Family Campground Pt. 02

An adult stories – Family Campground Pt. 02 by readyfreddy555,readyfreddy555 [Start Part 2, all characters 18+]

Tyler wandered into the bedroom, Piper had turned the small table lamp beside her bed on and he headed toward the other bed, his cock still raging. Piper naturally noticed, saying, “Ah, Jeez!” and she rolled to her side away from his direction, reached over, and shut off the lamp.

Meanwhile Dan and Sue had gotten into their bed, they pushed the two small beds in their room together. They both wanted to fuck each other so badly but Sue whispered into Dan’s ear, “the bedrooms are right next to each other and the walls are paper thin, there is no way they wouldn’t hear us and given everything, I think it would be too much for Piper to handle right now…” Dan ever so reluctantly agreed.

It was then that audible moaning and thrusting could be heard from the neighboring cabin across the way. Piper said, “Oh, perfect,” dripping with sarcasm and Tyler, Dan and Sue all laughed at her remark. Piper started laughing too, despite herself.

Tyler had some business to attend to. He had many experiences of needing to jerk off quietly at home even though he had his own room he was a private person and didn’t want his family members to hear or see him touching himself. He was still a virgin, never had a girlfriend and, unlike all of his friends, had not even become a part of the hookup culture that has become so common in American high schools. But he had only very rarely ever needed to be THIS quiet. Luckily it was very dark so he was safe visually and this allowed him to not have a sheet over himself, this was important because while he could stroke himself very quietly the sound of the friction between his hand motion and the sheet would be impossible to avoid were it over him.

Tyler first thought of the blonde mom across the way with the large breasts and warm smile he had spotted on their drive in, made all the more urgent because he imagined it was her he was hearing now. Oh, this would not take long… He went into it feeling like he had to explode. And while he only lasted less than a minute, he startled himself because midway though the fantasy reel in his mind suddenly switched to his mom, he imaged himself fucking Sue from behind, he was so turned on from having just seen her whole body naked just minutes before. He shot a huge load into his waiting left palm to contain any mess. He quietly tonged the literal handful of his own cum into his mouth to cleanly dispose of the evidence… He had long become accustomed to the taste of his own cum and had gone from thinking it was gross, to neutral, to lately, thinking it was pleasant.

But wait, had he been quiet enough? The thought haunted him, he thought so but then again, he had been transported and in an altered state… He started feeling really guilty about having thought about his mom when he came, that’s sick! That’s so wrong! What kind of a freak am I, he wondered.

Piper had heard him and knew what was up but she generously had not let on and she appreciated how fast he was. It was his accelerated breathing that had given him away, and in the quiet cabin she heard the faint splurt sound when his cum hit his hand and a moment later she even thought she picked up a slight scent in her nose of her brother’s cum, as her bed was just a few feet away from his…

Meanwhile, listening to the neighbors’ sex sounds, and more so, the memory burning in Piper’s mind of seeing her dad’s erect penis, and even in a strange way Tyler’s embarrassment over his bulge, it all set in on Piper as she flicked at her clit and began rubbing her upper wall with her index finger, finding her g spot and going to work. She knew she had to not go in and out of herself quickly because that would make noise, it had to be soft and slow. She shuddered from the strongest orgasm she could remember having in a long, long time. Maybe since she had been fucking her ex, Tommy, before that whole thing soured.

Dan and Sue were a foot apart, facing each other, take care of themselves too, quietly. They both were skilled at this and though they were aware of what each other were doing, thought it wouldn’t carry beyond their room, and they were right.

The neighbors’ noises ended in a verbal climax and everyone in the cabin laughed again. Everyone was now exhausted and sleep set in quickly.

Dan woke up first, just before dawn. He nudged Sue and whispered a plan into her ear. She nodded and fell back asleep.

The campsite was so remote that none of their cell phones worked, no bars, no data. Even without the nudity and public sex, this alone would have made this trip transformational.

There was a landline phone in the common room as the sole connection to the outside world and tenants were allowed to use them on an unlimited basis for domestic calls.

