Crazy Military Tales Ep. 07

An adult stories – Crazy Military Tales Ep. 07 by Marathoner4u,Marathoner4u Becoming a USAF Ambassador and So Much Fun & Wild Excitement

****Episode 7*******

“This is a tale of an exciting real-life event.” This story is 50% nonfiction and 50% fiction. All characters are over the age of 21.

I recommend you first read “Crazy Military Tales Eps. 01 through O6” to capture the backstories of this new episode.

**All Copyrights are Reserved**




My name is Zach and I serve in the United States Air Force (USAF). I am a military officer — with a unique career, along with all the corresponding responsibilities. Because of my “above-average” athletic abilities — I am often highly encouraged to take part in various sporting events and tournaments – representing my home military base, the USAF, and, on several occasions, the United States itself, at major military or international sports competitions.

I stand 6’6″, and yes, I am naturally blessed with my home-grown Southern California look; blonde hair, blue eyes, great white teeth — “thanks, mom and dad for the braces” — tanned, muscular and with a lean body and I do have big feet and extremely long fingers. You can figure out the rest.

For the USAF, I am often chosen or sometimes directed (I dislike the word ordered) to take part in competitive basketball, volleyball, football, snow skiing competitions, and even taking part in long endurance running (marathons or half-marathons), century biking events (100 miles or more), triathlons and IRONMAN® competitions.

The USAF senior leadership calls my adventures free “Air Force Global Recruiting, Marketing, Branding and Advertising.”


Now that you know a bit about me, and from several years earlier, allow me to share this following actual military professional development course and exciting weekend experience with you.

These first chapters revisit where, when and how my new friend, lover, military officer, and fellow sports competitor, Liz, and I met.


I spent my first five years in the USAF completing Academic/Ground Training, Primary Flying Training, Advanced Flying Training, and now I am a fighter pilot flying the F-15. It was my unfortunate career turn to attend the Squadron Officer’s School, (SOS) at Maxwell AFB, AL in Montgomery, Alabama.

Unfortunately, as a pilot, I did not want to miss out on my extensive flying and training routine. The five weeks attending this in-residence course could reduce my combat readiness and my flying razor-sharp attention and precision.

So, here I was, a Squadron Officer’s School (SOS) student. One of over 350 classmates housed separately on-base, and within walking distance of the base’s Officers’ Club and Officer’s Swimming Pool.

SOS students represented all the multiple military officers’ career fields. The makeup of the class was approximately 90/10% career square filler students/career accelerator go-getters, 60/40% male/female, 65/35% married/single, 80/20% athletic/non-athletic, 90/10% other professionals/pilots and the unofficial statistics of 95/5% weekend partiers/non-partiers and 85/15% beautiful and HOT females/other females.

It was during my first assigned study group I attended where I first noticed and met Liz. We entered separately wearing sweaty, post-workout, athletic attire, and our study mates jokingly asked us to sit next to each other at the end of the long study table.

Laughing, we said hello and spent a few minutes as we completed the obligatory meet and greet background information sharing. We were both single, athletic-minded, socially compatible, attracted to one another and interested, so it became an agreeable understanding, we were destined to spend time together.

Liz, short for Elizabeth, stood out amongst all the other females. For me, it was her petiteness, at 5’3″ and weighing no more than 115 pounds, her bright green eyes, her short cropped reddish hair, her totally fit and athletic body and oh that tempting smile, soft laughter and kick-ass positive attitude hit me hard. Serving as an Intelligence Officer, professionally speaking, we connected as we understood the sensitive responsibilities associated with our two jobs.

And our story continues….

The last three weeks of SOS flew by as we studied, trained for our upcoming IRONMAN® competition in Idaho and enjoyed our strenuous workout weekends up at Lake Martin. We hurriedly prepared ourselves for our new USAF Ambassador roles, as we developed presentations, completed media interviews, and participated in local USAF publicity and promotions. Most importantly, Liz and I always found the time to enjoy our serious passion, lust, need and desire to make love and enjoy wild sex.

On Friday evening of our last weekend training trip to Lake Martin, we were at our favorite restaurant, being served by two of the wild and young female servers, we previously met on our first weekend. After our dangerous leap off of Chimney Rock, and with us both being USAF officers, we became friends with several of the local and friendly Alabama residents.

When word spread this would be our last visit to the lake, the young servers, Tracy and Mary Jane, demanded we go boating with them and their friends. Not wanting to be rude, we agreed to meet them late tomorrow afternoon near our hotel. Saturday morning, Liz and I were scheduled to swim two miles, bike 75 miles and run 13 miles up and down a hilly road around part of the lake.

