Dream Hopper Pt. 04 by Marshal1

An adult stories – Dream Hopper Pt. 04 by Marshal1,Marshal1 Sarah woke up being jolted awake from her method of ending the dream. “We have to figure out a better way of waking up.” Sarah thought to herself. She then proceeded to brush the hair away from her face only to realize she didn’t have enough hair to brush away.

“It worked!” She said aloud a little louder and in a voice that was deeper than she was use to.

She sprung up out of bed to look at herself in Dennis’s mirror. Getting up she noticed how different her balance was. Dennis’s center of balance was higher and she had to think about how to steady herself.

Looking up at the mirror she saw her brother with an old shirt and boxers. “Lets see how this compares to what I saw last night.” She stripped off her cloths and remarked “Not different at all, I guess people look the same in a dream.” She then looked down and noticed she was getting a boner.

Sarah “Oh this thing just goes up at anything doesn’t it?”

She started stroking it the way she had done for a previous boyfriend. “Ohh not bad.” She remarked. She tried to stroke it more but was in need of some lubrication. Looking in his bedside table she found a bottle of moisturizer. “Busted!” She smirked grabbing it and applying it to her hands.

Sarah looked at her brother’s reflection pumping away at his penis. His large frame seemed so much stronger now that she was the one in control. Up and down his hand moved on that slick cock. She noticed how she could feel her balls jumping up and down too. The head was quite sensitive she noticed but also just below the head at the back. Sarah looked at herself in the mirror in slight shock as she suddenly came spirting all over the mirror as she experienced her first male orgasm. “Wow, that was different… I guess I’ll have to clean this up.” Sarah reached under Dennis’s bed for a sock and wiped the mirror the best she could for now.

Dennis and Michelle both woke up with a jolt and looked at each other.

Michelle “Sarah or Dennis?”

Dennis “It’s Dennis”

“Well then! How interesting” Michelle said with a smirk.

Dennis “You know we really have to come up with a better way of waking up than that.”

Michelle “Yes agreed, I wake in a panic every time.”

Dennis “I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”

Michelle getting out of bed now and putting her hair back, “Oh we?”

Dennis noticed Michelle was naked just as she was in the end of the dream.

Michelle noticing the look she was getting from Dennis on Sarah’s face “You know, you’re naked too.”

Dennis pulled up the covers to reveal the same smoking body that had sat on his face the previous night.

Dennis “Well that’s a pleasant surprise.”

Michele “Oh it’s always a pleasant surprise.” Michelle now crawling back into the bed and pulling off the covers.

Dennis “What are you doing?”

Michelle “It’s a little, welcome to the clit havers gift.” She proceeded to position herself in-between Sarah’s legs. “As long as you don’t mind doing the same to me after. It seemed like you were pretty good at this last night.” She said with a wink.

Dennis nodded quickly and with that Michelle lowered herself down to Sarah’s nethers. Light licks showed Dennis she doesn’t just like to tease during BJ’s. Michelle’s hands wondered over Sarah’s body as she started to gain a rhythm. Dennis noticed how electric his body felt all over. Michelle’s roaming hands felt good but her tongue felt better.

Dennis “Oh fuck you’re so good at that!”

Michelle “Thank you!”

Dennis “Don’t stop!”

Michelle’s hands roamed around Dennis’s inner thighs landing on his butt giving a squeeze. Then she slowly started speeding up as Dennis’s body starts to loose control. He looked down at her only to see her eyes looking up at him with a fiery intensity. Dennis pushed Sarah’s head back into the pillow. It was then Michelle took two of her fingers and inserted them into Dennis’s vagina. It didn’t take much more for Dennis to experience his first female orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him as Michelle started to slow down.

Michelle smiling from behind his crotch “I take it you enjoyed that?”

Dennis “Oh yes!”

“Good, now it’s my turn.” Michelle said as she jumped back on the bed. “After you eat me out, how about we get dressed and eat out for breakfast?”

Dennis replied “I’m not sure if I’ll want to leave the house after that much fun.”

