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“Yes, I’m fine.”

“What happened here? What happened to the monster?”

She smiled and wiped away a tear. “He is gone, he was defeated. And now, it is the start of a new age.”

Five years later:

Wearing a pair of large sunglasses and hiding her long ruby hair with a sun hat, Helena ducked out of the back door of her apartment building in Vatican City. It was hard for her to go out these days, as her followers seemed to always be camped out in front of her building. Hoping to go at least one day without being recognized, she strolled through the streets of Rome with a smile on her face, admiring the beauty of the world around her. Things had certainly changed since that fateful day in Jerusalem, when Armageddon was decided. Helena had been revealed as the Second Coming, something that surprised her to this day. She had been hard at work since then, trying to bring peace to the world as she was born to.

She at last arrived at her favorite café, the same place she and Xavier used to come for coffee back during their school days. She ordered a cappuccino and sat down at an empty table in the shade of a parasol. Waiting for her beverage to be delivered, she watched the citizens of Rome go about their day in the street before her. As they had time and time again, her thoughts drifted back to the world Xavier had shone her, his fantasy of the future in which they ruled side by side. That vision had taken place at this time period, but things were different from that reality.

She was embarrassed of how little she had accomplished in these five years, compared to “Queen Helena”. Every day was a struggle to prove herself as the messiah and secure the faith and respect of the world. Even with her powers and the ability to perform miracles, people of other religions refused to accept her or her teachings and a lot of Christians were against the idea of the Second Coming being in the form of a woman. There had also been mistakes in the beginning, brought on by her youthful naivety, but there was still progress being made. Even if she had yet to bring about world peace, the number of her followers was growing daily and she had become a political beacon on the international stage. Slowly but surely, the world was changing, and she would spend the rest of eternity making sure it was for the better.

Her coffee was brought to her and she took a gluttonous drink, savoring the taste and the memories it brought back, memories of Xavier. The two lovers hadn’t had a lot of time to be together, but his leaving wasn’t something she could simply move on from. He had returned to Hell, but would he stay there forever? Every day she thought about him and wished he would return. She was lonely without him, and his wisdom and knowledge would certainly help her on her path to establishing world peace.

Looking down the street, she smiled. Thane and Daphne were walking down the street, pushing a stroller. They were both happy, their faces as bright as the rings on their fingers. How strange, that of all the people in the world, those two would end up finding each other? And of all things, it was the intrusion of Xavier into Rosewood University that had brought them together. Daphne had straightened her act after Xavier betrayed her and decided to give faith a chance. That was when she met Thane, a saint ordained by Helena herself, and now a world-famous demonologist and exorcist. The two of them together were proof of how the impossible had become reality in this new world.

Having finished her coffee, she was about to pay and leave, but felt a hand grasp her shoulder. A lightning bolt shot up her spine. ‘No, it can’t be…’

She looked up, seeing a smile she thought he would never see again.

“Hello, Helena.”


She jumped from her chair and tackled him, sobbing into his collar and soaking his shirt with tears of joy. He looked older than she remembered, at least as old as she was, and holding him, he felt so much different than before. He felt… hollow.

“Where have you been? How did you come back?”

“I was in Hell, making myself ready for the day I could return to you, even if it meant giving up everything else.”

It then hit her, the realization of this sensation. He wasn’t hollow. He was human. There was no longer any power in him.

“You… what did you do?”

“Five years, it took five years to completely strip the darkness away from my soul. It was the only way I could return to this world now basking in your divine light. The last spark of energy I had, I used to come back. I’m ready to spend my life you, my mortal life, not as the Antichrist, but as a man, a man who loves you.”

She looked at him and smiled with tears still rolling down her beautiful face. “Welcome home. I love you, my king.”

He smiled as well and began to kiss her. “I love you too, my queen.”

The End

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