Heather's House Boy Ch. 10 by Iserveonknees,Iserveonknees

Heather’s House Boy Ch 10: Invasion of The Bodybuilder

“Yes, Heather?”

Usually, when Heather called after going out it meant she was bringing home a guest. Walter had already put fresh sheets on her bed and extra towels in the bath. He was showered, shaved, and dressed in a red thong.

“Hi, Sweetie.” She was nearly drowned out by a burst of loud music. “I’m not coming home-” she squealed with pleasure, something she did not normally do. “Stop that,” she said playfully. “I’m not coming home tonight. Don’t worry, everything’s fine.” She squealed again. “Carley, stop. Sweetie, I’ll be home in the morning. Byee!”

“Heather?” She had hung up.

Charlie? Who was Charlie?

…do you date other people?

She laughed and rumpled his hair. I have my girlies, but they’re one-night stands. I haven’t seen the same girl more than twice in over a year.

Uh…what about guys?

Well… I’ll tell you what. As long as you don’t disappoint me, you’ll be my only guy.

“I haven’t disappointed her!” He’d been perfect! But she did get mad about Amanda. But he’d made up for that…hadn’t he?

Walter sighed. There was nothing he could do until she came home. Meanwhile, there were advantages in having the place to himself. He pulled the thong off; he was more comfortable nude. He dug out a selection of his jazz CDs and loaded Heather’s changer. Then he located the bourbon.

Walter opened his eyes to see Heather leaning over him and shaking him.

“Sweetie, did you fall asleep out here?” ‘Here’ meaning the couch instead of Heather’s bed.

“Uh, I guess I did.”

“Well, you need to get up. Shower and start making lunch.”

“Yes, Heather. Would you like an orgasm?”

“That’s sweet, but Charlie took very good care of me.”

“Who is Charlie?”

“You’ll meet Charlie at lunch. Here is what I want you to make.” She handed Walter a small piece of paper.


“You have to get cleaned up, run to the store, then start cooking. I’m going to shower and change. Hurry!”


By the time Walter had composed himself Heather had locked herself in her bedroom.

What the hell? He used the guest shower and then retrieved his street clothing from the front closet. Only then did he look at the note Heather had given him.

“What the holy frak?” Who was Charlie?

“Did you get everything?” Heather asked as Walter retuned, loaded down with groceries.

“Yes. Just who is Charlie?”

“You’ll find out! Is that beer cold? You need to change.”

“Hey! I’m not wearing a thong while I serve lunch to your- your boyfriend!”

“What? Oh, my God! I’ve got to finish dressing. You be on your best behavior.” She disappeared into her bedroom.

Walter had everything prepared when the doorbell rang. Charlie was easily over six feet. And muscular, as a grey muscle shirt revealed … and her breasts bulged the shirt as much as her muscles.

A wave of relief swept through Walter – but it was short lived.

“You the servant boy?” Her voice was an authoritative alto.


“Shut up.” She thrust a gym bag into his chest, causing him to stagger. “Clean those. By hand.” She pushed past him into the apartment, and sat on the couch, her legs spread. She wore tight, black jeans tucked into black boots. Her auburn hair was in twin braids. She was magnificent.

“Get me a beer,” she ordered.

Walter returned with a cold beer bottle as Heather emerged from her bedroom. She was dressed in a matching red thong and baby-doll, and her black Louboutins with red soles. Her hair was up and she wore makeup. Her perfume was intoxicating.

“Charlie!” she squealed. She climbed into the muscular woman’s lap.

Charlie snatched the beer from Walter and took a long swig. She held out the bottle for him to hold. Only then did she acknowledge Heather. “How’s my red delicious apple?” She casually fondled one of Heather’s breasts – something Walter was forbidden to do.

“I missed you!” Heather said.

“Good.” Charlie held out her hand for the beer, which she drained, while Heather nibbled her ear and kissed her neck.

“Charlie, this is Walter, my house-boy.”

Charlie glared at Walter and scoffed.

“Walter, this is Charlie, my girlfriend. But you better call her Miss Charlene. And by the way, go change.”

“Yes, Heather.”

When Walter returned, dressed only in a red thong, Charlie laughed. “You’re almost as cute as Red Delicious!” She pinched a nipple, causing Heather to squeal. It was the same sound Walter had heard on his cell.

Charlie stood up with Heather in her arms. “You got my lunch ready?”

“Yes, Miss Charlene.”

Walter led the way to the kitchen.

‘I just have to broil the steaks.”

“Snap it up. And get me another beer.”

A few minutes later Walter put a large rare steak and a helping of German fried potatoes in front of Charlie. He also put a small salad next to the plate. “For Heather,” he said. He served himself a smaller plate and sat down to eat with the women.

Charlie forked steak. “At least you know how to cook,” she muttered. She forked salad and fed it to Heather.

A wave of jealousy passed through Walter. He’d give anything to feed Heather while she sat on his lap.

“Don’t stare,” Charlie growled. She grabbed Walter’s plate and dumped it into her own.

“Hey! I was eating that.”

“Shut up. Get under the table.”


“Sweetie,” Heather said, “You better do what she says.”

Walter scrambled under the table and sat on the floor, facing Charlie’s chair. Her booted feet were flat on the floor and her legs were spread, the same way she sat on the couch.

Walter listened to the clink of silverware and whispered conversation as the women enjoyed the meal he had prepared. His stomach growled.

Heather whispered something to Charlie who laughed.

“Boy! Are you hungry?”

