Darling by Imperecedera,Imperecedera

“And now I want to take it up another level.” I hear Fleur say again. And then four taps reach me. Through the headphones. A pause, and then a distinctive fifth. Oh, my goodness, this is really getting to her. How delightful. I imagine the rose glow of arousal spreading beneath the olive tones of her skin. Her so sensitive skin. Good. I so love how much she gets off on controlling her husband, while she then so gets off on me controlling her. More for me to enjoy tonight.

“Darling. When we first began this sexual journey of mine, for yours is no sexual journey at all is it. You’ve stayed in one place, sexually, for a very long time.” I hear her take another, deeper breath. Arousal arising.

“When we first began this sexual journey of mine,” she continues, “I was concerned. This desire of yours that I thought most placed our relationship, our love, our marriage at risk, your desire to see me with another man increasingly consumed you. We talked a lot about it then. You reassured me. I could see how very excited it made you, and eventually, as you hoped, the idea began to arouse me too. Precisely as you wanted. Another of your desires about to be fulfilled. And. Darling. As you know. I am no longer concerned.”

This I know is a fundamental aspect of where their relationship is now.

When first Fleur learned of Neville’s desires she did not embrace them. She stepped back and away. Over time, as they explored together, a desire rose within her that became a flame. “It is never going to be put out, that fire,” she told me one evening as she lay naked beside me. I rested in the heat and scent of her as I kissed the salt of passion from the inside of her arm. “There’s no going back. For him, or for me. He’s there, I’m here. He opened that door; his place is on the other side. And I like that he’s there. It adds to how much all this excites me. Is that bad?” “No, it’s good,” I answered her between courtly kisses upon the back of her hand that weren’t courtly kisses at all. “A sense of cruelty lies within us all, and some wish to receive as much as others wish to give. And it is most definitely what your Nev wants, as you well know.” “Yes,” Fleur breathed thoughtfully into my neck. I drew her hand closer to me, drew her body and her skin against mine and said, “And now I am going to fuck another man’s wife very hard and very long.” Fleur’s sigh melted into my surge of passion as I pulled all of her against all of me.

A voice in my ear brought me back again from my captivating memories to my riveting present. I glanced around the restaurant to bring me fully back into the exotic contrast of my here and now, as. reaching out for another sip of the bold red wine, I savoured the sound of Fleur’s escalating passion.

“And then your consuming desire became my consuming desire,” she said. “At some point, what I wanted began to take over didn’t it? As you desired, in one way. But perhaps not in another. No matter, that’s the way it is now, and that’s the way it’s going to stay. My desires are all important. Yours only get fulfilled if they happen to coincide with mine. And it’s becoming more and more exhilarating for me to make sure that less and less of your desires coincide with mine.

“Which means we are going to step things up a bit. I will start to deliberately fulfill less and less of your desires, just because that’s what’s lighting my fire. God! So fucking hot!” She raises her voice as her arousal peaks. I sense she is having to hold herself back from orgasm. Very strict rule, for her and I. Her orgasms are mine, never without my permission and rarely without me there. I hope Fleur is suffering; turns me on when she suffers for me.

“Do you understand me?” I hear Fleur ask with a huskier note now entering her voice.

“Yes Ma’am” I hear him reply, quietly. There’s a hesitation in there.

“Louder!” she’s raised her voice a little. Fire again.

“Yes Ma’am” he says more audibly. I know she has done this for my moment of pleasure. I am pleased with her.

“You understand you will be suffering for me even more than you are now?”

“Yes Ma’am.” More promptly. More audibly. So very well trained is he.


A long silence. And then, from deep within a part of her I know well. “And understand, you will learn darling, how very, very, very deeply the next evolution in our love, in our relationship, will be consuming me. Like never before. We will be going to places like never before. In different directions. Me up, you down. Me lots. You none. You understand?” If Fleur is at 5 before, she must be more now. I’m taking her to places she’s never been before too.

“I think so Ma’am. I’m not sure though.”

“Good. An honest answer. Honest answers I like.” A big foundation between them she has told me, is honesty. It’s why they’ve come so far, why they are still so tight in so many ways, and not at all in others. It’s why there is so much here for me to seize and enjoy. Because of their honesty. She’s about to take honesty to a new level.

“Let’s get to the new rules. See if you understand better then. Let’s get to what you’ll be getting less of. And for this I need you a little more secure. Chains! In front of me, Now! Quickly!”

I know he will be getting up, moving swiftly, to the basement. Where they kept ‘their things’. Where sometimes they keep him. In her household he does most of the work while she relaxes and amuses herself.

“Thom,” I hear her whisper to me whilst he is away. “I need you to ravish me now. Please. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Can we go to yours straight away, as soon as I arrive, Sir? Oh God!!!” No, with words, she cannot hear. When you arrive at the restaurant, Fleur, I think to myself, I am going stir your world. We’ll eat and talk slow, take our time, be here for at least a couple of hours, as I watch your fires burn. To have an achingly gorgeous woman aching sexually for me as we sit across a table in this enchanting restaurant will complete my evening.

And even later tonight I will tap an accolade upon her clitoris. I will make it last, until her bound body is writhing in my arms and she is screaming lust and love in my ear.

I can of course say none of this to Fleur as I will not risk a reply he could hear. I will tell her when her sensual form and gorgeous curves are sitting opposite me a little later this evening.

Within a minute I heard the rattle of chains approaching.

“Put them on. Fast.” I could imagine her beginning to lose control of herself, so intense is this moment for her. Take a breath, I say to her, across space and time. Fleur enjoys the way I lead her, create stability and balance with my control and strength. I sense her take a sip of wine whilst the sounds of steel create a symphony in the background.

These are the ‘chain gang chains’ as she calls them. All linked together, ankles, wrists, waist and neck. Ultra-secure locks. He never saw the keys. Once they were on she could restrict his movements, in any position, as much as she wanted, discomfort and pain, or not, for as long as wanted. All as she desired.

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