Both of us wanted to capture as much sleep as possible, so, reluctantly, we limited our alcohol consumption to two beers each. Back in the hotel, we laid out all of our sports equipment and gear, checked the air-pressure on our bike tires, assembled all of our various hydration bottles and supplemental foods and energy gels and bars, ensured our various timing and GPS equipment were charged and finally, we ensured our safety lamps were operable.

At bedtime, we quietly and somewhat restlessly, snuggled together and waited for the much-needed hours of sleep to win out. Unfortunately, be it from the beer, or the sadness we felt about this being our last visit to the lake, or comprehending our USAF Ambassador initial Air University presentations that were scheduled for Monday through Wednesday of next week — we could not fall asleep.

As we both tossed and turned, I stood up and picked up Liz to go with me into the bathroom. There we visited our all-too-familiar shower with its warm water falling on us. Holding her in my arms, we let the soothing waters cascade over our bodies as we spoke of our love, future plans, our presentations, and our training in the morning. After the warm shower water became cool, we knew it was time to jump out of the shower. Once back in bed, my beautiful lady gave me a passionate kiss and hug and then she rolled onto her side and snuggled up next to me.

Damn — Damn — Damn!

Right on time and just as I had set it, the alarm blasted our room at 6:00 SHARP in the morning. Liz’s naked body felt so amazing and warm, all wrapped up in my arms. She begged me to hit the snooze button. But I knew we had such a long and grueling morning workout awaiting us, so I grunted and gently edged her out of bed.

Without any fanfare, we took turns visiting the toilet, grabbed our preferred pre-workout breakfast and consumed sips of our sports drink and water. By 6:30, we were down by the lake and after we stretched, prayed for our safety, hugged and kissed — we were off. A light fog draped the water, and it created a somewhat uncomfortable mood as we entered. We trusted our GPS and the memorized course we previously swam. I led us off and Liz swam behind me as close as possible. We found it necessary to make more frequent stops to double-check our location.

A couple of times we heard the sounds of boat motors, and that forced us to stop and evaluate the distance. Even with all the necessary stops, we completed our swim in under an hour and a half. Our transition to the run required us to run up the steep hill to our room, and that zapped tons of energy from our bodies. We quickly consumed some nutrition and liquids, grabbed our helmets, gloves and sunglasses, kissed each other and rolled our bikes out to the road. With our bike safety lights flashing, we were on the road and immediately enjoyed a steep and long descent down to the lake. Unfortunately, this nice descent would turn into a monster climb upon our return.

The fog began to lift off the water and much of the road was no longer affected. We were too closely greeted by numerous deer, possums, raccoons, and some very unfriendly dogs. After topping the most severe hill climb, we stopped for a couple of minutes to pee and rearrange our water bottles and food packs. It was too funny watching Liz trying to squat and pee. She challenged me to do the same, but I passed.

We checked our time and location, and we were happy to be able to push ahead of our projected schedule. Liz was upfront as we rounded a sharp turn, only to be met by an approaching old pick-up truck. The driver and truck were way over on our side of the road. Liz screamed and bailed off the road onto a grassy patch. I quickly stopped and ran toward Liz, as well did the older gentleman who drove the truck. He loudly shouted, “Oh, I am so sorry! Lord, make her OK! Oh, I am so sorry!” Liz slowly and painfully pushed her bike off her body and rubbed her forehead.

Knelling beside her, I asked her not to move and to let me slowly check for any breaks or cuts. Grumbling, she said, “Zach, I love you. But get the hell off of me. We are training and there is no time to waste.” She stood up and checked her arms and legs and stretched her shoulders and back. Next, she pulled her bike out of the grass and checked to see if there was any damage. We both agreed the bike was not too badly damaged — minus a couple of war scratches.

Liz softly looked at the old man and winked at him, saying, “Sir! We both dodged a bullet with this encounter.” The shaken gentleman cried and responded, “I saw your life flash in front of me! I am a God-Fearing man, and I knew He was watching over you. I am so very sorry!” She told him she was OK, and he did not have to worry about her well-being. With a quick hug and handshake, we watched him drive away. After he was gone, Liz rushed into my arms, crying and said, “Baby, I thought we were both going to die.” While I gently hugged her, I slowly moved my hand over her body to search for any bumps.

