Grief, Lust, and Consequences Ch. 02

An adult stories – Grief, Lust, and Consequences Ch. 02 by onemore84,onemore84 Note from the Author:

This is the follow-up and conclusion to the Grief, Lust, & Consequences story. If you haven’t yet, please read the first chapter as this one picks up directly where the first left off with no additional context. This story also features themes of consensual non-consent in the form of roleplay between characters as well as a reference to pee-play. So, if that’s a deal-breaker for you, you needn’t read on.

As I mentioned previously, this story proved to be very difficult for me to write, and I’m relieved that this idea is no longer begging to be let out from inside my mind. I certainly hope you enjoy the conclusion as much as I did writing it!



Katy lay there against her brother for many tense moments and continued to sob with abandon into his shoulder. Her unprocessed grief, her loneliness over the last six weeks without him, her anxiety over being pregnant, and her elation at finally being in his arms again all swirled into an uncontrollable emotional outpouring. Her body wretched and her tears flowed freely while she leaned hard into him. All her strength seemed to be drained from her body and poured out through her eyes in the form of tears.

Jeff was momentarily silent, and Katy was petrified with fear over his reaction. He had come back to her only to find that she was carrying his baby. It seemed to Katy that fate had conspired to assure that their reunion would be complicated at best, or abruptly halted at worst. Her heartbeat felt like a drum that drowned out all other sounds and threatened to break through her chest. Those moments of his silence felt like an eternity. But, Katy then felt his arms wrapping around her tightly, squeezing her and keeping her upright. Exhausted and drained, she melted into his embrace and continued sobbing, soaking his shirt with her tears and holding onto him for dear life. Her brother let her get it all out and stroked up and down her back in an effort to comfort her. The roiling uncertainty that had plagued her all day slowly began to melt away into the warmth of her brother’s embrace and Katy gradually allowed it to reach into her spirit and comfort her.

“Are you okay?” he whispered softly while still clutching her to him.

She nearly laughed through her tears at that question. “Of course I’m not okay! I lost my father, fell in love with my brother and am carrying his fucking incest baby as we speak!”

They both couldn’t help but stop and give a laugh at that ludicrous statement. Of course, ludicrous or not, that was the most accurate description of the situation in which Katy now found herself.

“I suppose you have a point there,” Jeff joked as Katy’s sobs began to settle.

He took a breath before continuing. “Forgive the stupid question. And Katy, please forgive me for being stupid in general. When you started talking about us being together, it scared the wits out of me.” He slipped his hands down her back and around her ribs and propped her up so they were eye to eye. “All I could hear in my head was all the times dad had said, ‘One day this family will be yours to take care of, so look after your sister.’ I thought that I had buggered it all up by starting physically with you and felt so guilty… Like I promised something that I could never live up to and let you down.”

Between sniffles, Katy tried to interject. “I know, I was so scared that you felt that way… I didn’t want to lose you and then I was sure that I did…”

He interrupted her statement and placed a soft, long kiss on her lips. Katy could taste the salt of her tears on his kiss but also felt the relief of being kissed by him after what felt like an eternity. Part of her consciousness couldn’t believe what was happening was real. She half expected to wake up from a dream and be without him still. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. They were glassy with emotion, focussed on her, and overflowing with affection. This had to be real… She teared up again and felt her lower lip start to quiver, but overcame the tremor and kissed him back and poured all her angst, fear, love, and relief into him through her lips. After a few moments of kissing she quickly realised that she couldn’t breathe through her nostrils from all the sobbing, and threw her arms back around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

Katy had finally gotten her desperate breaths under control and whispered in a strained voice into her brother’s shoulder, “Fuck… I’ve missed you so much!”

Jeff cinched his arms around her again and responded, “I’ve missed you too. I don’t want to have to miss you again, I’m here for anything and everything. As long as you want me here.”

Katy mustered the composure to sit upright on her own and wipe her eyes clear. “What about… her?’

“I’m not sure how or exactly how messy it’s going to get, but I don’t care anymore. Nothing feels right without you. I’ll be yours… I want to be yours.”

To call the day that Katy was having tumultuous would have been a gross understatement. She was still raw with conflicting emotions over what was unfolding before her eyes, but she still managed to smile at her brother upon hearing those words.

“I like the sound of that,” she said softly. “…You being mine.”

Jeff smiled back at her, still crouched on the floor in front of her.

“Let’s go sit down somewhere comfortable, yeah?” He stood and extended his hand to her and the pair got up and walked over toward the sofa and sat down.

For a good long while, Katy just lay on her side with her head against her brother’s chest. She took no small measure of comfort in having him with her of his own volition. She wrapped her arm around his torso as if she was afraid he would disappear if she let him go. Jeff responded by stroking up and down her back and running his fingers through her hair. The pair cuddled and enjoyed the silence and each other’s touch before Jeff reached and picked up the remote control.

“Friends?” he chirped, while pointing the remote at the television.

“Actually, I’ve moved on to Gilmore Girls,” Katy responded with a grin.

“Well Gilmore Girls it is then!” Jeff put the show on and the two melted away an hour of the afternoon.

The show picked up where Katy had left off and she started to relax and let her nerves quiet down from their ordeal. She loosened her frightfully tight grip around her brother and rested her hand against his chest. She smiled, feeling his heart beating into her hand. Without looking up she cracked her own oddly-timed joke to her brother.

“So do you really think we’re destined to be hermits out in the middle of nowhere?”

Jeff chuckled at Katy throwing his words back at him. “I should certainly hope not!” He slipped his arm around Katy before he went on. “I don’t think we need to have it all figured out today, but I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

Katy was becoming more relaxed as the time went on. But she had a nagging thought that she wanted to get out. Even at this moment she hesitated, knowing how the last time she spoke her mind, it had somewhat backfired.

“Jeff?” she started and then a long pause. “What if I decide I want to keep it?” Her tone was soft and unassuming, but still serious.

She looked up at him from where her head was perched on his shoulder to find him looking back at her.

“Of course whatever you want to do. It’s your choice and I’ll be here no matter what you decide.”

His answer was convincing and unwavering, but she could tell there was more. He had always been one to reign in his outward emotions, but Katy was perplexed that her question didn’t spark some discernible amount of panic in her brother.

She timidly responded, “You’re being awfully calm about this whole thing. Like, too calm.”

His cheeks started to blush as he responded, “Well, it seems that I’ve got a confession to make.”

Katy raised her eyebrows at his statement and turned her head up to look at him as he continued.

He took a breath before going on. “Being completely honest, I’ve wanted a family… much more so than she did… and let’s just say I’ve fantacised about the two of us in a situation a bit similar to this,” he drew a breath while her eyes remained fixed on him. “Though, of course a bit less dramatic.”

Katy sat straight up and looked at him in a way that showed both her interest and shock.

“Oh, fuck… you have?”

He sheepishly chuckled back at her. “Um… yes.”

He paused as if he was attempting to gauge her reaction before continuing, but Katy widened her hazel eyes silently begging for him to explain before breaking the silence.

“Go on… you can’t just leave it at that!” she said with equal parts surprise and curiosity.

“So that all started because the counselor suggested journaling about what I was thinking and wrestling over after dad… It actually helped a bit. And then, when my body started craving sex all the time, I started with the idea of writing dirty stories about the things I fancied… get it out of my system, you know? I wasn’t really allowed to explore very much of anything with… well… her” He paused again, Katy still looking at him intently. “I never thought I would tell you this, but the stories are basically about us… and in one of them you get pregnant.”

Katy took in this information with a mixture of surprise, shock, and a twinge of arousal. Her mind began to work to fill in the blanks of the starting of their taboo affair and this revelation from her brother.

“Oh my god! So at the cabin wasn’t the first time you thought about being with me?”

Jeff blushed deeply and partially covered his face before summoning the composure to reply. “No, not hardly. As a matter of fact, the way you were acting on the last evening I thought you had somehow snooped my phone and were teasing me trying to figure out how messed up I really was!”

Katy was surprised, but at the same time it all made sense. She had a growing curiosity at just how her brother featured her in the secret, depraved parts of his imagination before they even began to explore with each other. The thought that his taboo daydreams were all written down as some sort of record of how she was desired by her big brother sent a warm sensation through her body that she hadn’t felt in the time they had been apart. She let it all sink in briefly before pressing him with a question.

“So that day, when we walked the lake and you refused to tell me what you were wanking over…” she began to ask before Jeff cut her off.

“It was you,” he said glowing red in an embarrassed vulnerability.

Katy blushed outwardly and gushed inwardly at the revelation that her brother had been featuring her in his mind and at the confirmation that her wayward horny thoughts at the cabin were dead-on after all.

“Oh my god, I fucking knew it! Somehow I just knew it!” she gave him a jab in the arm before turning red in the face again. “While we’re on about confessions, I may have gotten myself off listening to you that time.”

Jeff laughed at her timid admittance and replied, “Yeah, looking back at everything, I guess that’s not really a surprise for either of us!”

Katy paused, her curiosity over this secret trove of dirty stories now blossoming in her mind, coughed nervously, then shot her big eyes up at her brother and asked him a question.

“Um… can I see one? One of your stories I mean?”

“You can if you want,” he stopped for a moment as if thinking. “But they’re a bit dirty, and with the day you’ve had… only if you’re sure.” His eyes were cautious, much like their father’s famous “look”.

Katy cracked half a grin and met his cautionary gaze. “I think the ship sailed on dirty a long time ago! Besides, I think a dirty distraction may very well be in order… Now, come on! Let me see!”

Jeff grinned and pulled his phone from his pocket and navigated to a hidden folder and handed it to her.

“No making fun!” he quipped at her as she took the phone from his hand.

Katy settled herself into the sofa laying back against her brother’s chest and drew up her legging-clad lower limbs and leaned her knees against his leg. She scrolled up and down and found there to be about a dozen files of his secret stories. She smirked in a sense of self-congratulations and at the heat of the thought that Jeff had been pining for her even longer than she had for him. With what she had learned about his kinks and creativity since the cabin, Katy could almost picture him in her mind typing away the stories, getting hard as the lurid ideas popped into his head. Of all the things that Jeff inherited from their father, his creative streak was one thing that certainly came from their estranged mother.

“Which one is the story where you knock me up?” she practically whispered.

Jeff’s finger reached across the screen and tapped open the appropriate file. The television show in the background and everything else around her dimmed to a murmur in her senses as she started to read.

The base premise of the tale was a brother and sister who’s curiosity gradually got the better of them and they started experimenting with each other in secret. After a little build-up, they caved in to fucking each other, sneaking around and enjoying the taboo thrill to its utmost. Each tryst between the two became more intense and risky. Much like the two actual siblings, the characters had a mix of both dirty and endearing encounters.

She read how her brother described the girl in the story and how painstakingly obvious it was that he was describing Katy herself. The way he described her features, the clothes she wore, even the phrases that the character said were blatant hints that his own sister was foremost in his mind. The words he used to describe how her curves made him “hungry for something he knew he shouldn’t have,” made her fidget in her seat and turned on the faucet of arousal between her legs. It was obvious that both Jeff and the brother in the story craved his sister very deeply and struggled over the undeniably powerful, but morally questionable nature of their respective longing. Katy herself moaned out loud reading about the brother describing his reaction to seeing his sister as something that “took his breath away and made him want to tie her up and ravage her all at the same time”.

After some more reading, she arrived at the point in the narrative that seemed to be building up to the moment of conception. In the story, the brother sneaked into bed with his sister late at night and had her from behind in much the same way that their own first experience played out. She read the way he detailed both the sensations and emotions and it struck a chord to how she felt when she was with Jeff. Katy felt warmth start to flow through her veins. She felt the crotch of her leggings begin to dampen while the scene played itself out in her mind. The story went on to describe how the brother keeps at his sister while pregnant, and confesses that he is insanely aroused by his sister’s body as she begins to show her bump.

