Fantasy to Reality – Ch. 08

An adult stories – Fantasy to Reality – Ch. 08 by GoreanMaster,GoreanMaster Chapter 8

Teryn and I walked out of the studio. I turned to face her. No words passed between us, but spontaneously we threw our arms around each other and we both broke into tears.

I sobbed for something valuable that had been lost. Yes, I had begged to be taken, but that was in a moment of passion. Had I thrown it away for $500? I really had not thought of money when the Gorean warrior was making me red silk. Did the money now make me a whore?

I wept over something lost, though I began to rationalize that I had already torn my hymen with a cucumber long ago, so this was just completing what had already been started.

In a few minutes, my sobs turned to whimpers, then to a sniffle. We separated, arms still holding each other. Teryn smiled first saying, “Hey, my treat this time, k? Let’s go get something to eat, and then we better do some studying.”

“Ok,” and then we hugged again, this time my sobs mixed with idiotic laughter.

There are fast food stops all along Sunset, so we both got a fruit smoothie and an energy bar. The cold smoothie relieved our swollen and still painful tongues. I hailed down a taxi and we were back at our apartment by 7.

As we entered from the street, Teryn said, “Check for any mail, slave,” and left me by the bank of mailboxes at the entrance. I knew right away we were back to our mistress/slave relationship. It felt right, to be honest.

When I entered our front door, Teryn was not in view, so I purposely shut it with a slight bang. “Strip, slave,” came the command from her bedroom. “Cuff yourself, the steel is on the table. And don’t forget the heels.”

I set down the junk mail, stripped, and placed my folded clothes on the chair in the hallway. The steel was evident, and one click followed another, first my wrists and then my ankle cuffs, careful not to hide the handcuff anklet. Soon I was bondaged in five circles of unbreakable metal. I looked in the hallway mirror, still shocked by the reflection, especially the haircut and the nose ring. I put on the heels and stood again before the mirror. I turned to the side to check the kef. On Gor it would have been an actual brand. I lightly gasped at the thought.

I opened my mouth to check the piercing. Curling and twisting my poor tongue, I actually admired the pink and white stud. It felt good to click it against my teeth. I could tell my pussy also liked it, since I felt my swollen labia lips begin to tingle.

I turned when Teryn came from her bedroom, light chains over her arm. Naked, not surprisingly. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress, I like it.”

Without words, she adeptly locked me in a sirik. The feel of light, but unbreakable steel increased my desire. A pussy storm seemed imminent.

Teryn stepped back to admire her pet. No words needed, she moved closer, our lips locking, our tongues snaking in and out of each other’s mouths. When we broke the kiss 30 seconds later, a rope of drool snapped and fell against each of our chins.

“Now is probably a good time to change the nipple extenders,” Teryn said, as she hooked a leash onto my collar and led me to her bedroom. I thought about the studying we both needed to do, but it was not the right moment to bring that up. Fifteen minutes later, a larger metal sleeve had been sucked, tongued, and forced onto both of my clearly elongating nipples. They were almost as long as Teryn’s.

I moaned throughout the process, my need evident. Teryn merely smiled at my predicament. “Do you think you can behave yourself, pet, or should I take up some of the slack in the sirik.”

“I will behave, Mistress. I have so much studying to do. Thankfully tomorrow is light, but I need to prepare for Wednesday, also.”

With a raised eyebrow, as though she doubted I could control myself, she agreed and we went to our separate rooms. It took some time to refocus on my classes, but I had no choice.

I really had no idea where to begin. I was carrying 16 units, and up to last week, that was fine. But not anymore. I could still drop one class without penalty, but that would anger and more importantly, disappoint my parents.

My parents. My eyes began to water. If they could see their daughter now, her limbs bondaged in steel, her haircut and nose ring. I traced the kef along my thigh. I had to make sure they never saw me like this. Never.

My nipples were throbbing. One more extension and Master would surely ring his slut. That was a foregone conclusion.

I sat on the chair at my study desk and opened my international business notes. My ass and pussy ached, not unpleasantly, but persistently. It seemed like a hundred years since I had been in the lecture hall and copiously written notes and comments as the professor spoke. I lifted the light chain of the sirik that ran from the collar to my left wrist, feeling its strength on my small body.

I flipped to the notes on calculus for business majors. I was usually good with such abstract concepts, but as I reviewed the previous lesson’s notes on integration, the Greek letters danced on the page and before I knew it, I had drawn a human neck, encompassed by a collar, a chain hanging from the ring attached to the collar.

I turned to the English comp class. I had two days to submit a 5-page paper on ethics and technology. I had not started.

I could not even face the micro econ class. I lay back on my bed, my stomach in knots.

I decided to start on the paper. I knew I had ideas a week ago, but to pull them from my emotionally charged memory was another matter.

I started with Wikipedia, and got an idea. I proceeded to the Santa Clara Univ Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, but after reading only a short time, my eyes began to water. I was having a hard time focusing. Like a storm cloud hanging over my head, I could not shake the memories of the day.

I opened a new doc and started to type, “Advancements in technology are typically hailed as beneficial to society as a whole. The reality is quite different. Advancements come with price tags and that means that those with wealth benefit first and foremost. Rich advance first and the gap widens between masters and their slaves.” I smiled at my creativity.

Soon after midnight I finished at least the rough draft. Having not heard from Teryn, I went to the bathroom, deciding to straddle the bowl just in case she walked in. I tried several times, but the sirik would not allow it. I finally sat on the toilet, like a free woman, I mused. When I finished, I put some salve on my septum, and went to bed, thoroughly exhausted.

“Jenn, I’m leaving! Get your slave ass out of bed. See you later, I have to run.” Teryn stood at my doorway, fully dressed, her pack over her shoulder. It was light outside.

