Hi Sweetheart

An adult stories – Hi Sweetheart by allexcited69backup,allexcited69backup Hi Sweetheart,

What’s the main part of being a sissy girl? Sure, Impeccable femininity in your looks and behaviour, excellence in anal and blowjob training, permanently caged clitty, all that is crucial and, no doubt, so much fun. But we at the Academy know that there’s more to it than that. Much more.

The answer is in the eyes behind the mascara-coated lashes you see in the mirror. In the elation this girl in the mirror feels. Finding, accepting, and loving oneself can be hard sometimes – We know it – but this is what the Academy strives to teach you above anything else.

Through doubt, you find love. Through submission, you find joy. Through shame, you find pride. Making the world a better place for sissies is no easy task. Yet together we do it in the only way we can: by making your own precious world a bit more pink, girly, and sexy.

So, let’s make Pride Month at Sissylover all about that.

WARNING..this a work of Fiction..all resemblances to real people or places is fortuitous.Adult and harsh content..Tags are #femdom, #sissy #chastity #bliss #control #freedom #perception # mindcontrol #total power exchange #lesbianism

Through Submission, you Find Joy…through Shame, you find Pride

A Better World for sissies, you say…

So there I was reading my Emails…

My Co Tenant Lara and her Lesbian lover, Josie had become my Mistress after one night discovering my dark desires and intercepting a similar email when I lent her my Laptop….and this is the Story of my descent into full Sissyhood.

She faced me and said…if you want to be Sissy, we can make it work but there will have to be a few changes…as she giggled..and said..undress for me baby, I need to check you out if you want me to be your Mistress.

Yes Lara

She slapped me and said Call me Mistress then..

Yes Mistress

I did as I was told..quickly…

In the day, Lara was an Orthopedist working in a Clinic where she would help mend broken bones, sports injuries, and she had a Kinky lab and exam room in her room where occasionally, she would see Patients.

Good, she took my male clothes and she said..come to my office but stay on your knees and follow me..

I got into a Chair that looked like a Gyno or Dentist Chair with stirrups for the feet..and she said..lie down and relax..I just go Change..

She came back, dressed in her Doctor Gear with a stethoscope and she put on some latex gloves..she also put a Mask on me..Covid Measures Dear..its my protocol to have my patients masked and I try to be when I must also.

But Slaves must absolutely get used to wearing masks, especially when they serve me…or my guests..my friend Susie, a Designer, believes that for Aesthetics, there are nicer ways to muzzle a Sissy..she said while giggling..but for now, I have all these masks so we may as well use them..

Yes Mistress..

If you get a puppy, you need to walk it..

If you have a Sissy, you must muzzle it or trample it..don’t you Agree

Yes Mistress

So, she pulled the light above closer and examined my Dick and Scrotum..

Well..its intact Sissy..Glad I got here first.

She massaged my Balls and said..how does this feel…she squeezed it hard and she held my Dick, moved it up and down and tried to get it erect..

She took out her tape and she measured it..barely 3 inches..so I can understand your Desire to be a Sissy..Gurl

Yes Mistress

Then she took other measures, my waist, my collar size, my Head Measurements, my feet, my feet, my Arms and Legs.

Good..I will speak to Josie, my subbie and she will take you to get some Clothes and get properly set up..follow her Commands also because although, she is my Sub and slave, she is also your Mistress.

She asked me some questions about my knowledge of NUFEMspeak..and gave me a Book

It’s a Language that seeks Symbols, triggers and even smells to communicate between Mistresses and their Slaves. It has 5 sections…The Vocabulary of 100 words..eat, come, kneel, OBEY, Go, take, wake, kneel, OBEY, thank, discipline, reward, suck, lick OBEY, -and then a Section of Key phrases and commands…then section 3 are the Symbols, Imagery, Hand Signals for Silent Mode, Section 4 is 5 Case studies of a typical Slave Routine..so you have ChauffeurSissies, DancingSissies, MaidSissies, PublicSissies, GeishaSissies..but there are other Possibles..be mindful and in Section 5..write 10 pages of the Reality that you would want to Manifest..with the Details and your most abject fantasies..initially, all is possible but we will slowly define your Template and define what you are expected to do and for what merits Punishment.