There was still some remaining to read, but Katy reached over and grabbed her brother’s arm and brought it across her waist. She nestled her back into his chest and guided his hand inside the waistband of her leggings and toward the sopping wetness that was hiding beneath them. He moaned over her shoulder as Katy pushed his fingers to where she wanted them.

She paused to whisper out, “Start slowly… still reading.”

She practically purred while feeling Jeff’s fingers between her legs. She shifted her hips and felt her wetness seeping out steadily in response to his touch.

“Did you write this before or after that night?” She asked, still looking at his phone.

“Before, if you can believe it.” He paused and focussed his attention between Katy’s legs before finishing his thought. “That’s partly why I found the whole situation irresistible, sneaking back into the sleeping bag with you, having you like that…” his voice trailed off as Katy let slip a sultry moan.

Katy read on how her brother continued to describe the pregnant sister in the story with an unabashed sense of pure lust and uncontrollable desire. She arrived at a scene in which the brother had his expecting sister bent over the table, breasts against the top, with her pregnant belly swaying with each thrust he gave her. She couldn’t help but picture herself in the coming months with Jeff behind her doing the same.

Katy kept her eyes on the phone but grabbed Jeff’s arm. “Faster…” she cooed.

Her brother complied, and slipped his finger down Katy’s slit and gently probed her hole then bringing it up between her slick lips to rest just at her hood.

“Does this turn you on?” Katy began. “Fingering your pregnant sister while she reads the dirty story you wrote about knocking her up?”

Jeff’s other hand came up around her and groped her breast through her sweater.

“Fuck.. Katy… you have no idea” he breathed out in a low tone.

Katy dropped the phone and leaned her head back onto her brother’s shoulder while his fingers continued their dance between her legs. Her breaths were becoming punctuated and she reached over blindly and desperately and grabbed his cock through his trousers.

“Mmmppf… fuck!” she exclaimed. “Are you going to have me like that? like in your story?”

Jeff groaned when she gripped him, his fingers slipping in circles over her button before beginning to press down. “You’re going to have to pry me off of you…”

Before he was finished speaking Katy thrashed and spasmed against his body. She held her breath for several palpable moments before releasing a series of desperate, gasping exhales. She trembled in ecstasy and grabbed Jeff’s wrist to pull his hand from between her legs and brought his dripping fingers to her mouth.

After catching her breath and regaining her composure, she leaned her head back to the center of his chest. “God this is fucked up,” she laughed as she paused. “But I think I just might enjoy it!”

Her brother cracked a grin but the look in his eyes belied his intent to deal with his own arousal over what had just transpired between them. He leaned over Katy using his body to leverage her onto her back on the seat of the sofa. While he laid her down he lifted off the sweater she was wearing and tossed it aside. Katy saw the look in his eyes, much the same as the night in the cabin and during their meetups since. A shimmering, but dark look of desire filled them.

Katy felt her body reacting to her brother’s sexual presence and again felt the surge of arousal flow through her. She grinned as an idea crept into her mind that would add an extra level of naughtiness to their already forbidden union.

“Sir…” she faux pouted and stuck out her lower lip. “You can’t! I’m carrying my partner’s baby!”

Her brother gripped the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down her hips and off her legs, stopping to sample the bouquet and taste of the wet spot she had left on them.

“You seem to be quite wet for a devoted future mother,” he practically growled at her.

Katy audibly gasped. She had learned to discern when she had her brother completely aroused. His natural soft demeanor and loving voice transformed into something else, something darker and it never failed to excite her. She tried to suppress an ear-to-ear grin that her brother had picked up on her idea seamlessly and was relieved that their imaginations and desires seemed to remain in a dirty lockstep with each other.

She placed his hands on his chest and gave him a push, “You don’t understand, please don’t do this!”

Katy knew that this consensual non-consent play would drive her brother wild. She struggled to remain in character and kept her giddy grin at bay.

Jeff took the leggings and wrapped them around her wrists before cinching them into a knot. He held her arms above her head and over the arm of the sofa while he gently, but firmly nibbled at the soft skin where her neck and shoulder met. Shivers shot up and down Katy’s spine as he breathed words against her skin just under her ear.

“Pregnant or not, you’re still getting fucked like a dirty slut.”

Katy raised her legs up and kicked in a bicycle motion around her brother’s body to add a sense of physical urgency. She could feel his hands down at both their waists feverishly freeing himself from his trousers while using his upper body to keep her pinned to the sofa. Soon enough she felt the familiar and welcome sensation of his tip against her wet lips and heard his guttural groan that always accompanied their intimate contact. She nearly broke character over the elation of having him inside her for the first time in over six weeks, but gave one last verbal line.

“Oh god! Please don’t!”

The feekong of her brother’s cock sinking into her rippled powerfully throughout her body and mind alike. She let out a desperate gasp into his shoulder and her legs stopped their feign resistance and encircled his hips. Jeff let out a series of unintelligible grunts and groans as he sank his curved member deeper into his sister. Katy’s own cries of pleasure rose in volume until she felt his large hand cover her mouth. Their eyes locked, both pairs gleaming and desperate. She loved being so vulnerable with him, knowing she could trust him to satisfy her urges and be completely uninhibited, but also be cared for. It was these moments that reminded Katy how perfectly they complimented each other, even though their situation was fraught with complications.

Her brother kept eye contact and left his hand clamped over her mouth as he lifted up his torso and started to thrust into her with vigor. He gathered her legs in his arms and folded them back so her knees were against her chest. The sound of his hips slapping her backside echoed sharp off the walls and wood flooring. Whether in character or not, Katy herself could not tell, but she dug her fingernails into the skin at the base of his neck under his shirt and scratched him. It did nothing to stop his rhythm or ferocity. His hand now removed from her mouth and holding her leg, Katy bellowed in intense pleasure.

“Oh fuck!…. God yes! Nnnnggg…”

Jeff had broken character by this point as well and shouted back at her between gasping breaths, “Fucking hell, Katy! I need to fill your pregnant cunt!”

Katy could feel him deep up against her cervix at the end of his thrusts and could hardly form words. Her body was acting on its own accord and she had little control. But she managed to respond to him after a few moans through gritted teeth.

“Fuck yes! Fill your dirty sister! Please!”

Her brother pushed her legs apart and reached up and laid hold of her bound wrists above her head with both his hands. His body lay across her torso and they were face to face. His weight pushed the air out of her lungs and she could feel the warm breath of his groans against her face. Her legs trembled and she clamped down on him while her body welcomed his cum back inside her. His jaw clenched tightly while she felt him pulsing and pitching in her clutches. He trembled and tremored against her for several moments before gathering his bearings and lifting his chest off hers.

Katy took the opportunity and sucked fresh air into her lungs, panting while her body started to release underneath her brother. Her eyes still wide and pupils dilated, she looked up at her brother who was giving her an exhausted but very satisfied grin.

“What’s so funny?” she breathed out, bringing her bound hands over her head and down to her chest between them.

Jeff, still bracing himself up by his arms chuckled between breaths. “Nothing at all, was just thinking how much I’ve missed this, and you.”

With that he leaned in and lip locked her passionately, before whispering to her between kisses, “Love you.”

Katy blushed underneath him and smiled. “Love you back, big brother.” She held up her hands which were still tied by her leggings. “Now can you let me out of this?”

Jeff laughed and gathered himself before untying her and then the pair sat and cuddled on the sofa. Both of them incredibly happy to be with each other, though both knowing they had some difficult decisions to make as a consequence.

Jeff’s phone started buzzing on the floor where it had fallen when Katy dropped it and shot a reminder of the first of the difficulties ahead. They both looked down and saw Bethany’s name across the screen.

After a moment of tense silence, Katy spoke up first. “I know what you said earlier, and you know how badly I want you, but don’t feel like you have to blow up things with… her… just because of me.” She surprised even herself as the words left her lips. Even in the afterglow of ecstasy, she still felt a tinge of guilt over the ordeal that was before her and her brother.

Jeff silenced his phone and took her hand in his. “The fact is that my marriage was already blown up when we started. Don’t feel like you’re doing this at all. All I know is how it felt to not have you and I’m not doing that again. I need to start to take care of this now.”

Katy tried not to smile in the face of what her brother was about to endure, but could not help but feel the elation of a lover’s triumph.

“What are you going to tell her?”

Jeff leaned back on the sofa and took a breath. “Pretty much just what I said… minus the bits about you, of course. It’s not working, and not getting any better.” He gave a mischievous grin before concluding, “Will probably leave out you being pregnant as well.”

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” Katy replied, mirroring his grin before going on in a more somber tone. “Do you think she suspects anything?”

Jeff looked at her with one eyebrow raised and gave a half laugh. “If you mean does she expect that I’m fucking my sister then I think not. But I don’t think she’ll be altogether surprised at what I’m going to say either. Things haven’t been good for some time and definitely soured even more after… well after dad and all.”

“I’d offer to go with you for support but I’d probably end up strangling her,” Katy offered while not being able to suppress a slightly evil grin at the thought.

“As fun as that might be to see, I think that’s probably for the best.” Her brother’s reply brought a chuckle out of them both. He stood up and gathered his clothes and looked back down into Katy’s eyes. “Let me go ahead and take care of this. I’ve put this off enough. I’ll be back in a bit and bring some dinner for us.”

Katy jumped up from the sofa, still naked, and hugged her brother tightly and whispered, “Good luck! And come back to me soon.” into his chest.

This time, as the door shut behind him, Katy couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. Even in the midst of all the insanity of her being impregnated by her brother and the impending upheaval in both their lives, she felt optimistic. She felt as if having him was all she needed to overcome any challenge. She tried to temper her optimism and remind herself that no matter how happy she was to finally have her brother’s exclusive affection, that there were still some very trying times ahead. But nothing could dampen her celebratory spirit at that moment.

She bounded down the hall and into the bathroom before starting the shower. This time there were no hot tears of anguish mixing with the streams of water as they cascaded down her curvy body. She briefly allowed her imagination to roam as she soaped herself. Where they might live, how their lives together might be after they became a “proper couple”, and how their little family might get on. She had no doubts that her brother would be a kind and caring father seeing how he tended to the people in his life.

After her brief daydream, she reminded herself that things needed tending to in the near future. If she was going to keep the baby, she would need to schedule some appointments. Eventually, she would need to shop for new clothes once she started to show… that thought pricked a whole line of questions that Katy had not yet had the time to digest. Keeping her pregnancy a secret would not present a problem for a short while but would eventually be plainly obvious. What would she tell people? She supposed she could claim it to be the result of an indiscriminate one-night stand and she wasn’t sure who the father was. As cliche and shameful as that sounded, it seemed a better alternative to telling people that she was carrying her brother’s baby.

Katy shut off the shower, toweled herself off and walked into her room to put on some clean clothes. Still, within her mind she ran through all the scenarios of how best to explain what was happening. She wondered if her untimely pregnancy and the ruin of her brother’s marriage coinciding would raise any eyebrows, but then again all be explained by both of them having lost their father and hunkering down in the family home during their respective mishaps. Perhaps that explanation would be good enough for them to get by even after the baby was born. But Katy knew that if anyone were to levy any undue, or due accusations at the pair of them, it would be Bethany.

That thought brought her mind back to what her brother was doing at that very moment. Even if Bethany never guessed at what exactly was going on, Katy knew she already disliked her and was jealous of the affection and attention that her brother showed her before the affair even started. She knew that Bethany was likely to react poorly, even if she couldn’t seem to be bothered with her husband most of the time. Katy began to worry about the extent of her reaction as she dressed herself. She checked her phone to see if Jeff had left any messages, but there were none.

“Calm down Katy,” she said to herself. “It’s only been an hour, everything will be fine.”

Another two hours ticked by and Katy was beginning to get hungry. But the worry in her spirit was outpacing her hunger. She tried watching more episodes of her shows to pass the time, but was in a constant state of distraction. She nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone buzzed with text notification from her brother.

Headed out now, picking up some food in a min.

She tapped out a response, a mixture of nerves and relief after finally hearing from him.

