Civic Experiment

An adult stories – Civic Experiment by Derekhello34,Derekhello34 Zac and Tyler

Zac and Tyler have being friends since childhood and have travelled to 5 countries together. Their dream, if they won the lottery is to visit every capital city in the world. A tough task but a task both is determined to achieve. The excitement of a life on the road and a life of adventure is something the friends always wanted.

Zac is 22, 6 ft. 3 160 pounds. He is slim but has a very noticeable six pack with broad surfer shoulders. His blonde hair and piercing blue eyes always got him the attention of both boys and girls growing up. Surfing has given him a golden complexion that he claims comes from his Greek ancestors.

Tyler isn’t as tall as Zac but shares his friend’s slim physique. His hair, his pride and joy is a lot longer than Zac’s medium length blonde hair. Brown and curly a bit like Tom Holland’s hair draped just above his shoulders. Growing up Zac would tease him that one day he would cut it off in his sleep.

They both have a lot in common most notably their lack of family. Zac’s parents had both died when he was 19 in a tragic accident. A car accident that devastated Zac but his determination and strength of character and good friend Tyler allowed him to survive the ordeal.

Tyler was raised by a single mother who was in and out of prison his whole life. She tried her best but would often repeat the same cycles, get a job save some money blow the money, spiral and then get herself into trouble again. Tyler promised himself he would never become a prisoner like his Mum.

They were very close growing up and very competitive with one another. As children they had many play fights that involved trying to pin one another down and getting the other to submit. They often chatted about their desires to travel and spent years planning their trip before they eventually decided it was time.

When they first left they had a fair amount of money to fund their trip. Zac had received a sizeable inheritance after his parent’s death and Tyler had worked since the age of 16 learning from his mother’s mistakes to not blow his cash. However, after two years of living the dream they were broke.

They returned to America determined to keep alive their dreams of travel, after all America had everything. They could surf, ski, gamble whatever they wanted in the land of the free. It felt like a bit of a defeat returning so close to their home town but were optimistic it was only for a short period.

They owned a van that had a bed converted into the back. Initially it was used to go on long weekend surfing trips. They would park behind a hostel nearby a beach, sleep head to toe next to one another before waking at 6 am for a sunrise surf. Now however, it was their home in a small surf town in the USA.

The small town is very picturesque. They found a hostel that would allow them to park the van in the back and use the facilities. They had to clean the kitchen to stay there for free but loved the social aspect of it. They made many friends but free accommodation didn’t put food on the table.

They had started to become sick of being broke back packers. Any work they found was usually poorly paid and very menial. Their day’s now consisted of surfing and desperately looking for work. It was Tyler who found the Ad online and couldn’t believe his luck when he read it. This could be the answer to their prayers.

“Civic experiment 6 month contract, 100,000 dollars with the possibility to earn much more. Two applicants needed free accommodation. Must be male and in their twenties. Backpackers are encouraged to apply”.

That was all it said it didn’t go into the specifics of how the experiment worked. Zac and Tyler didn’t care how it worked and they filled out the application immediately. They didn’t hear anything for a couple of weeks and had started to give up hope until a notification came through on their phone.

“You have successfully completed the first stage of the application. Please attend an interview on the 13th. If successful the experiment will begin one week later.”

The interview was not far away. Both boys were very excited and nervous. They scraped up all their money to buy nice yet cheap suits. If they didn’t get the job they might have to start begging on the streets just to feed themselves. They arrived a half hour early in attempt to gain extra brownie points.

The lobby is a very sterile reception area in a room painted white with white tiled floors. There was a young man maybe early twenties behind the counter who directed the boys into a waiting room. There were two other guys in the waiting room similar age to Zac and Tyler.

‘Hi this is Kyle and I’m Brandon. Are you applying for the experiment?’ One of the guys asked.

‘Yeah, have you any idea what this about’ Zac asks.

‘No idea, all we know is the money is good and we get a place to stay for free’ Brandon responds.

‘Yeah that’s what we like about it too, we could really use some extra money’ Zac said realising that these two are their competition for the job.

‘Good luck in your interview’ Brandon says.

