or not… It kind of broke my resolution, so I decided to try something.

“Are you, really?” I asked, and her eyes widened. “Let me see…”

I had lowered one of my hands to her firm little butt, then I sneaked it under the hem of her shorts while the only thing she did was look at me. As I now knew it was how she preferred to sleep, Ava wore no panties, so my fingers had a clear path to that precious part of hers. Imagine my surprise, after everything we had done that day, the first day she had sex, to find her slit thoroughly moist yet again while slipping my fingers between the delicate lips of her entrance.

The girl gasped at my touch, as did I, “Oh my, baby girl… You are here for me.”

“I-I am…” She answered in a whisper, shuddering all over.

“Three times, then?” I asked.

“The first today…” Ava said. “It is past midnight…” And she smiled.

“Oh, ok,” I laughed and reached for the waistband of her shorts, “we can keep our personal record for another day.”


“Take your clothes off, sweetheart,” I asked her when I realized that in the position we were in, I wouldn't be able to do so, and I was very curious to see what she'd do if she were on top.

Ava undressed for me without saying a word, and I watched it, marveling at her determination while she did it quite clumsily, still a little embarrassed, just like I imagined it would be. I saw her perfect little breasts again, and I wondered if it would ever be less enticing to look at my niece like that, to gaze at the smooth skin, the bright brown areola the size of a quarter, and every detail of her small, now erect nipples. After she took off her shorts, the time I used to undress my own, Ava looked at me as if she didn't know how to proceed.

“You're on top this time, sweetheart,” I told her, and I saw her lips curve in a little embarrassed smile while she crawled her way back to me.

Ava stopped on her way, one hand at each side of me; when she was in a position in which she faced my throbbing dick, laying on my lower stomach, pulsating in anticipation of being inside her again, she gasped.

“All you, baby girl,” I said as soon as I noticed how she stared at it.

“It's big…” She said while taking her time to look at it more closely now. “I wonder how this can fit inside of me.”

“As we well know, it does, but barely,” I said in an amused tone.

“Because I'm tiny and tight…”

“Because you're perfect,” I said, finally seeing a satisfied look on her face.

“Hum… Uncle Allen, would you like it if I tried using my mouth?” She asked in sort of an unsure way.

“Of course, I would,” and I got it in hand, making it stand for her. “Use your hand, have it your way.”

“But I don't know what to do…” She giggled.

“I know, and I'll let you figure it out. You know the movement that makes it work when it is inside you. It is basically the same thing. The difference is you have your tongue to play around with,” and while Ava looked at it, circling her little hand around my girth, I started caressing her cheek and her ear with my free hand. “Go ahead. You know you have no reason to feel ashamed when you are with me.”

Ava looked at me, now confidently, and holding a strand of her hair behind her ear, she opened her little mouth and half licked, half kissed the head of my member. I moaned in surprise, as it felt fantastic right from the beginning. I had received many blowjobs before, but none had taken that kind of reaction out of me so suddenly, and I knew what the difference was. It was Ava's mouth on my cock. The most precious thing I had in my life discovering what and how to do it on my cock.

I knew she heard me moan because she instantly got more avid. She sucked it lightly again, almost as if giving me an intense kiss, and soon she opened her little mouth and put more of it in. Soon the head was way past her lips, and I could feel her tongue pressing against its base.

“That's it, my love…” I let out in a breathy tone, and I wanted to lay my head back on the pillow and just enjoy it, but I couldn't. Watching her was way more rewarding.

She licked and sucked, trying different things for a while, making it sloppy and all the better. The young girl even closed her eyes after a minute, really concentrating on what she was doing, and I just watched, mesmerized. I imagined what my Ava would become once she got comfortable with all of this.

Then, she started putting it in and out of her, getting pace, and I let out a loud moan when I started feeling how her tiny mouth and tongue enveloped my stiff member, the unique feeling of it pressing and tightening on it at all the right spots.

“Ava… Oh, fuck!” I let out and felt the air and the vibration of a moan she gave me, taking pleasure in giving me pleasure.

However, her excitement made her brave, maybe too brave. She started trying to put more and more of it in at a time, and soon it reached her throat, making her start coughing and prompting her to raise her head and breathe loudly, a thick line of her saliva mixed with my precum drizzling down her cute chin.

“Hey, that's enough,” I said, leaning forward and grabbing both her hands.

She looked disappointed at first, “Wasn't it good?”

“It was amazing, all of it,” I said while guiding her to straddle me again and enjoying the feeling of her tiny slit completely soaked when she sat on my hips. I couldn't stop myself from looking down for some seconds just to take a good look at the full, delicate mounds of her pussy while it pressed down on my skin.

“But…” She whimpered, not convinced.

“I really like the way you were going, but we just had dinner…” I said, being honest and trying my best not to hurt her feelings.

“Oh… Oh! Ok,” she giggled.

“But I want to see how you do now,” I gave her a malicious grin.