After a good time Dennis and Michelle got some breakfast, they had a chat over food and started to get to know each other. Eventually they made their way to Sarah’s and Dennis’s house in the afternoon. Walking up to the house Dennis opened the door and was greeted by his body. Obviously this shocked Sarah too as they both stood and looked at each other for a second.

Sarah playing the part of Dennis “Hi Sarah, is this the Michelle we’ve heard about?”

Dennis catching on, “Why yes! We met in University and have become close friends.”

Sarah “Oh close friends you say? How close?”

Dennis squeezing Michelle’s waist to his, “Quite close.”

Dennis looked down at Sarah’s polyester shorts and the boner that started to appear. Sarah also noticing replied “Seriously man, how do you control this thing?”

Dennis “You don’t, not really anyways. If you’re having trouble jean shorts hide better. Did you not jerk off this morning?”

Sarah leaning in “Yea twice but it just won’t stop!”

Dennis “I can give you some tips but not standing up is best. I’m enjoying not having a penis right now cause I’d totally have a boner if I did, I’m like soaked down there.”

Michelle “Yep, I’m right there with you.”

Sarah “This subject matter isn’t helping…”

Elizabeth, Sarah and Dennis’s mom shouts from far away “Is that Sarah and Michelle? I’m on my way!”

Sarah “Help what do I do, there’s nowhere to sit down!”

Dennis quickly reaches in to his body’s shorts and pulls Sarah’s dick up so it rests under the waste band of the shorts.

Liz walks in and greets Michelle and offers her a drink. They all proceed to the living room to sit and chat.

Liz “So, Michelle, is that a French name?”

Michelle chuckles “Yes but my parents aren’t French, it’s after the Beatles song.”

Elizabeth’s face lights up “Ah yes! Tom and I use to listen to them all the time. Sarah, how did you say you two met?”

Dennis panicked not knowing the answer starts to reply. “Ah, we ah.”

Michelle interjects. “We met in the dorm rooms. Sarah was across the hall from me.”

Sarah at this point was just about killing herself with laughter on the inside watching this exchange.

Sarah “Oh yea? Did you have any classes together?” She asks looking at her body.

Michelle interjects again before Dennis has much time to freak out “Just one.”

At this point the topic of conversation started to shift away from Sarah and more to Michelle’s ambitions. She was going to university to be a psychologist, a fact that Dennis was now just learning.

“Well I’ll let you kids hang out, I’ve got lots to do!” Liz said as she walked out of the room.

The three huddled together, Dennis looked at Sarah and asked “So what was your plan for today?”

Sarah in Dennis’s body “Honestly I was thinking we would hang out by the pool but I’m not so sure it’s a good idea with this thing.” Sarah jesters to her semi erect penis. Dennis and Michelle look at each other and smile. Dennis says “No, that sounds like a great idea. Some cold water will do you good.”

Dennis says to Sarah “All right, you go to your room and we’ll go to mine as I’m sure I have a suit Michelle can borrow.”

Sarah reluctantly gets up and hurries up the stairs before the girls.

Michelle to Dennis “Check out that fine ass.”

Dennis looked and had to admit his bodies ass wasn’t bad.

Michelle and Dennis made their way into Sarah’s room to change as Sarah made her way to Dennis’s. It wasn’t long before they found Sarah’s swim suits as Dennis may have been through her dresser once before.

Michelle holding up a large one piece “Yep, that’ll work.”

Dennis “What should I wear?”

Michelle “Well I figured we’d tease Sarah a bit with her own body so lets go for the bikini.”

Michelle handed Dennis a small bikini as she started to strip. Dennis stopped investigating the bikini and started at Michelle.

Michelle “You know the goal is to tease Sarah, not you? I’m just changing here, should I turn around?”

Dennis “Oh no. I. Was… getting on with it.” Dennis continued after regaining concentration “I bet you think we’re a bunch of wackos.”

Michelle “Not really, sexual attraction is quite a strong feeling, especially at this stage of our lives. Besides, being able to separate the mind from the body is nothing but extraordinary. I might even write a book about it one day.”

Dennis “I hope you’ll leave all the incest out.”

