Discord Pt. 01 by Lydra,Lydra

But just as soon as she felt it, Sylvia forced down the little surge of hope. Vy was a million miles out of her league. She was perfect — gay, submissive, really experienced, charismatic, kind, inexplicably single, and brave and outgoing enough to post kinky videos of herself that made Sylvia drool. She could have any domme she wanted, and the flirting she often did with Sylvia was pretty normal for NSFW Discord servers. Everybody flirted with everybody else, it didn’t mean anything.

“Just for the record, I’m not THAT inexperienced,” Sylvia felt the need to add.

“Oh? About what?”

“About being a virgin.”

“Oh! Sorry!” Vy laughed. “Didn’t mean to imply you were, it was just the best counterexample I could think of. The first thing I thought of didn’t work at all.”

“What was that?”

“You being a fake baker if you sucked at making cupcakes, but the conclusion was too ambiguous, and those pictures you posted of your chocolate-on-chocolate ones last week looked fantastic.”

Right, that’s what was missing! “Be right back, one sec.” Sylvia dropped her headset and ran to the kitchen, smiling slightly at the contrast. Vy posted lewd pictures and videos of herself doing kinky things like putting lines of clothespins around her tits or beating her pussy with a paddle. She showed off her incredible strength of will and pain tolerance, while Silvia’s pictures displayed her skill with pastries. One of these things was not quite like the other.

“You’ve got a cupcake now, don’t you?” Vy guessed, clearly amused when Sylvia returned.

“What! They are really good!”

“I’m jealous. You’ll have to feed me some, someday.”

Again with the little surge of hope. Stop it, heart, get with the program. “And I’m jealous of how badass you are,” Sylvia muttered, hoping to deflect the subject away from herself.

The tactic completely failed. “Thanks, but you’re pretty badass too, you know.”

“What?!? All I ever contribute to this server are fucking food selfies! How is that badass?”

Vy laughed, like she thought Sylvia was being deliberately modest, but stopped when Sylvia didn’t join her. “I’ve known a lot of dominants,” she said, voice shifting to seriousness. “I’ve been in committed relationships with five different ones, and I can tell you from experience, none of them could do what you’re doing now with Juno. Say what you like about feeling like you can barely control yourself, none of the other doms on this server have the self-control you do.”

Vy’s voice floated around Sylvia’s head, patiently waiting for her brain to kick into gear. Four weeks of backed up lust and hormones were making her crazy, but there was really no way to interpret that as anything other than an enormous compliment, right? It was obvious, but she still struggled, feeling like she’d drunk far too much at a bar and was trying to do tip math.

“I’m sure anybody could, if they really wanted to,” Sylvia finally heard herself say, to Vy’s continued amusement.

“You know, you’re really cute when you’re trying to be modest. Nope. Most people can’t tease and edge themselves every day for a month without cumming, even if they wanted to, which very few doms do.” She paused for a second, then continued thoughtfully, “are you ever going to tell me why you’re doing it?”

Sylvia rolled her eyes again and automatically repeated the same answer she had countless times that month to everybody who asked. “Because I’m a stubborn bitch and I’m too proud to admit defeat.”

“Yeah, but let’s say that this time I’m not distracted by your self-deprecating humor?” Vy pressed.

Sylvia blinked, realizing as she did that she’d been staring at her monitor while focusing on the conversation without really seeing it, and the afterimage was burned into her eyes. “But you love my jokes,” she complained.

“Yep! But you can’t hide behind them forever.”

Sylvia huffed, started telling Vy to watch her do exactly that, but stopped herself. Too immature, even for her, and this was a good thing. Part of her had wanted to ask Vy about this, but had been overruled by the other part of her that was too afraid of seeming even more ignorant about how dom/sub relationships worked than she already did. This was like getting to ask but without the awkwardness of bringing it up.

“Promise you won’t think I’m an idiot,” she hedged.

“Of course.”

“Well, maybe I just don’t get what makes you subs tick, but when I find a partner, I want to do denial play with her. And… well, I guess if it were me in her place, I’d never take orders to do something my dominant couldn’t do themselves.”

Vy made a thoughtful humming noise. “Like, if you were a sub and your domme tried to give you a spanking, but she couldn’t handle getting spanked herself, you’d laugh and tell her to fuck off?”

“Right! Exactly!”

Vy’s light, almost mischievous sounding laugh filled Sylvia’s headset again, making her squirm in her seat, embarrassed by the awareness of how desperate she was for the submissive woman’s approval. “That’s so perfect! It’s so quintessentially you, I love it. Honestly, I wish more doms were like you.”

Little fireworks went off in Sylvia’s head! “You do?”

“Yeah, but maybe not for the reason you think.”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you ever heard any of the subs on the server talk about why we like being submissive? Like, what it does for us?”

Yeah, tons of times. Sylvia always paid attention to what the subs said they liked. What better way to figure out how to appeal to them? She knew the answer to Vy’s question, even if she didn’t understand it, or more than half believe it. “Yeah, because it makes you feel safe. You know that makes absolutely zero goddamn sense, right? Like, you want to feel safe, so you seek out and partner up with sadists? We’re the literal only demographic openly telling you that we get horny fantasizing about hurting you.”

It sucked not being able to see Vy as she laughed. She sounded like she was smiling wide, and Sylvia would have loved to bask in it. “Okay, I’ll give you that. When you say it like that, it does sound pretty incomprehensible.”

“Welcome to my world! How am I supposed to understand you people when your entire identity is built on contradiction?”

“Is it any weirder than you doms who want to fuck me up in diabolical ways, then drag me to bed and cuddle?”

“Yep, much weirder. Mine makes perfect sense!” Sylvia said, grinning at the soft lob opportunity to toss some of Vy’s flirting back at her. “You’re fucking hot, who wouldn’t want to cuddle with you?” Then, before Vy could one-up her, Sylvia shifted topics back. “But what was your point going to be?”

“Wha–oh, right. My point was that most subs don’t see power exchange as some kind of contest you need to be able to beat us at to keep our respect. We don’t need somebody to be bigger, faster, stronger than us, we want somebody who makes us feel like we’re respected and who cares about us. That’s why I love your approach. There’s tons of doms who think subs should obey them simply because they say so. Like, they can just show up, declare themselves a dominant, and that’s enough. All us submissive sheep should just fall in line behind them. It’s refreshing to see you valuing our respect. It’s also really awesome that you’re not just saying it too, you’re acting on it. You really care about being the best domme you can be, so much that you’re willing to put yourself through hell to earn your partner’s respect.”

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