She looked at me, and without saying a word, I knew she dared me to say, “Let’s go back to the hotel.” With that settled, we gathered our gear, refocused on the ride, and after a quick hug and kiss, we were riding again. The one thing I knew with 100% certainty, was, she is a fighter, and her determination would not be undermined nor deterred. Privately, I was thankful this close encounter happened next to that grassy area.

Finally, we approached that last steep hill climb and we knew the hotel was only a mile or so away. As Liz again rode in front, and I admired her strength, her muscular body, and the way her ass moved with each stroked of the pedals. She never wavered and continued to grind out each turn on her bike’s crankshaft. Once we turned into the parking lot, we coasted down to our room’s location. As she dismounted her bike, she smiled and kissed me, saying, “Zach, my lover, I know in my heart I can count on you to protect me.”

With the bikes stored and a change of clothes, we ate some energy bars, shared a banana, secured new fluid bottles, tied up our running shoes, fastened our running belts and cranked-up our own personal music tracks. After a kiss, hug, mutual ass patting and a smile, we ran out from the hotel and on to the hilly road. Halfway through our run, we stopped at a small gas station and purchased water and sports drinks. We both relished drinking the cold water, and as could be expected, we enjoyed pouring the remaining water over each other’s body.

The humorous part is when you complete a long triathlon out in a rural area, you are most likely to pass locals on more than once occasion. This morning proved to be no difference, as we passed the local fire station three times, and each time the same three men were standing outside talking. On our last pass, one of them yelled, “Hey, Y’all lost?” We laughed and waved but kept running forward.

Our last mile was that damn steep climb and we both were determined to call upon all of our reserve energy to allow us to sprint up this monster as quickly as possible. Liz set the fast pace and she had my lungs screaming to keep up. But, with one last push, we rounded the corner and arrived at the hotel’s entrance. For the next few minutes, we slowly walked to allow our heartbeat to slow down.

Sweaty, smelly, covered with dust, and feeling spent, best described our post workout situation. While Liz stretched out her muscles and body, I secured from our room sliced oranges, bananas and electrolyte booster drinks. Resting on our patio chairs, Lake Martin looked extremely enticing, and our boating meeting time was fast approaching. I untied both of our jogging shoes and pulled off our sweaty and well-worn socks. Liz reached her arms out to me, and I gently pulled her up and out of the chair. As we entered our room, to me, the air conditioning felt amazing. Unfortunately, the cold air felt uncomfortable on Liz’s body, not only were her thick nipples hard as a rock, but she also had goosebumps all over her body.

I quickly stripped off our clothing and led her into the bathroom and shower. With the very warm water rushing over us, we slumped to the floor of the shower, and she crawled into my lap. We both leaned back against the wall, took several large breaths of air, and settled into a long moment of relaxation and recovery. Washing both of our head and hair, sweat and dust finally found an exit. Using a clean washcloth, I began the process of ridding our bodies of all our accumulated dirt. Liz’s left elbow was scraped and swollen, but I sensed it was only a minor setback.

As I washed her soft breasts, I heard Liz’s small gasp and felt my baby’s body tremble. Ever so gently I pulled on each nipple and teasingly pinched the sensitive tip, as she reached out and grasped my semi-hard cock. Liz slowly and painfully spun her body around and stroked my cock as I kissed and nibbled on her shoulder. Within a matter of seconds, I was hard, and she was ready to be fucked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and slowly slide her tight pussy down onto my cock. This time every nerve ending inside my dick felt her velvety softness, the strength of her vaginal muscles, the warmth of her womb, and the boa-like constriction as I pressed into her tiny uterus.

I knew she was in pain from her bike fall, and I was aware she was working hard to please me. We kissed kisses that were scrumptious in taste and feel, we held each other tight, we massaged each other’s body, and our passion and love consumed our feelings, thoughts, needs and desires. Inch by inch by inch — in and out — in and out — we molded as one in love and lust.

Liz whispered, “Baby, make it fast, please. I’m hurting, but I desperately need you to cum deep inside me. Do not say let’s stop!” She dug her nails into my shoulder and bit my neck as she grinded harder and faster. I reached back and lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around me, and then I leaned back and slammed into her pussy like a wild man. Her juices rushed out and down my cock, to the point the running shower could not rinse the mixture all away.

We both gasped for air, shouted, moaned and shook as our mutual orgasms hit like a powerful bolt of lightning striking our bodies. Her belly bulged with my hard cock pressing inside my lover. Kissing me, hugging me, biting me and sucking me, Liz was wrapped in a massive sexual explosion. When finished, she physically collapsed into my arm and over my body. Listening to her soft whimpers and sighs lets me know she was in her safe and happy mode. I gently massaged her body, being careful to avoid her scrapes and bruises.