“What time is it?” I moaned

“Oh, fuck, I better get you out of the sirik.” She hurried to my bed, threw back the covers and then stopped, admiring my chained body. “Sigh,” she said with a smile, and proceeded to release the chains. “The key to the cuffs are by the front door. The collar and anklet stay, got it?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied.

“Hurry up, slave, or you’ll miss your classes. See you back here for dinner, if not sooner, k?” She turned and walked quickly from the room.

“Sure, yes, ok,” my words following in her wake.

Teryn slammed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It would have been so easy to just stay in bed, masturbate, and forget all my responsibilities. But I couldn’t do that.

I showered quickly, enjoying the feeling of the steel on my wrists and ankles. When I finished drying, I walked to the front door, relieved to see the key on the table. I set the opened cuffs aside for later. I dressed conservatively, enjoyed a yogurt and cup of juice, and prepared to leave for the morning.

I knew better than to wear any underwear, so I had to be sure all signs of my slavery were covered. I ticked off the items one by one. Kef covered by skirt, but not by much. Nose ring tucked away. Nothing to be done about the tongue stud, hair and earrings. I made sure the blouse was loose fitting, not enough to hide, but at least make the nipple extenders less prominent. The ring of steel around my neck and the anklet? Nothing I could do about them.

Knowing no session was planned at Prix Chic or at Master’s studio made it easier to concentrate. One thing about going to UCLA is that the classes are huge, so except for a few students I knew by name, I was just a number among a throng of numbers.

I had an hour calc lecture. I was able to focus and decided to clarify a few things with the prof after class. I walked up to his lecture stand and began. “Excuse me, Sir.” He looked up and I noticed he took a second glance, taking in this Asian coed with spiked hair and less-than-subtle jewelry.

He was helpful in explaining a few concepts and during the hour break that followed, I was able to complete the problem set. I had taken Calc A/B in high school, so this really was not that hard. I felt relieved. One class under control.

Another hour of international business followed the break and once again, I was happy to understand the majority of the material that was presented by the T. A.

My stomach growled and I headed over to the closed snack stand. While I waited in line, Teryn called.

“Hey, how has the morning gone, hon?”

“Good, thanks, nothing out of the ordinary, thank goodness.”

“Haha, I figured as much. Too many weird people on campus for you to stand out.” If that was supposed to make me feel better, she failed miserably. “Where are you?”

I explained and we agreed to meet outside Sproul Hall. I left the snack line and when I arrived, Teryn was already waiting. I could see her smile from a distance and waved in reply. We hugged longer than usual, and then she held me at arm’s length. “Let’s look at you.” She began to scan me up and down.

“You mean no one commented about your new looks?”

“No, but then I avoided eye-contact,” I answered.

“Uhhuh, I see, well, let’s get some lunch. I’m starved. Let’s take a taxi to the village, and order something devine.”

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. No hint of our slave/mistress relationship. Teryn had errands to run, as did I. Dinner was never a priority for us; if it happened, it happened.

I got back to our place about 7:30, having stopped for an In-And-Out burger, picked up some grocery items, and simply enjoyed the freedom of movement and mundane chores.

“Hi, I’m back,” I called out. No reply.

Nevertheless, the obedient pet knew what was expected. In seconds I was naked. I recuffed my ankles and wrists, and slipping into my heels, sauntered to the bathroom.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Sticking out from the bathroom mirror was a huge cock, a flesh-colored dildo. Thick, long, and very realistic, it had been suctioned to the mirror. A sticky note was posted to the side. ‘Hi, slave,’ I whispered aloud. ‘Practice makes perfect. When I get back, I’ll check on your progress. T.’

I just stared at the cock. It was huge, far bigger than anything I had taken yesterday at Master’s. I leaned forward, to get a sense of its size. I opened my mouth to check if it would fit. I opened wider and managed to get an inch or two in my mouth. It would never fit.

I stepped back from the sink. Looking in the mirror, I remembered and flicked down the nose ring. I licked the steel cuff on my left wrist, loving the smooth texture and cold surface. A charge of energy passed from the cuff through the stud in my tongue. My fires were being stoked, moment by moment. I leaned forward, and managed to get another inch or two into my mouth. The angle was bad if I hoped to get it deeper.

I raised my left foot, placing it on the counter, and tenderly admired the handcuffs on the anklet. My mind was racing, but my pussy was in the lead. In seconds, I had kicked off the heels and pried loose the dildo from the mirror. Sticking the cock in my mouth like a pacifier, and with the shower head and spray pressed against my cunt, I exploded in unfettered release.

I stayed in the shower much longer than usual, every moment counted as joy. Feeling somewhat silly, I tossed the dildo from the shower onto the counter. After toweling off and blow drying my hair, I decided to practice a little more with the dildo. Naked, cuffed, and in high heels, I walked from the bathroom to my bedroom, thinking that I might be able to force the cock deeper if I was flat on my back.

With my right hand, I slowly pistoned the dildo up and down into my mouth and throat, while with my left hand I began to play with my nipples. They were so sensitive, but I could not resist. When I scraped across the little nubs with my fingernails, I felt sparks. My pussy reacted. I raised my eyes to the ceiling, to lessen the stress on my mouth and throat.

I took my left hand to attend to my needy pussy. My clitty was begging for quality time, and soon I was rolling down hill towards another heavenly orgasm. The dildo in my mouth was a distraction for only a moment, as I pressed my tongue into action, trying to please the rubber invader.


My eyes popped open to see Teryn at the end of my bed, a huge smile on her face, her camera in her hand. “So, what class are you studying for?” she laughed.

I grunted into my gag, scrambling to a sitting position and abandoning my nipples and pussy. I pulled the cock from my mouth. She had caught me completely out of control.