Dan looked at his cell phone to retrieve a phone number and dialed it into the cabin’s landline. He knew he was calling too early and was prepared to leave a voicemail, which he WHISPERED, cupping the phone receiver around his mouth, “Yeah hi, this is Dan O’Neil, you said our cottage might be ready by today or tomorrow…” Dan feigned irritation, “So the reason I’m calling is to say that was unacceptable it was not ready for us yesterday as we had arranged, and at this point we’re just cancelling the rest of the week and, at a minimum, we expect a full refund for our trouble.” Click.

By about 7 Sue was stirring, ready to open her eyes. Dan took that as his cue to start making coffee. He used the bathroom, very sparse, but had the essentials, sink, toilet, shower stall. “No time wasted deciding what to wear today,” Dan chuckled at this thought to himself.

Sue came out into the kitchen and Dan eyed her naked body with pride and moved in for a full on body hug and kisses. Sue took a close look at her husband and ran her fingers through his hair, adoringly.

Just then, Piper’s voice could be heard from the other room, “Can someone get a cup of coffee for me, please?”

“Sure hun”, said Sue. Sue poured coffee and added some sugar. “There’s no milk, sorry.” Sue brought the cup to Piper, who still had the sheet pulled up and over her chest. “That’s OK mom, we’ll soon be gone from this wretched place.”

Sue glanced over and saw Tyler, still in a deep sleep and with no coverings of any kind, with a plain view of his back and ass.

“Lovely view, isn’t it?” Piper whispered sarcastically.

“It’s just fine, young lady,” Sue whispered back, with a smirk as she left the room, still looking in Tyler’s direction.

Dan picked up the phone again and dialed a phone number that he knew would just endlessly ring without cutting to voicemail or someone answering, a rarity these days.

This time there was no cupping of the phone and no whispering, he wanted to be overheard, after the third ring Dan began speaking, almost loudly, with very clear diction into the phone, to the rings.

“Yeah hi, this is Dan O’Neil calling. You said I should try you back again in the morning to confirm when our cabin would be available?”

Dan paused for about ten seconds and then began to almost yell into the phone, “What?! What are you saying? Our cabin won’t be available to us all week? What the hell, I paid for it already?!”

Another short pause then he continued, “Well you’d better issue us a full refund and let me tell you, I’m leaving your rental service a terrible review on Trip Advisor!” And Dan slammed the phone down, putting an end to the patient rings.

“Wait – what!” Piper yelled indignantly, she was so upset she came charging into the common room, not even realizing she was, now for the first time, completely naked in front of her parents.

Piper’s cute face, green eyes, dirty blonde shoulder-length hair were now augmented by her young woman’s body which was, by almost any standard, a work of sculpted beauty. Perky smallish breasts that turned upward on their own, gravity had not yet even begun to tug at them, she really never needed to wear a bra ever since her small mounds formed and then grew to the fully developed breasts they were now, though usually wear a bra she did. Piper’s well defined abs, long smooth legs, back, and exquisite ass were all toned and well defined and bare. Her pussy had a cute little bikini line bush, cut fairly short, around her visible clit.

To Dan’s eye it was a sudden visual feast of forbidden fruit. To add to the tension and awkwardness of the moment, his penis started to immediately and obviously grow, bobbing as it did to make it even more impossible for the ladies to miss.

Piper’s eyes were fixed on her father’s growing cock which just made it grow faster and harder in a kind of positive feedback loop. Piper, realizing she was naked decided in that moment she didn’t care.

Piper just said, “Um, thanks? Dad?!” As she felt her own wetness restarting, and her nipples noticeably hardened.

Dan didn’t bother trying to hide himself and said, “Look Piper I’m sorry and I feel a bit embarrassed but the site of any woman’s body that looks… like yours… and yeah, there’s a good chance my body is going to react this way. I’d like to think and tell you it could never happen from you because you are my daughter but I guess that part of my brain doesn’t register that distinction.”

Sue blurted, “Before we had you guys your father and I experimented with the nudist lifestyle, and the irony is, the more you embrace it and the more normal nudity becomes, you start having less automatic arousal from seeing each other naked, it becomes normal and distinct from sexuality, but it takes time, it’s a gradual process.”

Piper said, “You guys were nudists? Only now I’m learning of this? Hey is that what this is all about, time to introduce the kids to the nudist lifestyle!”