“Yes, Miss Charlene.”

Walter heard the clunk of a knife then Charlie was holding a piece of steak against her crotch. She wiggled it.

“No hands,” she warned.

“Charlie,” Heather said. “That’s mean.”

The big woman chuckled, causing Heather to jiggle delightfully. “Do you want to join him?”

Heather giggled.

“Maybe I’ll put yours inside my jeans.”


“Boy!” Charlie said. She wiggled the steak again.

Walter shuffled forward and took the meat, being careful not to bite Charlie. She held it so close to her crotch that Walter’s head rubbed the rough fabric of her jeans, and he could feel heat from her body.

Charlie kept Walter hopping for the rest of the day. At one point, he was required to position himself on hands and knees in front of her. He served as her foot rest and coffee table while she and Heather watched sports on television, something that Heather normally eschewed. Periodically, Charlie would remove her feet from his back and kick him, while ordering him to fetch her beer or snacks.

Walter was very glad when it was finally time for bed. He tried to enter Heather’s bedroom, only to find it locked. He knocked discreetly.

Charlie opened the door. “What do you want?”

She was nude from the waist up. Her breasts were large and globular and her nipples were erect. Her hair tumbled down her back. She was a Native American goddess.

“Charlie,” Heather called. “Come to bed!”

“Uh… When Heather has company, I sleep on the foam pallet across the foot of her bed.”

“I’m not ‘company,’ I’m moving in. You don’t need to be ogling us, anyway. Go sleep on the couch.”

“Oh. Well, I’ll be in the guest room, then.”

“No, you won’t. That room’s gonna be my weight room. You’ll be spending plenty of time in there, wiping down my weights and learning how to give me rubdowns after I train. But if you don’t want to sleep on the couch, you can sleep under the dining room table. You’re going to be spending a lot of time there, too!”


“Shut up. From now on you’re gonna serve us breakfast in bed. I’ll be plenty hungry after a night with my little red apple. Keep up with your phone. Red Delicious will text you what we want.”

“Yes, Miss Charlene.”

“And I want everything in my gym bag cleaned and placed outside this door before you go to bed.”

“Yes, Miss Charlene.”

“Get my boots.”

Walter knelt. Charlie placed a hand on his head to balance herself and he removed her boots. Then she put a foot on his head to hold him in place.

“Clean and polish my boots and leave them with the rest of my gear.” Her toes curled around his head. “And if they aren’t perfect, I’ll clean them with your face.”

“Yes, Miss Charlene.”

She put her foot on the floor. “As long as you’re down there, kiss me good night.”

Her feet were smooth and clean and her painted toenails matched her eyes. Walter placed a gentle kiss on her foot.

“You can do better than that. Show me how much you love me!”

This time his kiss was heated.

“I have two feet.”

He repeated the passionate kiss on the other foot.

“Good boy! Remember, keep up with your phone.” She closed the door, leaving him to stare at the floor.

Walter gathered up her boots and the rest of her gear and got to work. It was a long time before he finally tumbled onto the couch. The last thing he heard as he finally drifted off was a rhythmic thumping accompanied by Heather’s squeals of pleasure.

Walter opened his eyes, to see Heather leaning over him and shaking him.

“Sweetie, did you fall asleep out here?” ‘Here’ meaning the couch instead of Heather’s bed.

“Charlie said I had to sleep here, remember?”

“Charlie? Who is Charlie?”

The bodybuilder.”


“Your girlfriend! You spent the night with her, then … she kinda took over. You’re submissive to her.”

“Just how much of my bourbon did you drink?”


“Sweetie, I spent last night with Carley. She’s no more dominant than you are. And she’s certainly not a bodybuilder.”


“Had too much bourbon, and had a dream. But tell me about Charlie.” Heather sat next to him and crossed her legs. “Was she hot?”

“She’s gorgeous. She’s big, and muscular … and mean.”

“What did she do?”

“You had to sit on her lap and she would feed you.”

“That sounds like fun!”

“I wanted to do that so bad … I stared at her first time she did it. From then on, when I served a meal, I had to crawl under the table and beg for my food. I had to give her rubdowns after she trained. And she made me clean her boots. And I had to kiss her feet each night and tell her I loved her.”

“Oh, my. That’s rather exciting. What else did she do?”

“She said that you were for her exclusive use and that you and I could not have any kind of sexual contact. I still had to be a personal maid to both of you, bathing you and fixing your hair and shaving your legs, and hand washing your lingerie. If she didn’t like something I did, she’d make me take her panties off and she’d gag me with them.

“Whenever you wanted an orgasm all you had to do was ask her real sweet. She used some kind of double ended strap-on thing. You loved it. I could hear you all over the apartment, sometimes three or four times a day.”

“I’ve never tried a strap-on.”

“I had to clean it every morning. When I wanted relief, I had to beg her. I had to tell her how beautiful she was and how much I loved her. I had to explain how glad I was that she was your girlfriend, and tell her how happy it made me to hear you having sex every night. When she finally got bored, I had to undress her and crawl between her legs. Then I had to take one end of the strap-on in my mouth, and put the other end inside of her. Without touching her, of course. Then she’d let me relieve myself. But if she felt that strap-on move, she’d make me stop.”

“Oh, my goodness! Sweetheart, do you have a thing for female body builders?”


“Would you like me to go out with one? Bring her home? Let her abuse you? I’ve never gone in for the big, beefy types. But, if that’s your fantasy, I’ll see what I can do.”



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