“You are so predictable, slave. Your Master told me to keep an eye on you, that he expected your sexy little body would need continual attention. He was so right.” Another moment of profound humiliation and embarrassment. I had no retort. My emotions were raw and I began to whimper.

“Jenn, what’s wrong?” Teryn asked, genuinely concerned.

I blinked, tears rolling down my cheeks. She had called me ‘Jenn,’ and for some reason I found that incredibly emotional.

“Hey, hey, I promise. You can cum later,” Teryn laughed, trying to break my sadness.

“That’s, that’s not it,” I sniffled.

“Then what’s the problem, hon?” her tone one of a compassionate friend.

“Just look at me,” and by now the tears were flowing and I had covered my face in my manacled hands.

“But I love your new look. You absolutely sizzle. I am so proud of you!”

“Proud,” I echoed. “How,” sniffle, “can you be proud of me?”

“Because you are living your dreams and getting paid for it and besides, nothing has been done that cannot be undone.”

“That’s so not true!” I reacted, nearly shouting through my sobs. “I gave up my virginity for $500!”

“Well, ok, fine, I was thinking of your piercings and hairstyle. But even so, give it a few days or weeks. I never even think about the day I gave up my virginity. It’s over and done, big deal.”

“It is a big deal and you know what is going to happen tomorrow, don’t you? Are you telling me that can also be undone?” My voice was shrill.

“Yes, it can be and it will only enhance your hotness, and besides, you owe me three wishes and this is the first. Actually, you are not really sure of anything tomorrow.” I knew they were going to pierce my nipples and now that I was ‘red silk,’ the studio photo shoot could only be more intense. I was not opposed to that; she was right about my dreams. My head was whirling. I didn’t know what to think.

Teryn held out both hands, inviting me to take hers and rise from the bed. I did. In my heels, I was slightly taller than her. Her eyes locked mine in a magnetic hold, but her hand strayed to my nipples. Her sensual lips opened and she whispered, “One last stretch, pet.” I looked from her lips to her eyes, knowing I would let this happen.

Several minutes later, she had mouthed the third of the four nipple stretchers free and the final cones had been settled into place. My nubs were so sensitive, I moaned most of the time she made the exchange. At the same time she locked me in the chains of the sirik.

“Tomorrow’s a busy day, and I need more time for my classes, and so do you,” Teryn said, with a serious look on her face. “Agreed?”

“Yes,” I responded.

“Same question as yesterday. Can you control yourself or should I shorten the sirik chains to make sure you cannot play with yourself?”

“I’m fine, it’s ok,” I mumbled. The bluntness of her question made me feel so weak, so inferior.

She cocked her eyebrow and gave me a sly smile, and after a brief peck on my cheek, she left, removing her knit top as she sauntered out of my bedroom.

I managed to finalize the ethics essay and even managed to get caught up in the econ class. Hardly A work, but at this point I was just hanging on. I lay down on my bed to rest my eyes for just a moment.

Soon after midnight, Teryn woke me up. “I’m tired, slave,” she said. “Go to the bathroom, and let’s go to bed, my bed, of course.” Jarred from my sleep, I did not reply, only nodded.

Half asleep and still wearing the 5-inch heels and chained in the sirik, I walked to the bathroom, a complete mess. I did not recognize the girl that looked back at me from the bathroom mirror, but I did remember the dildo, now suctioned to the mirror. I turned my eyes to ignore it.

More alert and awake, I walked back to Teryn’s room, expecting, no, hoping for more love-making. She was covered and laying on her side, her back to me. On the floor, at the foot of her bed, was a crumbled blanket and pillow; the loop of a leash was under one foot of the bed.

“On the floor, pet. Clip the leash to your collar. If you wake me up playing with yourself, you will be punished. Go to sleep.” Her comments were spoken without emotion, like reciting a recipe. I attached the leash to my collar, curled up with the blanket, and lay on the hard floor. My eyes watered in disappointment and hurt.

It seemed like only moments later when I felt a foot poking me in the side. Sunshine streamed into the bedroom, as Teryn threw open the curtains. I looked up from the floor, her naked body glowing in the morning light.

“Wake up, Jenn, I mean, slave. A busy day ahead.” She stretched like a cat, her sexy body weaving as she reached for the heavens, back arched, her breasts like mountains rising above her tight belly.

I moved to get up, but my neck snapped tight when the leash went taut. Teryn laughed and moved from the room. “Unhook the leash, silly pet, let’s go! No talking. Slave mode. Just leave the heels here for later.” Her voice inflection told me this was not negotiable.

When I arrived in the bathroom, Teryn was sitting on the toilet. “You know what to do, slave. Kneel, chin on the edge.” When I knelt, she hooked her finger and pulled me close. I wrinkled my nose is disgust.

“Haha, I want you to admire my nicely trimmed pussy, since in a few minutes it will be as bald as yours. Your Master ordered me to do this and I will follow his directions. Look up at me, pet.”

With my chin on the bowl, I tilted my head upwards. She reached down and fiddled with my nose ring, twisting it slightly left and right. “Mmmm, too bad it is not one solid ring,” she said, hopefully sarcastically. She had a wry grin on her face. “Stick out your tongue,” and I obeyed. “You are the cutest pet I ever owned. Move back, pet.” On my knees, I took a couple of steps back as she stood, legs parted.

I felt Teryn looking down at me, and for a moment I thought she would order me to lick her pussy dry, but after a second, she took a few sheets of toilet paper and dried herself. “Your turn, slave, while I get the shower warmed up. Here, let me release the sirik chains, so you can pee properly.”

Humiliations stacked upon humiliations, so to say one is worse than another is probably not always true, but to pee with my legs straddling the bowl while Teryn watched from the shower was degrading.