With the two restaurant friends planning to meet us soon, I gently lifted Liz off of me and carried her to our bed. Whining for the first time, she said her legs and pubic hair need shaving before she will wear a bikini. Pushing at me and with her killer eyes and smile, I hear this soft whisper, “Please, pretty please!” Sliding off the bed, I grab my shaving kit, a glass of hot water and dampened two towels. After sliding a large towel under her booty, I push her back onto the bed and told her to relax and close her eyes. With one long look, she asked…. “You do know what you are doing and how to do it?” Laughing, I guaranteed my service capabilities.

I placed the warm washcloth over her pussy and between her upper thighs. With the second warm washcloth, I gently folded it over her face. Starting with her left leg, I washed it with the wet and warm towel and allowed the heat to relax her tiny leg hairs. While this was taking place, I gently massaged her right foot, legs, thigh and tummy. Liz began to purr and lightly snore as she rested. With the glass of hot water, I poured it over my hand and then dispensed some of my shaving cream. Once covered, I spread her legs wide apart and ever so slowly, I slide the new razor along the grain of her hair. Top to bottom and with each stroke, Liz’s covered pussy seem to fluctuate and jerk. Carefully finishing the left leg, I washed off all the small hairs.

With her bruised and sore right hip, I had to be extra careful and avoid aggravating that area. Quickly, I finished the right leg. Now, the prize I was anticipating arrived, it was time for me to shave her pussy and ass hairs. To ensure the remaining hairs were properly moistened, I removed the washcloth and then proceeded, to lick and suck on all over her pubic hair. Her swollen and puffy pussy lips glistened with lick, suck or nibble. Liz was fighting back a massive orgasm and her trembling only increased with my oral servicing. Just as she was reaching her sexual crescendo, I backed off and applied the shaving cream all over her pussy and ass.

Gently pulling on her left outer labia, and with two fingers inside her soaked pussy, I slowly moved the razor across the tender fold, and removed her soft reddish pubes. Her eyes were on fire with lust and desire. Again and again, I expertly used the razor to make her tightest pussy smooth as a baby’s butt. As I navigated around her prized landing strip, Liz’s body finally erupted and her juices, combined with a mixture of shaving cream, blasted against my face, neck and chest. Purring, she softly said, “Thank You, Baby!”

With her sexy legs and smooth pussy all cleaned and pampered, she picked out a naughtiest thong bikini and proudly danced across the room for my enjoyment and inspection. Damn!!!! She is so frigging HOT! Because of my hard and aching cock, I struggled to slide my trunks on. Laughing, I asked, “Are you planning to show the young girls what “Sexy” really looks like?” With a confident smile and wink — she packed up the snacks and fruit we purchased yesterday. I loaded up an old cooler with beer, water and a jar of Kentucky homemade cinnamon moonshine. Something told me this would be a wild afternoon and evening. Also, I am so glad we added and extra day’s stay here.

Liz covered her amazing body with some type of beach wrap and I, as usual, wore an old T-shirt and trunks. We drove the loaded Jeep down to the water’s edge and within ten minutes we heard two big ass Mastercraft PROSTAR ski boats roaring toward us. The symbolic song of the South, “Sweet Home Alabama,” echoed across the river. Liz and I smiled and acknowledged; we were now going to experience some true Southern hospitality. Tracy and Mary Jane both screamed, “Hey Y’All!” when they pulled up near the shore. Between the two boats, there had to be at least 12 people who all were way into their Sunday afternoon of boating, partying and playing. For a moment, the music was paused and a round-robin of introductions were made. Of the 12 on board, all but four, were beautiful hotties and each were dressed in the smallest of bikinis. Even the two larger girls looked hotter than hell.

We were riding with “our girls — Tracy and Mary Jane” and another girl and two guys. When it came time to board the boat, I slowly lifted Liz up and the guys helped me set her down inside the boat. With her bruises and scrapes, everyone wondered if we had gotten into some wild kinky sex last night. Laughing, this opened the door for Liz to share her harrowing bike experience. Once we stowed away our things, the two monster boats roared to life and off we charged. Our girls must have purchased new bikinis, because each showed large patches of untanned white skin.

