Devil's Island CH 11 by snuskhummer11


This is a long story about several women and their fates. Not all is fantasy but based on personal experiences as a Master. Some is clearly pure fantasy, which is which is up to the reader to decide , 11. Day Five

Tina had gotten some sleep during the night even if she had woken up a few times during the night. This was far better than the cage. Tina's udders and clit still burned but not as intensely as the day before. Her udders still felt uncomfortable with the skin being stretched to adjust to the new size. Gina on the other hand had slept like a baby. When she woke up she immediately took Master's cock in her mouth and started sucking on it. Master awoke shortly thereafter and without a word started to finger Gina's asshole. Gina turned so that she was facing Master's feet but kept sucking. She moaned slightly from the fingers in her ass but could also feel herself getting wet. A hard slap on her ass was the signal to mount Master's cock and without delay, she straddled him taking his cock in one hand and guiding it up against her rear hole. Gina knew it would be a little painful since there was no lubrication used but she pushed the cock head past her sphincter. There was a sharp pain as the sphincter tried to stretch to accommodate the intruder. Once Gina had the head inside her, she

lowered herself onto the cock until she had its full length up her ass. Waiting for the next signal, she just let the cock rest in her ass. She didn't have to wait long. She got the second slap to her ass and started moving up and down on the cock. She took great care that the cock didn't slip out, that would render her some type of punishment. She moved up and down and rocking back and forth as fast as she could and could feel herself getting wetter. Gina liked being fucked in the ass and this was not like the brutal ass fucking she received on the yacht. After the initial pain was gone, it was enjoyable to Gina even if there was some stinging in her ass. It wasn't long before she could feel the cock expanding and Gina moved her ass in shorter movement so that when Master shot his cum in her ass she would have the whole cock deep in her ass. When the first cum shot out, she just sat down and let the cock load up her ass hole. This way it made it easier to dismount without letting any cum out which was not allowed.

Gina knew she was never allowed to cum when she was fucked in the ass, so she didn't bother asking for permission. Hopefully Master would masturbate her in the shower. Gina could feel the cock going semi hard in her ass but still no signal to dismount. That could only mean one thing and Gina shuddered a little. For some reason she felt very degraded by having someone pee in her ass and it made it much harder to not let anything out when she dismounted. The warm stream of piss made its way up her ass hole and Gina squeezed the cock tight to not let any of it drip out. Master had made it quite clear that letting anything seep out of either ass or pussy would bring some type of punishment. Gina got the third slap to her ass and leaned forward until the semi hard cock slipped out.

She squeezed her sphincter hard to hold the pee and cum mixture inside and

turned around to suck Master's cock clean. Master had peed quite a bit and she felt bloated.

“Very good Gina. Now let’s see how long you can hold it without letting a drop escape.”

“Yes Master.”

“Now go get Tina up and get the shower ready. Call me when you are ready.”

“Yes Master.”

Gina carefully got out of bed and went over to Tina. She quickly released Tina from her restraints and got Tina out of bed. The two slaves headed for the shower and Gina turned on the water.

“Take off your stockings and garter Tina.”

“Ok Gina”

Both women stripped and when the water reached the right temperature, Gina

called out.

“Shower is ready Master.”

“Now let Master get in the shower first and then wait for his commands, Tina.”

Tina nodded. Master got in the shower and let the warm water refresh him. He purposely didn't tell the slaves to get in. He wanted to see how long Gina could hold her enema before she got frantic. He could tell from the way she held her legs that the cramps were starting to set in and that she was struggling to hold it in. She was now squeezing her ass cheek as hard as she could. He would let her suffer a bit longer.

“Tina get in here and start washing me.”

“Yes Master.”

Tina stepped into the shower and as soon as the warm water hit her udders,

nipples and clit she could feel the burning intensify. Tina moaned loudly.

Master paid her no attention he was watching Gina struggling with her enema. Tina got busy with washing Master and although her pain was worse now she felt aroused both from washing Master and from having watched Gina getting fucked before. Gina was by now really struggling to hold her enema.

“Please Master May I relief myself.”

“Not yet Gina. You need to learn to hold an enema. After all this is just a

small one.”

“Yes, Master but please I can't hold it much longer.”

“I'm sure you can if you just try.”

Gina was now starting to cramp pretty badly and the need to shit was urgent. Master mused as we watched Gina struggle. He would make her hold it one more minute. Tina had by now washed Masters back and chest, but she had avoided his cock or ass. She wasn't sure if she should wash those areas without being told. Gina was about to lose it and when Master told her to get in the shower, she jumped in and bent over.

“Relief yourself Gina.”

Master didn't even get to finish the command before Gina let a yellow stream go from her ass. Gina drew a sigh of relief. She had made it. There was also a sense of accomplishment that made her feel proud inside.

“Not too bad Gina almost 15 minutes. Still it was a small enema. Now help Tina wash me, she seems to be cock shy.”

“Yes Master. Thank you Master.”

Master's words worried Tina. She realized she should have cleaned Master's cock and ass. She was now afraid this would mean she would go back to the cage. Her fears were eased when Master spoke again.

“Tina, watch carefully how Gina washes me. “

“Yes Master.”

Gina washed Master while Tina watched. When she was done, Master told Tina to wash Gina and make sure she washed the pussy and ass hole really good. Tina thought she better do a good job on Gina and she laddered Gina up real good. She pulled on Gina's pussy lips and with a washcloth rubbed Gina's pussy and clit. Gina got very close to an orgasm before Tina was done with her.

“That was much better Tina. Did it make you wet playing with Gina?”

Tina had gotten wet even if she didn't know why she never had any interest in women. The question also surprised her. She was trying to think. She

decided it was best to be truthful.

“Yes Master. I got wet from washing Gina.”

“Then you better keep working on her she was about to cum when you stopped.

Isn't that right Gina?”

“Yes Master. May I please cum?”


“Tina rub her clit and kneel down and stick your tongue in her ass.”

Tina hesitated for a second. Sticking her tongue in Gina's ass wasn't something she wanted to do but one look at Master told her there would be a price to pay if she didn't. Tina knelt and while rubbing Gina's clit the touched her tongue to Gina's ass hole.

“I didn't say to lick her ass hole but to stick your tongue in there. Perhaps you rather go back and live in your cage.”

“No Master. Please not the cage again.”

Tina didn't hesitate this time. She pushed her as hard as she could against

Gina's ass hole and worked her tongue in her ass. Gina started shaking and she came almost as soon as Tina's tongue entered her ass. She was really starting to enjoy women. When she regained her composure, she looked at Master.

“Thank you Master.”

“Now Gina you wash and massage Tina. Tina won't like it very much since the

burning in her udders will flare up when handled but she needs the massage and to be washed. Tina relief yourself first if you need to pee.”

Tina felt humiliated but scared of making any more errors she let go a stream of pee. She didn't want to be washed but there was no way out of it. She could only hope that Gina would be as gentle as possible. Tina had had some relief since her corset and thigh straps had been removed before the shower. Still her pussy lips didn't seem to retract. Gina washed every part of Tina first that hadn't been treated. She would leave her pussy and udders to last. When she finally had to go to work on Tina's pussy she tried to be as gentle as she possibly could without seeming to do a sloppy job. Tina cried out when Gina washed her pussy.