Hope you’re okay! See you soon! xx

The sun had long since gone down by the time she heard her brother’s truck pulling into the drive. She jumped up and looked out the window to see the back of the vehicle loaded with some of his belongings and the shadow of her brother’s figure walking toward the door against the street lamps. He had takeout in one hand and luggage in the other. She quickly walked over and opened the door before he reached it. She looked him over as he stepped into the light. That familiar look of excitement and love flashed across his face as he saw her, but she could also see the stress in his eyes.

“So…” she began as he stepped through the door, “Dare I ask how that went?”

He chuckled a bit before answering. “Yeah, about that… it didn’t go well, though I suppose it could have gone much worse.”

He dropped his luggage just inside the doorway and held up the Thai takeout. “Let’s talk while we eat! I’m sure you’re hungry by now!”

They both made a line to the kitchen and sat at the table and devoured their meal at the late hour. Jeff stood as they finished and gathered all the rubbish for them both and carried it to the bin. Katy whirled around in her chair and caught his attention.

“I know you’re probably used to it, but you don’t have to be the one who cleans up every single time for everything anymore. I’m not like her!” She tried to sound as reassuring and supportive as she could muster while still being perturbed that her brother had been left with more than his share of chores for so long.

“Ah.. yeah..” he started. “I guess I am a bit used to it, but I really don’t mind especially if I know someone appreciates it.” He walked over to the refrigerator to pull out a cold sparkling water before looking back at her and adding, “Regardless, I’m sure we can work something out for you to show your appreciation.”

They both laughed at the notion and her brother brought back a Fanta for her and sat back down at the table. And gave a long and exhausted sigh.

Katy’s brow furrowed. “And how poorly was it?”

“Well she’s obviously pissed for a start. Accused me of being a heartless bastard and then started crying and throwing things at me.” He paused before continuing. “I suppose she’s not wrong, from her point of view. I didn’t say anything about there being anyone else, but I think that she’s sure there is.”

“Well, I suppose she’s not wrong about that either.” Katy reached across the table and took his hand. She couldn’t help but slightly grin while saying it, but did her best not to gloat.

“Yeah, she’s not,” Jeff chuckled again. “She didn’t beg me to stay or anything like that. After most of the screaming was finished, she said she would be off to her parents’, but I told her there was no rush as I was planning to stay at dad’s house with you… she obviously didn’t like that at all. Went on about how I care more for you than for her and that’s why we didn’t work out.” He paused again while sipping his water.

“Do you think she’s onto anything?” Katy asked reservedly.

“I don’t think she suspects what’s actually been going on. But she did scream at me that I’ve always been more fond of you than her.” He stopped for a moment and exhaled.

Katy interjected again, “So what’s she doing now?”

Jeff shrugged his shoulders. “I guess she’ll probably move back to the coast with her family. Her job is remote and she seemed pretty set on leaving when I told her it was over. Though I don’t doubt by now she’s taking to social media saying ‘what a trying time’ she’s having and all that and making sure people rally around her.”

Both Katy and her brother physically showed the twinge of guilt. For Katy, the guilt was still outweighed by the elation that she would end up with her brother in her life in the way she wanted. Even as her eyes went to the floor in a bit of shame, her mind still raced with all that could be in store for them.

“I didn’t let on that you were pregnant. I’m hoping she clears out before it’s more… um… obvious.”

They both cracked a smile and laughed at that statement in the way that they usually did over her brother’s ill-timed jokes that he used to try and alleviate tense situations. Katy knew that they probably hadn’t heard the last form Bethany by any means, and there were still more challenges to come, but was also thrilled to have her brother spending his first proper night together with her.

“We don’t have to talk about it anymore right now,” she started rubbing his shoulder. “Want to come to bed with me?” she flashed her eyes at him.

“I think I could manage that!”

The two walked down the hallway toward Katy’s room but stopped short when they reached her door. Jeff looked at her as if to say “are you serious” when he saw her twin bed that was supposed to fit both her and his tall frame. His old bedroom had long since been converted into a study and no longer featured a bed.

“Oh, come off it!” she laughed and playfully slapped his elbow. “We’ll just have to cuddle really close!”

“I suppose the only other option would be dad’s bed, and I don’t think I want to go in there just yet,” her brother said while starting to remove his shoes.

“I mean, it’s not weirder than knocking up your own sister!” Katy said with a grin. “But I agree, I was in there a bit ago packing his clothes and it’s still really hard just being in there.

Katy watched Jeff strip off his shirt before climbing into bed and saw the obvious marks of where he had been hit repeatedly across the back, no doubt by his furious wife. She reached up gently and rubbed up his back before quipping at him.

“I guess you did earn these, but she’s still a bitch in my book!”

Jeff chuckled again while climbing into the bed. “I suppose I did after all. Now are you coming in or not?”

Katy laughed and climbed into the small bed and scooted back, spooning with her brother. She pulled his arm around her torso and tucked it under hers. She craned her neck around to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

“I like the marks I put on you better anyway,” she whispered out. After a thoughtful moment she turned her head toward her brother and continued. “I never thought I would feel this way… what I mean is that if anyone else had knocked me up right now, I would certainly not keep it. But there’s just something, because it’s yours… ours… I think I want to keep it.”

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly in the cramped quarters of the twin bed. “And I’ll be here every step of the way!”

Katy craned her neck and planted a kiss on his lips. “Good night, big brother.”

He released his embrace, ran his fingers through her hair and replied, “Good night, beautiful.”

In the midst of all the intense taboo and marital drama, she felt secure in his arms just as she had in front of the fire at the cabin. The less than ideal sleeping arrangements aside, she drifted off into a much more peaceful sleep than she had in quite a while.

Several weeks passed and the siblings were still secure in their secret. They were eventually able to confirm that Bethany moved out of the flat that she shared with Jeff, but still attempted to contact him occasionally. The nature of her attempts at contacting him were erratic and unpredictable. Sometimes she was timid and apologetic, but at the drop of a hat would fly into a blind rage. She was still convinced that she lost Jeff to an affair partner, but so far the true nature of the situation remained hidden.

The pair of siblings drove over to the vacated flat to pick up the remaining of Jeff’s belongings before the landlord was to prepare it for new tenants. Katy thought it odd to see it mostly empty after so long. She remembered being a teen girl and helping her brother move his things in along with their father. Even against the backdrop of her disgust for Bethany, the memory of the three family members bringing in her brother’s things was still a poignant one. It was getting late in the evening as they were nearly finished boxing up all the last of the remaining things. Katy had thought that Bethany had been a bit presumptuous in what all she had taken with her, but her brother didn’t seem to be bothered with it at all.

“She’s even taken the furniture, and the dishes!” Katy said in an irritated tone. “She’s basically left you books, a couple tables, and whatever she decided she didn’t want to haul back with her!”

Her brother looked in her direction and said in a light-hearted tone, “She can have them, I’ve got everything I need over at dad’s”

Katy stopped sealing the box in her hands to give her brother a look as if to say “are you serious”, but stopped short when she saw the way he was looking at her. Not just looking at her, but looking her over, taking her in. It gave her a flutter when she put together that he was talking about her, not the furniture and the dishes. She settled her demeanor and flashed her eyes at him in appreciation.

With the last of the boxes loaded into her brother’s truck, they left the flat for the last time just as the sun disappeared beyond the western horizon. Katy sat in the passenger seat and looked over her brother just as he had back in the flat. His eyes reflected the light of the streetlamps, his forearm extended toward the shifter, his jawline almost hidden in the dark shadows of his short beard. She reached across the console and rested her hand on his arm.

“I’ve got everything I need at dad’s too, you know,” she said softly. “At least I do now.”

Her brother looked over at her. That partial smile, the shimmering of his brown eyes as they met her own. Her love for him was smouldering in that moment and forming into a desperate need. When Jeff’s eyes returned to the road before them, hers darted between his legs. She slipped her hand across the console and dipped it between his legs and rubbed along his cock through his trousers.

“Now that I have this, I’ve got everything I need,” she followed in a smoky and teasing tone.

Jeff groaned and Katy began to delicately and expertly unfasten his belt and work open his trousers and zipper. By the time her hands came to his skin, he was already rigid. She grasped him and licked her lips while she drank in the sight of him. Even in the passing light of the streetlamps, she fawned at his flared ridge and curved shaft. She wriggled her body between the console and his left arm and gently teased him with her warm breath on his member.

“I bet she never did this,” she whispered with a smirk before running her tongue along his frenulum.

“Oh god…” he stammered out. “You’re um… right about that.”

Katy giggled at the way her brother was trying to remain composed, but she wasn’t about to stop. She spit on the top of his shaft before running her hand along his length, making him slick. She could feel his lower body twitch and adjust position in response to her stimulation. After she had sufficient fun teasing him, she leaned a bit farther and locked her lips around him below his ridge and ran the tip of her tongue under the mushroom of his head.

“Fuck… fucking hell…” was all he could get out.

She began to bob up and down on him. She giggled again with him in her mouth when he missed a gear, but she kept going. She moaned in hungry approval until his head was poking at the back of her throat. Her lips made the slurping sound of suction each time she slid them up his rod.

She felt the car slowing and his arm over her back clumsily downshifting until they drifted into a lay-by. When the car finally came to a stop, she pushed her face down on him hard until his head was in the clutches of her throat. Her gagging was not entirely for show, but she purposefully made it louder and messier in the heat of the moment. Katy moaned out in a surprised delight when she felt the large hand of her brother come down urgently on the back of her head and hold her face against him. Her throat convulsed on him and she could feel him throb and pulse inside her oral cavity. The corners of her mouth were oozing with her own saliva.

Jeff gripped her hair and firmly pulled her face from him. She gasped and retched when she sucked in the night air. His other hand yanked up her top and desperately pulled the cups of her bra until her breasts were exposed. She raised a hand to tweak her erect nipple but her brother flexed his body until his slick cock was at her cleavage. Katy brought her other hand to her opposite breast and pushed them together to squeeze him.

“She never let me do this either,” he growled.

Katy grinned, his voice had changed again. She had pushed him until he had to have her. His cock gliding in the crevice of her cleavage made its own wet sounds. She moaned at him, spit still dripping from her chin.

“Fuck your sister’s tits, big brother. Tit fuck your pregnant sister!”

Her brother groaned and grabbed her by her slippery jaw and forced her eyes toward his. In the darkness they gleamed like black pearls at her. Fierce and desperate in their need. His jaw was clenched and he let out a guttural groan while his hips started to shake. Katy felt the first jet of cum shoot up her neck and under her chin. She promptly freed herself and leaned forward and took him into her mouth again. Jeff called out loudly as her mouth made contact with him and pumped more streams between her lips. Katy started to gag at the force of which he was filling her mouth. In her previous encounters with prior boyfriends and university hookups, she could never bring herself to swallow. But now, as her own brother was pumping his load into her mouth, she instinctively drank it down as fast as she could until the last spurt overflowed her lips and began to drip down her chin.

Jeff was a trembling mess of moans and twitching when she finally popped off him and raised her hand to wipe her chin. Her hazel eyes gleamed at him and she nearly yelped when he pulled her in and kissed her voraciously. The two remained in liplock for several heated moments, moaning into each other until her brother abruptly stopped.

“Fuck…” he gasped out.

Katy looked up and then turned her head around to see a couple a bit older than both her and her brother standing outside the car. The woman looked aghast and began to try and pull her partner away. The partner hesitated for a moment, still taking in the eyefull of them as the siblings froze in place. Katy couldn’t help but burst out into laughter before pulling her top back over her cummy breasts. Jeff didn’t even bother to cinch up his trousers before laughing along with her and putting the truck back into gear and pulling away.

“Oh, you’re going to get it when we get home!” he quipped at her with a laughing smile.

“Promise?” she cooed back at him, leaning against the door and playfully rubbing herself between her legs.

Katy continued to tease him until they were finally pulling into the drive back at their father’s house. She laughed as Jeff nearly forgot to pull up his trousers before exiting the truck. She walked around the the back and started to retrieve one of the packed boxes, but got a stern scolding from her brother.