Michelle smiled and responded “I guess it depends on the type of book…”

At this point Dennis had stripped down completely and gotten his bottoms on leaving his chest exposed. That’s when they heard Sarah in Dennis’s voice in the next room yell “Where the hell are your swim shorts?” Dennis looked down at his exposed tits and smiled. He looked out the door into the hall and quickly jumped into his room.


Sarah was quite frustrated, she stripped down to the boxers she put on this morning and had no idea where Dennis kept this swim suit. That’s when her body popped in the door. To Sarah it seemed that Dennis was pretending that walking around bare chested was normal.

Sarah “I know this is your first day as a girl but you can’t just walk around with my tits out.”

Dennis looking down “Sorry, won’t happen again.”

Sarah was having a hard time keeping her dick in check and at the sight of her half naked self it was going to be more difficult. She checked out her own ass as Dennis bent down to retrieve the swim shorts. Dennis turned around with a jump holding the shorts and handed them to Sarah.

Sarah looked at them and remarked “What’s this mesh in the inside?”

Dennis “It’s suppose to be like underwear, but I suppose it’s got it’s work cut out for it.”

Dennis pointed to Sarah’s pretty much rock hard cock.

Sarah “You know I’m starting to regret this.”

Dennis leaving to go back to Sarah’s room relied “It was your idea!”

Sarah removed the boxers and slipped on the swim shorts. “The mesh didn’t feel good.” She thought, “but it’ll have to do.”

Sarah made her way downstairs attempting to avoid the eyes of her parents and out to the pool. Sarah jumped in hoping the cold water would help cool her libido off. A few laps in and Dennis and Michelle made their way down. Not a word was exchanged but Sarah could tell a vast amount of knowledge passed between them with just looks.

Sarah “You know, I’m beginning to regret even introducing you two.”

Michelle picking up the role playing again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Dennis, Sarah and I were friends before I met you.”

Michelle and Dennis sat down on some of the lounge chairs that faced the pool and not the house.

Dennis in a fake sounding voice “Wouldn’t you know it, I forgot to put on my sunscreen.”

Michelle in a fake sounding voice “Ah well, it’s a good thing I have extra!”

Sarah “Really? Really? That’s what your doing?”

Michelle in a fake sounding voice “Well you must be careful!”

Michelle proceeded to take out the sunscreen and rub it on Dennis’s shoulders. She then rubbed Dennis’s arms and up to his neck.

Michelle in a fake sounding voice “Humm this suit is getting in the way.”

She undoes the top of the bikini when Dennis holds the top from exposing his new boobs.

Dennis in a fake sounding voice “Godda keep our modesty here. I was told once (Dennis giving air quotes) You can’t just walk around with your tits out.”

Sarah give him a face back that says “Yea fuck you too.” In a playful way. She didn’t look away at any point.

Dennis is starting to get worked up from just this. Michelle decided to start on his legs at this point. She started at the top of the foot, rubbing the sunscreen all over pushing it to the sides of the ankles. Then the calf’s, up and down left then right, Michelle slowly pushed it into Dennis’s borrowed skin. Dennis was enjoying himself, it was like a massage but with much more sexual tension. Then the thighs, at first the top of them, back and forth pushing to the outside. Finally, Michelle started to push into the insides and it made Dennis squirm. He opened his legs to give Michelle better access. Sarah was entranced watching this. There was something she liked about watching her body get turned on. Sarah’s breathing in addition to Dennis’s was deepening, not to mention the cold water was doing nothing to prevent her boner.

Michelle’s hands moved closer to the bikini line with every rub until eventually she pulled it aside and slipped a finger in. Dennis gasped and Michelle gave him a look to remember to be quiet. Just one finger in and Michelle could feel how wet Dennis was. She slipped it in farther to feel her g spot…

And that’s when they herd Tom open the back door.

“Shit shit shit.” Dennis said as he pulled the bathing suit back into place. Michelle had pulled out so fast you’d think her fingers were about to cum. Sarah didn’t have to do anything but noticed that Tom had some tools with him and it took him a second to get out the door so he probably didn’t see anything.