‘Yo too’ Zac replies and takes one of the seats in the waiting room. Tyler sits down beside him. They are both getting increasingly nervous. They want the job so badly. Tyler looks around the waiting room, its all white. He wonders why they don’t put a painting or two up.

After only 15 minutes of waiting they were called for the interview. Both got a sudden surge of butterflies as they walked through the door. The room was again all white and very sterile. Two men sat behind a white desk one in his mid-twenties and the other and older gentleman who looked closer to 70.

‘Hi I’m Dr Sampson, but you can call me Tanner and this is Gregory Hicks but you can refer to him as Mr Hicks’ said the doctor while motioning them to sit.

Tanner sat down and looked through the papers. Tanner like all the people they have seen today is very attractive. He has long brown hair that is very straight. He is quite pale which makes his brown eyes almost sparkle and really emphasis his chiselled jaw.

‘We are very pleased with your application. However, this is a 6 month long experiment. What will your family think of no contact for such a long period?’ asked the doctor.

‘Oh don’t worry about that we don’t have much family to speak of that won’t be a problem’ answered Zac quite nervously.

The two men behind the desk looked at one another and smiled. Mr Hicks wrote something down and stood up.

‘The last thing that you boys have to decide upon is quite important. Once you sign the document it will be legally binding and there will be no opting out. You must finish the 6 months failure to do so will lead to a fine and jail time. Is this understood’ said the man while handing them each a contract.

Zac and Tyler looked at one another nodded and then signed the contract. In their excitement they didn’t even take the time to read it.

‘Very well, enjoy your last week of freedom for the next 6 months’

One week later

They arrived at the address on time and were given clothes to put on and directed into a room. The room had a foam mat covering the entire ground and a closet in the corner and a TV on the wall. There were two doors the one they walked through and another by the TV.

The TV turned on and Dr Tanner Sampson appeared on the screen.

‘Hello for the next six months you will be willing participants in our Civic Experiment. Before we begin we have to find the alpha male of your group. The alpha male will have certain benefits over the next 6 months so I recommend that both of you try hard in the following competition.

The competition is simple it’s a wrestling match. It’s a strip wrestling match, meaning that the only way to win is to strip your opponent naked. Once a winner is declared further instructions will be given’.

They were both wearing matching cloths that were just given to them. The cloths are a plain t shirt boxer shorts and shorts. They are both barefoot. Part of the instructions they received upon signing the contract was bring only the cloths they arrived in.

Tyler shook his head but before he could say anything he was tackled to the ground. Tyler was shocked he never expected it and was caught off guard. Zac had him in a headlock. Tyler’s face was stuck in Zac’s armpit. Tyler could smell the overwhelming scent of Zac’s sweat it made it all the more difficult to escape.

‘I’m stronger than you so just give up and get this over with. You never beat me in the past. You won’t start today. Just submit’ Zac said determined to be the victor.

As he said that Tyler flipped him over and grabbed the back of Zac’s neck. They both climbed to their feet and Zac went to try and take Tyler down as they both went down Tyler grabbed the back of Zac’s T shirt pulling it over Zac’s head.

Tyler tried to use Zac’s attempts to put the T-shirt back on and started to pull at his shorts. Zac kicked him away and tossed his T-shirt aside. Zac was now shirtless sweat was pouring down his tanned body and he was breathing heavily. Tyler knew he had the upper hand and went in for the kill.

He grabbed Zac’s legs to take him down and as he did it Zac got him in another headlock and they both fell to the ground. Zac had complete leverage over Tyler and held him in the headlock for a few seconds.

Tyler could feel Zac’s body heat on his face and both were now completely drenched in sweat. Tyler’s was trapped and unable to get out. His face buried in Zac’s armpit, Zac’s sweat was soaking his face. Zac had a free hand grabbed the back of Tyler’s underwear and started to pull it upwards.

Tyler got his face away from his armpits ‘what are you doing’ as he said that Zac re adjusted him back and he got a mouthful of his sweat. He could taste the salty slime and felt like gagging. The more he tried to get out the worse it was.

He was defenceless he couldn’t escape the grip and was tiring himself out he realized that Zac wouldn’t be able to do any more damage other than the wedgie so he decided to let it go and then hopefully find a way to try something new.