“No, it’s just that the booking agency…” Dan began, but then his voice trailed off wondering if he really wanted to double down on the elaborate lie he had concocted that morning.

“Look dad, mom, we don’t have to stay here, let’s just go back home, if you want go around the house naked go ahead and if you need me to put on an occasional show for you I will.”

Piper’s words kind of shocked Dan and Sue.

Tyler had wandered into the door frame of his bedroom and he was watching Piper’s naked backside, making his morning wood really throb, he turned to go to the bathroom and said over his shoulder, “Can somebody fill me in, it’s OK I’m sure I will still be able to hear you from in here.”

“Mom and dad are secret nudists and want us to spend the week here to convert us,” Piper exclaimed.

“Wow, really?” Tyler asked.

“No.” Sue countered. “It’s just that our cabin not being ready yesterday did lead us to this place, and now, instead of looking at this as some kind of huge problem, let’s look at how we can grow and learn from this experience.”

“Yeah the guys seem good at growing from this experience,” Piper added with more of her sarcasm.

Tyler was actually having a hard time peeing, when he’s super erect his stream becomes both lower pressure and less well behaved sometimes with part of it jetting out to the side and making a mess and this was starting to happen now so he put he toilet seat down, sat on it and pushed his penis down low enough that his stream would still enter the bowl, side streams too.

Just then, there was a knock on their cabin’s front door.

Everyone froze for a moment after the knock on the front door, looking at each other about what to do.

Sue then sprung forward and opened the door and a teenager/young woman was standing there and said, “Hi, I’m Summer, I heard there was a new family here and I wanted to say hi and welcome you!” “Please come in, I’m Sue,” Sue said and stepped aside as Summer gave Sue a quick hug and then bounded in.

Sue felt a surge in her body from the feeling of having had Summer’s breasts pressed against hers, even if only for a second. Summer had long brown curly hair, with curls that fell forward to the top of her supple but firm breasts. She seemed not to have any other body hair. She was tanned and freckly all over, rosy cheeks, bright and fiery blue eyes and a magnetic smile.

Sue continued, “This is my husband Dan, our daughter Piper and our son Tyler is just…” Just then the bathroom door opened and Tyler stepped through to see Summer, immediately his face reddened and penis started bobbing in growth, as if in a synchronized dance.

“Hey Tyler,” Summer waved to him. “Hi Dan” she said as she confidently approached him with an outstretched and for his handshake, which felt a bit awkward to Dan but he nonetheless appreciated her friendliness.

She then turned to Piper who had begun to outstretch her hand, but Summer said, “Piper, is a hug okay?” Piper said haltingly, “Um, I guess?” Summer then leaned forward for an upper body hug, once engaged she took another step toward Piper to make it full body. Then slowly disengaged. Piper felt like a jolt of electricity through her body. She’d never had sex with a girl but she once made out with a friend one night when they were alone and both drunk as an experiment and she remembered liking it. Summer seemed so self-assured, attractive and sexy to Piper.

Actually, she seemed exactly that way to all four of the O’Neils… Another thing about Summer that they all noticed was that she did not obviously look at anyone’s bodies, she maintained full eye-contact with anyone she was looking at. Still looking at Piper, Summer said, “Look I know how hard it can be the first time you get to this place, particularly if the nudist experience is new to you. It was so hard for me the first time I got here. How about we go for a walk and I can show you around?”

To Sue, Dan and Tyler’s surprise, Piper smiled and said, “Sure!” and she started to follow Summer back toward the door, she then turned back toward her parents and asked, “OK?”, Sue said, “Of course, and thank you for your thoughtfulness, Summer!”

Summer whispered into Piper’s ear, Piper stammered and said, “Oh, yeah, um, Tyler do you want to come too?” Tyler did want to go but his embarrassment was even stronger and he said, “Um, no that’s OK, you go ahead.” Summer shot a glance at Tyler and smiled and said, “Maybe we’ll see you later?”

“Yeah”, he said, as Piper and Summer left, chatting and giggling.

After the girls left Tyler kind of moped around, obviously disappointed he hadn’t gone. His parents were disappointed in his decision too, both because they thought it would have been good for him and because it would have given them the cabin to themselves to fuck.

