Darling by Imperecedera,Imperecedera

“Yes Ma’am.”

“So I decided, I chose, to explore your lie. To find out whether or not you secretly wanted me to deny you my body. And I hoped you were lying. I hoped that the deepest part of you really did want this denial to be imposed upon you. That you really did want me to fuck other men while denying you. Why?”

“Because that was the option that most intrigued and enthralled you, Ma’am. You began to wonder what it might be like to make love to other men. That left you crazy hot you liked to say, when you first began.”

“Still does,” she says “Yes it is the option I most desired. And oh boy have I had fun exploring your lie. And as I explored I discovered the cruelty of it was, to me, just so searingly, outrageously sexual. It is just so hot. I don’t know why. I believe I am a kind, considerate and balanced person. But I find the crueller I am to you, in denying and torturing you, the more I am giving of myself to others, the more exciting the situation is for me. Why is that? I don’t know. But now it is your reality. Is it not?”

“Yes. Ma’am.”

“And how do you feel about that, darling? How do you feel now that I deny you my body? As I give it to other men.” She already knows the answer. We all know the answer.

“It’s very painful Ma’am. I thought you’d deny me from time to time. But not for ever. I wasn’t prepared for that. I know you mean it, about ‘never’ that is.”

“And how do I feel about my denying you my pussy? Permanently. Any pussy. Permanently.”

“You’ve told me it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever done, Ma’am. Thinking about it makes you hornier than anything else.”

“But how do you feel? Honesty now!” she says.

A pause from him. At the edge of becoming a long pause he finally says “I am hurt and jealous and longing for you and for your touch. All the time, Ma’am.”

“That is so hot to hear you say it. With feeling. And your own arousal levels? Whilst you are experiencing this maelstrom of angst. What is your little cock doing in its little cage?” His cock is not small, she has told me, but it is now.

A longer pause from him this time. This is an admission he does not want to make. He must be aware of its significance to his future and to hers.

“Answer me!” A flash of fire from Fleur. “Now. Honestly.”

“I feel faint with arousal and heat and lust and love and fear and desire and longing and love.” I could hear every ounce of that in every word of his. “Ma’am.”

“Two loves,” she says reflectively. “Thank you Darling. For your honesty. And your love.” I hear movement, a rustle of silk, and the faint sound of one chaste but loving kiss. I can imagine how he must suffer as the warmth and scent of her settles close to him for a fleeting moment. I almost feel sorry for Nev, but as he’s made clear this is what he desires, and he’s still turned on. Liberates her cruelty. And mine.

“And do you think that’s true?” Fleur asks. “That’ll you’ll never be inside me, or any woman again? And that this reality, your reality, makes me crazy horny?”

“Yes. I know it’s true Ma’am.”


“Because when I am allowed to be with you, to touch or kiss your body, and when we, or you, talk about it, that’s when you orgasm the strongest, it’s when you’re at your most excited.”

“And how often are you allowed to touch or kiss my body?”

“Not very often Ma’am, almost never, and less and less these days.”

“Well, that’s going to change, Darling,” says my lover to her husband. As much to me for my delight I feel, sitting here in the warm restaurant, as to her husband kneeling there before her on the white carpet of their elegant lounge.

“Thank you Ma’am” I hear him say, with the most heartfelt, grateful yearning in his voice.

“Don’t thank me too soon, Darling!” Fleur says. He has no idea what is coming. Or not coming, might be more appropriate way of expressing it.

“Let’s take us back to when we began. When you first introduced me, your sweet innocent angel of a wife, to the idea of her man, her husband, wanting me to be in charge. I was uncertain. I seem to remember you always pleading with me to be stricter, harsher, more demanding with you. Make it real.”

Silence from him.

“I listened. Is it real now?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“How real? How strict, harsh, demanding am I with you?”

“Completely Ma’am. More than I could ever have imagined.”

“Yes, you didn’t imagine this did you?”

“No Ma’am.”

“And am I doing it, Darling, because I’m just fitting in with what you told me you wanted? Am I being a good wife, fulfilling my husband’s desires? Is that why I’m doing it?”

“No Ma’am. You are doing it because you have discovered it is what you want. What most satisfies you.”

“How do you know that’s true? How do you know I’m not just being nice? How do you know it’s real?”

“Because you are taking things in directions I had not thought of, Ma’am, had not told you about. And because I can see it in your eyes. In your body. In the way you are. How much you want to be doing what you are doing.”

“A nicely expressed observation. Thank you Darling. And it’s about to get a lot more real. And I’m about to do a lot more of what I want to do.” I hear Fleur pause, draw a breath. “Somehow, and sometimes I’m not quite sure how, I’ve become completely addicted to and made insanely horny by being cruel to you, mentally as well as physically. More than I could ever have imagined. And now you are so addicted to my cruelty, my control, that you are completely unable to break free. How fucking brilliant is that!”

Silence from him. A sip of wine from me. More words, after another breath, from her.

“Why do you stay with me?” Fleur asks her husband.

“Because I love you Ma’am.”

“And I love you. Genuinely and deeply. Though my love for you has evolved.” Fleur pauses again. “And? Why else do you stay?”

“Because I am addicted to your sexuality, Ma’am.”

“Ah! And when I sent you away for a month, how were you?”

“I could think of nothing else but you Ma’am. I begged every day for you to allow me to return.”

“Yes. I really did test you then. And blocked your number for a while. Too much pleading.” I imagine Fleur reminiscing. “What did I do during that month, darling?”

“You went on holiday with one of your lovers, Ma’am.”

“How often did I think of you, darling, whilst I was away on a white sand beach with a dark strong man?”

“Rarely, you said, Ma’am.”

“I said?” I heard a kick and a groan from him.

“Rarely Ma’am.”

“Very rarely I’m afraid. When I did, it gave me a thrill to imagine how much you were suffering. And why did I take you back? The two reasons. The only two reasons.”

“Because you love me Ma’am. Because you like having me around. You like my company and how our relationship, our marriage, is now. And because you enjoy creating the continuous torture that is now my way of life. Our way of life. Because it excites you deeply being cruel to me, Ma’am.” As he spoke, his words slowed. It is, I sense, very real to him now. Good.

“And now, I want to take it up another level,” she says. “The way we are.”

Fleur pauses. Now we are getting to the crucial part. She is doing so well. I wish I could tell her. She’s on mute, I cannot even tap an accolade. I will when she joins me here later.

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