The burning flared up in her lips and when Gina massaged them it got even worse.

Gina was gentle but there was no way to avoid the pain. Gina finished with the pussy and started on the udders. Washing and massaging them brought new cries from Tina. By the time Gina was done, Tina was burning again almost as bad as when she had been injected yesterday. Her only comfort was that Gina was far more careful than Alex would have been. When Gina was done with the sobbing Tina, they stepped out of the shower and Gina dried of Master. She then dried of herself and handed Tina a towel.

Having no choice, Tina dried herself as careful as she could. Still she skipped drying her pussy lips and only put the towel gently across her udders.

“Now you two get ready. Gina you will wear black today and Tina will wear red. Make sure her corset goes back on and her thigh straps of course. Make sure her lips are stretched the way they should be, Gina. I will inspect both of you when you are ready. If Tina isn't done up right you will pay the price for it and if you can't handle Tina I will need to put her back in the cage.”

“Please Master. Don't put her back in the cage. I'll make sure she is done up right.”

“Yes, Please Master. I'll obey Gina and be good.” Tina as sobbing but she didn't want to go back in the cage and Alex's care.

Master walked over to his desk. He knew Gina didn't like to cause Tina any more pain and mentally it was a hard choice for her. The cage would however make Tina a more willing ward. Still Tina would probably grow to hate Gina, especially if Gina got all the pleasure and Tina got all the pain. That revenge desire would one day be put to good use even if Gina hardly had any choice in the matter Tina would still recent it. Gina didn't like her new position. On the one hand, she didn't want to cause Tina pain, but she didn't want to fail as a servant slave either. She had seen how the other three had been treated and she had it pretty good with Master. Gina got the stockings and garter out for both of them and then they both put their shoes on.

“We will leave the corset and straps for last and do our hair and make-up

first.” Gina whispered to Tina.


Tina was grateful that Gina would at least delay the pain as long as she could. They both hurried with their make-up and hair. Even if Gina wanted to delay causing Tina pain taking too long getting ready would be painful for both of them. When Gina was ready, she went and got the corset and told Tina to stand. Gina laced the corset tight and rather than slowly push the ring over Tina's

udders she made one swift motion to put them in place and then secured the strap at the back of the corset. Tina cried out as the burning in her udder got aggravated. Gina wasn't quite sure how far down to put the thigh straps, but she seemed to recall they had been just below where the stockings ended. Having secured the straps to Tina's thighs Gina pulled on Tina's pussy lips and as quickly as she could she attached the clamps from the thigh straps. Tina screamed and moaned this was the worst part the stretching of her lips. Not only did her lips burn but also the clamps hurt even if they had a flat head.

Tina's pussy lips started to redden immediately once they had been stretched. Gina hated this part but she had no choice.

“Sorry Tina. I know it must hurt badly.”

Tina had stopped screaming but was still moaning and sobbing. Gina attached the leash to her own collar and then to Tina's. Walking as slowly as she dared she lead Tina over to Master for their inspection.

“We are ready Master.”

Master turned around and looked at his two slaves. He checked the tubes attached

to Tina's nipples and clit to make sure the vacuum hadn't been disturbed in the shower or that any water had gotten in there.

Feeling Tina's udders made her moan again and then he tested the clamps to make sure her pussy lips were stretched adequately. Satisfied that Tina was done up properly for the day, he lead them over to the table.

“Sarah is on her way with breakfast.”

“Make sure you don't ruin your make-up Tina. In a few days, you'll start to look like a real whore and the burning will start to disappear. I would have thought by now you would be happy that you have been given a second chance and not just sold to the whorehouse.”

“Yes Master. I'm grateful to be out of the cage and have a second chance but it hurts so bad.”

“You need to learn to please me regardless. If you don't you will be of no use to me. A slave must always love to serve her Master regardless of what is asked of her.”

“If you rather I just sold you to the whorehouse or another Master, say so now and I will accommodate you.”

“No Master. I wish to serve you. I'll try my best to learn quickly.”

Tina didn't want to be shipped of somewhere else and end up in a place worse than the island. She had made the mistake of fighting these people at the start and paid for it. Still things had improved the last few hours even if her tits and pussy was in pain. Sarah arrived with breakfast and the four of them sat down to eat. This time Tina didn't hesitate to eat at all. The food made her feel better and having gotten some sleep as well she was starting to feel more like herself again.

“Sarah you'll take Tina down to the kitchen and have her help you there until Gina comes for her. I'm sure you can find something for her to do.”

“Yes Master. There are always things that needs to be done.”

Tina wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not, but Gina had said that Sarah was nice, so maybe it wouldn't be bad.

“Gina, you'll go and see Sammy this morning for your next fitting.”

“Yes Master.”

Gina knew that would mean having her pussy lips pierced and have rings put in them. The idea both scared Gina and excited her. It would hurt just as her nipples had hurt but the soreness was almost gone now. In a funny way the rings made her feel sexy and at the same time submissive.

Gina didn't really mind being on the island even if it was a totally different lifestyle than she had had before. Somewhere inside her, there was a need to be here and serve. With breakfast over with Sarah told Tina to pick up the tray and grabbing her leash led her toward the kitchen. Once they were outside the door Sarah turned to Tina

and said.

“I know you hurt I had my lips and tits enlarged when I first came here. The burning will go away in a few days, then you'll itch a bit, but it won't be bad. Alex will give you one more injection, but the second time around is less painful. The skin will feel very tight that feeling will last for several weeks until the skin has adjusted.

Did they give you milking drugs?”

“Yes Mistress. I think so.”

“No need to call me Mistress. I rank higher than you, so you must obey me but I'm a slave just like you will be. Depending on how much milk you produce and how they decide to milk you that won't be bad either.” Sarah explained.

“Your udders will feel bloated every morning but unless they don't milk you for a day there will be no pain from producing milk.”

“I'll walk slowly so you can keep up.”

“Thank you, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled at her. She knew how Tina felt she had been in the same position some years ago. She was never made to milk, but she didn't want to scare Tina.

Milking could be made very painful indeed depending on how they milked her. Once in the kitchen Sarah told Tina to sit down and she would bring the silver for her to polish. Sitting down allowed Tina to close her legs and somewhat relieve the strain on her pussy lips. Tina liked Sarah. Gina had not lied to her Sarah was very nice. While Tina was busy in the kitchen Gina was on her way to the stables. Gina walked slowly trying to prepare herself for the pain to come. She waved to Tom as she walked by him and he smiled at her. When she reached the stable, she found Sammy sitting in a chair smoking and playing with her clit.

“There you are. I was told to expect you this morning. Time to have your pussy rings installed.”

“Yes, Master told me to go see you for my next fitting.”

“Do you like my rings, Gina?”

“They look very nice.”

“Being a redhead both up and down makes gold rings look really great. You being a brunette will still make gold rings stand out though. How are your nipples doing?”

“Still a bit sore but I like the rings.”

