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Coming out past the pews, she knelt before the giant cross on the back wall, the statue of Jesus looking down at her while she clutched her own crucifix. “Lord, please, if you can hear me, I need your help now more than ever. I… I don’t what to do. I thought I had prepared myself for violence in order to join the Swiss Guard, but after today… please… give me strength.”

“He won’t answer you.”

For the second time, Helena felt a blade pierce her heart, this one colder than the icicles that would hang outside her window in Ireland during the winter. She turned around, seeing Xavier moving down the aisle towards her.

“Xavier, what are you doing here?”

“Following you. It seems I went a little too far when I crushed those three insects.”

His voice was different from before. It was much deeper but very dry and even soft with certain words. It barely sounded human, and there was a force behind it, one that weighed down on Helena in way she had never before experienced. She wanted to step back but found her feet seemingly glued to the floor.

“You? You killed them?! H-how? Why?!”

“I told you, didn’t I? I wanted to do something to convince Sister Olivia to spare you punishment. I’d say I did better than expected, considering I was alone at detention tonight.

Tell me, how does feel to pray for something and be ignored? How does it feel to beg for something from God and have your desperation go unanswered? I just don’t understand why you humans cling to hope when you have no reason to have it in the first place.” He reached out and caressed her cheek. “I guarantee you, here in this “house of God”, there is no one else here but me. God is not listening to you.”

Breaking free of the weights holding her to that spot, Helena stepped back and held out her cross. “I don’t know what you are, but no enemy of God will speak such blasphemy in front of me and in this holy place! I’ve accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I know he will protect me!”

“Oh please, look at that foolish token you’re holding, at the broken man nailed to that cross. Does he look like he is in any condition to help you? To protect you from me? You foolish humans think that those crosses will keep you safe, but it’s the opposite. What you carry is the symbol of the pathetic and defeated Son of God, dying like an animal in the wilderness with a broken leg. I saw him go up on the cross, I heard his cries of agony, and I saw the spear blade pierce his chest. You carry with you a reminder of the darkest day of mankind, the day when even the power of God was helpless against human madness. You think that crucifix will protect you, but really…” Xavier reached out and touched the rosary, causing it to melt away and fall to the ground as squirming centipedes. “It just makes me stronger.”

“You… you’re the Devil, aren’t you?”

“Bless dear old Dad, but no. I’ll give you a hint.”

Xavier opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and even with only the moonlight shining through the church windows, the circle of three sixes was clear as day, like a brand.

“You’re the Antichrist…”

“In the flesh, and I’ve decided it’s time to make my move. These last two thousand years have been fun, but I’m ready to start thinking about my future. There is a whole wide world just waiting to be conquered.”

He stepped towards her and Helena yelped as she felt an invisible force grab her wrists and hold them behind her like handcuffs. She was then spun around and pulled to Xavier, pressed with her back to his chest. He embraced her, running his hands across her supple body. She whimpered as she felt him fondle her breasts with one hand and move south with the other.

“Feel free to scream all you want, your voice won’t reach anyone. You know, I lied to you when I said I wanted to become Pope. That’s too small, I’m ready to become the king of this world. Of course, I’ll need a queen…”

He snapped his fingers and Helena gasped as she was suddenly basked in flames, her uniform being burned off her body like flash cotton. It didn’t hurt; it felt more like a hot bath than actual fire. Had she been exposed to those same flames under natural circumstances, she would have suffered severe burns across her entire body. But while the flames hadn’t hurt her, they had touched her, not only destroying her uniform, but also burning away every hair on her body. From the neck down, she was essentially porcelain. Xavier never let go of her, not a single singe being left on his clothes.

“And I must say, I’ve come to taking a liking to you. I find that fire in your eyes rather charming, that fighting spirit. Not to mention this beautiful body of yours.”

She shivered in humiliation, now feeling his palms on her bare flesh. He had one hand on her breast, squeezing her tightly but also using his fingers to probe the most sensitive nerve endings. Whether it was his experience with women or his unholy powers, he was intentionally trying to arouse her and expose her to as much focused pleasure as possible. He moved his other hand down her flat belly, admiring her smooth skin. She clamped her thighs together, but with the slightest touch of his fingers, he wrenched them apart as if there were shackles on her ankles. He traced the entrance to her womanhood with his middle finger, savoring what was to come.

“As my queen, you’ll live a life of luxury. You’ll rule the world at my side, with your every desire being satisfied. You’ll eat the finest food, wear the most elegant clothes, and practically bathe in gold in jewels. At night, I’ll make you moan like an opera singer as you have orgasm, after orgasm… after orgasm. All you have to do is swear your loyalty to me.”

She cried out as he ran his finger between the lips of her pussy, lightly stirring the soft flesh before entering her. Helena had been taught that self-pleasure was one of the greatest sins. She had never touched herself the way Xavier was touching her now, never probed her insides the way he was. She stood, completely helpless as violated her, working his fingers in and out of her ripe, adolescent flower. She could feel it, the intrusion of his fingers stimulating her and making her wet. But this wasn’t the first time she had felt this, and it was that familiarity that made her sick with dread.

‘No! Not again!’ “No! I won’t do it! I’ll never turn my back on God! I’ll never join you!”

While she tried to sound strong, her voice cracked and she whimpered from the undeniable pleasure being felt from him molesting her. His hand was slick with her wetness and she could feel drops running down her inner thighs.

“Are you sure? This is you last chance; become my queen or suffer the consequences.”

“I’d rather die than be your queen!”

Hearing her resolute voice, Xavier at first sighed in annoyance, but then began to laugh. Helena screamed in agony as she felt something burningly hot sear her skin. He had his tongue pressed to her neck, and after a few moments he pulled away, with the same circle of sixes branded onto her with her flesh smoking. Glowing red lines stretched from the brand, encircling her before all disappearing into her skin.

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