Coffee and Claire Pt. 03 by the_biochemist_98,the_biochemist_98

The third part is here! Hope you like it! Thanks for all the kind comments and feedback on the previous two parts. You are all wonderful! As always, apologies for any errors.

I took into account the suggestion that the parts were too short but I’ve already written most of them. I’m only re-editing them as I get the time which honestly, isn’t all that much, since the new semester has started at work. I will think of combining the remaining two or three to give you one large end part.

It’s Krish’s perspective again. This is one has some steamy stuff to keep you invested.

Chapter 8

The phrase “I wanted it.” was ringing in my ears on my walk back home. Did Claire really mean it? I had acted like an infatuated teenager after she kissed me. Was I taking advantage of her vulnerability. She wasn’t in the right headspace and I hadn’t cared.

Did I regret the kiss? Not one bit. How could I regret something so purely given? She had initiated it. That didn’t make it right though. Claire needed a friend. She needed comfort. Not someone looking to fill in where her previous boyfriend had failed. Maybe being with me would be comforting?

What an idiotic idea!

Failed wasn’t the right word for what the cunt had done to Claire. Brandon had broken Claire and her family. Left her to rot and betrayed her in the worst way possible. I hated the man more than I hated anyone or anything else. The hatred surprised me. I was never one for such strong emotions. Seems like I didn’t know myself well enough.

I had strong emotions against Brandon. I had even stronger emotions for Claire. For Brandon, there was contempt, rage, hatred. For Claire there was concern, kindness and an altogether unfamiliar attraction.

My ‘Hare Krishna’ parents had always taught me love and acceptance. I wasn’t a pacifist like they were though. I had been bullied too often to be one. Sam had gotten me and Neil into kickboxing in school after saving us a million times. I could handle myself in a fight even though I tried my best to avoid them at all costs. Fighting happened when people weren’t smart enough to use their words.

What I felt against Brandon was different. I wanted to physically harm him. I have never been one to initiate conflict. I didn’t like it when people engaged in animalistic fights if they weren’t getting paid to do it. Yet, Brandon brought out something in me that made me want to smash his head in. Was that such a bad thing?

My thoughts returned to Claire and her embrace as I let myself into my house. She had sought comfort in me. I wasn’t going to refuse her. I still wanted her to sort out her feelings though. “It may be too soon but I don’t give a fuck.” were the words she’d used.

I didn’t believe her. It was entirely too soon and I would die before hurting her. The thought of pursuing her was eating me up. Would she want that? I made a decision. There was no way I would push her to date me. I would only accept what was given. “Go with the flow.” Hearing myself say it made me cringe.

Maybe she had always liked me. I had been too stupid and shy by not asking her out before Brandon. Maybe if I had, none of this would have happened. She would have been safe. My inaction had cost her, it seemed like. It had cost me too. It wasn’t the right thing to think. It wasn’t my fault, really but it sure felt like it was.

Resolving to take it slow, no matter the circumstances, I made it to my bedroom. I dropped myself onto my bed and gazed absentmindedly at the ceiling. What was happening? The woman of my dreams seemed to want me but the situation was so complicated, it made my head spin. Did I need all this chaos in my perfectly regimented life?

Yes. Yes I did. I needed the angel that was Claire Smith like I needed to breathe. Her life may be chaotic now, but that would change. She was a determined woman, and would shake this off sooner rather than later. She would certainly have all my help and support.

Was I in love with Claire? I had no idea. It was too soon to tell. It wouldn’t be hard to fall completely and totally for her though. She was like the warm sun on a summer morning. Her presence made life better in every way. I wanted to fall in love with her and wanted her to feel the same. It was entirely possible now when previously it had seemed unobtainable.

There was a problem that needed to be addressed though. Brandon needed to be fucked in the ass with a bamboo cane. I was going to look him up and gather as much information as I could about his crimes. He’d duped people using his technical knowledge. I needed to find out what he’d done and how.

I had friends in the cybersecurity space from my year at graduate school. I hadn’t spoken to some of them in over a decade but one of my course mates, Mark worked at Cambridge too. He was a mate and I’d helped him out with his studies a few times. It was time to cash in some favours I was owed.