“The lips will swell up a bit more at first than your nipples did but the

soreness disappears quicker down there. Shall we get started?”

“Yes.” Gina replied a little apprehensive.

“Get yourself up on the table here and put your feet in the stirrups. I'll take care of the rest. Oh..If you need to pee do it in the hay over there first. I don't want to be sprayed in the face.” Sammy laughed.

Gina thought for a second and then decided it was best to pee. She went over to the hay in the corner, spread her lips, and peed. When she was done, she got up on the table.


“Yes.” Gina said with a slight tremor in her voice.

Sammy secured Gina's feet in the stirrups and strapped a wide leather belt over her lower abdomen. The belt was tightened so that Gina had very little movement below her waist. Sammy spread the stirrups wide and locked them in place. Gina was now wide open. She then strapped thigh straps on Gina with clamps just like the ones Tina was wearing. Once she had her lips stretched and clamped, she went to work. The first hot needle went through Gina's left pussy lip at the top. Gina hollered from the pain. Sammy paid her no notice. Removing the needle, she inserted the ring. The next needle was placed at the middle of Gina's left lip. Again, Gina let out a loud scream. The pain in her pussy lips was intense. Tears ran down her cheeks and she couldn't stop her screaming. Sammy did not miss a beat and the third needle went through the lower part of the left lips.

Having placed all three rings in their holes, she brought out the soldering iron and soldering the rings shut. Gina didn't stop screaming at the top of her lunges.

“There that's one side done. I'll give you a few to compose yourself before I do the other lip. You do look very good down here these rings are a little smaller than your nipple rings, but they are gold rings too.”

Gina could still feel the pain racing through her lip, but she stopped screaming for the moment. Still sobbing with tears running down her face, she looked down at her pussy. Her lip was now adorned with three rings, red and it was starting to swell a little. Sammy applied the cream to the holes and rings and was turning them in their holes. The cream helped ease the pain somewhat and the rings were starting to cool off. Gina started to relax a little. Not wanting to drag this out any longer than needed, since Gina would have one additional task to perform once the rings were in place, Sammy went to work on the right lip.

Gina resumed her howling and screaming. The burning pain was incredible. Soon all six rings were in place and Gina was released from the table.

“Let’s have a look at you. When the redness and swelling goes down you'll look perfect down there. Three rings are just right for you. Some can take five without looking to cluttered down there but that wouldn't look good on you.”

“Only one more fitting to go unless Master wants you to have a nose ring.”

Gina still sobbing and feeling the burning pain in her pussy lips wasn't sure

what the last fitting was.

“One more fitting?” She asked.

“Of course.” Sammy said. Tugging at her own clit ring.

“Oh, that must hurt really bad.” Gina sobbed.

“I won't kid you. It hurts like hell. It is the worst fitting, but it is great fun once it heals.”

“If you wear panties the ring will rub at your clit the whole time make you wet and horny. Just moving the ring around a bit makes you wet.” Sammy explained.

“Oh.” Gina was still trying to collect herself.

Sammy wasted no time and told Gina to get down on her knees in front of the

chair. Sammy sat down and pulled Gina's face into her pussy.

“Let’s see if Sarah has taught you how to eat a pussy, it's my reward for the work I did on you. I'm sure Master didn't tell you about this part though.”

Gina didn't mind eating Sammy's pussy; she had eaten Sarah for a whole night. It was clear to Gina that the higher-ranking slaves got rewards and Gina obeyed. She stuck her tongue in Sammy's pussy and sucked on her clit. Sammy soon became very wet. Gina increased the pace and she could sense Sammy being close to cumming. She got one final surprise, when Sammy came she squirted a great deal and Gina's face got soaked with pussy juice. Gina first thought Sammy had peed but she soon realized it was all pussy juice. Sammy was laughing.

“You didn't expect to be drenched did you?”

“No. I never experienced anything like this.”

“Not everybody squirts but Alex has a drug she is trying out and if that works I won't be the only one here squirting. I hear Tina was treated with the drug, so we just have to wait and see. Now lick my pussy clean but don't clean your face.”

“Master will want to see if you performed or not. You should be proud though, not everybody can make me squirt.”

“Oh” Gina said again as she cleaned Sammy's pussy with her tongue.

Sammy stroked Gina's hair and then pulled her to her feet.

“You better get back to Master. I'm sure he wants to see how his new slave

looks. You are almost looking like a real slave now.”

“I will see you again and not just for your fitting.” Sammy grinned at Gina.

She waved to her as she went out the door. Walking wasn't very comfortable the rings kept moving in her lips, which caused her some pain. Sammy had given her more liquid to treat the pussy rings with the same as she still did with her nipple rings. Gina gingerly headed back to Master's quarters. The pussy juice on her face started to dry and it felt kind of funny. Almost as one of those beauty masks women put on. There was a slight odor as well but not bad smelling, but Gina did smell like pussy. When Gina returned to Master's quarters she was told to lie down and spread her legs. Master toyed with the rings in her pussy and tugged at them.

“Very nice. You are starting to look like a slave should. We still have a few things that needs to be done but I'll let the rings heal first.”

“I have some more work to do so lay still and have a rest.”

“Yes Master.”

Master returned to his monitors and Gina could see the main monitor was directed at Linda. Gina couldn't see the entire monitor from where she was lying. Linda on the other hand could hear the sound of high heels approaching. Alex looked over Linda and then said.

“Morning cow. It is time to do some work on you again. First we must do our

daily massage.”

Alex grabbed Linda's left udder and started pulling and squeezing it. Linda

moaned. The burning pain wasn't so bad anymore, but her udders were stretching her skin very tightly. Linda could feel that her udders had been filling up and when Alex squeezed them there was far less give to the skin. The first couple of days Linda had been able to feel the fluid moving around in here udders when they were squeezed but now there was far less movement inside. Alex could feel that the fluid had converted to fat a lot quicker than she thought it would. The new drug Linda was getting in her food must be working. This was good news to Alex. It meant tits could be grown in half the time. She must remember to tell Master, so Tina could be given the drug too. Linda continued to moan as Alex manhandled her udders. Alex then tugged on the tubes on the suckers. They were ready for the next injection because they had grown nicely. Alex removed the tubes to get a better feel on the suckers. They didn't retract a bit when the

tubes were removed and although the skin on them was very tight, the sucker was ready for more. At 3/4 inch now Alex would inject enough to stretch them to 1 1/4 inches this time. She squeezed both the suckers and the reacted as they should by getting hard. Alex stuck two fingers in Linda's pussy and sure enough, she was wet.

“Ok cow. Your suckers have grown nicely, and they are ready to grow more. I'll inject enough this time to get them up to 1 1/4 inch. It might be a bit painful for you but then you like to be a proper cow, so a little pain shouldn't worry you.”

“Uhhgggmm.” Linda tried to speak but the tube in her mouth prevented any

comprehensible words coming out.

“I know cow. You want them much longer than that but one step at the time.”

Linda felt panic. She wanted to tell these people she had enough, and she would do anything to just get out of her present predicament. Linda was mentally exhausted even if she physically wasn't in bad shape. Her legs were tired from being stretched and not being able to bend them but overall she was in pretty good shape.