Privately, I was laughing and waiting for the moment when my Liz dropped her wrap and the fun would begin. Liz knew she had a captivated crowd of lookers and she knew what she was doing. She leaned over and loudly asked me if I would apply lotion all over her. Time Froze! It was like a major NASA rocket launch countdown —- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, all systems are go, 5, 4, 3, main engine ignition 2, 1 —— Lift-Off and with that her wrap floated to the floor and her amazing body lit up the eyes of all these horny and young boaters. Above the roar of the boat’s motor and water, whispers and shouts of “Damn, She’s Hot,” – “Oh Hell — Oh Hell” – “OMG, She’s a Model,” – “Fuck Yea! Now, that’s a Real Woman!” All those words brought joy and admiration to my ears and Liz as well, as she blushed.

Helping her stand up with her tight ass on full show, I pulled her close and kissed her softly. She winked and whispered, “Marking you turf now, I see.” Laughing, I proudly shook my head up and down. And then, she boldly reached out and adjusted my hard cock inside my trunks. Touche’!!! With her wink, smile, hug and kiss — we mutually confirmed our rule — “look all you want, but we are not for sharing — or are we?” We both looked at the others and they were all speechless, with their mouth hanging wide open. Finally, the cutest girl said, “Fuck This! I’m joining the Air Force!” We all burst out laughing, the parameters and expectations were set and now these two older Air Force officers can laugh and have fun. And fun we did enjoy!

Our girls, woah, they are two wild young ladies! At one time they leaned against Liz and whispered something that made them all laugh. As the two boats ran side by side, our girls pulled off their tops and shook their big titties at the other boat. Not to be outdone, all the girls in the other boat dropped their bottoms and mooned our boat. Then! Well then, all hands were pointed toward Liz and myself, demanding our participation. Liz slowly pulled me to my feet, turned me around and lifted herself up and wrapped her aching legs around my chest, and then our girls did it… Damn them! They grabbed my trunks and quickly pulled them down to the floor. One boat saw my balls and cock and the other saw my white ass. Being fair, they spun me around for mutual viewing.

Thinking the fun was over, Liz kissed me and attempted to slide down from my body. Oh, Hell No! With the pull of three strings and one small tug, my baby proudly stood naked for all to enjoy. Quickly gathering her bikini, she worked fast to retie the garments. Another round of applause and we had satisfied the curiosity of all. One of the girls laughed and yelled out. “Ramrod,” now I see why…!” As the excitement settled down, we pulled into a sheltered cove and with both boats tied together, everyone jumped into the cool and refreshing water. Before I jumped, I grabbed the cold jar of moonshine and it became an instant favorite sipping beverage.

There were more than three or four who choked on this 100% alcohol beverage. Liz was of them and she indicated once was enough for a life-time. The quarte sized jar of moonshine was quickly consumed and the gates of nudity quickly followed suit. Liz was resting on a long floatie and I was snuggled up behind her. We laughed and teased as we watched how this younger group of sexy people attempted to flirt, seduce and succeed. One by one all but one of the girls lost their tops and for some their bottom piece escaped as well. Two of the four guys were football players at Auburn University and while they tried to hide it, they were two cocky fellas. On a couple of occasions, they attempted to take more from one of the girls than she wanted to give. Everyone else let them know how foolish they looked and acted.

One of them looked at me as if he wanted me to challenge me. I just smiled and turned my head to Liz. A couple of minutes later, he sat on the boat directly behind us and I knew he was wanting a fight, so I slowly moved Liz and the floatie away from the boat. As he was about to jump me, I quickly grabbed his foot and with one strong pull, his head was under the water and he was gasping for air and struggling to stay afloat. After securing him in a swimmer’s chokehold, I sternly instructed him not to fight and to let me keep him above the water. Sensing no other choice, he relaxed and I kept my promise and started to move him back to the boat. First, he needed a lesson in respecting a lady and displaying some social manners. I asked the young lady to swim over to us and promised her she was safe from this guy. Telling him he knew what to say and do, he shook his head in the affirmative.

When she was close, I asked him if he had a sister? When he said yes, it hit him. This young and physically vulnerable girl could be his sister! With reality hitting him, he genuinely apologized and expressed his remorse. She gave him one last look, laughed at his expense and swam away. Before I let him go, I not-so-innocently kneed him hard in the nuts and shared that was for all the times he refused to let go. Helping him back to the boat, I swam over to Liz and hugged her closely.

With the party rocking on the other side of the boat, I paddled us to join in on the fun. Of course, our two girls were leading the party and of course they were both naked. Both of them jumped into the water and swam over to us, and asked how things were going and if we were having fun. Obviously, they were unaware of the earlier activities. Mary Jane looked sadly at Liz and stated how much we were going to be missed and how much Liz inspired them.