Zac though had other ideas and kept the wedgie going. Despite the pain Tyler was feeling he had no escape. The waist band went further and further up his back to the point where it was almost touching the drape of his neck. The boxers snapped straight off. Zac hadn’t expected them to rip so soon and the surprise gave Tyler the chance to wriggle free.

Both were now on their knees about a metre apart panting and trying to catch their breath. ‘Tyler, you’re going to lose just give-up safe yourself the embarrassment’. Tyler seemed to be more sluggish, the headlock had taken more energy out of him and he felt like he couldn’t go on but was determined not to lose.

He charged Zac taking him by surprise and managed to take him down. The momentum was with Tyler for a slight moment but Zac over powered him again. He was now leaning directly over Tyler who was on his back pinning his shoulders down with his knees.

Tyler tried to get up but Zac who is normally stronger than him any way had leverage again and the struggling was just lowering his energy. Zac removed one hand from his shoulder and started slapping Tyler in the face come on dude just give-up.

‘I could just beat you by stripping you but I want you to give up, submit to me the way you have in the past’ taunted Zac.

Tyler blocked a slap and used almost the last of his energy to kick Zac of him, Zac went tumbling over his shoulders and Tyler slowly got up. The raced over the Zac and grabbed his shorts as Zac tried to kick him off he pulled his shorts leaving Zac in his boxers.

He charged Zac but he was easily taken down Zac trapped him in a leg lock. Tyler s face was inches away from Zac’s crotch. This made him feel even more uncomfortable and he started squirming and pulling trying to escape. His nose pressed into Zac’s cotton boxer shorts.

Zac felt happy knowing Tyler was wasting the last of his energy. He also felt slightly turned on by the thought of another dudes face inches away from his dick. Zac left Tyler struggling for almost four minutes then let him go. Zac stood up and looked at Tyler. He was trying to get to his feet but was exhausted.

Zac circled his prey and when Tyler stood up he put him in another headlock taking him down and wrapping his legs around Tyler’s body. Tyler let out a gasp ‘come on man let me go’ he pleaded with his friend. Zac ignored him tightening the grip.

Zac couldn’t believe it despite totally dominating he found himself in his boxer shorts and pretty close to losing. He sprang to his feet and decided that it was time to finish this. Tyler despite his burst of energy was still exhausted.

Zac circled him. Tyler was feeling more confident and decided one last attempt and went for the waste of Zac. Who grabbed him and easily took of his T-Shirt. Tyler fell to the ground and finally conceded to himself that this it was over.

Zac walked over and grabbed the bottom of his shorts and with one strong pull reefed them off. Tyler was lying on the floor completely naked. His smooth body was covered in sweat from head to toe making his body glisten. His 5 inch cock was semi hard being dominated by his best friend seemed to be turning him on.

The TV turned on again but this time the older gentleman appeared.

‘Well done Zac you did well. You’re the alpha male. Now I need the loser to be chained to the wall’

As he said it a panel in the wall opened slightly. Zac walked over opening the door. There was a chain and two pairs of hand cuffs and an Ipad inside.

‘OK now do you see the hook on the wall pull the chain through it and handcuff one to each end then chain Tyler to the wall. Failure to do so will see 5 thousand reduced from the $100,000’ the older gentleman said sternly.

‘Come on dude its time, the money is on the line come over here. Don’t worry in six months when we are rich we will laugh about this’

Tyler just lay there panting and trying to regain his breath. Zac walked over to him grabbed his feet and dragged him to the wall. He guided the chain through the hook and attached a hand cuff to either end of the chain. He pushed Tyler against the wall and cuffed each wrist.

The hook was about a metre of the ground. Tyler was sitting there still breathing heavily with his arms out stretched and his back against the wall. He was completely naked and unable to move his arms. He let his head drop partly from fatigue and partly embarrassment. His cock was rock hard.

`Congratulations Zac you are now in control of your own fate. The way the next 6 months will work is simple. Tyler and you will live in the space we have provided for you. They are comfortable living arrangements. If you want to eat, drink and have electricity you need to earn money.