“Since your udders have settled in I think it would be good for you to get some exercise. I had planned on the leg machine, but you are good enough for the carousel without hurting your udders.” Alex told Linda.

Alex proceeded to remove the tube from Linda's mouth and her legs were unhooked from the ceiling chains. Alex pulled on Linda's arms to get her off the swing and to stand her up. Linda wobbled since she wasn't prepared to stand up and her high heels made it more difficult. Linda got her balance back and Alex bent down to remove her heels.

“Don't think you would run very well in these so it is best you run in your

stocking feet.”

“Please Mistress. Please remove my hood I'll do anything you want.”

“Ah I see you haven't lost your voice, but the hood stays on and the heels will go back on when you are done with your workout.”

“Please Mistress.”

“Be quiet you silly cow. Otherwise, you'll just make it harder on yourself. I will let you pee first but the plug in your ass stays as well.”

Linda was about to beg again but though better of it. Her ass was very sore from having the butt plug in for so long but when Alex told her to pee, she let her bladder go, at least that gave her some relief.

“One last thing before your exercise. I need to inject your suckers.”

Without waiting for any response from Linda, she injected the right sucker and then attached the tube again pumping out the air until the tip of the sucker reached the 1 1/4 mark.

“Aaaaaarrggggghhh.” Linda howled.

The burning was bad, but the stretching was almost worse. It felt like her nipple had been torn from her tit. Linda had still not gotten used to thinking about them as udders and suckers. Alex swiftly repeated the process on the left sucker.


Linda was in pain again even if the suckers now got all her attention. Alex

attached the leash to her collar and tugging on led Linda away. The carousel was outside next to the day pen where Jackie was busy being fucked by Nero at the moment. Linda felt the fresh air on her body and took a deep breath. The corset didn't allow her to fill her lungs, but the fresh air felt good. Alex started to attach Linda to the carousel, which consisted of a horizontal wheel with several rods sticking out from the center.

Linda's wrist and waist were attached to one rod. Her wrists spread about two feet apart. This caused Linda to moan loudly since her shoulders were stiff from being tightly bound behind her back for days. Her collar leash was hooked onto the rod one over from her waist and wrists. This forced Linda to slightly bend forward.

“You are now on the carousel cow. When it starts moving you better keep up pace. At first, it will turn slowly but the speed will increase until you are at full gallop. If you fall it will simply drag you along which would be painful on your neck. Once every hour it will stop to allow you get watered. Sue will see to that. I would also use that break to pee if you need to.”

“Here we go. Enjoy your exercise.”

Alex flipped a switch and the wheel started turning. Linda felt the tug at her collar and a pull at her waist from the rods and she started walking. The pace was slow for the first three go arounds then the speed increased, and Linda had to quicken her pace. Alex watched Linda with amusement. Pretty soon, she would be running and sweating.

The corset would make it hard for her to breath, but she would learn quickly to take short quick breaths. Her hood would absorb most of the sweat from her head, but she would feel incredible hot under there. Linda was now jogging to keep pace with the wheel. Her udders bounced a little but not very much, they were rather firm even when the cow was jogging. Jackie wasn't being used now and she couldn't help looking at poor Linda. She was amazed to see how different she now looked. Those tubes swinging from her tits looked really strange to Jackie. Jackie had started to feel a slight tightness in her own tits but when she squeezed them nothing happen, and they felt ok. Jackie got no more time to think about it for the moment since Hannibal was in the mood for fucking his bitch. Jackie thought perhaps it best to take him in her ass since Alex was around. She only had Play Boy do her in the ass so far today. There was a bit of stinging as Hannibal was eager and just pushed straight home even if he

couldn't get his knot in Jackie's ass. Jackie was stretching but she was still far away from taking the knot in her ass even her pussy had trouble with that.

Master arrived to check on everything and by now Linda was running rather than jogging. She was breathing hard already.

“I see you decided to exercise the cow. How is she coming along?”

“Better than expected. Her udders have settled much faster than I thought. That new drug must help speed up the conversion. Her suckers are now stretched to 1 1/4 inch and one more treatment the day after tomorrow and her suckers should be ready and set for good. She isn't producing any milk yet, but I expect she will start in a few days.”

“I have started stretching her ass, but she will need to get on the machine to really get loose back there.”

“Still she coming along pretty good then.” Master said.

“Oh yes. She still begged when the tube was out of her mouth though.”

“She had little opportunity to learn manors and obedience, but we will correct that later once she is in the barn.”

“Yes, that won't be a problem. Punishment milking is very persuasive.” Alex


“Yes, it certainly can be.”

Both Master and Alex were laughing at the milking punishment. Linda would

certainly, get better acquainted with various ways of milking at the right time. Linda was now having trouble breathing and keeping up the pace. She had slipped twice already, and her feet had been scraped. Master told Alex she better reduce the pace, or the cow would fall down dead. Alex didn't share Master's opinion, she wanted the cow totally exhausted to the point where she would collapse and have difficulty breathing at all, but she did do what she was told. If the cow died there would be hell to pay for her even if the cow was damaged from the exercise she could be in trouble.

Linda was relieved when the wheel finally slowed, and she could catch her breath a little, still there was no rest and the hood was getting like an oven on her head. Sweat was pouring from her body and she had almost forgotten about the burning in her nipples. Her muscles were starting ache from going to not being used to heavy strain. Her heart was racing and the blood pumping in her veins.

There was no way she would last the rest of the day out here.

“Do you want to give Tina the drug as well? Her udders would be ready much

quicker then.” Alex asked.

“Yes, that's a good idea. Send up a bottle with instruction on dosage to my

quarters or does it have to be injected?”

“No, it can be mixed in the food or taken straight.”

“It looks like the cows udders have set enough that she doesn't need to be in the swing anymore. So, put her in the cage tonight.”

“Ok. Yes, she will be fine now there isn't any need to have the udders hanging down; they are firm enough now that they will not sag. Tina is younger, and she was in better shape to start with so she shouldn't sag even though she hasn't had her udders hanging.” Alex told Master.

“That's good. Even if it wouldn't matter that much on her unless I turn her into a pony after the house.”

“True but I could always correct it with surgery.”

“Yes, but that would leave scars and ponies have to be perfect otherwise they lose value in a sale.”

“Scars on a pony means you have to sell her as a mare rather than a pony no

matter what the scars are from. Surgery or whippings wouldn't matter if there are scars from anything they sell as mares rather than ponies.” Master added.

“That's true.” Alex replied.

The wheel was more dragging Linda than she running with it and Alex realized she had to give her break or she might collapse totally. Alex stopped the wheel, grabbed a hose, and sprayed Linda with cold water. Linda recovered enough to stand up on her feet, but she had been close to overheating under the hood. The cold water hit her hard and it hurt a little when it hit the abused areas of her body, but it cooled her off and her breathing, which had been very labored started to get back to a more normal rate. Alex kept spraying her with the cold water until Linda's breathing had returned to normal. Alex also gave her water to drink and Linda still very tired and exhausted from the run started to return

to normal even if her muscles were now aching.