You see that Dick of yours..which is Mine now….it’s 3 inches and still erect..it is not yet the Clitty of a Sissy..it is just a Dick in Erection..Sissies don’t have Dicks..they have Clitties, usually soft and limp and usually less than half of that size..so yes, you can be my Sissy but itv will take a lot of Work and a Commitment to it.

She turned me around, took a Huge Buttplug out of the Medical Drawer..lubed it and said..this is a Buttplug..but you already know that..it is the smallest Beginner One and eventually you will graduate to bigger butt plugs..Bigger is better here for a Sissy..she said as she giggled..

She looked at my dick lose its erect state and she said..This is better..you are on the right track..Growth is about more than just penis enhancement..She took a cream and she rubbed by dick thoroughly, it was a desensitizing cream and I lost feeling in the Dick.

So, next thing, we need to Do, is Chastise you..your Emails and Web searches indicate that you seek a Keyholder..so I will play that role for now, nothing more..nothing less..

I ll ask you 12 questions that you must answer..and We will ask you the same question every week at least once to see how your Mindset has changed

1 What is your Name…Olav Hector Simpson

2 What is your Purpose To do Good

3 What is your Soul Purpose.. To Do good, to Serve

4 What is your favorite color..Blue

5 What turns you on…Nice tits

6 What motivates you… Money and Sex

7 What is your number one Duty…to do good, to serve

8 What is your greatest joy…Serving a Mistress

9 What is Goodness..a nice lady

10. What is Evil..Indifference, Neglect

11 What is your favorite place…Going to the Park

12 What is your favorite Drink…Tea

Good..I will record them without Judgment and we will see how your Answers will change as your Conditioning and training shifts some of your Choices..remember sissy..your Life is the result of your Choices..your Ego is destined to dissolve and your your training has that as the Intention..strip yourself of Ego. The only comment I can make is that..You ve Done Good Sissy and your Answers show a Will, a Beginning but there is still a lack of Clarity..

Are you more than your personal history, your memories..how special do you think you are..this is Question 13…I guess we are all special in our own way..Im a special sissy I guess..Mistress

That is for me to tell you Sissy

Now, also, remember the 3 key rules of a Sissy

Clear Sissy thoughts..tangible things, forget the existential questions..




Submitting means looking Down, have your gaze at my Boot Level ideally, staying Silent, talk only when spoken to,..Submission also requires letting go fully of shame or embracing it..Humiliation is also a State you may be submitted to but in the end, you feel no longer feel it and become used to it..

Remember that in a room of Females, you must stay submissive in Attitude, Behaviour and take up less space..and ideally be under the table sucking my boots. A Good sissy can take Humilation or Pain because he or she is strong enough and emboldened in all her weak ways. The helplessness of the sissy can be very appealing and it draws wannabe helping men to a damsel in distress sometimes but when I get wet, my Sissy is pleasing to me..Get me wet..but lose that Hardon now…as she whipped me again.

A sissy must stay limp for his Mistress…you may get hard only when I shag you and even then, I don’t like to see HardOns..except maybe the big ones that shag you right.

Obey means no hesitation, you just Do it..its a Reflex like Breathing, it must come naturally to your Sissy so you must get in my Head and focus on what I want 24 7..the Buttplugs and Chastity device reminds you of this..So we must show you the Mindset of capturing your true Sissy Power, a Male freed from his Procreation Duties, a Man in touch with his Feminine Side and Longings, any Hesitation to obey will add a week to your Chastity..just know that..an order, be it to kneel, lick or receive my Piss in a parking lot, all this takes practice and you will stumble in your high heels and we will teach you Sissy..remember its all Mindset..get the Sissy Mindset

Lick..when in Doubt..when I get Home or in Public, or when I wave my Fist..you will grovel to your feet on all 4s and lick my feet, my shoes, my boots, my Anus or Whatever I decide you should lick

Then she installed a Pink Chastity made of Plastic and she said..its only temporary.like the Buttplugs, we will have to upgrade you at the right time..

She got me on the scale..240 lbs wow..you’re a heavy one Sissy

My Height..190 cm..now your height on your knees 80 cm..

So we have some basic info..do you have any other questions..