Then, out of nowhere, she brightly and straight forwardly asked. “Liz! How large, how big, is RamRod’s RamRodddddd, when his RammmmmmmmRoddddd is really RammmmmRoddddding you? We really want to know. We know it is yours. But we both REALLY need to know! Plus, with your tiny body, how do you get him all inside your mouth, pussy and ass? Please…….

I sunk under the water and started to swim away…. Not fast enough.

“Baby, do not leave me – come here please!” said my smiling Liz. I looked at Liz as if to say, “Our Agreement?” Nope, in her wickedly wild mind, it was playtime at my expense (cough – cough). Liz seductively spoke, “It’s difficult to describe in words. One must hold, feel, taste and take it inside — so deep inside to really understand and enjoy. It’s long and thick — really thick and it’s so sensitive as all the blood flows through those massive veins and cock meat.” “Damn! I just cummed!” Said Tracy. Looking around and seeing we are all alone, Liz asked me to slide up on the floatie — on my back!

Shit! Seriously shit! I knew where we were going. As much as I wanted and would have enjoyed, deep inside, this is not what we agreed to.

“Baby, for me! Please!” Liz whispered.

I slide up onto the floatie and let my legs and arms slide off into the water. There I laid out as if I was some cadaver on display for medical students to study. Liz was at my head and she instructed our girls to move on each side of me. Once there, I immediately felt two smooth pussies pressed against my fingers. Liz rubbed my face, smiled and asked if I was comfortable. Feeling three sets of needy eyes glued to my now getting hard cock, was a rush! I must admit. She instructed me to let my fingers do their magic and to tease, service and please our girls.

Really? Yes! Really! – We are so connected; we just know our shared thoughts.

As our girls wrapped their legs around each other, my fingers softly traced the outside of these young vaginas and the more I touched, the louder their moans grew. As my cock bobbed up and down, Liz softly grasped it and began to slowly stroke it. I pressed a finger deep inside each pussy, and then a second and a third and rubbed my nail over each sensitive g-spot. Liz’s free hand was fingering her aching pussy. With each stroke, my precum ran down her hand, which caused Mary Jane to lean forward and lick Liz’s hand clean. Deeper and faster, I moved my fingers in and out of those young pussies. All four of us were connected on this wild sexual ride.

Our girls were panting, so, I withdrew my fingers and commenced to slowly tease their tight ass holes. Tracy quietly confirmed this was virgin territory, to which Liz ensured her would be an enjoyable experience. As I encouraged Liz to begin her double penetration play, I began the same journey with our girls. Tracy asked Liz for permission to suck on my cock, and when it was granted, she began to devour my meat. As two of my fingers fucked each pussy, my fore-finger softly and slowly worked its magic to open their forbidden hole. Now both girls were sucking and licking on my thick cock with their stretched mouths. Liz was so close to cumming and I asked one of the girls to go help her explode. Mary Jane immediately dove under water and by Liz’s expression, I knew her pussy was being sucked and eaten. Rising only to catch her breath, her servant descended again to finish off her master. Liz screamed as her orgasm hit and I knew she was feeding her juices deep into Mary Jane’s mouth.

Tracy reached and grasped my cock and began to stroke and suck me as fast and hard as she could here in the water. Liz opened her eyes and nodded her approval for me to fuck Tracy. I pulled her close and asked if she wanted me inside her. Mumbling YES, I held her and swam to the side of the boat. There I grasped a hold of a ladder and had Tracy straddle me as she faced me. With two very hot kisses, we were ready to fuck, she grasped my hard cock and used it to slowly press against her small vagina. Gradually, the tip of my cock slid into her well stretched opening and Tracy gasped loudly, that allowed our sexual journey to continue.

Mary Jane arose from under the water and immediately and passionately kissed Liz, and fed her some of her warm pussy juices. Their kisses grew more passionately and soon they were both fingering each other’s pussy and ass. Together, they wrapped their legs and arms into one sexual element and moved and grinded their pussies fast and hard. Within minutes, both cried out with their sexual peak and wild pleasures.

Meanwhile. Tracy gripped me tighter and soon my thick cock was buried deep inside her womb. Hugging and kissing me, she begged me to fuck her hard, just like I do to please Liz. Without any warning, I immediately slid my finger deep into her ass and lifted her up and down on my cock. Begging me to remove my finger, she said she was going to pee from this new experience. I told her to just let go and enjoy, and with that, I felt the warmth of her urine rushing over my legs. I pressed Tracy’s body against the side of the boat and with all my strength, thick cock rammed in and out of super tight pussy. Our fucking and moving created a whirlpool affect in the water. She loudly gasped and then her body trembled, and with a spontaneous scream, her orgasm raced throughout her body and mind. Not letting her come down, I continued to slam in and out of her, as did my fingering of her stretched ass.