“That was a nice workout for you cow. The rest of the day the wheel will be set to a walking pace.”

Alex reset the speed of the wheel and started it up again. Linda could have used a longer rest but at least she only had to walk now. Linda had easily lost 2 pounds in just fluids and Alex made mental note to give here more to drink in even intervals.

“Don't overdo it Alex.” Master said as he walked way.

“I won't the cow will be just fine.” Alex replied.

Alex had not missed the severity of the warning in Master's words. He clearly wasn't pleased with the harshness of the first session at the wheel. If she didn't take care, she might not get her guinea pig or even worse, she would be put on the wheel herself. Alex wasn't in bad shape but certainly not in near enough shape to handle the wheel like Linda just had done.

Alex stayed with Linda until she was sure that the pace on the wheel was slow enough for Linda without having her overheat again. She then went to fetch Sue who was suspended from the ceiling by her tits. Sue was being punished for not getting Jackie out in the day pen on time this morning. The rest of the punishment would have to wait until this evening since Alex needed her to water the cow every 20 minutes or so. Alex didn't want to sit out there all afternoon; she still had some work to do with the tapes. While Alex went to release Sue and send her out to watch and water Linda, Master returned to his quarters and took another look at Gina's new rings. Sammy had done an excellent job as usual even if Gina showed some

minor swelling.

“Can't use your pussy for a week or so until the piercings has healed somewhat. Don't want to get them infected. So, for the next week I will use your ass instead every time.” Master informed Gina.

“Yes Master.”

“There is your mouth as well of course and that will get some use too.”

“To save time I have decided you might as well get your clit ring put in

tomorrow. That way everything down there will heal at the same time.”

Gina didn't like that idea but then again better to get it over with since it was going to be done eventually anyway. She had hoped to at least get a few days break until the pain and soreness from the pussy lips piercing had gone away. Sue arrived with a bottle for Master on her way to tend to the cow.

“Mistress said the instructions are on the bottle Master.” Sue told him.

“Very good. Are you taking care of the cow today?”

“Yes, Master and I was told to exercise the bitch as well in-between the

watering of the cow.”

“Good. Throw her ball or bone a couple of times and make sure she fetches well and quickly.”

“Yes Master” Sue replied.

Sue left to tend to the two women outside and Master turned to Gina and said.

“Since Tina is in your charge you must make sure she gets a tablespoon of this drug at every meal. It will help her udders to convert fat better.”

“I'll make sure she gets it with every meal Master.”

“Come and kneel beside me while we watch the wedding tape of the bitch. It

looks like Alex has finished with it and it is ready to be offered to our


Master walked over to the desk and sat down in his chair while Gina followed him and knelt beside his chair. Gina had of course watched the whole ordeal as it took place but watching the video of the event was still making Gina wet as she was watching the tape. Master watched in silence make a note here and there.

After the wedding tape was done, the tape of Tina in her cage came on.

Gina had seen some of it in real life but far from all of it. As she watched, she was still wet, but she also felt sorry for Tina. It must have been absolutely horrifying to be in that cage for so long and painful as well. Gina could only imaging what the cage smelled like. Gina didn't really care for the toilet ordeal Tina had to put up with in her cage. It actually made a little sick to

her stomach watching Tina pee in her cage and having to stand in her own waste.

Gina was amazed that Tina was still of sound mind after having gone through all that. Master made some more notes and then typed a message to Alex on the computer. Gina couldn't see what he was typing but she felt lucky she seemed to have escaped with the mildest treatment of the four women even if she had been pierced, fucked, and cropped. Gina had no illusions however, she knew there would be days when Master would inflict pain and that she would suffer painful and straining bondage and other torments. Master was scanning the monitor to see how Linda and Jackie were doing. Sue was throwing a ball for the bitch and she was dutifully crawling to fetch it. Jackie's knees hurt but she crawled to fetch as quickly as she could. Sue finally stopped throwing the ball and Jackie crawled over in the shade to lie down. She was sweating, and she was dirty and smelly. She hadn't been washed for a couple of days and her stockings and heels were torn from the crawling and spending her days on her knees. Sometimes it was

even hard for her to stretch her legs when she lay down. She didn't make it over to the shade before Nero prodded her for a fuck. Jackie leaned forward, put her ass in the air, and waited for Nero to mount her. Linda in the meanwhile was walking in the carousel her breathing had gotten back to normal, but her legs were starting to really hurt. She doubted that she would be able to walk all day in the heat without getting a break. The hood was still like an oven; if she could just be let out of the hood and the corset, it wouldn't be so bad walking around out there. Tina was getting a break at the moment. Sitting down made it easier on her stretched pussy lips and polishing silver was perhaps a bit boring but the easiest task she had performed so far. Sarah was busy preparing lunch and in between doing paper work.

“Time for you to bring up lunch to Master, Tina.” Sarah said.

“You can finish the silver after lunch unless Master has other plans for you.”

Sarah had the tray ready and Tina stood up taking the tray and gingerly walking toward the door with the tray. Walking still was the worst task Tina had to do now every step tugged and pulled at her pussy lips and that made the burning flare up in them again. Tina stopped on her way to take a quick look in a hall mirror.

She hardly recognized herself. She never wore much make-up before. Now she had red lips, bright red nails, thick eyeliner, and a little green eye shadow. Her breasts were much bigger and looked swollen but still a nice round shape. The tubes attached to her nipples looked freakish and her nipples would be much longer even if she couldn't really tell with the tubes on them. The tube on her clit made it impossible to tell how the clit looked but she could clearly see her swollen and stretched pussy lips. Tina spread her legs just a tiny bit and her pussy was wide open. With the corset, stockings and heels she truly looked like a whore not Tina the office girl. Tina sighed she had a new life now.

Nobody would want Tina the whore for anything except to just use her.

It didn't matter of course she would never go back to dating men anyway. She would just live here or maybe someplace like this.

She still wasn't sure that Master would keep her. From all the talk she had heard and from what Sarah had told her most of the women were never kept here on the island, they were sold to others. The island was simply just a training camp and only a lucky few as Sarah had put it was kept here. Tina had asked Sarah how many women had been trained here but Sarah had just told her that there had been many over the years she had been here. There were between 10 – 20 women each year that passed through here, she had said. Tina's heart sank when she thought about that fact if there was

that many women brought to the island and only Sarah, Sammy, and Sue had been kept then her chances of staying here wasn't very good. More than likely she thought she would be sold. Maybe her chance of staying was if she could convince Master she would make a good pony, after all Tina was sure staying here would be far better than being sold to some unknown new owner. She took one last look in the mirror and then hurried on with the lunch tray. Taking too long wasn't going to be good or help her in her quest to stay on the island. When she arrived, Master turned toward her and with a touch of teasing or even slightly evil tone in his voice said.

“Did you enjoy your little look in the mirror Tina?”

“Sorry Master I couldn't help myself.”

Tina suddenly felt a little scared. There was nothing that Master couldn't see on his monitors and he hardly missed anything. It dawn on her that stopping to look in the mirror was something she hadn't been told to do and that could mean she would get punished for it.