I wasn’t completely sure if Claire would mind me butting in. I may have been taking too much interest but I had promised I’d be a better friend. This was a way to help her and she sure needed all the help she could get. I would give her the information, if Mark could find any and leave the action up to her.

It was entirely too early to sleep but the day had been beyond exhausting. My travels, meeting Claire and everything that transpired between us had drained me. I smiled with embarrassment. Her perfect form against me while she was snogging my face off had made my dick swell. I’d pulled away thinking she’d be angry but she had a contented smile on her face.

The memories brought back a raging hardon! It would be inappropriate to rub one out thinking of Claire though. I was too much of a gentleman I told myself. What a fucking lie that was! I had fantasized about making love to her for too long. It was a recurring theme in my masturbatory fantasies for the past two years, much to my dismay. I kept away from doing it often but I had needs too!

That made me feel even more ashamed. She had been with a partner then. Regardless of what a dick he was, it was still inappropriate to imagine making love to her. It was entirely a different matter now but she was still vulnerable. Like a flower on a dewey spring morning. Entirely too pure to pluck or disturb.

I extracted myself from the bed and got changed and freshened up. My hardon wouldn’t leave me so I pulled up some porn on my phone. I didn’t like porn very much. It was too addictive and easily available. I couldn’t afford to go close to it because I was a high functioning scientist. I also had an overactive imagination so didn’t need to rely on it to get me off.

I was still a man though, and watched it occasionally. Today would have to be an occasion if I wanted to avoid images of Claire in my mental porno. I looked for some videos until I found one and put some lotion into my palm. I slowly started stroking my dick to a petite brunette getting her pussy rubbed through her panties on screen. I’d always had a thing for petite women.

Before I knew it, my mind betrayed me. The brunette morphed into an altogether familiar blonde. Her eyes turned green and dimples appeared on her face as she smiled. The man was replaced too. It was me now who was sucking the blonde woman’s clit like it was life saving, making her moan and shout my name. My hands were on her erect pink nipples and they were hard as a rock. Her tits were out of this world.

I rolled her over and inserted my hard dick into her wet pussy from behind, starting a slow, rocking motion. The pace quickly increased and I was pounding her like a jackhammer. She was screaming my name and writhing against me as I held her close and licked her neck.

That was all I could take. My mental images were too powerful to resist. I came so hard that a pathetic cry escaped my mouth loudly. My dick spurted like an unending volcano. “Oh Claire!” I shouted as I was spurting onto my stomach.

Sighing with disgust and embarrassment coming down from my high, I cleaned myself up. “I’m an arsehole!” I shouted out into my empty room as I dropped myself back in bed naked. Sleep claimed me easily. An image of Claire smiling sweetly from earlier in the day crossed my mind as I closed my eyes.

Chapter 9

My 4 am alarm woke me up and I silenced it since it was Sunday. I felt incredibly rested. Must have been because I went to sleep early! I turned on my back and slept for a while longer. I woke up at 7 again and got out of bed.

Picking up my phone to check mum’s usual Sunday morning text, I found another one sent late last night. It could only be from one person.

Thanks again Krish. Tonight, you gave me hope. I’d forgotten how that felt. The kiss was incredibly delicious too! 😉 Hope you have a restful night!

This is Claire btw…….

I know you can probably tell but I didn’t want to take the chance in case you went around kissing other women.

I laughed! She’d brought the kiss up. I hoped she wasn’t regretting it today. She’d stayed up late. I formed a reply.

Me: Sorry Claire! Crashed as soon as I was home last night. Too tired. You never need to thank me, so it would be best if you stopped.

To be honest, I slept so well because an angel kissed me last night and knocked me out completely. She’s ruined all other women for me! Oh! How will I live?

“That was definitely flirty!” I realised after sending the text. It was a new thing for me and I hoped I hadn’t inserted my foot into my mouth. I was grinning like a 14 year old boy texting his first crush. Maybe I was one again, as I hadn’t done any of it when I was 14. Girls threatened me with pepper spray back then. Buzzing broke my trance.

Claire: Ha! Has she now? I hope you two will be happy together! :p

On a more serious note, I hope you don’t regret it…..

Couldn’t sleep last night thinking I might have made you uncomfortable.

Me: 0 regrets here.

Claire: Phew! 0 regrets here too!