A loud clapping on the water brought us out of our sexual playtime. At once, I felt the extra weight, hugs and kisses of Mary Jane and Liz. Both congratulated Tracy for her erotic orgasm and sound affect. Liz whispered and asked me if I cummed. Telling her no, she smiled and asked if I would take Mary Jane’s anal virginity. The look from both ladies gave me a green light to play. Mary Jane pulled me close and said, “Please fuck my ass deep and hard! I’ve heard all about it, and now I so want you to do it.” Liz kissed me and stroked my cock to get it fully hard and ready. Virgin anal water fucking was new to me, so I told Liz I might need her assistance. With her smile, wink and kiss, she gently pushed Tracy away and pulled Mary Jane into position, straddling me.

Telling her to hold on to the boat, my cock speared Mary Jane’s pussy and with two strong pushes, I was deep into her stretched pussy. Laughing and indicating her pussy felt so full, she quickly adjusted to my size, and we became a fast and wild fucking couple. Liz, knowing the time was right, pulled Mary Jane’s ass cheeks wide open and slide one, then two and finally three fingers in and out to loosen and stretch this virgin ass. The double penetration became too intense and Mary Jane’s pussy gushed with her juices and cum. Her eyes were rolled back, and her mouth and teeth shivered with this massive orgasm. Liz leaned over and gently kissed her and wrapped her tightly against her body. Eventually, Mary Jane smiled and softly asked, “Did you fuck my ass?” We all smiled and shook our heads sideways.

Sensing the overwhelming sexual and emotional response Mary Jane experienced, I suggested we wait until another play time to do the actual anal journey. With some regret, she agreed. All four of us cuddled together and promised these past moments could not be discussed with anyone. Liz and I could have our careers ended if word of this became public and the two girls’ local reputation could be ruined. Quietly we all put our swimwear back on and we casually swam to the other side of the second boat. The scene there was like ours, bikinis and trunks floated on the water, two couples were fucking, and one guy was passed out on top of a floatie, and the other girl was sleeping inside the boat.

It dawned on my three ladies that I had serviced them, but, I had not enjoyed any sexual release. Back again and out of sight, my trunks were peeled off and I was pushed back onto the floatie. All three ladies removed their tops and began to jerk me, lick me, touch me and fuck my ass. Liz took pleasure in teaching the others on how and where to rub and touch a man’s prostate gland and to know the sexual effect it might cause. The hard and frequent jerking of my cock and body let them know I was very close to cumming. Liz slide back and let our girls enjoy their success for making me erupt so damn hard. All at once, Mary Jane pulled my cock into her mouth and began to suck and lick as quickly as she could. With my last grunt, my cum fired down her throat, and then blast after blast covered her face. Tracy not wanting to be left out, quickly guided my cock to her mouth, and began to pump out my last four streams of cum. When I collapsed on the floatie, both ladies laid on chest and immediately began to suck and lick each other’s face to clean and enjoy my remaining cum.

Out of nowhere and totally unexpectedly, Liz moaned really loud and instantly the three of us were covered with her massive squirts and cum. Both, Tracy and Mary Jane spun around and dove into Liz’s pussy and ass. Like children on Christmas morning, they were frantically working to service Liz and enjoy more of her sexual beverages. Within five minutes, Liz screamed and pulled Tracy’s opened mouth up against her pussy, and within seconds, her mouth was totally filled with hot pussy juices. Mary Jane collected the overflow of Liz’s cum, and enjoyed the pungent female mixture of pussy juices and anal secretions.

Suddenly, we all heard a weak applause coming from atop the boat. “Well done! All of you!” Said, the jackass from earlier this afternoon, as he held up his cellphone. Evidently, he had video some, if not all, of our playing and fucking. I whispered to the girls to not say a word nor make any negative moves. I asked if anyone needed a drink, and with a wink, they all said yes. I grabbed my trunks and slide them on, and then swam to back of the boat to climb aboard. Once on board, I asked the big guy for his name, and as he looked angrily at me, he said, “Asshole, you have no need for my name.”

I smiled, reached into Liz’s bag and withdrew my cell phone. After opening it, I selected a video, and after setting the sound as loud as it goes, I pressed play. The sounds and images reflected this dude’s assault action and words from earlier this afternoon, including where the naked girl was continually telling this beast to leave her alone.