“Had you been told to look in the mirror Tina?”

“No master. I'm very sorry.”

“You must learn to do only what you have been told to do, nothing more and

nothing less.”

“Yes Master. I'm so sorry.”

“Sorry is a five-letter word Tina but it doesn't mean anything. After Lunch Gina will give you your punishment and then I'll punish Gina for not taking care that you behaved.”

Gina didn't feel that was fair. She couldn't be blamed for what Tina did when she wasn't with her. Gina shot Tina a bit of a nasty look. Tina regretted having stopped now and she certainly didn't need Gina to be mad at her as well.

“Master, Gina wasn't at fault. She had told me to just do what I was told and nothing else.”

Tina hoped that would get Gina of the hook. She knew that making an enemy of Gina could have serious and painful consequences.

“So, you think you should receive Gina's punishment as well then?”

Tina hadn't really counted on that twist, but she was now trapped by her own


“Yes Master. It was all my fault.”

“What do you think Gina?” Master said turning toward Gina.

The ball was now squarely in Gina's court. On one hand, she didn't think she should be punished but remembering the tape of Tina in the cage, she felt a double punishment for Tina wasn't fair either. Gina had to decide.

“It was partly my fault Master for not stressing to Tina not to do nothing she hadn't been told to do.” She finally said.

Master smiled. He knew that both women were now desperately trying to stay on each other's good side. This was partly due to fear that the wrong answer might earn either of them to lose the few privileges they now enjoyed and partly because they didn't need to make enemies of each other.

“So, what should I do then?” Master asked the two slaves.

“Punish both of us Master.” Gina said.”

“Punish me Master.” Tina replied.

“You two better make up your minds here. Which is it going to be?”

Master was going to make this as hard on both on them as possible. He had always been extremely good at playing mind games on his slaves or training objects. This would certainly leave both slaves with a dilemma. Gina had a brilliant idea.

“Flip a coin Master. Heads we both get punished tails Tina gets punished.”

“Yes, that would be fair Master.” Tina piped in.

Master kept a straight face even if he thought that Gina had solved the problem very cleverly. This way there would be no hard feelings between them. Tina would get punished regardless so that wasn't an option but flipping a coin gave Gina a chance without having to upset Tina by saying only Tina should be punished.

Considering the situation this was the fairest solution for both of them. Master wasn't quite finished with his game however.

“Very well. If the coin turns up heads, Gina will first punish Tina and then Tina will punish Gina. If it is tails then Gina will punish Tina and if she doesn't do a good job I'll punish Gina.”

Both women looked at each other. Master still had managed to put a twist on this

whole thing. Both however answered yes Master. Master went to get a coin, showed it to the women, and then flipped it up in the air. Tina and Gina's eyes followed the coin as it fell to the floor. The coin came up heads.

“Let’s eat first then you two can punish each other. That way you'll have some time to think of an appropriate punishment.”

Oh no. Gina thought. We have to decide how to punish each other too. This was going to be hard. Tina had the same thought. Neither one would enjoy lunch very much. What punishment would be good enough yet not too painful for the other?

Both women were racking their brains. Gina almost forgot to give Tina her drug, but she saved herself from any further mistake with the drug. Taking the bottle, she poured a tablespoon and told Tina to open wide and swallow. Tina obeyed and swallowed the slightly bitter medicine.

“You must take this with every meal, Tina.” Gina explained to her.

“It will help your breasts…hmm udders to convert the injections to fat

quicker.” She continued.

She hoped her little slip calling them breast instead of udders wasn't going to prove to be another reason for punishment. Master didn't give any indication that he had noticed. He was eating away looking at some papers. Both Gina and Tina ate very little and slowly. When Master was finished with lunch he lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair.

“Now then what have you decided on as far as punishment?”

“I'm really not sure what would please you Master.” Gina said.

“Me neither Master.”

“I see. Well let me give you a couple of things to choose from since neither one of you seem to be able to decide.”

“Thank you Master.” Both slaves said.

“Don't thank me yet. By not deciding yourself the choices might very well be harder than you would have suggested.”

They knew they had made a mistake as soon as Master said that. It was too late now though. They would have to pick one of Masters suggestions.

“Gina your choices are: 10 strokes with the crop, the mint oil coated ass dildo or the enema treatment. Tina your choices are as follows: 5 strokes with the cane, the ant farm, or the restrictor.”

Except for the cropping and caning, neither of them knew what the other

punishments entailed. The ass dildo seemed clear enough but somehow there must be a twist to it. Gina didn't like enemas, so she wouldn't pick that. The crop seemed to be the safest choice at least she knew how that would feel. Tina didn't like the sound of the ant farm that must be something like the mosquitoes in the cage. The restrictor she had no idea what that could be. She hadn't felt the cane but at least she understood what that meant.

“10 strokes with the crop Master.” Gina had made her choice.

“5 strokes with the cane Master.” Tina picked her fate as well.

“Very well. Gina you will give Tina 10 strokes with the crop first then Tina will give you 5 strokes with the cane.”

The slaves looked at each other they thought they had picked the punishment they would receive not give. Cane or crop there couldn't be much difference Gina thought. Tina was just scared. She had never been beaten before and didn't know what to expect. Master was enjoying himself. Neither one would hit the other very hard. At least Gina would go easy. Tina might be tempted to hit harder in revenge.

“Secure Tina to the cross and let's begin.”

“Yes Master”

Taking Tina by her leash, Gina led her over to the cross.

Grabbing Tina's left wrist, she stretched it toward the wrist cuff on the cross. It wouldn't quite reach so Gina had to bring a low stool for Tina to stand on while her wrists were secured to the cuff on the cross. When Gina attached the ankles to the other end of the cross, Tina screamed. Her pussy lips got stretched very painfully and it felt like they had been pulled off completely. Having her legs spread that far apart was indeed very painful for Tina. She didn't even notice the strain in her arms and wrist from carrying her whole weight on the cross.

Master walked over and inspected Tina.

“You may begin Gina.” He said handing her the crop.

“Remember how this should be done and if I think you are going easy the stroke won't count.”

“Yes Master.”

Tina was sobbing and straining in her bounds. Her pussy lips felt like burning coals.

“You must cunt out every stroke Tina and if you lose count I will have to start over. Do you understand?”

“Yes” Tina sobbed.

Gina had no idea how hard to swing the crop but not wanting to have to give more blows than necessary, she applied as much force in her swing as she thought would be acceptable. The first blow landed hard right across Tina's ass.


Gina was silently trying to get Tina to count. Count she whispered as softly as she could.

“One” Tina sobbed.

She had totally forgot about the counting. The pain in her buttocks was

incredible. It stung and burned. Gina didn't give her much time to think and the second blow landed on Tina's ass. Tina howled again but this time she remembered to count. Gina wasn't sure if she was hitting to hard or not but so far Master had not disallowed the blows. Gina could see there were two bright red welts forming on Tina's ass and she knew how painful it was. She didn't enjoy this. She quickly gave Tina the last eight blows with the same result every time, but Tina did count at least.