Me: Hope that helps you sleep for some time now. It’s only 7.

Claire: No can do. Mum needs to be fed. Might have a nap later though.

Me: You should. You must be exhausted!

I had never texted with another woman for so long. My texts usually got replies like “I think we shouldn’t see each other again.” This was new ground for me. I had no idea what to do or how long to wait. I decided to do what felt natural.

Claire: Would it surprise you to hear I’m not? Haven’t been this excited for a long while.

Me: Doesn’t surprise me at all! Glad to hear you’re so excited.

Claire: Hmm….. Any plans for today?

Me: Was going to laze around mostly. Still feeling a bit tired from my trip but I suddenly find myself in the mood for some chores!

Claire: Dork! Chores are boring! Do something fun.

Me: Pray tell what I should do then?

Claire: Umm… dunno? Play video games? Isn’t that what you lot do?

Me: Us lot?

Claire: Nerds

Me: Hahaha… Not today.

How’dya know what nerds do, Ms Smith? Are you secretly one?

Claire: Haha! You wish Dr Krish!

Wow! Neat rhyme if I may say so myself!

I just ran with the assumption that you lot were all boring! 😛

Now go do your chores!

Me: Yes Ma’am.

Claire: G’day handsome! 😉

Me: G’day angel!

The banter made me grin again. She went offline and I dragged my arse out of bed. Suddenly excited to face a new day. You couldn’t have nuked my grin!

Chapter 10

It was one of the most productive Sundays of my life. I cleaned the house like a madman, tidied up the yard and prepared my flower beds for winter. I also cleaned the wood shop and made room in the corner for new wood for my bed project.

All through the day, Claire kept popping up in my thoughts, making me smirk like an idiot. I was ridiculously happy. More than I had been in a long, long time. The woman had driven me mad!

I was finally done with the chores around five. I was getting hungry and decided to cook myself something special. I loved cooking and had worked in kitchens throughout my student life. It had been my way to escape the world. It also made staying healthy a lot easier as long as I was disciplined. Today was going to be a cheat day though.

I took out the ingredients for a spaghetti carbonara and got out a beer to drink while I cooked. I’d wanted to text Claire all through the day but didn’t want to appear desperate. I shouldn’t have worried.

Claire: How’s the ‘Chore man’ doing?

Me: Lame!

Claire: I know you snorted!

Me: I did not!

Claire: Liar! Seriously though, are you done with the chores? Tired?

Me: Aye. Was cooking myself a nice meal. Carbonara’s on the menu.

Claire: Really? You cook? Are you any good?

Me: I Love to cook and I’ve been told I’m quite good.

Claire: I’d like to judge that myself. Am I invited?

I hesitated. Should I invite her? Would it be appropriate? Claire coming over wouldn’t have been that bad but I was scared shitless. She might have sensed it.

Claire: I won’t come if you don’t want me to. Only, I love a good spaghetti carbonara!

*Insert puppy eyes here*

Don’t feel obligated….. Was only kidding.

I made a decision. I would handle the consequences.

Me: Okay. You win! Dinner will be served at half six.

Claire: You’re joking! You really want me to come?

Me: Only if you don’t slurp or cut your pasta.

Claire: Oh! I slurp a lot, cut my pasta into tiny bits and make noises when I chew. What now?

Me: You’re insufferable! Half six. Don’t be late!

Claire: Mwah! Mwah! Do I bring anything?

Me: Just yourself.

Claire: Can’t wait! See you soon handsome!

Me: Stop calling me that! I’m not handsome.

Claire: I’ll be the judge of that. You just shut up and cook! You’re the large house on the way to the church, right?

Me: Yes Ma’am. See you soon.

I was giddy with excitement and fear. Was this a date? Should I dress like it was one. If I dressed and she came over in casual clothes, I’d look like an idiot. The same would be true if the opposite would happen. I was about to blow my top.

I decided then that nice jeans and my fanciest cream jumper would be appropriate in either case. I took a swig of my beer and began cooking like a man possessed. She deserved my best.

I needed to finish soon and get ready. It was already quarter past five and I needed to make some bruschetta for starters as well. I got to it and finished in an hour, just in time to get dressed and set the table for Claire. I decided to keep it casual and didn’t do any fancy plating. Simple was the best sometimes.