We showered together, a slave and her mistress. First I shaved her pussy, then my own while she shampooed her hair. We washed each other’s bodies simultaneously, our lips often locking, our tongue studs clicking to the beat of our pounding hearts.

At one point Teryn’s husky voice ordered me to kneel. Her hands were working on her freshly shaven pussy lips, her need evident. “Tongue me, slave,” she hissed, and with the water coursing around us, I was able to bring her to the orgasmic cliff in a short time. My head was locked between her strong legs, her hands pushing my face deeper into her folds, and then she cascaded over the falls, screaming “oh my god.”

She helped me to my feet, her face aglow with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Her lips parted, and I felt a tingle between my legs. She bent down and took my left nipple into her mouth. Whatever she asked, I would do. Whatever.

I stood still, but my body was shivering despite the warm water. I needed to cum, and as she released her lips at last from my throbbing nipple, her eyes rising to meet mine, I begged, “Please.”

“Maybe later, Jenn, maybe. But we have to get going. You don’t have anything appropriate to wear today, so you can borrow one of my outfits. In fact, I set it out for you.”

To be honest, I was surprised by what Teryn set out for me to wear. I was expecting far worse. Short shorts, of course, but the spaghetti strap white top was totally acceptable. The only problem was it was slightly tight and without a bra, my nipple extenders would be prominent.

I paused in front of her mirror. The larger hoop earrings brushed against my neck, just above the steel ring collar. My wrists were ringed in steel, also. The nose ring continued to give me a pussy rush, for some reason. And the kef, now a deeper red, the sure sign of a kajira. With a sigh, I put on the heels, straightened the anklet, and paraded to the kitchen.

“Let’s get some of this steel off, unless you prefer to leave it on for class,” she said with a smile.

“No, please remove it.” I stood there as she tossed the wrist cuffs on the table, and then as I put one foot after another on the chair, she removed the steel cuffs around my ankles, leaving only the handcuff anklet. She handed me the cuffs and told me to put them in the gym bag by the door.

“And gather the sirik chains, also. Hurry up, slave,” Teryn commanded.

When I returned to the kitchen, I stopped at the doorway. A bowl of yogurt with granola was on the ground at Teryn’s feet. I looked from the ground to her smiling face, knowing what this meant.

She broke into laughter, bending over and picking up the bowl. “Just kidding, Jenn. Don’t take things so seriously. Come on, hurry up, let’s go.”

We sat at the table, but not as equals. I was the collared slave. She was the Mistress with not a care in the world.

We took a taxi to campus and went our separate ways. The plan was to meet at Prix Chic at 2:00.

I arrived a few minutes early, but Teryn was already inside the shop talking with Joel.

“Hey, Jenn,” she called out cheerfully when I entered the shop.

“Hi,” I responded, not sure if I was in slave mode or not. Joel also greeted me with a smile.

“We were just talking about Monday and that it was good to have a day off yesterday,” Joel said, looking at me and expecting some reponse.

“It was, yes,” I answered lamely, my mind half numb.

“So, Teryn said she wants to go first today, ok?” He looked at me when he spoke, but I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Oh, she doesn’t know, yet,” Teryn started to explain. “I want a nipple piercing, also, so I asked to go first, k?”

“Uh, sure, yeah,” I replied, totally surprised by her announcement.

“Ok, back to… ” he began and I finished with a smile on my face, “…Room 5, right?” We all laughed and headed down the hallway.

Several minutes later, Teryn had a stainless steel bar through her left nipple. One blue and one gold ball were screwed onto the ends of the bar, Go UCLA. She got up from the chair and we hugged. I was going to say something about just having one nipple pierced, but Joel had already announced it was my turn.

When I pulled off my top, Teryn said like a giddy school girl, “Oh, let me take off the extenders. So much fun!” I stood there while she used her mouth, lips, and teeth to remove the cones. By the time she finished, I was breathing more rapidly and my nipples were thumping.

Ten minutes later, Joel had pierced both my nipples. Teryn had recorded both piercings on her phone. When Joel asked about the balls at the end of the bars, Teryn had answered for me. “Do you have pink and white, like her tongue stud?” And so my tongue piercing now matched in color both nipple piercings.

I had been quiet throughout the procedure, only yelping briefly when the needle was driven through each nipple. Both nipples were doubly sore, from the extension and now the steel bars.

Teyrn, in contrast, had been talking more than usual. She asked him questions about his job and if he had any famous customers. She asked how long before the bars in my nipples could be replaced with rings. I just listened, my mind wandering to Master and what he had planned.

I suggested we walk to the studio. I needed to clear my head. So much, so fast.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Teryn said, a few blocks from the Prix Chic.


“My uncle says that to me, when I seem to be daydreaming.”

“Oh, nothing, really.”

“Come on. You know I care and we are best friends, right?”

I did not immediately respond. I guess that was true, though the line that separated Teryn from Mistress was often blurred and hard to distinguish. On the other hand, I did allow it, because I wanted it. Or did I? “Why did you only have one nipple pierced?”

“Ohhhh, I wondered why it took you so long to ask. I guess it is just because you asked. I mean, if I got both, then there is no more to be said. But one sends a message, I hope, that I can be wild and sexy, um, unsymmetrical, and unpredictable. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, I guess, now that you mention it. Why didn’t you say something before I had both done?”

“You seemed to have your heart set on it, so I didn’t want to mess with your dream.”

I did not reply. Is this really what she thought? I actually thought she was going to say something like, slaves get two, mistresses get one.

I looked up ahead. A tourist bus was unloading. This was not an uncommon sight along Sunset. It was always a bit of fun to watch the starry-eyed arrivals get off the bus and look around, expecting Julia Roberts to be standing there. They fanned out from the bus, basically making a roadblock. Teryn and I stopped to watch.