Tina's ass was on fire and she had some very bright red welts there too. She was in pain and her pussy lips had been forgotten for the moment. She was hoarse from screaming and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Why did Gina have to hit her so hard? Surely, she could have done it a little milder. When Gina released her ankles and Tina could close her legs, she felt the burning in her now very sore pussy lips. When her wrists were released, she simply slumped to the floor. Kneeling by the cross and sobbing Tina thought her pussy lips had

been torn away and she was sure her ass was bleeding and cut. Gina bent down and stroked her head.

“It is over now. It will burn for a while, but you'll be fine.”

Gina could tell it would take a lot for Tina to carry out her part of the

punishment but she was also afraid that Tina would gather all her strength to pay back Gina. Maybe she had overdone the cropping. Master was smiling. He knew once Tina had a chance to recover a little that she would be angry and Gina would feel the cane hard on her ass.

“You better get moving Tina and get Gina ready for her punishment. We haven't got all afternoon for this.”

“Yes Master.” Tina sobbed.

Her make-up was running, and her eyes redden from tears, but she managed to stand up and with some effort secured Gina to the cross. When Gina hung on the cross and Tina seemed to have recovered enough to carry out the caning, she was handed a nasty looking cane by Master. The cane was of the fiberglass type and had quite a bit of swish to it not like a bamboo cane that wouldn't flex at all.

Tina gathered her strength and swung the cane. At first, Gina only heard the swish but felt nothing as the cane landed. That only lasted a second then bolts of pain shot through her ass like lightning bolts. Gina screamed at the top of her lungs.


The pain was something she couldn't have imagined in her worst nightmare and after the initial pain it seemed like the pain rippled through her repeatedly.

Tina could see how the welt swelled up in an angry red line across Gina's ass. Where the tip of the cane had hit there was even a drop of blood. Tina got a little scared at the sight maybe she had used to much force. She held back a little on the second blow but there was still the same angry red welt and Gina screamed just as loudly. Tina actually felt bad. She wasn't enjoying this at all. She hesitated to swing again until Master's voice rang out.

“You can change places with Gina and I'll give you the last three blows with the cane if you like.”

Tina knew her ass couldn't take anymore, and she was sure Master swung the cane and crop much harder than either of them did. She swung for the third time and Gina screamed and cried as the pain again rippled through her ass. Not waiting Tina thought it was better to get it over with and quickly landed the last two blows. Gina was now in severe agony and pain. The cropping she had gotten from Master was bad, but the cane was much much worse. She could feel there was some blood dripping down her ass too. When she was released from the cross, she collapsed just like Tina had done before. Both slaves were in pain sobbing and their faces a mess from the make-up running. Having to punish each other was not something they would want to do ever again. Being punished was bad enough.

“You better go clean yourself up and then present yourself kneeling by my chair. I want you to be presentable as a slave should be in 45 minutes.”

“Yes Master.” The both replied between sobs.

The slaves helping each other washed their faces, applied new make-up, and then very carefully put cream on their burning assess. Making sure their stocking and heels was in order and in Tina's case her corset too, they slowly walked over and knelt by Master's chair.

Master made them stand up for the inspection and he carefully looked over both slaves. They would be sore and have a hard time sitting for a day or two but there was no damage. He paid special attention to Tina's pussy lips to make sure the lips hadn't been torn by the stretching on the cross. They had swelled up a bit but otherwise they were not damaged. They would

hurt a bit more than they had and making Tina walk too much now would not be a good idea.

“Did you finish in the kitchen Tina?”

“No Master. I still have more silver to polish.”

“Well, slaves what have we learnt today?”

“To obey and only do exactly what we have been told to do Master.” Tina replied.

“I'm very sorry for my mistake with the mirror Master.”

“What have you learnt Gina?”

“To make sure that a task I been given is done properly and to make sure I have given full and complete instructions.” Gina answered with her head lowered.

“What are you?”

“Slaves, Master.”

“What is your purpose?”

“To serve and please in any way Master deem fit.”

“Who owns you?”

“You do Master. We are here to serve your every need.”

“I hope you won't forget that again. Tina, you go down to the kitchen with the dishes. You can take your time walking there but don't stop to admire yourself in any mirrors.”

“I won't Master.”

Walking with very small steps Tina picked up the try and went on her way back to the kitchen. Gina was told to kneel between Master's legs and to get his cock out and keeping it in her mouth without sucking on it after it was hard. Master then returned his attention to his monitors and paper work. Linda was still staggering around on the carousel while Jackie was just lying around in the

shade. It was time to get Jackie cleaned up and make a few adjustments to her.

Alex's suggestion to have her lips stretched was a good idea and it might be time to inject her, so she would start milking. By five o'clock in the afternoon, Linda was exhausted, and she was now having trouble even keeping up with the walking pace of the carousel. It was time to get her out of there and have her fed. Master pushed a button on the keyboard and told Sue to bring Linda to the cage and to feed the bitch. Sue stopped the carousel and released Linda who promptly dropped to her knees.

“Just wait here cow while I feed the bitch and put her back in her pen.”

Linda didn't answer so Sue kicked her in her side. Sue was in a foul mood and she had more punishment waiting for her.

“Stand up cow. I didn't tell you to lay down.”

“Yes Mistress.” Linda moaned.

Linda stood up on very shaky legs. She would be very stiff in the morning. Every muscle in her body was hurting. Her ass was really sore now from the butt plug and her udders were still burning even if it was far less than it had been. Her suckers however having been injected that morning were still burning intensely. Sue went about feeding and putting Jackie back in her own pen for the night. When she returned to Linda, she smacked her with her short crop she was allowed to carry.

“Put your heels on cow.”

Linda moaned and with some effort got back in her heels. Her feet were sore, and her calves screamed out when her feet were forced back into her heels. Sue then led Linda back inside and the cool air felt like a godsend to Linda. The hood was really starting to get to her by now, the sticky leather felt very restrictive and terribly uncomfortable. Linda making every effort to keep up with Sue her legs and feet feeling the pain with every step she took. Sue led her over to the cage and then waited for Master to arrive. Linda's legs were now starting to shake and even standing was getting to be hard. Master arrived with his cock standing straight out and as soon as he stopped, Gina fell to her knees and took it in her mouth. Master looked Linda over and particularly checked her

ass hole to see how the plug was doing. Linda's sphincter was a bit swollen and red from the constant stretching she had endured the last few days. Her udders were firming up nicely and when he squeezed them, there was little give in them.

Still no milk though. Linda's pussy had not been touched at all so far except for the catheter that was still inserted. To avoid any inflammation, it would be best to remove the catheter and let Linda pee in the cage.

“Feed her and take out the catheter, Sue”

“Yes Master.”

Sue took the already prepared bowl, which mainly consisted of the usual drugs and bull semen. Linda opened her mouth and Sue spooned the slimy content of the bowl into her mouth. Linda had gotten used to the taste and swallowed without protesting.

When her feeding was done, and the catheter removed which was a great relief to Linda, she was told to kneel. Linda dropped to her knees not knowing what expect next. She wished they would remove the hood. She was starting to have trouble wearing it.