What should I be afraid of Mistress

Nothing really Sissy..everything is temporary..I guess you don’t want me to lose interest and abandon you..but if you are a Good Sissy, Do the Work, we ll have bigger things lined up for you..Bigger Buttplugs, Bigger Strapons, Bigger Cocks

Here is the Link to my FemDom Page I use..it has lots of Conditioning tapes for Sissies and for Mistresses..make sure you do your Daily Homework and listen at least 3 hours a Day to them and another 3 hours in the Loop Files which redefine your Neural Networks, and they include all the topics, the Sissy Skills, the Mindsets for a Sissy

Eventually, in 30 days, you will either fully opt out or opt in…you have that Period to see if this is for you…and then we’ll get serious with a shift into true Ownership..first, we need you fully Chaste for a Month Dearie.

Yes Mistress

Finally, Josie came home and the Mistress called out..Come here Josie…I’m in my office

Yes Mistress..she said and sat on the Floor next to me..

She started licking the calves of Mistress…as Mistress Lara continued talking

This is our new Sissy Josie..he must obey both of us..his Superior Female Keyholders

Release of a Sissy is probably what you wonder about..I may tell you that you ll get release ever xx days but this would not be truthful..it’s a Work in Process..and we will make no such promises…everytime you ask me for Release or when is my next release, we will add 30 days to your Chastity..is that Clear Sissy.

Yes Mistress

We will teach you, as you must already know, that Sissies rely on Siisigasms in their Boipussy and your Dick will become a Clit, flaccid and useless to you or to us. We don’t need it, you don’t need it anymore and it is why It is locked up.

Am I a Good Mistress…are you a Good Sissy…time will tell…said Mistress with a Chuckle..Josie seems to think that shews a good sissy, which makes you a Good Mistress, stern but Fair.

Also, here is a list of Sins that will merit Discipline and Remedial Action..Remedial Action can be learning new Behaviors, skills or getting body modifications or whatever else is required…Our Needs will evolve with time but this is a short list, just so that you can’t say that I didn’t tell you.


Unsissylike, unladylike Behavior..a catchall infraction that covers anything we may have forgotten..examples are looking at traditional non approved Porn..or having Fantasies not aligned with Sissyhood..having a male erection in front of a Female is the worst infraction..it always leads to Discipline, to tighter Chastity devices, to Retraining, possibly even to Castration.

Sissies are modest and self effacing in Demeanor…so if you take space..you are mansplaining, something we don’t allow..

Appearance Deficit…it means wearing non ironed wrinkled dresses or shirts, having Mascara thats all messed up or Lipstick that is not immaculate..it will lead to Discipline and maybe it may lead to extra Retraining in Sissy Dress and Makeup, including permanent makeup

Reading or idleness..A Sissy is ideally not reading much given the lack of time, between his err her duties, her makeup, her Training tapes that are mostly Sound and Images..if you have Glasses, go get them and bring them now..I gave her my Glasses which I took out of my pocket..she put it on the floor and she crushed them under her Boots..thank me now for crushing them.Sissies don’t need Glasses…lick my boots now Sissy..I immediately obliged and I started getting erect and it pinched quite a lot..let me see..how your teeny weenie is doing..it is erect sissy and she slapped me..We cant have this Sissy..Yes Mistress

She said…Licking my Boots is an act of unconditional love, a pure gesture by a Sissy..with no intent by the Sissy but to serve the Mistress..so erections have no place in this coz it voids the Bootlicking Gesture..it is what a Wolf in sheep’s clothing would do..–so be a true Sissy..Yes Mistress

Josie sat there on the floor and Mistress was petting her head

Get up Josie and say hello to the Slave the way a Mistress would do..

She got up and slapped my Face..and said now lock my Boots Sissy but stay soft for me..a nd call me Mistress Josie

Great Josie..you are getting the Hang of it..it is a new Role that you’ll need to learn…we will send you some Hypnotapes on how to be a Mistress of Sissies

Masturbation without Permission, is another major Infraction..the Chastity Device should avoid most mishaps

Bad Thoughts…could be anything that a Sissy should not think about..an Example is that of fantasizing about fucking women..this is an impossibility for you now Sissy and it must be clear in your Head that even the thought or desire to do it can get you seriously in trouble..Im quite lenient in my Community but some of my Sisters in the FemDom Lezzie Community would castrate a Man for such thoughts..or even posting something or writhing a story hinting at this..Nobody wants to see a Sissy Fucking a Mistress..dont even visualize it..or if you Do, Love Making of a Sissy to a Mistress is licking her boots, her Ass or getting pegged by her…nothing more.