I suppose it was one of those things that I would eventually describe as being in the right place at the right time, or the reverse, wrong place, wrong time.

A younger black man, maybe even a teen, had one foot propped up against the wall of a shop. He was wearing a hoodie, his hands tucked into his pouch. Nothing odd about this. I’m sure we both had seen him, but just ignored the visual image.

It happened quickly. A woman pushing a stroller passed Teryn and me on the left. I thought for a second, why can’t she wait for the tourists to unblock the sidewalk. A bag, like her purse, was hanging on one handle. Not like I was watching this, but out of my peripheral vision, I saw it happen. She seemed to take her hand off that side of the stroller for just a second, maybe to adjust the shade over the baby, and in that split second, the man, or teen, reached out and grabbed the bag from the stroller. This all happened right in front of us, maybe 25 feet away.

I guess it was the sudden movement, because everything else was moving so slowly, that caught my attention. We both stopped as the guy raced towards us. Teryn was closest the building and moved slightly to the right, towards its safety. I have no idea why, but not only did I not move closer to the wall, as he prepared to run by me, I actually moved to my left and stuck my arm out.

I am not a heroine, that is for sure, but I am not afraid, either. Well, I was after-the-fact, but at that moment I just reacted. His speed and momentum spun me around and I fell to the ground, but it also broke his direction. He tried to sidestep me, I am sure, but when we collided, he was pushed slightly to his right and somehow tripped over the edge of a trash container. He went sprawling and the bag flew from his hand.

Thinking back, I do not recall hearing any sound. It was an old fashioned silent movie. I remember a guy reaching down, along with Teryn, helping me up, asking if I was ok. I remember the woman, the mother with the stroller, reaching out with concern, and thanking me profusely for what I had done.

And I remember, looking at my arm, scraped and bleeding, and thinking, what is Master going to think?


Joel had arrived at the studio and briefed me about today’s appointment with Jenn and Teryn. It seemed a bit odd about Teryn’s single piercing. Since she wasn’t my focus, it really didn’t matter. I kept Joel sitting in the office with his traveling tool case where Jenn could see him when she walked in. I was sure that would give her a look of surprise and mild to medium trepidation. However, it did not turn out that way. More time had passed than usual, so I figured they just made a stop along the way. No matter.

I heard their laughter before the knock on the door. As they entered there were giggles and grins between them. Jenn barely noticed Joel and did not react to him. Something was up.

I noticed Jenn’s scraped and bloody arm and got a first aid kit from a cabinet as I said, “Ok. What have you two been up to?” They were both obviously in a happy mood.

“Let me tell it, Jenn.” Teryn didn’t hesitate for agreement, though, and began to babble out the story. I listened while I tended to Jenn’s wound.

“Your slave is a hero, or heroine I guess. I am so proud of her. She stopped a mugging.”

As she gave me the details in play by play mode, I watched Jenn as I worked on her. Her face was flushed. Hearing the story, I decided it was a combination for embarrassment at Teryn’s praise and the still present affects of the adrenaline rush from what had happened. Perhaps more of the latter as I was about to learn but her aura seemed different than usual.

I was proud of her and told her so, but I didn’t gush as Teryn had. Jenn was not saying much and just smiled at the pbuthe

As Teryn finally wound down, almost out of breath, I said, “Time for business. I am sure you are wondering why Joel is here.” I paused, but there was no response from either girl. Their eyes were alert, however, so I certainly had their attention. “I think it’s time for a real tat and the process should be captured both by video and photo. When the henna kef fades we will make that permanent, but in the meantime a small but elegant tat will enhance your photos. Teryn, what do you think?”

Of course Teryn was in immediate agreement.

“And what say you, slave?” I had intentionally opened the door with that one question, but the timing was perfect. She looked from Teryn to me and then back to Teryn. Her facial expressions changed subtly, but perceptively.


One two-letter word had brought silence to the room.

I met her gaze and saw both mild defiance and nervousness in her eyes. Knowing with that single word she had already gone too far to turn back now, she squared her shoulders and repeated.

“NO,” then added, “May a slave speak freely, Sir?”

“Speak.” I was intrigued, but not surprised so far.

“Master, you, Teryn, Mistress Vanessa and even Joel have done anything and everything you wanted with me and I have allowed it, yet you continue to push me. Do you think I am just a weak willed submissive fuck toy because I have not protested your abuse?”

I knew it was partly the lingering effects of her adrenaline high that had emboldened her, but this was a good thing. I knew this time would come. I was impressed, but I showed no emotion.

“Submissive fuck toy, yes you are. Weak willed, never. The two are very different things. A woman can be one or the other, both or neither. But I guarantee you that if I thought you were weak willed, I would never have hired you. What fun would a Master find in such a woman? It is what a true Master does, push, explore, but never exceed the limits of his slave. How else would they both learn just what those limits are? You may continue to speak.”

A little confusion clouded her face, but she was on a roll now.

“Some of the things Master has done or caused to happen to his slave have been painful. What Teryn has done has been more humiliating. Yet, I have allowed it all because I admit that my body knows it has found what I have long desired. Am I right that my contract is breakable at any time?”

“Yes. It binds you to do as stated while you are under contract, but it says that either of us can terminate it. You know you keep coming back because you want to and not due to any intimidation from me or the contract.”

Though there were those afore mentioned loop holes, they were of no further interest to me. I did not know about Teryn’s blackmail threats though. Teryn and Joel seemed to be spell bound by the conversation, especially Teryn, who was now seeing a second kind of strength from her friend. Both in the same day and both giving her a whole new respect for Jenn. Different, but related. One sparking the other.

On the other hand, perhaps a paradox, but maybe finally exploring her submissive side was also making her emotionally stronger or at least allowing her true inner strength to come out. She began to return to character after a few small slips, and I was still amazed at that. She was also showing confidence, even as a slave.