“Now Linda, what are you?” Master's voice rang out.

Linda was almost too tired to think but not answering would mean treatments that are even more painful. What should she answer? What was she indeed? A woman in pain? That clearly wasn't the right answer. Linda swallowed hard. In her heart, she knew the answer, but she was having a hard time saying it. Somehow, if she never admitted it there was still hope she could stay as Linda in her mind.

“I'm waiting.”

There was no choice but to answer.

“I'm a cow slave, Master.” Linda reluctantly said.

“Do you like being a cow slave?”

She didn't but that seemed to be her fate from now on so with a final sigh Linda had to give up.

“Yes Master.”

“You are not a cow yet, there is still more work to be done on you. Your udders aren't large enough yet even if your suckers are now almost ready. You are still not milking, so we can't put you in the barn yet. As soon as you are producing milk, you will be moved to the barn. The hood will stay on until you are ready for the barn, but Sue will take you to the pool and wash you but first you need to get on all fours and spread your legs. It is time for your first fucking and I'm in the mood for cow pussy today.”

Linda was a little confused and she didn't get on all fours right away. A swap from Sue's crop soon made her get on all fours. She didn't really want to be fucked but there was no choice. As she was standing there, on all fours she could feel fingers spreading her pussy lips and then in one stroke she felt the cock buried deep in her pussy. Linda cried out since her pussy was dry and there was no lubrication at all.

“Now move your ass cow.” She heard Sue ordering her.

“Yes Mistress.”

Linda started to rock back and forth making the cock in her pussy slide in and out. When the initial pain subsided, and her pussy started to lubricate the fucking actually started to make Linda moan. She could feel the cock hitting against the butt plug in her ass and that gave her some discomfort even, so Linda was starting to enjoy the fucking and to her own surprise there was even the budding signs of an orgasm building. Linda moaned and grunted as Sue prompted her with her crop.

“Faster cow. Master doesn't want to be stuck fucking you all day.”

Linda increased her rocking motion and the cock now slid in and out with ease. It wasn't long before Linda felt the hot semen spurting in her pussy and then the cock was pulled out.

“Now turn around cow you must learn to always clean a cock with your mouth after you been used.” Sue told her.

Since Linda couldn't see, she simply just turned around and opened her mouth. Master put his cock in her mouth and Linda started sucking and licking it.

“Not too bad cow. You are a descent fuck, but we will need to train you better. Mainly we need to make sure you are always wet. I don't like a dry hole.

Secondly you need to work harder it takes you too long to make a cock cum.

Perhaps you were trying to prolong it for your own enjoyment.”

“No Master. I'm just very tired Master.”

“I'm not interested in excuses. You better show improvement next time.”

“Yes Master.”

“A cow serves two purposes or perhaps if she is a good cow three. She needs to be a good milk producer, an excellent fuck and maybe a good breeder.”

“Yes Master.”

Linda's head was spinning. She was to be nothing but an animal from now on. She might never have an orgasm again or feel satisfaction from a sexual encounter. Linda had tears in her eyes. She felt degraded and humiliated.

“Finally, you need to learn to obey quickly and completely and to remember being fucked is a reward and not something you should expect if you don't give proper thanks.”

Linda had to think about that for a minute but then she finally uttered.

“Thank you, Master”

“That's not the right way.” Sue told her.

“Thank you for fucking or using your cow, Master, is the proper response.” Sue continued.

“Thank you for fucking your cow Master” Linda repeated.

“That's better hopefully you'll learn, if not you'll be sold as a guinea pig to someone that needs one to test new training methods or drugs on.”

The thought of being a guinea pig and perhaps die a very slow and painful death or be mutilated scared Linda. Was there no end to this hell?

“I'm sorry Master I will learn quickly.”

“Clean the cow and then put some new stockings on her and leave her in the cage for the night.” Master told Sue.

“Yes Master.”

Gina had replaced Linda between Master's legs and dutifully had taken his now semi-erect cock in her mouth. Gina wouldn't make any more mistakes today at least. Her ass simply couldn't handle the crop or cane again.

“Make sure she can't remove the butt plug when you secure her for the night.”

“Yes Master. I'll make sure she is tied up, so she can't remove anything.”


Master turned around and his cock slipped out of Gina's mouth. Gina quickly

stood up and followed him back to the quarters.

Sue brought Linda to the pool and as soon as she had removed her heels, she

shoved her into the pool. When Linda hit the warm water, she thought she was going to drown but she soon found her footing and stood up in the pool.

Sue handed her a bar of soap and told her to remove her stocking and wash

herself. Linda was given half an hour in the pool and when Sue finally was

satisfied that Linda was clean, she ordered her out of the pool, handed her a pair of new stocking which Linda with some difficulty finally got put on.

Linda's corset was wet and so were the hood and the rest of her body as she

wasn't allowed to dry of but simply led back to the cage. Sue attached Linda's wrist to her collar and then pushed her into the cage.

“Good night cow. See you in the morning.”

Linda sat down but found sitting down with the butt plug in wasn't really

comfortable so she tried to curl up in a fetal position and lay down. The floor in the cage wasn't comfy but at least her tired legs and feet got a rest. Linda sobbed a little how could this have happened to her? These people had reduced her to a mere animal and there was more to come. She must try and make the best of her new situation. She had no choice. She was sure however eventually she would go mad. Tina had returned from the kitchen and had brought dinner. Both slaves preferred to stand and eat the dinner and after dinner, they laid down on either side of Master while they watched television. Another day had ended for the four women. Linda fell asleep out of shear tiredness while Jackie rested in her doghouse. She was still sore from being fucked day in and day out, but it was starting to fade her body was getting used to the constant use. Her tits still had that tingling feeling and felt like they were tighter than usual.

Tina slept on her stomach even if that caused the burning in her tits to be felt more. It was still more comfortable than sleeping on her back and ass. Gina too slept on her stomach, but she was more restless, she was scared about tomorrows clit piercing. Sammy had said it would hurt like hell and she wasn't looking forward to tomorrow at all. It would be another painful day for her. Alex was continuing the punishment of Sue. She had been strung up by her tits and her ass hole had been opened up with a spreader. Alex was at that moment busy applying mint oil in Sue's ass as far in as her brush would go. Sue was howling from the burning of her intestines. It would be a long night for her. Sue was in fact the only person on the island that would get no sleep at all that night.

Jason checked his messages and found that the man on the island needed a guinea pig plus possibly two more women if he could find any that fit the criteria that the message outlined. The guinea pig was easy but not very profitable for him.

The other two would require some work and research. True red heads were hard to find, they had to be young, and pretty of course the hardest part was the fact they needed to be twins. That would make it hard indeed. Perhaps he would just get the guinea pig for now even if that would hardly make the trip worthwhile.

Still a small profit was better than no profit at all. Perhaps he could contact Sanchez and see if he was in the market for a few new whores that would make the whole trip more worthwhile. Jason turned on his computer and sent a coded message to Sanchez and one to Alex. While he waited for replies he went into a few chat rooms sometimes they proved to be good hunting grounds for him.



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