This is done simply by you controlling and telling Tyler what to do. On the Ipad you will learn how to earn money for example if he gives you a foot massage you earn the amount on the right hand side, more examples are in the pad. If you think of your own idea we will rate it an assign a price to it

You will be assigned tasks. They will come through on the Ipad you will hear a long buzz to notify you of a task. Failure to complete a task will result in a reduction of money. If you complete the task additional money will be added to the $100,000′ the old man finished and the TV changed to show $100,000 on it.

Tyler and Zac both looked at each other shock written across their faces. The Ipad buzzed and Zac went to retrieve it. A notification appeared it said show him who is boss. Zac opened the message and read it. He took a deep breath knowing Tyler wouldn’t like what’s coming. He walked over and stuck his foot in Tyler’s face.

Tyler sat there with Zac’s barefoot sticking in his face trying to protest but was struggling to get any coherent words out. Zac took his foot away a few inches so Tyler could talk

‘This is crazy you aren’t going to follow through on this are you?’ Tyler asked desperately.

Zac put his foot down and walked closer to Tyler `I’m sorry Man but I have to show you whose boss. This is the task assigned to me, it’s not my idea’ Zac put his hand down his pants and pulled out his floppy 6 Inch dick.

`Wait what the fuck’ but before Tyler could finish a stream of piss hit him in the face and he swallowed a full mouthful before turning his face away. He pissed for what seemed like an eternity to Tyler, soaking his hair and his naked body. When he finished Zac wiped his dick on his friends face.

The $100,000 on the TV changed to $105,000. Tyler looked up at it despite the humiliation of being pissed on a part of him was happy. $5,000 would go a long way even if it made him feel a little like a whore. The second door in the room buzzed open and Zac walked towards it.

‘I’m sorry dude but I have to leave you here like this. We will have separate orientations tomorrow morning. Try to get some rest. There will be someone to greet you in the morning to process you’ with that Zac left his friend naked, chained to the wall and covered in piss to start the experiment.


I have been in prison for almost 24 months. Two years of hell brought on by a stupid mistake. A bad decision has changed my life forever. I have followed advice and kept my head down for the majority of my time here. I have only gotten into one fight so far.

I have always had money in my prison account. My father has enough money so he has topped it up on a consistent basis. This has made my life a little easier. At first the other inmates didn’t like this but I spread the wealth which seemed to stop any beatings.

However, the problem is my father has remarried and his new wife has convinced him to cut me off. My life of somewhat luxury has been stripped away. The biggest problem is I have got into the habit of getting stuff on credit and now I’m in debt to a particularly bad prison bully.

The midday sun beams down on me as I pace back and forward trying to pluck up the courage to tell Owen I haven’t got a way to pay him back. We will be back in our cells soon. I only have 30 minutes to tell him.

‘Where’s my money?’ I hear Owens familiar voice come from behind me. My fear rises as I realise him needing to find me is much worse than if I came to him first.

‘Owen I’m sorry my Dad has cut me off. But I can get a job in the kitchen and pay you back’ I stammered.

‘Oh poor posh boy might have to do some work for once in his life. The thing is it pays shit. It will take you months to pay me back. It’s not good enough’.

‘Please, I’m sorry. Every cent I get I’ll give to you. Please this has never happened before, there must be a way to fix this’ I said praying he will take pity on me.

Owen scanned me up and down. He brought his attention to my Nike runners. Most prisoners especially those from poor families can’t afford the expensive shoes from the prisoner shop. They are forced to wear the prison grade shoes that are very uncomfortable.

‘Give me your shoes that will be a good start. I don’t want to hear any arguing. You have one chance’ he ordered with menace in his voice.

My heart sank but I would prefer to wear prison grade shoes than get a beating every day for the rest of my life. I undid the laces of my left shoe and slipped my foot out and quickly followed with the right. I handed them to him feeling like I’ve hit rock bottom.

‘The socks too’ I couldn’t believe it he was going to leave me here barefoot.

‘But I’ll get a shot from the guards for walking around bare foot’ I protested knowing it would fall on deaf ears. He stared at me silently. I breathed heavily and then removed the socks and handed them to him. I felt humiliated being the only one in the yard barefoot.

He walked away with my footwear without saying another word. I wasn’t even sure I had any other shoes. If the guards didn’t give me a shot I’d be barefoot for a while. The other prisoners would take a grim view of this.