“Master, does your slave need to be punished?”

That seemed to come out of the blue. “Since I granted you permission to speak freely, I will ignore your insolence. Though it is a Master’s right to punish for discipline or as a reminder as he sees fit, none is imminent.”

“Master has told me there are punishments and rewards. Does your slave deserve a reward?”

“Oh. I see where this is going. I do reward honesty and you are being more honest now than ever. What kind of reward do you think you deserve?”

“Slave also asks if Master will grant her two small rewards. The first is that my new tat will, as you have said, indeed be elegant and somewhere that it can be hidden.”

“Granted. And your second reward, greedy wench?”

“I believe that a slave to be raped by her Master is considered a reward. Is it not?”

I could not help but laugh out loud right then. Those had been my exact words.

“Brazen slut. Be careful what you ask for. And you no longer have permission to speak freely. ”

“Yes, Master.”

And with that I picked her up and put her over my shoulder and carried her to the studio. The other two followed, still in stunned silence.

I took her directly to the rape rack, mostly for the emotional affect it would induce, but it was also perfect to position her for Joel to give her the new tat. I had something in mind already and it fit with her wishes, so I could fulfill that “reward.”

The stocks that formed the upper part of the rack would not allow her to see what was happening below. Teryn and I took great care in securing her head, wrists and ankles along with the proper positioning of her legs and knees. We discarded what little she was wearing in the process. She was totally spread and open for use of all holes when they were needed.

Both Teryn and I did a lot of touching of her various erogenous zones as we bound her. However it seemed that her whole body, every inch, was alive. Her tactile sensitivity was off the proverbial charts. If only all women were like this. Ahhh, but as John Norman preached, few men of earth could handle and appreciate such a woman. A true submissive. The perfect slave. She did indeed need a Master, or a Mistress. Perhaps both.

Gag or not to gag. I love the sounds made by a gagged woman. Protests, pleadings and pleasure all sounded alike. For the purpose of the video, I decided the audio needed her gagged. I pushed a double headed penis gag into her protesting mouth. “Ngooooooooo, eeeeezeeee,” was music to my ears. I knew Teryn would find this gag very useful.

Teryn’s clothes seemed to evaporate while I was gagging Jenn. She was not completely silenced, but her attempts to communicate or scream would be muted and perfect. I am sure Teryn would keep her distracted during the pain of the tattoo and Teryn was in a good position to watch it happen. I was in a better position, watching over Joel’s shoulder as he worked his magic. I had to admit he was quite an artist.

I almost missed it. So entranced was I with the unfolding drama, I just happened to look up to see Teryn and Joel making eye contact. Oh, that does not do justice to what happened at all.

Teryn was riding Jenn’s face while fucking herself with Jenn’s gag, and at the same time tweaking her slave’s pierced nipples. The primal sounds coming from Jenn were pure animalistic lust. Suddenly Teryn began to pant and grunt, nearing her own orgasm. Joel looked up from his work and I am certain their eyes locked and sexual sparks darted across the short distance between them. Teryn’s mouth was open and her pierced tongue flicked towards Joel.

My mind was in overdrive, my eyes darting back and forth, hoping not to miss any subtle messages passing between them. I could not see Joel’s face clearly, but I did see when Teryn curled back her lips and instead of looking upward, stared directly into Joel’s face when she came.

While Teryn continued to pant and ride Jenn’s face, Joel seemed to break their intimate connection and returned to his work. I watched as the beautiful image appeared around Jenn’s already smooth and beautiful treasure. Joel had no problem resting his fingers as needed between her glistening pussy lips. This I am sure he was enjoying. I know I was and I was not even touching her, yet. I could only imagine what the pain must be like on such a super sensitive area. I believe the sexual excitement was mitigating it only somewhat. I could see she was still dripping in spite of the pain, or because of it. Teryn’s own dripping cunt was muffling anything other than Jenn’s grunts and moans.

Joel’s artwork unfolded beautifully into a delicate butterfly of so many amazing colors. But as he stood up to stretch on completion, I stepped closer to admire and appraise.

Asshole that I can be on occasion, I said, “It’s missing something. Teryn, come here. I used my fingers to embellish my words, but kept them to a whisper as I discussed something with her and Joel. No discussion really. I was just telling them what would happen next while Jenn lay there helpless.

I slid a finger all the way inside her slippery love hole and in a half a heartbeat it was done. Joel had used a needle to pierce the hood of her clit precisely and not touching her engorged clit underneath. She tried to scream in protest, but then realized the futility. All within the limits of her contract and I had honored her request in making the tat easily hidden. Joel slid a barbell stud to match the ones in her nipples, vertically through her new piercing. It was the perfect addition and it would gently rub over her clit and be a constant turn on. Indeed, the piercing blended beautifully with the head of the butterfly, as though it had a silver antenna.

I motioned Teryn to release the stocks of the rape rack from her head, so she could raise it a little. I got a mirror to position between her legs to give her a view of her new ink and adornment. She just stared, unblinking. I knew there was no way for her to deny its beauty. Teryn immediately stepped in and licked up Jenn’s flowing juices as she shuddered, her body so much alive, more than it had ever been in her years of searching. I took many pictures. Super close ups of the artwork. Everyone should have a hobby this much fun.

But this session was far from over.

Teryn walked around the helpless girl, trailing her nails over Jenn’s stomach and other sensitive parts. She played with her nipples, which were still sore from the recent piercing. I heard gasps and whimpers; the gag was doing its part and Jenn was making no effort to speak. Her sounds were from deep within, filled with emotion and need. The whole scenario was above and beyond eroticism. The studio reeked of sex. I inhaled it. There was no better drug.

“Teryn, remove the gag.” It was time.