The bread was grilling nicely when I heard the knock. I got the bread out. It was already half six. Shit! I fixed my hair quickly and trotted to the door. I opened it to see the woman of my dreams.

Chapter 11

Claire launched herself into me as soon as I opened the door. I coughed when she squeezed me with surprising strength and my arms flew around to hold her. She sighed a deep sigh and I simply walked back to bring us both in.

“Hi.” She whispered into my shoulder. “Hi” I whispered back. After a while, she let go reluctantly and took a step back, smiling brightly. She was wearing a navy jacket against the wind and had decided to dress casually. Jeans and a green top with frills. She looked like a doll.

“Let me take your jacket.” I said. She turned suddenly and my hand accidentally brushed her left boob. It sent a shock through my system. “So sorry Claire. I didn’t mean to do that.” I said in a panicky voice.

“I know Krish. Don’t worry about it.” She said and smiled a forgiving smile. I hung her jacket up and led her in.

“You have a beautiful house, Krish. I always imagined you living in a futuristic condo, not a victorian house.”

“There are no futuristic condos in Buckden, Claire!” I laughed.

“True. I still thought you’d built one for yourself. Something’s missing though.” She added. It didn’t make any sense. I had very beautiful furniture my dad and I made ourselves and my house was generally warm and inviting. I had some tasteful romantic art too. In general it wasn’t that bad. I’d gotten a lot of compliments from the people that visited.

“What do you mean? Don’t you like it?” I asked.

“I love it, the furniture is especially beautiful. But you know, it sort of needs a woman’s touch.” She smiled.

“Does it now? I’ll keep that in mind. Please have a seat.” I said pulling out her chair at the dinner table. She placed a small box in the middle and said. “I brought dessert. Your favorite coconut biscuits.”

“Wow! Thanks! You didn’t have to.” I said as I went towards the kitchen to get the wine. I opened the nice bottle of red and carried it out to the table. Claire was still smiling. She kind of looked stupid. “What’s with that grin?” I asked sitting down on the chair across her.

My table wasn’t large as I lived alone. My dad had still made it so that it could seat six. It felt a little too large then. I wanted to be closer to Claire.

“Just happy.” She answered. “The food smells fantastic, Krish. It looks delicious too! Thanks for inviting me!” She winked.

“Don’t say anything before you’ve tasted it.” I laughed. “I know it’ll be just as good as it looks! I’m not worried.” She said, gently brushing my hand.

I served the food, poured the wine and sat down again. We talked about anything and everything during dinner. There was never an awkward moment and the wine helped to open me up more. I was careful not to overindulge though and so was Claire.

I had never been so open with a woman before. We talked about my family and Claire listened with interest. She asked questions but it never felt like an interrogation. I told her about my friends, hobbies and interests.We talked about my life as a kid in an alternative household, about my parents’ religion and my own beliefs. Basically everything under the sun.

She complimented the food every chance she got and didn’t eat daintily. That made me happy. She was sort of stuffing herself but I didn’t mind one bit. If she liked it, then I’d happily cook for her all my life.

She told me the a lot of things about her too. I was beginning to get a better idea about ‘Claire, the person’. I knew ‘Claire, the barista’ well and liked her so. Insights into her childhood, her friends, her hobbies and her family life made me appreciate her even more. There were so many details about her likes and dislikes that made a home in my head instantly.

When the subject of baking came up, Claire’s eyes shone brightly. It was by far her favorite thing to do. Her passion was infectious and she was supremely confident about her skills. I knew she was brilliant as I had eaten her baked goods in the cafe every once in a while. If it wasn’t for my discipline, I’d have been a fat fuck from eating her biscuits too often.

Claire talked about both her parents with fondness. She had loved her dad more, she said laughing. It was plain to see she still missed him terribly. She was her mum’s only hope and mentioned that Sandra was her hero and inspiration. Everything about the cafe, she learnt from her.

She also spoke fondly about Greg and his wife Maggie who had died of cancer. I could see that she hated their kids because she used pretty creative swear words to describe them.

I was completely taken by Claire now. With every idea or thought we discussed, I wanted to hear more. I felt even more connected with her and sensed that her feelings were similar. We’d held hands and stole light kisses from time to time. I had my head in the clouds.

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