“Don’t even think about it! There’s something we need to do first!” he playfully barked at her.

Katy walked up the sidewalk past him as he held the front door open for her. She barely had the time to get into the living room before he was already on her from behind and yanking her trousers down over her hips.

“I told you that you were going to get it when we got home!” he breathed just behind her ear.

Katy gasped as he pushed her forward so she was bent over the arm of the sofa. Her trousers and panties were still around her calves keeping her from taking any steps. Her brother leaned over the back of her body and she felt his fingers slipping between her thighs and up to her smooth, wet lips.

“You liked having your brother fuck your tits while being watched didn’t you?” he said in his dark and desperate tone.

Katy could only groan in response. Her face was against the seat of the sofa and her brother’s fingers were parting her lips and starting to probe inside her. Immediately after she let out her groan, she felt the sharp stinging of his other hand flat against her ass while he repeated his question.

“Didn’t you? Slutty little sister…”

Katy snapped out of her horny stupor and gasped out, “Mmmmm Yes!”

Another smack landed across her rump causing her to clench on her brother’s fingers and another long moan escaped her lips into the sofa seat. Her hips shuddered and quaked when his fingers found her g-spot and she ground her clit into the arm of the sofa. She raised herself up on her toes and every muscle in her body went dystonic.

“Cum like the dirty slutty sister you are, Katy!” he barked out the order to her.

With that she cried out desperately and struggled to keep herself from hyperventilating while her body shook with intense pleasure. She got dizzy and didn’t even realise that she slumped off the couch onto the floor below until she opened her eyes and saw the ceiling above her. The next thing she felt was the heat of her brother’s mouth kissing up her stomach toward her breasts. Each touch of his lips on her skin sent shockwaves of post-orgasmic sensations through her body and she gasped out each time. He shed his trousers as he crawled above her, his lips reaching over her breasts, drawing in her nipples before moving up to her neck. Katy was still unable to verbally respond and just whimpered out a series of sounds. She felt the stubble of his beard against her neck, moving just under her ear.

“No roles, no bullshit.. I just want you. I just need my little sister right now more than anything.”

His voice was somewhere in the limbo of his usual soft tone and the dark and desperate one. This was somewhat of a new sensation for Katy. The equal parts desperate and loving desire being poured out on her seemed to lift her arms all by itself and wrap them around her brother. She gasped out in a matched level of desire when she felt him part her lips and slip into her wet and eager grip. Her legs followed suit with her arms and wrapped around Jeff’s waist. His own grunting and groans in her ear seemed like sounds under water as her body seamlessly joined with his there on the floor. The experience was like nothing quite before it, whether by virtue of her constant state of arousal from the ride home, or just leaning wholly into the taboo, but loving situation she found herself. Time seemed to have no meaning. Sounds seemed to have no effect on her senses. When her brother finally erupted inside her, her body drank it in like it was made to do no other thing. They both remained locked together, each in a daze until the sound of their respective heavy breathing began to once again register in Katy’s ears.

“Fuck… Jeff…” she whimpered out, still holding him tightly as a tear of ecstasy crept out from the corner of her eye.

Her brother didn’t verbally respond but clutch her to him tightly. Their heavy breaths heaved into each other’s chest. Katy’s arms slipped up and down his back, across his shoulders, and through his hair. Involuntary moans escaped them both at the end of each heavy breath until they finally relaxed and held each other on the floor.

Her brother finally released her from his grip and placed his hands Katy’s cheeks kissing her gently, but passionately. When their lips parted, their eyes locked on each other before her brother spoke.

“I think the boxes will keep for tonight. Let’s shower and go to bed!”

The pair got up and shed their remaining clothing before getting into the shower. After soaping off the sweat and cum, Katy just held her brother under the water for a good while. All her energy nearly spent, she leaned into him never more certain that she was where she wanted to be with whom she wanted to be with.

As the following weeks came and went, Jeff and Katy discussed further about how things could play out best for them. They talked about the possibility of selling their family home and using the proceeds to start a new life somewhere where they wouldn’t have to constantly hide the nature of their relationship and raise their baby in a proper little family. As much as the idea appealed to them in certain ways, the prospect of leaving the home where their father raised them both weighed heavily on them. Each of those conversations and their various tones always ended the same, the important thing was that they were together.

True to his word in the story, Jeff’s appetite for Katy only grew as her pregnancy progressed. He admitted to Katy that he always found pregnancy sexy in some twist of taboo desire. Bethany had not wanted children, so he was excited to be experiencing Katy’s body in a way that otherwise he may have never experienced. Lest Katy think she was merely a sexual object to her perverted brother, she also enjoyed his constant willingness to support her emotionally and take care of things around the house. Some of those traits she had seen in her brother already, but now she was the sole recipient of her brother’s full capacity for lust, love, and care. The experience only finally cemented the notion she held previously that Bethany was treated far better than she was treating her brother in return.

To the outside world, the two were just coming together in a familiar place during a tumultuous time in their lives. In that way, Katy was free to have her brother run her to appointments. The two continued to have dinner and have their outings much like they had previously. It was the closest they could get to being a ‘proper couple” until they had finally sorted things out. Jeff had lost a few friends amidst the divorce proceedings with Bethany, and took the brunt of the blame, but he never let on to Katy that it bothered him in the slightest. On the contrary, Katy melted at the longing and loving look he gave her each time he returned home from work or an errand. He always looked at her like he was falling for her all over again and Katy relished in how it made her feel desired and special.

The long days of summer were beginning to show themselves in their part of the country. Katy herself was likewise beginning to show. Now that her pregnancy was visually undeniable, she found herself in a similar situation as her brother in that some of her friends seemed to evaporate into thin air. She realised that she was quite young to be an expecting mother, regardless of who the father was, and that carrying a baby may not be the definition of a good time for people in her peer group who were of university age. But nonetheless she found it disappointing.

One midsummer morning, Katy rose up from the queen sized bed that her brother had talked her into cramming into her bedroom and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Out the small window she could see that a car was parked along the street in front of the house. She pulled the blinds aside and confirmed that it was Bethany’s white crossover and that she must be trying to have a nose.

As irritating as Katy found it that her brother’s estranged wife was lurking outside the house, she paid it little heed as there wasn’t much Bethany could do. Bethany and Jeff really had no assets to fight over, and even if she could prove infidelity, it wouldn’t make her cause more lucrative, or visit any hardship on Jeff that he wasn’t already dealing with.

Katy walked back into the bedroom just as her brother yawned and stretched his long arms out from under the blankets.

“Morning sexy!” Katy leaned down and whispered into his ear and gave him a kiss. “Not every day that I rise before you! Tire you out last night?”

Her brother chuckled as she walked over to the closet and picked out some clothes for the day before addressing the wolf at the door

“Just so you know, I’m not the only one awake before you today. The bitch is parked out front,” she relayed in an annoyed tone.

Jeff sat up in bed. “Seriously? For fuck’s sake, she never used to get up this early!”

Katy pulled her top over her head and down her torso and spoke through her shirt.

“Maybe she’s waiting to catch an eyeful of her ex fucking his little sister?”

When her head popped through the top she caught her brother looking at her with a sly grin

“Hard to tell if that’s crossed her mind,” Jeff began, “but fuck do I like watching you get dressed! Almost as much as I like watching you undress!”

Katy smiled and blushed. Her brother always seemed to know the sweet, dirty, or corny thing to say to make her blush without fail.

“You’re so hopeless!” she quipped back at him while sticking out her tongue.

Jeff laughed in reply. “If you don’t stop doing such cute things, I’ll definitely be late!”

Katy walked down the hallway toward the kitchen while calling back to him. “I was only getting dressed, you sop! You had better get a move on!”

Jeff finally got up and dressed and met Katy in the kitchen.

Katy pointed at him and began to speak, “Don’t forget, I’ve got a checkup at five this afternoon and you better be there or I’ll tell this baby that its father was a sperm donor!”

Jeff laughed and gave her a quick kiss before heading out. “I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss it!”

Katy was relieved as he opened the front door that Bethany was no longer outside waiting to make a scene.

The day melted away and soon enough Katy was at her appointment but dismayed to find her brother had not arrived by the time for her to be seen. She tried to text him a couple times and even rang him but there was no answer before she was called back for the checkup. As she left the office, there was still no response from Jeff.

Katy began to be a bit worried over her brother’s missing status but drove home from the appointment thinking that perhaps he forgot and would be waiting for her at the house. But upon arriving home to an empty driveway, the beginning of panic started to set in. She pulled out her phone to check for any new texts but only found more radio silence.

Two hours ticked by and still no word from her brother. She tried to keep herself occupied to quiet the angry and worried feelings, but was only somewhat successful. It wasn’t until she had sat down to eat dinner that the phone finally started buzzing. Katy looked at the screen but it was a call from her nurse friend Emily. Emily was a friend from her school days who was a few years ahead of Katy herself, and knew both she and her brother. Katy let it ring out to voicemail and continued eating. When she received an immediate follow up call, she sighed and set down her fork and answered the phone.

“Hey Em… what’s up?”

“Katy! Oh thank god you answered!” Emily sounded distressed while trying to remain calm.

‘What is it? Everything alright?” Katy asked, perplexed.

“Katy, I don’t want to alarm you, ” Emily paused before continuing. “I’m at work, evening hospital shift… I’m pretty sure they just brought your brother in”

Katy felt faint and dropped her fork to the floor.

“Wh… what? What do you mean? What’s happened?”

“I’m not quite sure… they just brought him back through on a stretcher. He’s not admitted to my area so I don’t know a lot. And I don’t want to frighten you… but you may want to get over here!”

Katy started quivering and shaking, unable to respond for several moments.

“Katy?? You there?” Emily’s voice asked through the phone

“Oh… yeah I’m here! Oh fuck.. I’m on my way! Please… if you find out anything, please text me!”

In a mad dash, Katy left the rest of her dinner on the table and gathered her things. Her mind was already racing over what could be happening. The urgency in Emily’s voice sent her into a panic. She tried to keep as optimistic as possible, but was fighting off fearful thoughts based on the little information she had on the state of her brother.

The drive to the hospital seemed like an out of body experience to her. When she arrived, she couldn’t rightly remember the drive that she just completed. It was pitch black outside and the harsh lighting at the hospital entrance made her squint her eyes until she was accustomed to it. Katy was familiar with the hospital but had no idea where her brother was taken. She glanced down to her phone to see a text from Emily saying the floor he was admitted to and raced to the lift. In the lift her senses were threatening to send her into dizziness. The noises around her drifted in and out of focus. Her heart was beating and her stomach was churning. She reached down and caressed her small, but growing baby bump.

“I’m sure that daddy’s going to be okay,” she whispered as the lift reached the floor where her brother was admitted. “Please be okay.”

The doors slid open and Katy could see Emily standing at the nurse’s station just up from the lift. She started to walk down the corridor toward her with both her heart and stomach in her throat. Emily looked up as Katy approached and walked over and hugged her.

“I got here as quickly as I could…” Katy started. “How is he?”

Emily released Katy from the hug and started walking with her further down the corridor.

“So I was able to get some information for you,” Emily spoke as she walked. “There was a traffic accident just off the motorway and he was hit into the oncoming lane…”

Katy audibly gasped and slowed, but Emily took her by the hand and led on.

“They say he will be okay, but he got a really bad blow to the head.”

Katy spoke up, “Oh fuck… how bad is it?”

Emily slowed as she reached the door to the room and turned to face Katy.

“He was awake for a few moments when he came in, but couldn’t tell them anything, like he didn’t remember what he was doing… but don’t worry! That’s pretty common with head injuries like he has.”

Emily slowed her speech as she saw Katy start to glaze over.

“Listen, don’t be surprised if he doesn’t know where he is or can’t remember who you are right away. It will come back in time.”

Katy was disturbed at that notion. Could he have forgotten the last six months? How extensive was the injury? A single tear crept out of the corner of her eye and trickled down her cheek.