I walked to a less populated area of the yard. The ground was hot under my bare feet. I felt humiliated. Then suddenly the sound of laughter and conversation was broken by what sounded like a car screeching. A second later a truck smashed through the prison wall.

There was silence as all the prisoners stared at the unconscious driver of what looked like a delivery truck. Is this a jail break or an accident? A roar of joy rang through the yard broken by the prisons alarm. The prisoners start running towards the opening at speed.

I froze I didn’t know what to do. Even if I got away would life on the run be not be any sort of life. But I’ve being sentenced to life in prison. I looked down at my feet and realised I was now running towards the opening as if on autopilot.

I ignored the pain in my feet as I ran and hopped over the fallen bricks. The majority of the inmates seemed to leave and break to the right. I thought I must go left the guards and the police will go after the larger crowd first.

I ran as fast as I could for what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes. I heard a car coming behind me. My escape has being short lived. A fancy SVU with tinted windows pulled up beside me. The window rolled down to reveal two men in their twenties.

‘Looks like you need help, boy’ said the driver.

‘Yes can you take me away from here’ I begged hoping for a change in fortunes for what has being a bad day so far.

‘Yeah you can get in. We will take you to our farm. Nobody will find you there. Just in case the police pull us over you can’t get in with those cloths on take them off and throw them behind the bush’ he ordered to my shock.

I thought he must have clothes in the car and he is right if the police drive by and see my orange jump suit everyone would be in big trouble. I quickly pulled off my jumpsuit throwing as far from the road as I could and went to open the door. But it was locked.

‘The boxers as well the police know what prison grade boxers look like. I started to protest but heard the car start to rev up. I pulled my boxers off and threw them over my head. I heard the door click open and jumped in faster than I have ever gotten into a car.

‘Hi, I’m Tanner and this is Jordan. We were on our way back from work when we noticed the accident. If it was an accident this has being the third incident of trucks smashing into prison walls in the last 6 months. What’s your name? Tanner asked.

‘Max and thank you so much for helping’ I said blushing I grabbed a pillow to cover my hardening dick.0 Both Tanner and Jordan are as fit as fuck. Tanners pale skin and long black hair hang over his broad shoulders.

Jordan has light brown hair that is messy at the fringe. His smile is wonderful and he seems to be constantly grinning. This is a dream for a gay guy to be in the presence of these two almost god like creatures. I just wish I had some clothes on.

‘The prison system is a ridiculous form of punishment it just doesn’t work. We will gladly hide you on our farm for a while’ Tanner claimed.

The journey took two hours in which time I learned that Tanner was a Doctor and Jordan tends the farm but fills in from time to time as a receptionist at Tanners office. He seemed very young to be a doctor but some people look a lot younger than they are.

We drove into the farm. The sun was almost down and night began to creep in. Despite my nudity I wasn’t cold but I was still hoping that I would receive clothes soon. Tanner went into his house leaving me and Jordan outside chatting and returned with three beers but no clothes.

‘Do you think I could borrow some clothes please? I asked nervously.

”Ah of course you must feel self-conscious slave strip’ he ordered while looking at Jordan.

Jordan quickly complied, removing his denim overalls. He wasn’t wearing any boxers and was barefoot. What I saw shocked me. Around his neck was a chain with a padlock holding it closed and two keys looped around the closed padlock.

He was wearing a full chastity belt. Not like the metal cages I had seen while watching porn before my freedom was taken away. His body is sculpted broad shoulders that lead down to a slim waste. His abs are well defined, and his skin is a brown olive colour with no visible tan lines.

‘You see Max, Jordan and I have a very special relationship. He is my slave. I found Jordan homeless after his parents had kicked him out when they found out he was gay and I gave him an offer a place to stay with food if he would become my slave. I hope this doesn’t freak you out’.

‘No not at all. I have experience with role play. I am usually the master and the one in control. I have only ever bottomed with a guy once before but have had them naked at my feet where they belong’. My answer seemed to really please them both.

‘That’s good to hear, I’d like to hear your ideas on rules for my slave. Like how often he should cum, when he is allowed wear cloths stuff like that. I promise you I will take any suggestions very seriously’.

A huge grin came across my face. I had being a master to a few slaves as a teenager and they were in their early twenties but I never got the chance to have complete control like this. Maybe if he likes my ideas I could also be Jordan’s master I thought. I would love to have him service my dick.