Tom walked to the shed close to the pool, set down his tools and turned to the group who where trying their best to look innocent. “I’m just going to be putting that light in that your mom asked me to do.” he said “You guys have fun, I won’t be in your way.”

Dennis “Well I think I need to cool off now.”

Michelle agreed and they both jumped in the pool together.

Dennis quietly said to Sarah “Do you think he noticed anything?”

Sarah “No I think we’re in the clear.”

Tom bent over to open the cardboard box for the new light fixture and started to remove the pieces.

Michelle “Your dad has a nice ass too you know?”

Sarah blushed and agreed.

Michelle “OMG are you horney for your dad too?”

Sarah blushed harder and nodded.

Michelle “No need to be ashamed, you’ve already done it with your brother.”

Dennis “For real life that’s not entirely true.”

Michelle “Whatever, you know what I mean. Hey Dennis, do you have the hots for your mom?”

Dennis “Well.. ah..”

Michelle “Well that’s a yes. You guys are totally into them. That’s cute!”

After a bit of actual swimming and a few pool games they decided to go back inside the house. Wrapped in towels they walked across the yard to the back door.

Sarah “Man these swim shorts hold a lot of water.”

Dennis “Shorts, ha I don’t know if this hair is ever going to dry.”

Elizabeth was in the kitchen making dinner and looked up when they walked in.

Liz “Ah perfect timing, dinner is on it’s way. Michelle can I ask you a few questions about how you’d like me to prepare this?”

Michelle nodded and stayed in the kitchen while Dennis and Sarah went back upstairs to change. On the stairs Dennis turns to his sister and says “You know I’m probably going to need some help right?” Sarah replies “I am fully aware.”

The two make it to Sarah’s room and both enter. Dennis starts to remove his top and Sarah helps with the bottoms. She then picks up Dennis and places him on the bed and starts to kiss around her own breasts.

Dennis “We really got you going didn’t we?”

Sarah “If I don’t shove this dick into something soon it’s going to explode.”

Sarah stood in front of Dennis and pulled down her swim shorts. Out sprung her rapidly growing penis.

Dennis stood surprised. Not only surprised at seeing is own dick from this angle but that is sister was in control of it. “You know I think I might need some warming up” he blurted out.

Sarah sighed “Fine but not too long.”

Dennis opened his legs and Sarah jumped up placing her head in between her bodies thighs.

Dennis “You know it’s funny, girls always complain..” Dennis’s voice jumped as Sarah got a lick in. “Complain about not getting…” Another jump as she managed to get the clit this time. Rushing through the words this time “Complain about not getting enough foreplay!” Sarah licked again sending another wave of pleasure through Dennis’s current body. Then she shifted herself and started to suck on Dennis’s clit. Dennis couldn’t help but enjoy this as the feeling was not that different from a BJ.

Sarah replied getting up “If I know my body… and I do. You should be more than wet.” She positioned herself on top missionary position. She moved her right hand down to grab her penis to insert. One thrust and she was met with resistance. “Are you not wet yet?” Sarah asked. Dennis replied “Oh I am, you forgot to wet your dick first. Just put some spit on it or something.” Sarah looked at him confused. Dennis now frustrated himself spat in his current hand and wet her penis. “There you go, just get it in already!” Dennis exclaimed. Sarah replied with one big thrust.

Sarah felt a warm sensation on her new appendage she had never felt before. So good, so inviting, like that’s where it belonged.

Dennis felt a somewhat familiar sensation as he had done this once before but it was different this time as he could see the look on Sarah’s (his) face. She looked pleased and contented and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with this situation.

Sarah took it out and thrust in again. She watched as Dennis moved his head back slightly with her movements enjoying every sensation.

Both siblings have been on the other end of this before and couldn’t help but know what the other was feeling at that time. Dennis felt Sarah slide out and tried to squeeze his kegels for her next entrance. She pushed back in but felt more resistance than before.

Sarah “Oh that’s good! What did you do?”

Dennis “I squeezed.”

Sarah “Well that was nice… I must admit I’m having trouble getting the rhythm right.”