“You want me to do it by myself?” She asked while tilting her head to the side, sounding insecure.

“Yes. However, you see fit. I want to watch you, but no pressure. We're experimenting. The second it gets uncomfortable to you, we stop. Ok?”

“Ok… But we are not experimenting. I'm sure you already did it like this before…” She said while figuring out how to crouch on top of me so my dick would align with the pinkish-red and pristine lips of her small, beautiful slit.

“Not with you. Everything I'm doing with you feels absolutely new, trust me,” I said.

“Why?” Ava asked while letting out a gasp, using her little hand to guide the head of my throbbing thing between the reddened petals of her soaking entrance.

Ava had to be a least a little sore there. There was no way a young girl like her went through two sessions of fuckery, including losing her virginity and not feeling the consequences. Yet, there she was, getting ready to ride me – anxiousness apart, she even looked eager to do it.

“Because you matter to me in a way nobody else ever did?” I started saying, and she looked at me with her lips parted, her hair covering half of her adorable face as if it was a light brown and luscious curtain, while slowly easing herself down on me, the tip of my member already starting to spread her in its way in. “Because watching you experiencing these things is fascinating…”

“R-Really?…” She mewed and then gasped when the head of my member abruptly won her initial tightness, a good inch slipping in right after, making her wince and moan, “Aahnn…”

“Really… You think your inexperience is something to be… Oohh…” I had to stop my words and let out a groan of my own when Ava suddenly let her weight down, opening her little mouth as if about to scream because of the way two more inches delved into her absolutely tight love canal. “Your inexperience is something to be cherished while it lasts, then we will have all the fun we want trying different things.”

“Ok, Uncle Allen,” she let out between long, deep breaths while her slender thighs trembled with the effort as she started to move up and down, fucking herself on my cock.

At times she didn't know what to do with her hands, constantly changing positions. At other times, Ava closed or spread her legs more, trying to find balance and a better position to keep moving, but my little thing never stopped. She kept riding it; the sensation was indescribable, and the fact I could watch her do it just shone a new light on everything. It was a mix of witnessing that precious little girl becoming a woman, assuming her sexual nature, and simultaneously acknowledging the lengths she would go to give me pleasure. Knowing how shy, delicate, and self-conscious Ava was, what she was doing wasn't easy for her. Of that, I was sure. Yet, there she was, up and down my dick, even if still trying to build up a rhythm, putting more of it inside her every time, impaling herself on me.

I just enjoyed it, admired her, and let my eyes travel all over her body; her little arms tensed while trying to keep herself propped and moving, her slender thighs shaking with the effort while I took my good time enjoying the sight of her pristine pussy spreading to take me in. With each in and out, I could see how her petals hugged my girth; the pink skin was so tight around me that it, too, moved a bit in and out of her by how stretched it was to take me, so clenched around my own skin.

Ava was sweating and moaning, breathing hard, her eyes on me in a mix of concentration and looking dreamy. Every up and down caused a reaction in the little girl as if it was a challenge on its own. And every time she went down, she let it reach a little further inside her until there was no more space to fill.

“Unngh!” Ava let out an alarmed little groan when she let herself down on me to the point it touched the deepest part of her, and while I wondered if I should say something or stop her from going so hard on herself, she did it again. Up, then down, until there was nowhere else for my lengthy member to go other than push against her nubile womb, and she groaned again.

Although it felt no short than divine to feel her whole sex enveloping my member again, I was in a constant battle, in my mind, between intervening and watching in amazement how avidly she impaled herself in my dick. I was distending her so much that I could feel every vibration, spasm, and involuntary movement inside her, to the slightest more tightening motion. Then, when all the way down on me, I could feel her cervix rubbing the tip of my cock as if kissing it. And she groaned more and more, increasing her pace, getting teary-eyed while her little face reddened scarlet. There was more than an inch out of her even when she went down on it for good. I could see it; she could feel it. And she kept going at it, trying to have all of it in. Trying to have me in my entirety.

If that hurt her, I blamed the alcohol in my bloodstream and hers. I blamed it on the combination of my aggressiveness and domineering persona with her lack of self-esteem and masochistic tendencies. I blamed the way Ava thought she had to give me her all; otherwise, she wouldn't be good enough for me. My own niece, that adorable little girl I saw growing up right in front of my eyes, ravishing herself on my dick, trying to impale herself on it. I blamed my inability to stop it on everything that made that thing we had so fucking special. It felt so amazing, and she looked so determined that I just let her be. If I wanted this to work, I had to trust her.

While I thought and felt the sublime sensation of being buried so deep in my young niece, she acted. Ava put her hands on my stomach, tilted her pelvis, and started gaining momentum. “Ugh! Uugh! Huuuh!” She let out a succession of little and cried moans every time she pushed herself down on it in shorter motions, only a couple of inches sliding in and out, bottoming her out every time.