“Oh, don’t worry dear. The traffic officer says he’s lucky to have only the injuries he has. I’m sure he will be fine!”

“Um… oh god…. Okay.” Katy stammered. “He’s just in here?” she asked, pointing toward the door.

“Yeah he’s been out so he probably won’t wake up to speak but he’s just in there. His wife came around about thirty minutes ago.”

Katy’s visage soured at hearing that Bethany was here. How did that happen? She surmised that Bethany must still be listed as an emergency contact. Katy did her best to hide her disgust.

“Emily… thank you so much!” Katy offered as cheerfully as she could.

“Yeah, don’t mention it!” Emily started off down the corridor before calling back, “Later when it’s all sorted, we should have a catch-up!”

Katy stood at the door trying to assemble all of her emotional resolve. She wasn’t quite prepared to have to deal with Bethany on a day such as this. She inhaled deeply and calmed herself before opening the door and walking into the room.

The first thing that caught her eye was her brother’s tall frame laying on the bed. His head was wrapped up in white bandages that were stained pink at his right temple with blood. His right arm and shoulder were also bandaged, though not seeping blood. She was relieved that he appeared as whole as he did, but the beeping of the monitors ringing in her ear set her nerves on edge.

Equally disconcerting was her seeing Bethany sitting at the bedside chair customarily scrolling through her phone. Katy could not imagine what Bethany hoped to accomplish by being here other than to add drama to the situation. The room was dark save for a light near the head of the hospital bed and Katy hoped the darkness hid the furious scowl that involuntarily crept across her face.

Katy tried to keep her composure before speaking, but was only partially successful. “What are you doing here?” she blurted out plainly.

Bethany’s eyes glared back in much the same way as they had when she shot her cross looks to Jeff in the past when he was being sweet to his sister. “They called me saying he was in an accident.” She said in a patronising tone. “I thought to be here if he would need anything, of course.”

Katy stepped further into the room and let the door close behind her. “Well he doesn’t… and a bit late for you to pretend to be seeing to his needs anyway.” Katy struggled to keep the contempt hidden in her tone.

Bethany shot a look up that was a mixture of frustration and anger and gave a gasp. “As if you would know anything about it…”

Katy interjected, “I know enough! I think you should leave.”

Bethany stood up, looking as if she was preparing to shout back at her, but stopped herself when she saw Katy’s obviously pregnant curvy frame come into the view of the lights.

“Oh… I see,” Bethany started in a nervous but angry laughter. She pointed at Katy’s belly, her finger shaking with rage.

Katy was suddenly petrified that Bethany had riddled out the truth of what was going on. She held her breath waiting for her to continue.

“His precious baby sister gets knocked up by some random man-whore and of course he’s got to drop everything and take care of you instead of his fucking wife! Fucking typical Now he can go play house with his little sister and pretend to have the family that he kept going on about.”

Bethany was incensed, but Katy was relieved. She had to focus all her energy on not cracking her face into a smug and triumphant grin.

Bethany continued, “It’s always been you… you were always his favourite no matter what! He would always drop anything for his precious baby sister.” Bethany’s tone finally revealed her true disgust and dropped the fake patronising camouflage.

While Katy secretly relished her confirmed status as her brother’s long-time “favourite”, she couldn’t let Bethany’s words stand unanswered. Her hands clutched her purse and started to shake in indignation. Though Bethany had no idea how much his sister had commanded his attention as of late, Katy couldn’t bring herself to let these overarching accusations against her brother stand. Her hazel eyes gleamed with righteous anger and she fired back at her.

“You can stop that right now! My brother treated you like a queen and you could hardly be bothered to act as if you even liked him most of the time! You can say whatever you like about me, or this,” she said pointing toward her bump, “but you had better stop acting like you got a shit deal from him because you didn’t! He got a shit deal from you!.” Katy was beginning to tremble with rage and stopped to calm herself before she totally lost control and gave into her urge to come across the bed and lay hands on her neck.

Bethany looked as if she would burst into flames at any second. After a prolonged and tense silence, she reached down and snatched up her purse from the floor.

“Well I’ll just leave him for you to take care of then, his little fucking favourite, Ugh!” Bethany glowered before adding under her breath, “Fucking ridiculous! And don’t think I don’t know something is up. A friend of mine saw him in his truck getting tossed off by some whore!”

Katy almost gasped at the revelation that the people who spectated on her escapade with her brother in the lay-by were connected to Bethany in some way. But she shook the notion and brought her attention back to the matter at hand and snapped back at her while Bethany marched toward the door, “Oh, he’s in much better hands now!”

The door shut behind her and Katy could still hear her going on as she stormed down the corridor. Katy walked over to the vacated beside chair, still shaking with anger and finally sat down, exhaling deeply as the rage started to diminish. Her attention settled on her brother as he lay on the bed still completely out of it. Katy was glad that he didn’t happen to awake in the midst of that ordeal. She reached out and took his hand in hers and sighed heavily.

“Well, I’ve run her off for you.” She said aloud with a chuckle. “You totally owe me for that, by the way. Handled it quite well if I do say so myself!” Another sigh and a moment later she breathed out, “Please be okay.”

Katy spent the next several hours at her brother’s side. He stirred occasionally, but never woke. She would speak to him when the silence got too much for her. Her eyes were getting heavy in the wee hours of the morning when the door clicked open and Emily stopped in.

“Hey Katy, just wanted to check if you were still here and how you and your brother were getting on.” She said softly.

Katy jerked up from her transitional sleep state a bit startled.

“Oh, god. Did I wake you?” Emily said apologetically.

“You’re fine Em.” Katy responded sleepily. “I probably should get up and go change and shower anyway.”

Emily stepped into the room and continued. “I’m just coming off my shift. I can grab a coffee with you in the cafe downstairs if you need to talk to someone!”

Katy rubbed her eyes and started to stand up. “Aww, thank you Em. I would like that!”

The two made their way down to the cafe and ordered their drinks. Katy’s fatigue was starting to calm the sense of inner panic that she had when she arrived hours before. And of all the people to chat with, Emily had always been a kind and steady friend, even when they would go lengths of time without seeing one another. Katy ordered a decaf flat white and joined Emily at one of the tables in the cafe.

Emily started speaking as they were both settling in their seats. “How is he?”

Katy sighed and looked up at her while answering, “Still out of it, seems to be resting peacefully but he’s not been awake yet.”

“I thought not, he may sleep all day… typical for a blow to the head like that,” Emily offered while sipping her cappuccino.

“So…” Emily went on, darting her eyes down toward Katy’s obvious bump. “Pregnant, ay?

Katie blushed and sipped her drink. “Um… yeah, so that happened. Not planned, but I’m set on keeping it.”

“Well, best of luck to you on that!” Emily said sincerely. “My older sister had a kid pretty young. It wasn’t easy, obviously, but my little nephew is cute. Though he can be a little rascal all the same.”

Katy smiled and continued to sip her drink. “Thank you, Em. Not everyone has been so understanding.”

Emily crossed her legs and continued her questions, “And… who’s the father?”

Katy knew that it was an innocent, perfectly reasonable question from a friend, but this was the first time of what she was sure would be many that she would need to explain her situation in a way that was believable. She fidgeted slightly before answering.

“Not exactly in the picture,” she offered, looking down at the table.

Emily softened her questioning posture and replied in consolation, “Oh, I see… Sorry to pry.”

“Oh, don’t worry. You’re not prying, just the way things are!” Katy replied looking back up.

Emily paused and set her cup on the table before continuing. “So… different subject… I’ve got to ask… just to say that word gets round…” she trailed off and Katy’s eyes peeked up.

“Yeah? Go on,” Katy said while getting a twinge of nervous energy.

“Just that… the nurses were saying that your brother’s wife left in quite a rage last night after you arrived.”

Katy cringed at the spectacle that Bethany could have created that summoned the attention of the hospital staff. She was also getting a little nervous over where this line of questioning could lead.

“Oh… yeah.” Katy said in a low tone. “She actually wasn’t supposed to be there. They’ve been split up a few months now at least.” She tried to reign in the latent disgust of Bethany being there in the first place before continuing. “She was there just to make trouble and I had to tell her to go. I’m sorry that she made a scene. She’s pretty awful to be honest.”

Emily looked up. “Oh, I see…” She trailed off as if she had more to say.

Katy set her cup down and put her hands on top of her thighs. “If there’s something you want to ask, go on and ask it.” She ended that question with a bit of a chuckle to hide her growing nervousness.

“Just that… and I know the timing is probably awful… If he’s available…I thought I might call on him at some point? I mean, if he’s keen to get back out there? Figured you would know being his sister and all, and I wanted to see what you thought about it.”

Katy couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Again, she was quite relieved that this was the reason for Emily’s vague line of questions. There was also the slightest bit of possessiveness that welled up inside as she realised that as long as she and her brother were in a place where people knew them, she would always have to pretend that she wasn’t the object of his love and affection.

“Oh god..” Katy began to respond. “Are you keen on my brother?” Katy said between amused chuckles.

Emily sat up and feigned insult, “What?? Am I not allowed? I’d have said something years ago but he was always with her and then they were married! Figured if she’s out of the way now…”

“I mean… it’s a bit messy and he’s having a tough time with it as I’m sure you can imagine.” She picked up her coffee again from the table. “I don’t think he’s chomping at the bit to get ‘back out there’, but I’ll pass along your well wishes if you’d like me to.” Katy winked at her and grinned at the humorous circumstance that was playing itself out. This chat afforded her the first true reason to grin and laugh since her brother had missed her appointment the previous day.

“Don’t be afraid to throw in some embellishments while you’re at it!” Emily said through laughing.

The pair finished chatting and Katy was able to get from Emily that her brother was scheduled for a visit from the doctor on-duty later in the morning. She drove back to their family home, cleaned up her abandoned dinner from the previous evening, and got a quick shower. While getting dressed she tried to think of anything that she could bring that would be comforting or something her brother needed. While pulling her top over her head, her eyes fell on the small pictures sitting on the nightstand next to her side of the bed. She gave an audible exclamation and went and snatched up the photo of her brother with her over the pint of mint chip ice cream and put it in her purse.

Upon arriving back at the hospital, she was able to determine that he had not yet been seen by the doctor that morning and finally again sat down in the chair next to him.

“Morning!” she said out loud cheerfully amidst the beeping of the monitors. “I’ve brought you something that I hope helps you jog your memory.”

She set the picture on the small table next to the hospital bed. Her brother didn’t move, but continued to sleep. Her own fatigue from the ordeal of the last day was beginning to catch up with her. She drifted in and out of sleep for the next forty-five minutes until she was startled awake by the sound of Jeff rustling in the bed.

“Arrgghhh…Fucking hell…” he moaned and lifted his hand to his head.

Katy leaned over and took his hand to keep it away from the bloody bandages.

“It’s okay,” she said softly.

He turned his head, his eyes searching the room as if they were unable to focus. “Katy?”

“Yeah, it’s me! You’re in the hospital. There’s been an accident,” she said as comfortingly as she could.

“Oh god… wh- what’s happened?” he said, trying to sit up, but unable to make it very far.

“Just lie down and rest, the doctor will be in soon.”

He winced in pain and rested his head back on the pillow. “Where’s dad? Is he here?”

Katy’s lip started to tremble, but she remembered Emily warning her that his memory could be foggy for a while.

“Oh, Jeff..” she said, unable to finish her sentence.

Jeff turned his head toward Katy and for a brief moment his eyes seemed to focus on her and he smiled.

“I’ve always quite liked your hair,” he said softly before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

Katy’s heart both overflowed and broke at his delirious comment. She kept his hand in hers and kept her tears at bay. She only had a few more minutes to sit back down and collect herself before the doctor arrived and picked up his chart. Katy stood and greeted him.

“And you are his wife?” the doctor asked.