Instead Sue made pancakes and Dan read the Sunday New York Times he’d grabbed off his driveway when they left home. After breakfast Tyler went into his room to squeeze out another load. But before getting into bed he stood by a window taking in what he could from that safe vantage point. He could see the neighbor’s cabin across the way and in the distance, the lake. “Did you guys know there’s a lake?” Tyler called out.

“Yeah, there is a common area beach and there are canoes and kayaks and stuff,” Dan said, remembering that from the website.

Tyler then saw some motion, it was the blonde mom with the big tits coming out, she got into a hammock facing in his direction, damn he wish he had binoculars to see her better! This would make even easier work for his hand… Then he got an idea, directly across the road from his cabin was a stand of thin woods, he could walk through them undetected and get a much closer view, he could jerk off out there and none would be the wiser, just rub his load onto the bark of a tree.

“Is it buggy out there?” Tyler called out.

“They claim that aside from an hour around sunrise and sunset they aren’t bad,” Dan said. “And anyway, there are cans of bug spray I saw in the hall closet.”

“Would it be alright if I went for a walk?”

“Of course, squirt.” Dan said, using a nickname from when Tyler was little.

Sue looked up from the crossword puzzle at Dan and smiled.

“Tyler, look at the map of the camp layout on the wall here so you have a better idea where you’re going,” Sue said.

Tyler pretended to study the map. “OK see you guys later,” and he left. Sue put her arm around Dan’s shoulder and whispered, “You know what that means?”

Dan looked at his wife and said, “We have this palace all to ourselves, for at least a few minutes.”

Sue said, “They why the fuck are you wasting time?”

With that Dan picked Sue up and carried her into the bedroom, his growing cock touching her back. He placed her backside onto the bed up to her waste, her legs still dangling over the side. Dan grabbed a pillow and placed it on the ground to kneel on it, and he began kissing and licking Sue’s inner thighs, teasing Sue for a while before he started on her pussy.

His tongue flicked her clit and then he sucked the top of her clit into his mouth, slowly letting it back out again, ever so gently grazing his teeth as it did so, while his right index finger slowly plunged inside, she was already soaked from the anticipation and from Dan had started on her thighs.

On discovering how we he was he slipped in his middle finger too and with both fingers drove them in and out of her hard and fast like she likes it all the while continuing to dart his erect straightened tongue tip on her clit.

“Oh shit” Sue said, as she began to shudder from what would be her first orgasm.”

Feeling satisfied with himself, Dan stood up and flexed his hard cock. Sue pushed forward, dropping to her knees on the pillow on the pinewood floor and pushed her mouth over Dan’s throbbing penis. Dan ran his fingers through Sue’s hair as she sucked him and then worked their way to the back of her head and roughly pushed her head onto his cock in bobs to deepthroat him as she had long since learned to do without gagging, Dan loved feeling the tip of his cock on her throat, and controlling the motion, it made him feel like a king, like he owned her. Not in a degrading way, he loved her utterly but they both fetishized in the bedroom that way of thinking and had dom/sub tendencies, not hard core with equipment but sometimes as a style of sex.

Dan was thinking how nice it would be to pull out and cum on Sue’s face, she was never more beautiful than when her face was adorned with his semen, until her fingers would work their way over to grab it all and push it into her hungry, waiting mouth, but no, not this time, he thought.

Dan reached down pulling Sue off his cock and said, “get up”. As Sue stood he picked her up again and dropped her back into the bed, picked up her legs that were over the sides and put them up where her toes were against his neck as he stood at the bedside. Sue could not wait another second and grabbed Dan’s cock and put it into her pussy.

Dan started his deep, hard thrusting, slowly at first and then picking up pace.

Dan slowed again and leaned down to kiss Sue. He began to thrust his tongue into her mouth in sync with his penis thrusts that drove Sue wild. They looked into each other’s eyes at such a close distance their faces were blurry to each other.

Just then Sue smiled and said, “Piper made Daddy’s cock hard?”

Dan grunted and plunged deeper and harder.

“Fuck me daddy!” Sue naughtily pleaded.

Dan started fucking Sue hard and fast, his face was deep red as he held his breath, sweat pouring off of him for his last thrusts, “ugh ah, fuck!” he let out as she shot a huge load of cum into Sue’s pussy… [end part 2]


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