Darling by Imperecedera,Imperecedera

“Ankles! Let’s slip these locks in here. New locks darling. Aren’t they beautiful? Much brighter, the golden brass colour contrasts so beautifully with the silvered steel of the chains and cuffs. And with combinations, not keys. Something different. As you know, I always like something different. Never bored, never boring. So, combinations, not keys. Always worried we’d lose the keys didn’t we darling, even though we had spares. Well now we only have to be worried about losing the combinations.”

She paused. I heard her moving, trying to settle. The combinations. I knew they would get to her.

“Let’s get the others on.” She said, after a few moments of silence. “Get you secured.”

“Wrists.” One direct order after another from her.

“Waist.” A key anchorage point. I listen as she counts them off. I had told her I wanted her to decide for herself how restricted he was. She would be a better judge than I, in the moment, of what is best. I’d told her she had the choice how much to bind him. All she had to do was tell me.

“Elbows” Fleur is really going for it. His ankles hobbled, his wrists secured to his waist, and a looped chain between his elbows behind his back. Restrained. Really restrained.

“Neck collar!” The coup de grace. “Attach everything to the collar,” she commanded.

I could hear her changing tone, the distinctive sound of chains and locks, and his strained breath as he worked upon himself.

“Good,” I heard her say after a few more moments. “Now this. The final lock I’ll do.” I heard the click as the wide steel collar locked into place.

“All done. So beautiful,” she said. “So secure. For what I want to share with you next I need you to be secure. You’ve always liked feeling secure, haven’t you darling?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

I hear another movement from her, I’m sure another moment where she reaches out with a touch of reassurance, of love, for him. “Please know, whatever I say now, you are still secure,” as she settles back into her chair. The meaning, the reassurance, very direct. So many layers. So many foundations. No question from him. Her husband. Neville. Nev. Never.

“I like the new locks on you. The combination locks. Oh. Did I mention? I don’t have the combinations.”

I heard a sharp intake of breath. From him.

And from her, as she said. “Beautiful. So beautiful. You really look so attractive like that. So attractive. Exactly what I want from you, as my husband. And as a man.

“Talking of men, let’s talk about a different sort of man, Fleur says. “You know I’ve started seeing Thom. Couple of months now. And you know it’s going well between us. You know how happy I’ve been, and I’ve been good to you in return. Have I not?”

“Yes Ma’am. Thank you Ma’am.”

“Well, our liaison is developing in unexpected directions. Turns out he’s a quite delightfully demanding man. You know I’ve always liked the way he takes the lead, arranges things in a quiet understated way, makes decisions, gets things done. So masculine. Just the sort of man you never were with me darling. Oh, if only you knew how much you’d missed. Well, he’s been becoming increasingly demanding of me, dominant with me is the right word, I think. I know, I haven’t been telling you that bit. Until now. I find I’m really loving how he is with me. Taking me. Leading me. Irresistible. Overwhelming. Intoxicating.”

She is no doubt observing him as she pauses. “Giving myself. I have found myself surrendering to his, to be frank, increasingly dominant ways. And I know he likes the way I’ve been responding. My orgasms have never been this huge. Ever. Nor so many. I am turned on all the time, thinking about him all the time, wanting him all the time. I want him now.”

That must be a dagger. In his heart. Pain and pleasure for him. I feel only the searing heat of desire and possession.

“Yes, I know. I can see from the surprise in your face. I’ve liked strong men, but I’ve never been subservient. Well, I am now. And he is very dominant and wants more. And, it gets better, or worse, depending on your point of view I guess. Mine or yours.”

She pauses. “He has the combinations. Because they are his locks, darling. His combinations.”

Another hitch of breath from him. Nev. Neville. Never.

“Anyway. Thing is. Thom’s taking control. Of me. Of course, he knows about you. You’ve met him once. But I guess he really knows about you now. He’s been asking questions. I’ve been answering. He’s very respectful. But demanding. Demanding once he understands. And now he understands. He’s decided it’s time I gave him some of my control of you. I know you’ll want to say something. Silence. It’s mine to give.”

A pause. I heard a shift of silk, but this time I think she was just adjusting her posture, sitting up a little straighter. Before she seals her husband’s fate, as I desired.

“Thom told me what he wanted, almost asked my permission, but in a way where I felt the only answer I could give him was yes. So, I said ‘Yes’. He could have control of you. Not complete control. Not yet anyway. But some. Quite a lot I suppose.

“So, the new rules. The locks are his. They’re all combination, and only he knows the combinations. You are locked like that until he gives me the numbers. He has three sets he says. Of locks. He’ll be able to unlock you remotely through me, and then relock you whenever he wants. If ever necessary, and I’m away, we can ring the combinations through to you. He wanted to do the same with your chastity cage. I managed to say no about that. Well, for now, at least. He says he wants control of your little dick too. I’m holding out there. For now. But I know I’ll be giving in eventually.”

Fleur pauses. I wonder if she is feeling the same heat in her mouth as am I.

“So, the new rules. I keep saying that don’t I? That is undoubtedly because imposing new rules on you is sending me off the planet! I suppose also because the first thing you should know is they’re his rules too, not mine. Thom’s rules. He told me I had to admit to you that I’ve been coming very, very hard when we’ve been talking about how he wants me to give him control of you. Anyway. Seems logical.”

Fleur being business-like, as she dismantles her husband’s world.

“He says he is taking increasing ownership of me, as he calls it. I like it whatever he’s calling it. You are now a care provider only. And because he owns me more and more he wants to reduce the amount of kissing and touching we do. He says my pussy is now off limits to you, for kissing, touching, anything but looking. He knows that’s pretty much all I ever let you do there anyway. And my ass the same. He says you are allowed one kiss a week. That’s it. Not anywhere else on my body. Just my ass, my asshole. One kiss. That’s it. A week. I think he’s quite possessive, a bit jealous. That’s quite sexy really. On him.”

I reach for the wine glass. Watch my hand. Steadier than I feel. This is getting to me too.

“Thom wants to reduce your orgasms. Frequency and pleasure level. I resisted giving him the lock control but I’m afraid I agreed to that. I know they’re not very often, Darling, but Thom insisted.”

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