“No, I’m his sister.” Katy stopped for a moment before adding plainly, “I’ll be taking care of him.” She kept her followup to that answer silent in her head, And doing a much better job than his wife ever did.

“Well, your brother is quite lucky. It could have been much worse. He’s got a bad concussion and some lacerations on his right side, but he should be just fine with a little bit of time.”

Katy sat down with a sigh of relief while the doctor checked his vital signs before he spoke up again.

“Has he been awake? Speaking?” he asked without looking up from the chart.

“Yes, but…” she began, then pausing until she had his full attention. “He’s a bit out of it. He was asking for our father, but he’s been gone nearly ten months!”

The doctor nodded and explained. “Yes… with a concussion like he’s got, the memory will be a bit here and there until the swelling goes down. So don’t be too alarmed unless it persists for more than a few weeks, and even within that time it will likely start coming together for him.”

Katy nodded to the doctor as she finished marking his chart before speaking up. “How long until he can come home?”

“Probably a couple of weeks at least. He’s going to be very dizzy for a while and will have trouble walking before then. It’s best to keep him here for that period and we’ll also be able to react if something comes up. But I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

The doctor replaced the chart at the end of the bed and turned to leave the room.

“Thank you,” Katy whispered out before settling back down in the chair.

For most of the next several days, Jeff slept as the swelling went down from the concussion. He was awake for a few hours each day to eat. Upon waking, he often thought it was months or even years in the past and asked about their father more than once. Katy would try and explain to him what had happened which often left him confused and unsettled. Each time he would fall asleep and wake back up, he would go through piecing together what had happened all over again. Katy’s heart broke over it, and instead of having to keep telling him that their father was gone, she would say he was just out and leave it at that until he fell back asleep. The doctors didn’t seem very concerned and assured her it was all normal, but that did little to calm the fear in her heart. She wanted him to remember her… the heat and joy they had found together.

Katy remained by his side as much as she could. He often needed help sitting up and doing simple things like standing and walking to the bathroom on his own. But, as the days went on he was becoming more coordinated and steady on his feet.

Late in the evening of the seventh day of his hospitalisation, Katy sat in her usual bedside chair reading a book while he slept. She nearly jumped out of her seat when she felt his hand touching the top of hers, stretching the heart rate monitor wire as he reached out to her. She dropped the book and her eyes shot over to him. That look… the look of longing, desire, and love was back in his eyes after nearly a week. She took his hand in hers and leaned toward him.

“Jeff?..” she said softly.

“It’s me, Shortcake,” he said back to her in an equal tone. “I’m feeling a little better… though my head is still pounding.”

Katy got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly as he returned the embrace. Katy stopped and looked in his eyes, still seeing the spark of memory and recognition in them, but wanted to test it before she overwhelmed him.

“What all do you remember?” she asked him intently.

“Not much, to be honest,” Jeff said, reaching up to hold his head. The bandages had been removed and he now sported a short line of staples across his right temple.

“The last thing I remember is kissing you good-bye in the morning…” he paused as if in deep thought.

Katy smiled from ear to ear and leaned in and kissed Jeff on the lips. She was pleased beyond measure that his memory was coming back, specifically the memory of the two of them. She released the kiss, still leaning over him with a smile spread across her face. Without looking she reached down and took his hand and placed it on her belly.

“I’m hoping you remember this as well?” she asked with a sparkle in her eye.

Jeff grinned at her, “Of course I do!”

After a few moments of thinking and recollecting, Jeff went on. “And I remember you saying that her car was parked out front and being annoyed and worried. But the next thing I remember, almost like it was a dream, was saying how I liked your hair. I’m not sure if that happened or if I dreamt it up.”

“Oh, she was parked there,” the smile temporarily left Katy’s face as she continued. “And she was here too.”

“Oh, god…” Jeff again raised his hand to his head, but not from pain of injury. “I’m sorry if you had to deal with that while I was knocked out.”

Katy reached back down to take his hand. “It’s handled, she thinks you’re back taking care of me because I was silly and got knocked up and need my big brother to come to my rescue and leave her behind.” Katy started to laugh as she continued, “Oh! So, Emily is one of the nurses here and apparently has an eye for you.”

Jeff chuckled lightly. “You’re not serious…”

“Oh it was interesting. Bethany left here all in a tizzy and she’s already asked if you’re available.” She gave him a soft, playful jab to the side of his arm.

“Well, I’m certainly not!” he reached and squeezed Katy’s hand. “But that explains the thorough sponge baths she’s been giving me.”

Katy glared down at her brother through a grin and he managed one back even in his state.

“If you weren’t so injured, I’d give you a slap for that joke!” she said while beginning to blush. Inwardly she was rejoicing that his sense of humor seemed to be returning as well. The worries that she may never get her brother completely back were starting to be laid to rest.

“You did wake up for a moment and say you liked my hair early on,” Katy said while still blushing.

“Well, I have always really loved it, always wished her hair was more like yours if I’m being honest.” He reached out to feel it before suddenly exclaiming “Oh god! I missed your checkup! Is everything okay with you and the baby?”

She grinned at him and squeezed his hand again. “Yes we’re fine. We’re definitely doing better now.”

Jeff scooted as best he could to the side of the hospital bed. “Katy, come here,” he patted the space beside him and moved the wires attached to his fingers.

“You want me to get in that bed with you? We’d hardly even fit!” She chuckled at him.

“Well I guess we’ll just have to ‘cuddle really close’ like back in that awful twin bed of yours!” he retorted, grinning with a faux tone of teasing.

Katy was beyond pleased that he was remembering details like cramming themselves into her twin bed and crawled up next to him, laying on her side facing toward him and placing her hand on his chest.

“I know I probably smell,” her brother said with a bit of a wince.

“Oh, Emily may not have given you a sponge bath, but I might have!” Katy giggled at him while snuggling up to his chest. “I’ve missed you terribly! I was so worried and then she was here and then I was hoping you would remember… well… us!”

Jeff leaned over and kissed her before she could continue and Katy melted into his kiss like she had gone months without it. Time stood still for her and everything around her faded into a blur until it was just the two of them. She was so preoccupied that she shrieked with fright when she opened her eyes and saw Emily standing just inside the door, looking at them both with her mouth open in shock.

“Oh god! Em!” Katy hastily and clumsily slid off the bed and stood up while Emily remained frozen in her spot.

Katy chastised herself inwardly. Of all the things that could have happened to out them, it seemed silly that it should be one of her oldest friends finding her doing something like lip locking her brother on his hospital bed. Emily stood still but released the door and let it close behind her

“Fuck…” Katy was unable to piece words together and her brother covered his face in his hands.

“Um… yeah… I can explain!” she finally was able to get out.

“Looks like the explanation is perfectly clear…” Emily stammered out, still in shock.

Katy walked over toward her and away from her brother and tried to reason with her quietly.

“Em, please don’t say anything to anyone! Please!?!?”

Emily remained still for a few more moments before her eyes moved from Jeff to address Katy.

“Katy? What the fuck? How did you… oh god..” she slunk down into the rolling chair the doctors normally used.

“I don’t know… it all just sort of happened…” Katy was red faced and shaking as she attempted to explain.

Emily looked up at her, eyes still wide as saucers and gasped out,”Oh my god, that’s why you said he wasn’t ready to get out there isn’t it?”

Katy dropped her eyes to the floor. “Em, I’m so sorry. But I couldn’t just come out and say… well… you know.”

“Yeah, I guess not…” Emily said in disbelief looking back and forth between the siblings. “Is that why she left all hot under the collar?”

Katy was beginning to panic inside. She wished she could snap her fingers and she and her brother would be magically transported elsewhere. But she steeled herself and addressed her friend’s questions.

“No! God no… she doesn’t know… and that’s not even why…” Katy struggled to complete her sentences and stopped and closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. “I know how it looks, trust me I do, but one’s got nothing to do with the other.”

“Mhmm,” Emily said while leaning back in the chair, still in shock over her discovery.

Katy took one step closer to her and urgently repeated her request. “Em, please… don’t say anything to anyone.”

“You know how fucked up this is right?” Emily said completely deadpan as if still processing what she happened upon. After a moment of tense silence she gave a long sigh. “But between you and me, it’s a bit naughty too.” Her eyes focussed on Katy as she grinned on one side of her mouth. “I’ll keep your dirty secret and in turn you don’t tell anyone I said that either.”

Katy shook her head vigorously in affirmation, still wide-eyed and red-faced.

Emily leaned over to see past Katy to Jeff who was still sitting with his face covered and peeking out between his fingers. “Besides,” she continued, “I can’t rightly say that I blame you.” She sat for a moment more before suddenly gasping again and pointing at Katy. “Holy fuck! It’s his isn’t it!”

Katy couldn’t respond but nodded again and looked toward the floor.

“Of all the kinky excitement that there is, of course it doesn’t happen to me!” She gave an incredulous sigh and stood up to exit the room. Emily laid a hand on the door before looking back at the both of them. “I wouldn’t do any more of… this,” she said, waving her hand around in a circular motion, “while in the hospital. Not everyone will be as understanding of your kinks as I am.”

Both siblings nodded their heads and Katy responded verbally. “Of course!”

Emily then shot a look toward Jeff. “And you, big brother… let me know if you ever get tired of that one!”

Jeff finally spoke up, “Yeah, that’s not likely!” He grinned through his embarrassment toward his sister.

Emily was halfway out the door before popping her head back in. “And Katy, you and I will have another catch up where you can tell me all the details of how this all started. Emily hid her head behind the door out of Jeff’s view and whispered to Katy, “and don’t you leave anything out!” She grinned and then was off.

As she left, Katy spun around back to her brother and mouthed the words, “Oh my god” while still shaking.

“Well,” Jeff began, “I think it’s safe to say that your friends are much kinkier than mine!”

They both belted out laughing in nervous relief that what had just happened hadn’t gone any worse. Katy knew the whole situation that had just transpired was a very close call. Anyone could have come through that door and she was lucky that it ended up being an understanding friend that she could trust. Her heartbeat was still in her throat as she sat down and her brother reached to hold her hand.

“I’m sorry I almost got us caught,” he started. “It was a poor idea on my part, I just couldn’t stand not laying here with you.”

Katy squeezed his hand in return, “It’s not your fault at all! Just focus on getting better so we can cuddle properly at home soon!”

Thankfully over the next week, Jeff had made stellar progress on his healing and they were soon back at the family home. Her brother’s truck had been damaged beyond repair in the accident and Katy brought him to the salvage yard to remove any personal belongings from it before it was scrapped. Jeff still had no memory of the accident itself but there were some tools and odd things that could have survived that he wanted to retrieve.

The gruff salvage yard manager led them to the area where the vehicle was stored.

“Were you driving?” he said, motioning to Jeff as he was still a bit unsteady on his feet.

“Yeah…” Jeff trailed off at getting his first look at the state of the damage.

“You’re a lucky bastard then. Thought for sure when they hauled this in that someone had died in it.”

The passenger side was apparently what had been hit the worst and the door had caved in all the way to the shifter. The roof of the cab had been cut off and lay upside down over it all. It took a lot of work to even get the driver’s side door open and both Katy and Jeff strained to pry it open. When it finally sprang free, a mess of withered rose petals spilled out.

“Oh, god,” Jeff muttered. “I remember… the flowers were for you as a surprise… it started raining when I picked them up.” His hands sorted through the mess of dried petals. Throughout the cabin were splatters of his own blood and broken glass.

Katy came up from behind him and laid her hand on his shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” After a momentary pause she added with a laugh, “but feel free to get my flowers anytime!”

Jeff pried open the console of the truck and with some difficulty pulled back a small, bound black notebook.

“I’m glad that I remembered this… and it’s undamaged!”

“Oh, what is it?” Katy hadn’t seen it before and was intrigued by what was hiding in his vehicle.

“I’m afraid you can’t see it!” her brother said, grinning and holding the book behind his back like he did with things she asked to see when they were younger.

Katy gave him a cross look before saying, “I don’t think secrets are the recipe for a good relationship with your sister. Especially ones written in little black books.”