I was getting ready to come when she seemed unable to carry on, her thin legs trembling so hard, but she tried to keep it going anyway. It was only by chance that I rapidly sat on the bed and wrapped my arms around her before she fell on top of me, and only God knows what kind of damage that could have done to my little girl if she had let all her weight down. I was as intent to see her swallow it whole, fill herself with me, as I knew she was avid to prove she could do it. But not like that, not that night. Maybe when she grew a little older or got more used to it. I loved to see her try, though.

With one arm under her butt and another around her waist, I propped her up while a significant portion of me remained buried inside my little girl. Her heart was racing, and her pussy was pulsating around me. She passed her arms around my neck and leaned her face on my shoulder, breathing ever so hard. Ava heaved as I caressed her, then I hunched to the side to look at her, and she did the same.

We just looked at each other for a moment. There was no need for me to ask if she was alright, or at least it would make no sense at that point. Ava looked at me with the same face she used to make after the few occasions she had done something wrong; a shy, embarrassed look in her eyes. In return, I kissed her.

“I got tired…” She explained herself in an almost sorrowful tone. “Ahh…” My princess moaned in surprise as I lifted her from me and slowly let her down again, carefully sliding some of it back into her soaking little pussy.

“You did amazingly, even though the way you were going for it made me a little worried,” I admitted, still using my arms to keep moving her up and down, withdrawing up to the head of my member, then slowly reinserting it in her again, savoring it. Her weight was even lighter than I expected, making it easier to control precisely how much of me I wanted inside of her and how.

Ava was panting, letting loud exhaling sounds every time I eased her onto it, “The first time we did it, you m-mentioned you weren't right for me… Oooh… Because you could be a-aggressive…”

“So you decided to prove I was wrong…” Her slender legs started to shake while wrapped around my waist.

“N-no… Ugh… I just wanted to show I was right for you…” She said in between sharp breaths and an occasional groan when I let her down on it even slightly faster.

“And what about you?” My breathing also picked up the pace, and I felt my balls ready to do their job.

“I love it…” Ava let out while looking deeply into my eyes, her little nose scarlet, so much shame and truth in a single and short sentence.

“Oh, Ava… Do you love to push yourself like that?” I fucked her faster, and her tight slit was so wet the room was filled with the sloshy noises it made.

“With y-you… Yes…” And the confidence in her voice, even though constantly broken by gasps, sounded sexy in a way I hadn't heard before.

“So you'd love it if I came straight into your little womb, just like I did in the morning, huh?” And I let her fall onto my pulsating dick a little more each time.

“Huuuuuh…. Y-Yes… Please,” She purred in a cried tone, reaching a climax of her own.

I never thought I would live something like this with anyone, let alone her, my adored little niece. It seemed out-worldly, to be honest; A fantasy. One I didn't even know I had.

Since I knew exactly how much she could take, as I had watched and felt her do it herself, I went as rough on her as she wanted. I bounced her up and down in a fast succession of thrusts, every single one going as deep inside of her as I believed she could take, but I made it faster. For some seconds, there was this feeling it couldn't get any better, that we were at the limit of what pleasure we could give ourselves. I knew it because I was getting ready to cum in a second, and I knew she was in the same situation by how she shivered, how her legs trembled, how her pussy quivered around me, and Ava hugged my neck just as tight, as that young little thing tried to deal with that million sensations she had going on.

As a man of my word, as I was about to jolt everything I had inside of her, I let some of her weight do its trick and bring her down on my cock. While I did this, I paid utmost attention to her, in case I had to lift her in a hurry, in case it hurt too much.

There was no need.

“Guuuuuuuu-uuuuuhhhhh-huuuuuuhhh!!!” Ava threw her head back and howled as she felt it; after two swift thrusts, the last pressed hard against her deepest part, and there it stayed. Her pussy contracted like crazy, and she shivered all over, rocked by a very intense orgasm.

I moaned loudly as well while holding her so, so tight, and depositing all I produced, gush after gush, directly to the womb of my broken little thing.

Ava spasmed all over for a couple of minutes, non-stop, while I gradually eased her up in a way my still throbbing dick didn't put as much pressure on her. I just held her, catching my breath, caressing her anywhere I could, and letting her know how much I cherished all of that, all of her.

When I laid back in bed, Ava on top of me, she gasped when she felt my member slide out of her abused little entrance. She looked at me, not saying a word, and I did the same. There it was again, that shy yet beautiful smile Ava gave me every time she had just reassured herself she could do it, she could cause that moment – that afterglow.

Maybe the day after, she could return to being that broken little girl, very unsure of herself. But at that moment, there was only bliss. Maybe she was like that by finally finding out her place in life – quite erroneously if you ask me – as the one whose purpose was to give me pleasure. With time, I would prove her otherwise and keep her feeling as loved as she felt at that moment without having to prove anything, not to herself or me.

While that didn't happen, I'd enjoy it. I mean, what man wouldn't? Read 405 times | Rated 87.5 % | (8 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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