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“No, Marian! Don’t! That’s sinful, that’s¬—”

Marian looked up at her, their eyes locking while she used her tongue to drink in her older sister’s essence. Sophie could see it, the loss of all sense of reason. Did Marian even recognize her? Her baby sister was gone, having been replaced with this mindless whore.

The thrusting stopped as Xavier came, filling Marian with his seed. “Now, let’s see if you’re as much of an anal whore as Sophie.”

He again switched positions, this time lying on his back with Marian on top of him, still facing Sophie with her feet on his knees. Regaining his erection, he jammed himself into her virgin asshole and began bucking his hips like a jackhammer, increasing the volume of her moans of ecstasy. This was her first time doing anal, but to her it was heaven.

“Sophie, look at her. Look at what your sister has become, what I turned her into. Aren’t you glad you led me here? Aren’t you glad that you chased her down and dragged her to me, no matter how much she fought and screamed and begged you to help her? Aren’t you glad you delivered her to me on a silver platter so that I could turn her into my new slave?” Sophie didn’t respond, having no idea what she was supposed to say. “Oh, look, my seed is dribbling out of her. Be a good slave and lick it up.”

Her will broken, Sophie leaned forward and began drinking Xavier’s cum out her little sister’s deflowered pussy, still able to taste the blood from her broken hymen. He soon had another orgasm, shooting his load deep into Marian’s anus. He turned her over and spread her ass cheeks, letting Sophie see the white slime slowly running out of her puckered asshole.

“And lick her clean here too.”

Clutching herself, Sophie worked up the courage to speak. “Why? Why are you doing this to us?”

His demeanor changing, Xavier threw Marian down onto the floor. He lunging for Sophie and he grabbed her by the throat with a strangling grip. As she gasped for breath, his stern expression turned back into a sadistic grin. He took a moment to lick the tears off her face and then answered her. “Ask Helena.”

Chapter 11

From the day Xavier got the apartment, Lily had been hard at work on her back, on her knees, and on all fours, letting endless strangers have their way with her. She had been nervous at first, but after the first few men, she no longer cared. She would simply let them empty themselves into her, maybe suck them off, take a shower, and then get ready for the next guy. Xavier would come back in the evening with food and gifts, claiming he had spent the day busy at work. Everything he bought for her was with the money she had made, if he even bought it at all. She never connected the dots and the gifts kept her happy and docile. They would eat, have sex, and then he would leave to go back to the school to “avoid suspicion”. Then more men would come and fuck her. She never had enough time to be bored or even leave the apartment. She was always in the bedroom, letting strangers brutalize her, always with thoughts of Xavier in her mind.

Lily’s body was completely drained of strength, yet her arms continued to pump as she jacked off the two men. A third had his cock in her mouth, a fourth was fucking her pussy, and a fifth was sodomizing her. The apartment was filled with men, all eagerly awaiting their turn with the young whore. She had been selling her body since Xavier got the apartment, but she had never gone this long and with this many men. She had tried resisting at first, but no longer bothered asking for mercy or to be gentle. They merely laughed at her and some other man would force himself into a bruised orifice.

Her only rest came when she passed out, and she would wake up the same way she fell asleep, with some stranger raping her. Her stomach was literally full of cum, the only thing she had “eaten” in however long had this had been going on. Quite often, some man would force her to deep-throat him and he would trigger her gag reflex, causing her to vomit out the slurry of semen and stomach acid and further dirty the sticky bed. Her pussy and anus were in same state, two waterfalls of semen from the dozens of men that had ejaculated into her, and she was pretty sure they were both bleeding. Her jaw was killing her, her whole mouth sore beyond description.

At this point, her mind was just a blur. She didn’t remember her name, her past, or anything outside of this room. She no longer knew that they were supposed to be paying her for this. She didn’t know how long they had been using her. She only remembered seeing the sun fall, rise, and fall again. Xavier had never come back in that time. Her whole body hurt, and every time a man thrust into her, it felt like she was being penetrated with broken glass. Regardless, she was too exhausted and her mind was too burned out for her to cry.

Some man would approach the semen-drenched bed, pull her over, and on instinct, she would spread her legs so that he could force himself inside her and start thrusting. When someone stuck his cock in her face, she would start sucking it with the skill of an Amsterdam hooker. Sometimes it would be easy and she would only have to contend with one or two men at a time. Most of the time, though, they all ganged up on her and she would have to entertain them in groups like right now. When she became too disgusting, some man would toss her into the shower and hose her off like an animal, then drag her back to the bedroom and rape her.

How long had this been going on? How long would it continue?

“Ugh, what a mess.”

Xavier had entered the apartment, now empty, with Lily passed out on the bed. He stood over her, her small body caked with dry semen, making her look like a snake shedding its skin. Sighing in disgust, he snapped his fingers and she was bathed in flames, cleansing her body while her internal injuries were healed. The flames vanished and he checked her pulse. He was surprised to find her still alive. He was sure they had raped her to death. He also healed her brain, erasing the normally irreversible mental trauma. With her body and mind rejuvenated, she slowly woke up.

“Xavier? Is that you?”

“Hey honey, looks like you’ve been busy.”

“Yeah. I made a lot of money for us.”

“Good girl. Now do what some love?”

She gave a tired nod and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs. Xavier got undressed and got on top of her, fucking her with the same roughness as the dozens of men who had stood in that apartment before him.

Vacation had come to an end, and for Helena, it wasn’t nearly as bad as she had feared. Xavier had given her space, but when he did slither into her life, he was kind. He had talked her into going onto another two dates with him, they sparred three more times, and the worst he did was sneak into her bed a few times and finger her. To think that she had become so accustomed to being molested by the Antichrist…

What had originally been a traumatizing horror was now a mere annoyance. Considering everything else he had done to her, she knew to just pick her battles, let him have his way, and try not to have an orgasm. For some reason, the fact that he was the Antichrist seemed to make her less mad than she would have normally been. Were he a normal man doing this, she would have exploded in rage and beaten him to death, but since he wasn’t something that she would fight back against, she almost felt no need to be angry. When he touched her, she reacted with the same level of distress as if she had to walk in the rain. It was just a part of her life and she should just be glad it wasn’t worse.

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