He laughed and responded, “Not a secret, more like a surprise that’s not ready yet.”

Katy grinned and looked up at him. “If you say so, but I’m onto you, Mister!”

Katy inwardly suspected it to be the journal he started keeping at the suggestion of the grief counselor, though she questioned what the “surprise” was since she already knew about it and even the dirty stories he grew fond of writing. She put it out of her mind and helped Jeff retrieve the rest of his salvageable belongings from the wrecked vehicle.

It would be some more time before Jeff could return to work and resume a somewhat normal life. He was released to come home but was not permitted to drive and still tired quickly. Katy was now the only means of transporting either of them anywhere they needed to go and briefly wondered if their prolonged time together in the house while Jeff continued to heal would grow tiresome. To her delight, the two seemed to get along swimmingly even in close quarters. She was still working part time as an admin but was able to take her brother to his checkups and physical therapy appointments.

Jeff continued to heal at a rate that pleased both Katy and the doctors. Katy was not only pleased for the sake of her brother’s health on its own virtue, but the less he was afflicted by lingering migraines and the more steady he became on his feet, the more their heated physical relationship could resume. Her libido was humming along at a fever pitch and she was anxious to have her brother back in good enough health to take her in the way she had been missing and craving since his accident.

After two months since Jeff was released from the hospital, he was cleared to return to work. Katy was pleased that he managed to recover so quickly, though he still had odd bouts with headaches. His short term memory, though improving by leaps and bounds, was still a challenge for him. She tried not to giggle when he would constantly misplace things and forget where they were. She would tease him about it and say “In case you don’t remember, I’m Katy, your sister-lover.” In honesty Katy was sad to see him return to work. She had quite enjoyed having him around at home while he recuperated.

On the eve of his return to work, the pair were finishing dinner in the kitchen. Her brother stood up to gather the dishes and take them to be washed but she reached out and grabbed his elbow before he could take them to the sink.

“I’m going to miss you, you know?”

Jeff chuckled and stopped and looked at her in the same way that warmed her from the inside out. “You’ve got work too! It’s not like you’ll be here twiddling your thumbs!”

“Yeah I know,” she began, “But I’ve quite liked coming home and knowing you were here, it will be odd to suddenly have an empty house during the day”

“Another few months and it will be much less empty!” he quipped, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“Why are you returning on a Friday anyway?” Katy asked as a joke.

“That’s when they cleared me, plus it will be nice to only have to go in for a day and then get the weekend!”

It was now mid-autumn and Katy was about six months pregnant. In not much time there would be a third in their taboo party. Even as Jeff recovered from his injuries, his fondness for her pregnant body never decreased. Katy herself was beginning to feel her already burning need for release only be accentuated by her circumstance. Even as it became more physically challenging to engage in their usual romps, her desire for them had only grown.

She looked up at him with the smokey gaze of desire, “I think the dishes can wait a bit, yeah?”

He stopped in his tracks and set the dishes down on the table. “I suppose they could, as long as you don’t mind them being… dirty.”

She raised her finger to her lower lip and gave him a pouty look. “Your sister is very dirty, you should join me in the shower.”

As corny as their exchange on that day seemed, the heat between the two of them was every bit as real as it ever had been. Jeff leaned down and kissed Katy in a way that made her body quiver with anticipation. At the end of the kiss he took his index finger and brought it up her neck and across the bottom of her chin in one smooth motion. Once his fingertip left the bottom of her chin, he followed it with a “come hither” gesture.

The shower was one of their favourite places to have fun and as Katy progressed in her pregnancy, she found the comfort of the streams of water soothing on her body. She also looked forward to showering with her brother as they had developed a routine where Jeff would give her a nice muscle rub to relax her legs and back. Then he always followed up by rubbing in the anti-stretch mark cream on her belly. As much as Katy enjoyed the pampering, she could tell that her brother was equally keen just to have an excuse to have his hands on her body.

Post-shower relaxation, though a thought in Katy’s mind, was not the matter at hand. The pair were yearning for each other in a desperate way and had most of the clothing off and in a trail down the hall by the time her brother popped in to start the hot water. Katy blushed as he turned around and inspected her naked body like he just unwrapped some amazing gift. No matter how dirty they got in their various plays, he always seemed to be genuinely gobsmacked by the sight of her as if it was the first naked girl he’d seen in his life.

“Very dirty indeed,” he muttered under his breath while running his fingertips up and down her sides then across her breasts. “You know what happens to dirty little sisters?”

Katy bit her lip and reached across the tub and braced herself on the wall and presented her bum. “Are you going to spank me?” she whimpered in a feign sense of humility.

The whimper was for show, but the aroused gasp that erupted from her mouth as her brother’s flat hand landed on her backside was absolutely genuine. Katy and Jeff had grown quite fond of playful spanking and punishment in their time exploring each other’s kinks. The slaps grew quicker, harder and louder. Her belly and breasts began to jiggle with the blows. Katy grinned and could feel the slick arousal welling up between her legs as she thought back to reading her brother’s story. Indeed how prophetic it turned out to be.

The blows to her bum ceased and Katy could feel the pins and needles sensation rippling over her ass during the respite. The next sensation was the iron-like grip of her brother’s hands on her hips and the feeling of his body being pressed against her from behind. She felt his tip wandering between her thighs from behind until it nestled against its target. Katy inhaled and braced herself for her brother to enter her. Each time he entered her it felt as intense as the first time. The way they fit together, like two pieces of a dirty puzzle, made her feel a way that could not be matched by anything else. And as her brother sheathed himself in her wet, intimate opening, those feelings rolled through her again.

The whole ordeal was not lengthy, but she gasped out and clenched her body as Jeff took her from behind. She was always primed for him after a spanking, and soon enough her walls clenched on him as her pregnant body shuddered under each of his thrusts. Katy clenched her jaw and slipped one hand down to cradle her tummy as it swayed.

“Fuck… Jeff! Fucking fill me! Fill your sister…”

She knew that her verbal prompting always sent her brother over the edge. She found it endearing and heated at the same time. And true to form, by the time her words were finished echoing in the walls of the shower she felt her brother’s spasms and the filling sensation of his cum inside her.

The next thing she knew, Katy was standing upright again in the shower and her brother wrapped her in an embrace from behind as he caught his breath. His arms cradled her and slipped down to her belly as he rested his head on her shoulder. No matter how dirty or depraved they got with each other, she had grown accustomed to her brother holding her like this after the deed. He kept her in the embrace and took the hand shower off the hanger and brought it around her body and Katy gave a slight moan and enjoyed the relaxing streams of warm water. Just then she was hit with a sense of urgency in her bladder that was becoming more common the bigger the baby grew.

“Um… so just to warn you…” she started, “but I’ve been needing to wee a lot lately… like right now! So you might want to stand back…or something!”

Her brother stopped, but didn’t back away and chuckled slightly.

“I never thought I’d say this, but would you think it too disgusting if I said that thought turned me on a bit?”

Katy was genuinely surprised. They had never talked about or featured this in any of their previous escapades. But much like her brother, the more she dwelled on the idea, the more alluring the dirtiness became.

“You really are a dirty big brother aren’t you?” she said with a smile. “I’ll have to remember that!” She took the hand shower from him and rinsed herself while they both gave a chuckle.

After finishing up, Katy wrapped her hair in a towel and they both made their way back to the bedroom. She took her spot on the bed, book in hand and got comfortable. When Jeff crawled in bed next to her, she gestured toward the moisturiser on the nightstand.

“Don’t forget your duties! Just because you’re thinking about me taking a wee doesn’t mean you get to skip that!”

He laughed and took the lotion in hand and began to gently spread it and rub it into her skin. After a few minutes, he shot her a look that took her attention away from her book.

“I suppose soon we’ll know if it will be a boy or girl.” He began. “Are you hoping for one over the other?”

Katy gave him a loving smile. “I honestly hadn’t thought about it much yet. Things have been so crazy since this all started that it feels like I haven’t had the time to give it much thought.” She thought for a moment before going on. “Are you hoping for one over the other?”

“I’ll be smitten either way I’m sure. But if it’s a girl, I’ll be in real trouble!”

Katy laughed in response. “What do you mean by that?”

He took her hand in his and went on. “Just if it is a girl, and she’s anything like you, then you both will have me wrapped around your little fingers and I’ll spoil you both rotten!”

“You’re such a sop!” Katy said through her laugh. “Now let’s go to sleep! I’ve got to run your ass to work tomorrow!”

“I’ll probably still be a sop tomorrow, just fair warning!” he said to her, setting the moisturizer back on the nightstand and sliding next to her under the blanket.

Katy felt him nuzzle against her shoulder and his hand gently rest on her belly under the comforter. Then he gave a long and content sigh.

“Good night beautiful,” he whispered into her shoulder.

Katy placed her hand on top of his and smiled before turning out the light and drifting off to sleep.

By the time Katy woke up, her brother was already in the kitchen having coffee. She was pleased that he was back to being an early riser after recovering from the accident, but part of her was also sad that he was going back to work after months of having him all to herself. She chalked that up to hormones or some nesting compulsion of her pregnancy. Her brother seemed to be excited to get back into some normal form of life and she wasn’t going to get emotional about it.

“Well you’re up and ready I see,” she chirped at him.

“That makes one of us!” he joked back while placing his hand on her shoulder and leaning in for a kiss. “You know I’ll miss you too, Shortcake.”

“I know you will,” she said, getting the tiniest bit teary. “I’m just being silly is all.”

Katy got dressed and gathered her things to take her brother to work. Her car was much smaller than his truck and it was almost comical watching him fold his tall frame to fit in.

“You know…” he began, “We probably should get a bigger vehicle!”

“No bad mouthing my little red car,” she playfully admonished. “It’s done me quite well, I’ll have you know!”

He chuckled back at her. “Oh I’m not bad mouthing it one bit! Just thinking how the two of us will fit in here with a baby is all!”

Katy grinned at that thought. As ridiculous as the situation she found herself in was, pregnant by her brother at her age, she liked it when Jeff was thoughtful about their new little family. It kindled her motherly and nurturing instincts knowing that they would be well looked after by the same person who had been looking after her.

“I suppose you might be right. But we’ve got to get you a vehicle first!”

Soon enough Katy pulled into an open spot at the car park at her brother’s work and set the parking brake. She was still sad to see him leave her for the day, but at the same time so pleased with his recovery and thankful his injuries weren’t any worse than they were. She squeezed his hand as he began to extricate himself from her small car, grinning at the contortions he was making all the while. She watched him take a couple steps and then stop, turn around and walk back to the car.

“Must have forgotten something…” she mumbled to herself as she began to look around for what he might have left behind.

When she looked up, she was startled to see him standing at the driver’s window instead of the passenger and motioning for her to roll the window down.

“You forget something? Oh!…”

She was cut off by him leaning into the window opening and pressing his lips to hers and kissing her. It was not a quick kiss. It was passionate and lasted long enough to make her heart melt there in the seat of the car even though she was surprised at this public display.

“Yeah I did forget something…” he whispered at her, his lips just at hers.

Katy was caught off guard by this affection in the open daylight and nearly yipped aloud in surprise at the sensation of her brother’s fingers working their way between her legs. She shot a look at him as if to question the sanity of what he was doing, but her body was as receptive as her mind was cautious. His fingers kept going, slipping into her leggings while he leaned into the car window.

“Jeff…” she gasped out in a surprised, but aroused tone. “Someone could see! Oh! …”

Her speech failed her when she felt his fingers slipping over her moistening lips and bit her lower lip and released a long, soft, approving moan.

“I’ll just need to be quick then,” he replied with a smirk. He leaned his mouth next to her ear while he found her opening. “Are you going to cum for your brother?”

Katy could already feel her body begin to buzz with the electricity of arousal. She gripped his forearm and closed her eyes, still biting at her lip. “Mmppf… Mmmhmm,” she moaned back to him.