Teryn resumed her position above Jenn’s now empty mouth and usable tongue. Just before I positioned myself between Jenn’s legs, I gave a camera to Joel and said, “DON’T miss anything.” I had already ditched my own clothes. Of course, I knew that aggressive sex would hurt her because of the tat and piercing, but I knew that is what she wanted. I started slow, penetrating that beautiful cunt only an inch. Both to tease and torture. Then I talked to her in my best Gorean voice.

“Wench, is this what you really want? To give yourself to your Master and as well to your Mistress? ”

Her voice was not her own. Her body spoke for her, yet from her mouth she cried the words, “Master, rape me. Rape your slut. Take your kajira, now!” The last word was at a pitch many octaves higher.

I put my hands on her shoulders for leverage and leaned in closer. “Then so be it.” I rammed myself deep into her. Her scream was all woman, all Gorean, “Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.”

There was no doubt this was what she needed, and what I needed. Teryn was forgotten, but still playing her part. She added pain to Jenn’s nipples to match what she was feeling at her new tat and piercing with each thrust I made.

I was in no hurry. I did my best to use all my experience to make her cum and cum and cum again, quickly bringing small orgasms, different pacing to elicit much larger ones till they probably felt all like one. Never ending, one flowing into the next. There is nothing in the world that is anything close to the sounds of a new slave at the various stages of her arousal. Her sounds, whimpers, screams were my reward. I didn’t want to stop.

Teryn had stepped away for moment. I assumed she had sensed that Jenn was getting overwhelmed and needed to speak. She was begging us to stop, that it was too much. How much time had passed and how many orgasms had she experienced? I had completely lost track.

“Please Master. Let me catch my breath. I must.”

I stopped but did not withdraw. Not yet. Her breathing was heavy. I gave her time to recover.

I looked to the side, to find Teryn approaching Joel, who was still taking video and stills. The drama was intensifying. I had too much to orchestrate; things were happening beyond my control.

Jenn had my attention, but not my full attention. I watched as Teryn reached out and took the camera from Joel, and set it on the table. Their eyes were locked. Fuck, I had lost control of this situation. Some good photo opportunities were going to be lost. Back to Jenn.

“Slave. Have you been fully rewarded? Has the slut in you been sated? Have you had enough pleasure for tonight?”

“Yes, Master. You have so pleased your slave. Thank you. I am yours and will do anything you ask.”

As I began to speak, I began a slow in and out rhythm. I knew she would again become aroused. I was right. The results were immediate. I heard her moan. “It seems like the body of my little Asian slut has not yet reached her orgasmic limits. Why am I not surprised? For all your orgasms in the past, now you know what has been missing. Submission, pain, even the humiliation you have experienced by Teryn. All these things are what you have needed.”

“Yes, Master. I know that now. I know,” she moaned.

I looked over to see that Teryn had dropped Joel’s pants and was deep throating him. I had to interrupt her to go get the necessary prop for the next round. Teryn grabbed Joel by his erection and tugged him along, but I paid no further attention to them until I realized they were taking a lot of time. I had no idea what they had been doing, but they were coming back. I did a double take when I saw her. Not only was she wearing the huge strap on dildo that I had sent her to get, but she was also sporting a wide leather collar and matching cuffs. The cuffs were also attached to the collar with a chain. I noted this was the same set I had used on Jenn the day we met.

She stood by Jenn’s side where she could see her, then leaned over and kissed her deeply, passionately. When she broke the kiss she spoke to her loud enough for Joel and me to hear.

“I can see you are having the best time of your life, my love. Joel told me I should experience my submissive side as well, so I could better understand you. I have to admit feeling and seeing the leather and chain is making me juice and want to get fucked long and hard.”

Teryn looked down into the eyes of her best friend. Her sheepish grin was rewarded by Jenn’s knowing smile. Their bond was deepening. I had thought I noticed a bit of collar envy once before. I had been right.

I could tell by her breathing and heartbeat Jenn was stoked for more. Since Teryn was definitely ready, I pulled out. She gasped and begged.

“No master. You know what you have done to me and now you again torture me? Please make me cum again. Please.”

I distracted her as I walked around to her head and I whispered in her ear. “Look. It is time for your mistress to use that hot little cunt of yours.” Teryn was standing between her spread legs and waving the dildo so Jenn could see it. I had reminded her to be careful of Jenn’s tat and piercing, but she knew just what to do. I watched her take her time and ease the monster phallus into Jenn’s drenched hole. New sounds, beautiful sounds from my slave reached my ears and she was again fully penetrated. I watched as Teryn settled into slow rhythm till Jenn was used to the size of her new intruder, then picked up the pace. She said, “What a little fuck toy you are. You have been hiding this all this time? No more.”

Though I was trying to keep to the script in my head, the other actors were now following their own. Not entirely a bad thing, of course, but I had to re-adjust on the fly. It was time for me to play my part. For a split second I thought about picking up the camera then just as quickly admonished myself for even having the thought. Why would I want to bother with taking pictures when this luscious little co-ed was right here in front of me, bound and begging to be used. Duhh, no contest. Let the hidden cameras catch some of the action. I had more fun things to do. Since the stocks had been removed, her hands were now free. I wanted to see what she would do with them. Then I positioned myself at Jenn’s mouth.

I pushed Jenn’s head down so the angle was perfect, then slowly fed myself to her. All the way in. I gave her time to adjust her breathing and began my own rhythm. I was pleasantly surprised when I felt her hands clutch my ass and pull me as deep as possible. She was getting better, but still needed work. I knew Teryn was making her practice. It was only moments until I felt her shudder and cum. Joel was the wild card here. Well, not really. Though he was playing a new role it was Teryn I thought was the WILD card.