‘OK, to answer your first two questions. I think a slave should only cum once a year and only if he has earned it. He should be naked at all times. I like how you have the keys to his belt within reach of him but he can’t use them’ I said while laughing. Tanner grinned as he took a huge slug of his beer.

The thing is circumstances have changed. I have fallen in love with Jordan. He is to become my partner. With work being so far away however I still need a slave to tend the farm and offer other services that a normal person wouldn’t preform. So we are on the lookout for a new slave’.

I didn’t really register what he was saying but I was starting to think that I was the one they now had in mind. I could never be their slave. I am a top and am used to being dominant. I would just have to say no if he asked.

‘I see you know what we are suggesting. So I will give you two choices you can submit to us for the rest of your life as per your sentence or you will return to prison never to see proper daylight again. At least with us you can roam the farm and not live in fear for your life’.

I was about to say no until I remembered Owen. There is no way I could pay him back. I would receive extra punishment for escaping and probably receive daily beating from the blonde bully. At least here I would feel free and in the presence of two extremely hot guys. I nodded yes.

‘Great’ Jordan said while hugging me. Tanner took a key out of his pocket and removed the chain from around Jordan’s neck. The keys fell to the ground which he retrieved and used to unlock the chastity devise. He got a hose from the side of the house and rinsed it off.

Tanner and Jordan embraced each other and kissed. It was a long passionate kiss. Tanners arms wrapped around his boyfriends slim waste. It was the most amazing scene I’ve ever witnessed in real life.

‘These are now yours’ Tanner said while picking up the chastity devise and chain. He attached the chain around my neck and went back into the house. Jordan got down on his knees and started to attach the chastity belt to me. I squirmed as his touch tickled my skin.

‘Ticklish are we? You have made the right choice. Your life will be better here than prison but I must warn you if you don’t behave you will be punished and there will be parts of your life that you won’t like’ he said in a kind but firm manner.

Tanner came out of the house struggling to carry a round object. He put in on the floor and kicked it and as it moved along the farm I noticed a thick chain being unravelled. Jordan followed the object and when it stopped, he took one end of the chain and walked back to the house.

Tanner produced another collar and attached it just above the chain. He padlocked the end of the chain that was by his feet to the back of the collar. Jordan walked to the house and padlocked the other end to a hook on the wall.

‘There is no backing out now. As we come to trust you the chain will be removed from the wall. As it is now you can walk around 500 meters in any direction of the house. Escape will be impossible but remember even if you do escape you will be going back to prison’.

I swallowed hard in less than 12 hours I had gone from a prisoner who had the most benefits of any inmate to a slave. I gained my freedom and lost it all in one day. But I also was overjoyed these two boys are smoking hot. This could be very enjoyable

‘Thank you for the advice by the way. We knew you would accept our offer so we thought we would allow you to choose your own fate. So, its agreed a year until you next cum and to be constantly naked. A bit harsh but at the same time you suggested it for Jordan here so only seems fair’

In all that had happened I had forgotten I had said that. My own cruelty is coming back to bite me in the ass. A year without cumming and never wear cloths again. At least only these two would see me naked but still the thought humiliated me.

‘Now before bed you are going to suck Jordan’s dick. He hasn’t got to cum in three months so it shouldn’t take too long’ a huge smile appeared on Jordan’s face as he said it.

This part is at least a part I can get used to even if I’m normally a top. I got down on my knees and took Jordan’s 8 inch hard cock in my mouth. Tanner was right it didn’t take long before I felt his cock pulsing. He took it out and shot all over my face.

It was the biggest load I had ever seen and it covered my face and hair. It dripped down onto my body I guess this is what happens when you don’t cum for three months you build up a massive load of cum.

‘OK bed time’ Tanner said. He walked me over to small brick shed at the side of the house and told me to get in. It was about 6 X 4 feet the ground was made of concrete and dirty. There was nothing in it except a drain in the middle of it.

‘Try to get some sleep. Tomorrow further rules will be explained to you and you will start your duties on the farm. He closed the door which had a small gap at the bottom to allow the chain to pass through. I heard a clink as Tanner must have locked the door.


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