Dennis “Well it is your first time as a guy, it takes some practice. How about I go on top for now as I’m not sure how much time we’ll have.”

Sarah “Sure.”

Sarah pulled out and laid down on the carpet as the bed sometimes squeaks. Dennis got up and straddled Sarah face to face. Pussy lips at the tip Dennis held Sarah’s dick and rubbed his clit before sliding it in.

Sarah “Oh yea, that felt good.”

Dennis “Yea this feels better tho”

Dennis proceeded to ride Sarah pushing her penis farther and farther into his borrowed vagina. Starting to sweat now Dennis moved his hands to hold his own breasts. He thought “I don’t know if holding your own boobs is better or worse than holding someone else’s. God I love boobs tho”

Michelle downstairs laughs loudly and both Sarah and Dennis look at the bedroom door, then back at each other.

Dennis speeds up riding faster and harder. Sarah exclaims “Oh Shit!” Dennis replies “I’m cuming in this body again no mater what!” The sounds of Dennis’s ass hitting Sarah’s legs fills the air along with attempts to muffle heavy breathing. Sarah “Oh this is feeling so good, don’t stop!” Dennis “Fuck I have a good dick to ride.” Sarah “Oh yea!” Dennis noticed Sarah’s face getting tense and her cock seemed to be getting hard at the same time. Her legs were tensing up and her breathing even heaver than before. Sarah “Ahhh ya!” Dennis felt the sensation of semen being pushed into his vagina filling it up with a warm goo. Dennis was almost there himself but not quite, so as he has always done he kept going. Dennis watched the expression on Sarah’s face change from her orgasm onset, then it fading away, and now a strange pained smile.

Sarah “Oh that’s good, you can stop now. It’s soo sensitive!”

Dennis reveled that he was in control and kept going feeling a warmth grow all around his body.

Sarah “I don’t have any cum left!”

Dennis finally felt the orgasm hit and rode it out letting the sensation spread head to toe. Slowly, he slowed to a stop on top of Sarah and looked her in the eyes.


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Dennis “Ok let’s get dressed.”

Sarah “While I can’t deny that I enjoyed that, I will get you back for that when you’re a boy again.”

Dennis smiled that hopped off of her and stood up.

Sarah “Did you even cum?”

Dennis “Oh yea, it was a good one.”

Sarah “Humm that’s funny cause my legs don’t normally work well after I cum.”

Dennis “Oh yea, I made a change in the dream last night to you so you’d be able to walk after.”

Sarah “Really? I mean thank you, but.. I wonder that other changes might transfer to day time?”

Dennis “I guess we’ll just have to experiment.”

The siblings started to look around for some cloths to wear when Michelle wiped open the door.

Michelle “I knew it, you guys had sex.”

Sarah and Dennis look at her and shrug their shoulders.

Michelle “So what’s it like having a dick Sarah? What was it like impaling your body?”

Michelle started to strip out of her bathing suit at this moment. While she asked Sarah a million questions that she hardly had time to answer before Michelle asked another one.

Dennis feeling a bit left out asked “Don’t you have any questions for me?”

Michelle “Not really, I already know what it’s like to have sex as a girl.” As she pointed to her currently naked body. “I guess if I had one it’s, what do you prefer? Sex as a guy or a girl?”

Dennis thought about this hard for a bit and replied “Ya know, not 100% sure. I might need more data.”

Sarah “He may have a vagina but he still thinks with his dick.”

The group chuckled and actually got dressed.

Sarah “I almost forgot to mention the most exciting thing. Dennis made a change to my body in dream that carried out to the real world.” Sarah explained what Dennis had done and how it enabled him to stand up right away.

Michelle “I wonder what other changes we could make that would stick? Could I give myself huge tits?”

Dennis “I doubt physical changes would carry over. I imagine more subconscious or brain related changes would stick.”

Sarah “Besides, your tits are perfect.”

Michelle “Yea but I’ve always wondered what it would be like.”

Dennis “There is a lot of things we’ll be able to figure out what it’s like with these dream catchers.”


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