“Such a dirty slutty sister, creaming on her brother’s fingers in the car park,” his voice again transformed into the dark commanding tones that she craved.

Katy darted her hazel eyes wide open when his fingertips began to encircle her clit. Her stance in the seat widened and her breaths became short.

“Fuck!… make your slutty sister cum in the car park!” She gasped out in an uncontrollable exclamation.

She felt his mouth move down her ear to her neck and then his teeth lightly bite into her soft skin. At the same time the pressure of his strokes on her clit bore down and she trembled and quaked in the seat, soaking through her leggings when her brother finally slipped his fingers from her. He brought them to his mouth and licked off her flavour before planting another deep kiss on her lips.

“Now I’ve remembered everything!” he said with a sly grin while finally slipping back out the car window and resuming his way toward the entrance.

“You’re trouble, you are!” she called back to him through a smile.

“Maybe, but you’re worth it!” Then he was through the door until she would return to collect him later that afternoon.

Katy’s grin remained stretched across her face the whole drive back to the house. While the daytime public kissing and masturbation was perhaps not the most sound of ideas, it excited her and made her feel desired. It also made her imagine a life where they could engage in displays of affection openly.

She popped into the shower and made herself ready for the day. She had adjusted her part time hours to coincide with Jeff’s ending time at work until they could solve the transportation issue, and as a result had a bit of time to kill until she needed to leave. After her shower, she strode into the bedroom naked, save for the towel wrapped around her hair and set about to select an outfit for the day. At this point in her term, the choices revolved around leggings and loose, flowing tops, which she then tossed onto the bed. The top caught the stack of things on her brother’s night stand and they fell to the floor. She cursed at the pile as retrieving things from the floor level was becoming more challenging in her state. With the things in hand, she stopped when she saw her brother’s black notebook among them. She remembered him telling her it was a surprise and wasn’t ready yet, but this was the first she had seen it since the day they retrieved his belongings from his truck.

She held it and briefly debated whether or not she should peek inside it. Her curiosity quickly overcame any scruples she had over snooping. With a deep breath, she bit her lip, laid down in bed, and flipped it open.

Though she wasn’t sure what to expect, the contents of the book surprised her all the same. It was half-full of mostly hand-written notes dating back to just before the holiday at the cabin. Some of the pages were marked “story ideas” and listed many details she recognised from what she had read of her brother’s erotic fiction. Some pages were sketches of Katy herself that he had drawn. Others had short poems about how he felt about her ranging from desperately depraved to heart-warmingly sweet. She blushed and teared up at each of the many creative displays of his desire and affection for her and secretly wished that she inherited more of those creative traits from their estranged mother like her brother did.

She read on, and near the back of the notebook she came across pages that were apparently filled out after the accident. A page was labeled “things I need to remember” and read as if he was trying to work his mind through things he was struggling to remember. The page just after that was aptly labeled “things I do remember”. Katy smiled as she saw the list of items nearly all pertaining to herself. Her favourite food, colour, films and shows were all written out as he tried to sharpen his mind after his injuries.

On the final page she read the heading “places to check into” with a list of several addresses. They all seemed to be located in the same town. Katy knew of this place and had a vague idea of its location, but had never visited. This particular hamlet was located on the other side of the mountain from the family cabin. Her curiosity boiled over and she pulled out her phone and searched the addresses on the internet. With little time she found them to be listing for homes for sale in that area. The pair had discussed relocating prior, but she could see that her brother was spending some of his down time checking into what was available while he healed.

Katy knew that both she and her brother weren’t eager to sell the family home, but at the same time they both knew their life would never be as normal and free if they stayed in their current city. Finding that her brother had been checking into places to live hit her as a genuinely sweet gesture. She put together an idea for a gesture of her own.

She booked a hotel for them both for the weekend in a central location to the listings and quickly packed them both a bag of clothes. She loaded their bags into her car as she left for work and tapped out a text to her brother.

Hope you’re having a nice first day back! I’ve got a surprise for you when I come to pick you up! xx

Katy was a buzz of excitement through her work day until the time came to collect her brother. She pulled into the same spot where he had brought her to climax earlier that morning and waited until she saw his smiling face walking out the door. She was mirroring his smile by the time he got in the car and leaned over and kissed him.

“So, what’s this surprise you’ve been on about?” he started as he belted himself in.

“Oh just a little something…” she responded timidly before bursting out in excitement. “We’re going on a trip! I’ve got you a bag packed already! Just relax and we’ll be there in a few hours!”

Katy giggled like a schoolgirl but her brother was perplexed.

“What’s gotten into you? Not that I’m not excited… but where are we going?”

Katy went ahead and piloted the vehicle out of the car park and toward the motorway. She did her best to ignore his repeated questions and kept telling him that it was a surprise and he was going to ruin it. But as they reached the motorway, his persistence wore her down.

“So… don’t be mad at me…” Katy said, briefly looking over at him.

“Oh god, what did you do?” Jeff asked, still smiling and trying to riddle out what was going on.

“I may have snooped your notebook.” Katy blushed and put her eyes back on the road.

“Oh, you didn’t!” he laughed. “I’ve had it with me all day! It’s right here in my…” he trailed off as he reached into his pack but obviously the notebook wasn’t there.

Katy reached into the driver’s door pocket and pulled it out and gave it back to him. “Honestly, you’re forgetting things left and right!” she joked at him.

“Haha, well that’s not exactly my fault now, is it?”

“Well,” she went on, “I booked us a hotel and I’ve made us some viewing appointments at some of the addresses you wrote in the back of your book.”

Her brother was silent for a moment. When she looked over at him he was smiling ear to ear and reached out and took her hand in his.

“Katy, that’s amazing. I honestly have the best sister in the world!” he said before leaning over and kissing her cheek. “But you are a little snoop, aren’t you!”

“I found it quite by accident!” she retorted. “If you hadn’t forgotten it, then we wouldn’t be on this trip!”

Jeff laughed at the notion and pointed at his head and replied, “I suppose I’ve been misplacing things lately because of this.” He paused before going on, “I’d meant it to be a surprise, but I’d been checking into that area because my company has an office out there and I may be able to transfer to it. I didn’t want to spring it all on you at once with the baby coming in the next few months and all, but you beat me to the punch!”

“Oh my god! You really have been checking into things!” Katy knew her brother was a careful planner but the extent to his investigation into a new home and livelihood for them surprised her.

“I hope you don’t think it’s too premature?” her brother said, reaching back over to take her hand.

“Not at all!” Katy chirped back at him. She smiled and thought to herself for a few moments. “But what about dad’s house? We never really arrived on what to do about it.”

Jeff took a breath before unveiling his last hidden plan. “So I think I may have gotten that sorted as well… that is if you’re okay with it…”

Katy peered over at him across the cabin bursting with curiosity. “Yeah? Go on!”

“You might not believe this, but Emily said she would buy it,” he said, still holding her hand.

“What? When did she say that?” Katy was oddly pleased with that arrangement, but was still shocked that she was unaware of it.

“That’s the last bit of the surprise. She stopped by when I was in the hospital and you were at work. We had a little chat… please don’t be angry, I know she had a thing for me but was curious about our… erm… situation.”

Katy’s mouth opened agape. “That horny little devil, Em! What did you talk about??”

Jeff chuckled and responded, “She was genuinely curious how we started out. She said you promised to catch up with her but I guess she was too curious to wait. Anyway, we got to chatting and she asked about how we planned to live being a secret couple. I’d mentioned we hadn’t figured it out yet and had thought to move at some point.”

Katy kept alternating her attention between her brother and the road silently begging him to go on.

“She’s apparently been looking for a place of her own. She’s been to the house before, obviously, and likes the area. It just made sense. And we can always visit and see the old place again.”

Katy was genuinely surprised at the audacity of her brother to broker a deal like this without her knowledge. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

“I can’t believe that you thought all this out and kept it a secret!” she exclaimed. “Though it does make sense…” She paused in thought for a moment. “And when were you going to bring all this to light?”

“I’d actually thought to do exactly what you’re doing and go see the places to see if you liked them. Then if you did, I was going to surprise you!”

“God you really are something!” Katy said beaming. She shot him a look before going on, “as long as she didn’t try to sweeten the deal with a sponge bath!”

“Haha, no it was all above board. Rest assured that she’s a good friend to you!”

It was late evening when the pair finally arrived at their hotel destination. They planned out their several viewings for the following day and had a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant before falling asleep cuddled in the large bed with Jeff’s arm wrapped around her.

“Good night, big brother,” she whispered softly over her shoulder at him.

He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek before settling back down on the pillow. “Good night, beautiful.”

The following day started with the pair going to breakfast before driving around and taking in the town. It was a bit smaller than the city where they lived currently, but seemed a suited place for a family nonetheless. Katy drove by the satellite office of her brother’s company and they walked through some shops before going to their first viewing appointment.

Katy knew that her brother had the skills to whip any place they found into shape, but despite that advantage, the first viewing was a bit of a letdown. The place was small and didn’t have a garden of any kind. They agreed that it likely wouldn’t suit and wrote it off and moved onto the next. A similar theme played out at the second house. Katy was trying to imagine the things they could do there to make it more suitable for them but still didn’t have a good feeling about it.

She couldn’t help but feel a bit let down by the time they were on the way to the third. She piloted her little red car up the street and into a neighborhood that seemed promising. When her brother motioned toward the appropriate drive, Katy’s heart leapt in her chest. It was a modest size brick home with a single garage, bedrooms on the first floor and what appeared to be a decent garden out back.

Katy was conspicuously quiet for most of the tour. Inside the cozy entryway to the left was a staircase that led up to the first floor and beyond it was a drawing room with a fireplace situated in the center of the outer wall. The daylight streamed into the room from the bay window at the front of the house and a conservatory was off the back. The kitchen was similarly sized to the one at their father’s house with a small laundry room with access to both the garden and the garage. Up the stairs were three bedrooms, the main bedroom with its own toilet and bath.

By the time they made it back downstairs and into the kitchen, the listing agent left them alone to talk about it. Katy’s smile was now ear-to-ear and her brother looked down at her and started to speak.

“I take it that you like this one?” Jeff said with a half-grin.

“I like it so much I’m scared to say it out loud. The neighborhood seems very nice, plenty of things nearby, the house is… dare I say it? Perfect!”

“I have to admit,” Jeff interjected, “the others were disappointing, but when I saw this one, I was really hoping it was as nice as the pictures!”

Katy couldn’t respond, she was overcome with joy and anticipation and gripped both of her brother’s hands tightly.

“Shall we try and make this our home?” Jeff said with a smile that now matched Katy’s.

“Yes! Let’s!” Katy responded.


Six months had passed and Katy and her brother had moved into their new home and Jeff had relocated to his company’s satellite office in the area. Katy had given birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl in mid-February, whom they named Lacy, and officially became their own little family. True to the arrangement brokered by her brother, Emily bought their father’s home from them which gave them more than enough to make a nice start for them in their new town. She even helped them move into their home, being the only existing friend of either that was privy to the knowledge of who they really were to each other.

Prior to them settling on their new home, Jeff’s divorce with Bethany was finalised. After the holidays, the odd calls and erratic messages ceased. After some online snooping, Katy found out that she had taken up with another man and seemed to be well occupied and letting go of the past, to both Jeff and Katy’s relief. The new home and the new location suited the new family and Lacy came into the world with happy and loving parents around her.

Spring was now warming up in their area and the siblings invited Emily to come spend the weekend with them partly to catch up, and partly to introduce little Lacy and have Emily babysit while they went out on a proper date in their new town. Emily had long since been accustomed to taking care of infants as she had performed similar duties for her older sister when her son was born. Beyond that, Emily remained interested in how Katy and her brother were getting on and was more than happy to visit for the weekend.

“Alright, have fun you two!” Emily said, holding baby Lacy up and waving her tiny little hand. “Mum and dad are going out to have a little fun!”

Katy grinned sideways at Emily as Jeff helped her with her coat. “I see we’re going to have to watch what you tell her from now on!”

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