“So, you play football at Auburn University, I understand. Have you thought about the negative social and football conduct and scholarship responsibilities you failed to adhere to? No, I know you didn’t!” I stated. Speaking again, I said, “You only have two choices, “First, I watch you delete any and all of the videos you took. Secondly, you choose not to delete these videos, and your career at Auburn University and most definitely any potential National Football League (NFL) career is over.” Glaring at me, he yelled, “Don’t fool yourself, I’m an all-American football player — you can’t touch me and my football eligibility.”

Smiling, I picked up my phone and called Coach Ambrose, Offensive Coordinator, Auburn University, and after three rings, with the speaker phone on, we all heard, “Ramrod, how da hell are ya? And, where the hell are you?” I let him know all is great! And both Liz and I were still in Alabama, enjoying our last IRONMAN® training weekend up on Lake Martin. “Well, son of a bitch…. We recently bought our retirement home up there.” the Coach stated. “So, what can I do for you?” He asked! Looking directly at one of his players, I said, “Oh, we met this big and ugly Auburn player, and he’s been a bit unsociable and too aggressive with some of the nice local Alabama ladies.” “Let me talk to him!” Coach demanded! “What’s his name?” “Well Coach, he sort of thinks he is above the rest, so he chose not to offer his name.” I replied.

“Who the hell is this…?” Coached screamed. Silence…. Until click — click, was the sound of my phone capturing his ugly face. “I’m sending you his image now.” I spoke. “Whoever the fuck you are, you better tell me your name before your photo arrives!” Coach demanded. More silence…. Finally, “Hey Coach, Murdough here. I, I, I, I, am sorry I upset and offended some people this afternoon.” He softly stated.

“Murdough, what the hell have you done?

You better get this shit corrected NOW! Son, you are already on thin ice here!

My office tomorrow at 7:00 AM and do not be late!

Now, you better make everything 100% right!

Ramrod, sorry my man! I will call you tomorrow after 8:00 to verify his story with you. Hey Liz, the wife and I love you and know you’re Ramrod’s lady.”

Once the phone conversation ended, without saying a word, I gestured for Murdough to hand me his phone and I deleted all the videos and photos this dick had taken. I also doubled checked his outgoing email, texts, and any social media postings to ensure nothing was posted. Finally, I removed his old phone’s sim card, bent it in half and I accidentally felt it slip out of my hand and drop into the lake. Smiling, I tossed his phone back to him.

“Can’t be touched.” You stated? I asked, with a shit eating grin. “Boy, you think you are the only football hero? Pffffffftttttttt — you are just a number, and a weak one you at that!”

“Ladies, I think our afternoon fun has come to an end. Liz and I need to get back to our jeep and pack up for our return to the base.” Once everyone was on board and all the coolers and floaties were secured, we began our twenty-minute ride. Our girls, sitting next to Liz and me asked, “How do you know the Auburn coach and why do you have his phone number?” We both laughed and I said, “Coach Ambrose was one of my coaches when I played football at the Air Force Academy.” Liz shared, “His wife Terry is also an IRONMAN® and the two of us trained together and competed against each other. We visited them three different times.” Mary Jayne shook her head and said, “You two are more than local legends.” We all laughed.

Saying goodbye to our girls, Tracy and Mary Jayne, was sad and a bit disappointing. As the boats raced out of sight and sound, I looked at Liz and she said, “Baby, I — We, just got caught up in the fun and the moment. Plus, I knew they were dying to feel, taste and fuck you. So, we both got laid…”

As I pulled her into my arms, I knew she was the love of my life. After several warm and passionate kisses and hugs, I let her go. She bent down to pick-up some of our items and bags, so, I quickly grabbed what I wanted from my sports bag. When she stood up and turned around…

The sun was going down and the lake reflected the red and orange hues, and I was down on one knee and as she turned to face me, I said, “My Liz, you have turned my world around, inside and out, you captured my heart, my mind, my love, my soul and my hope. Without you, I know the real me, would cease to be. With an open heart and mind, WILL YOU BE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, FOR ALL OF OUR LIFE — WILL YOU PLEASE MARRY ME?”

Without pause, she dropped to her knees and wrapped her body and her heart around me and said, “YES” my Zach, I will proudly be your wife, spouse, partner and lover, until our end of time.” I slowly opened a ring box that contained my refinished great grandmother’s diamond and ruby wedding ring. As both our hands trembled, I slowly slid the ring onto Liz’ finger.

With our two bodies wrapped together, we became one.

To be continued…


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