As she fucked our little prize. Joel was ramming Teryn from behind. From my angle I couldn’t tell which of Teryn’s hot holes he was fucking. It didn’t really matter. Maybe they got the idea from the previous session with Van. Now I understood why he hadn’t shown so much interest in Jenn. She just wasn’t his type. To each his own. All these thoughts flashed through my mind as he got his own piece of Asian ass. Good, I was beginning to wonder if he was gay. Apparently not, I chuckled to myself.

The whole scene from my point of view was erotic. At times Teryn would lean over to take Jenn’s nipples in her mouth. This shut out some of the action from my view, but then she would stand upright and I could see her dildo glistening with the copious juices of that delicious little cunt, then the entire length of the fake cock disappeared again and again. Joel continued to aid all of Teryn’s thrusts with his own force. They had a good rhythm going.

I wondered how many times Jenn had cum so far in our little session. Teryn might not be far behind. We continued to fuck her at both ends till she had cum a few more times and again needed another rest. We all backed away, though I could see Teryn and Joel were reluctant to separate.

I picked up the still camera and took some macro close ups of Jenn’s red and freshly fucked cunt, which was still oozing her nectar. I couldn’t resist a taste and felt her shudder again.

I told Teryn to remove her strap on and go get another prop from the drawer. I saw Joel watching Teryn’s sweet curvy ass as she moved away and the rest of her as she returned. I took the toy that Teryn had retrieved for me and some lubricant.

“Slave, I believe I have been lax in not making use of another one of your needy holes.” She saw me coating the anal plug as I spoke. “A slave must be ready for any whim of her Master.”

“No, Master please. Not now. I am spent.”

“Your use of the word no is over for today.” I nodded to Teryn and she held Jenn’s wrists. Mosly for affect since her legs were still immobile and she was open for any intrusion. After the initial resistance the plug slid in over the bulb and was there to stay until removed. I flipped the switch and let it vibrate. In moments, she was moaning and whimpering.

I set up the video camera on a tripod and grabbed the still. I then gave instructions to Teryn. I had planned nothing complicated. Just a beautiful 69 session with two beautiful, yellow skinned and almond eyed Asians. Teryn was more than willing. Now I wasn’t quite sure what else would happen with Joel’s new role.

“Teryn, would you like an anal intruder as well?”

That stopped her in her tracks. She hesitated a few seconds before she spoke.

“Ya know, I am ready for most anything, but I will pass on a plug. I have something else to fill my virgin ass.”

I laughed and said. “Well. I guess I will have to give you a bonus for losing that virginity today. Let’s see what happens.”

I was ready with my cameras and watched the beauty unfold. The sight, the sounds, even the smells were oh so erotic. Close to obscene, but yet incredibly hot. After a few minutes Teryn called out to Joel.

“Get over here and fuck my ass. I need it. Do it.”

Since she was on top, it was easy for Joel to fuck her and still not get in the way of Jenn’s licking. Very erotic. My cameras would catch as much as possible. Another hour and who knows how many orgasms went by until both girls were now completely spent.

We released Jenn and removed the plug. She could barely walk. She grabbed me for support, then stood on her tiptoes and kissed me. I saw in her eyes it was a thank you and to me it was worth all the gold in China.

Teryn was also wobbly, but helped Jenn to the dressing room and shower. I gave Joel first shot at the men’s shower, as I checked the cameras and looked at the sweat and cum juices that made a mess of the equipment. But sometimes I think the woman I hired to clean the studio got off on it. I showered and was still back in the office before the girls.

When they entered, I motioned for Jenn to sit, but pulled Teryn over to the side. I suggested some new toys for her to take home. She picked up her bag and disappeared for a few minutes. Jenn knew what that meant, but didn’t hear what I had suggested. Joel sat silently and waited with a huge grin on his face. When she returned she was carrying the leather and chain she had been wearing before.

“Master. May your newest slave wear these home? I want to feel what it is like to wear them in public.”

“Of course. I think you will understand Jenn even better. Though you seem to be much more willing then Jenn was at first. But there are all levels of slave desires.”

I turned my attention to Jenn. “Kajira Jenn. Do you feel that your Master has fulfilled his side of the bargain?”

“Oh yes, yes. Master has been generous with his insolent slave.”

Back in character, she was amazing. I wondered if I could get a movie role for her.

“Good. You have had a big day. Stopping a mugging I think made you bold. And you see even your boldness was rewarded. I made mention before that if I had felt you were a weak willed woman, I would not have hired you. You are obviously very strong willed in your normal life and of course very intelligent. Your submissiveness does not take away from that in any way. This, I know, is not something most people would understand. There are a lot of dangerous men out there that seek the weak because they can use and abuse them. That is the way they hold on to them. I am not one of those men. I know you even more than you know yourself. But I think you are learning more and more about yourself than you ever knew before we met. Am I right?”

“Yes Master. You are so right. You do know me and thank you for your guidance.”

My heart melted. I was glad that there was an audience so I didn’t say something un-master like.

“Teryn, did you find everything I suggested?”

“Yes, Master. Everything. We are going to have so much fun.”

“Good. I hope you do. I will call you for our next session. I have much to do. I may even re-decorate my office with some new pictures.”

Jenn gave me a coy grin and I knew that she knew what I meant. Teryn had no idea.

“Oh. I almost forgot.” I reached into a drawer for my cash box and peeled of five, one hundred dollar bills for each of them, but handed them to Teryn.” Her eyes lit up. Her first cash for being a model and then I added her bonus.

Joel was under a monthly fee for his work, but I gave him a bonus for today, though he had way too much fun. He should have paid me. But he did well. I wondered what would happen with him and Teryn. This was something I hadn’t expected, but I guess I should have. Time would tell.

I walked them to the door this time and Joel left with them. I was rewarded by a hug from both girls as they said goodbye.


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