A Bad Meal..overcooked, undercooked, not fresh, not clean..wrongly spiced..not in line with our expectations of excellence..we will not accept mediocrity

Uncleanliness…we want clean kitchens, bathrooms, the yard, the rooms..we will not tolerate Fingerprints on Doors, Splashes of sauce on the Backsplash, drips, or any type of Uncleanliness..

Tonight’s Hypno Tube Sissy is on Mindset..this week, you’ll repaint your room Pink and throw up all your male clothes and undies out..and tomorrow, you get you properly waxed, shaved coz all this Hair on a Sissy is unsightly and a punishable Sin….

We must align your mind with the girl inside

● Acquire pink bathroom essentials

● Cooking – Learn cum recipe

● Habit – anal stretching and care

● Habit read a fashion magazine

● Acquire small dildo to use in showers

● Weekly sissy hypnosis habit

● and more

Tomorrow, Josie will take you get waxed and shaved and have your her Hair Done and they ll teach you about how to apply your Makeup properly…also those lips are too thin..you need Pouty slutty Fuck Me Lips coz Down the road, we will let you go out and find somebody ro fuck you anally and Big Tits, knee pads as well as pouty lips are a Bate required in any Sissy s toolbox. You will also need new sissy platform shoes, the ones that lock on…and a few more restraints and lockable collars.. So I’m investing my time in You so I’m taking a Chance on You..Sissy.

With your measurements, I’ll order some more attire for you online. Give me your Debit Card..coz you no longer need it Sissy..I will use it on your behalf to pay for all this equipment.

I want you to feel empowered as a Sissy, help you get in touch with your Femine Power, the Power to attract, to seduce, and to get properly fucked or be a top cocksucker. I no longer want to see you look at Girl pics. I want you to focus on Sissies blowing big Cocks or getting anally fucked by their Mistress or some Alpha Males with big Dicks.

Also, your Meals will be different from Ours..You will eat dog food that we get shipped in especially for you, or leftovers or special recipes that have a Generous Addition of Cum..if you do release, I ll make you eat your Cum or that of other men, if we can find it for you.

Josie, get me a McDonald Cup and a straw..

She left and came back…Mistress said ok..face the wall coz Im still shy..I could hear her pissing into the cup..Ok turn around she said..,and drink it now Sissy.. I did it with Hesitation..

What did I just tell you about Hesitation..Mistress said..

Josie, go get the Whip..

Stand up Slave and put the Cup down..turn around..bow over,

Ok Go at it Josie..go for the Upper Legs, the Ass Cheeks…Josie will give you a minimum of 50 strokes every week sometimes more..and I will also whip her as needed..it’s called Discipline Whipping..every Wednesday, I want a list of your Sins..if I find a Sin that you did not declare, its twice the number of strokes..So today..its 5 strokes for Hesitation, 1 week more in Chastity and then 5 strokes for Bad Attitude..hey, you re New, looking up, keep your eyes on the floor or on the Boots, look for Uncleanly Spots in the House instead..also, when I have a phone call, I want you leaving coz its private unless I say it’s ok to stay.

You Sissy, count the strokes..if you stop counting, well start over..

Josie, stop..I’ll show you…hit with a twist of the wrist..its more nasty..look at it and his reaction..if they are not sweating or squealing, you are not Doing it right…So, one swap, ouch, two swaps, ouch, three swaps..ouch..and she gave it back to Josie.

Now, after Josie is done, turn around and Kiss her boots to thank her especially the Heels..we want clean Heels..trust us we have bigger things in line for you..your Buttplugs will get bigger, your delay of Chastity will get longer, the strapons I will fuck you with will become bigger..the only thing that will get smaller is your Chastity Device and when we upgrade your Buttplug, well also upgrade your Chastity with a smaller one…its called Continuing Education.

Now, lick those hills properly..here Josie, oil them a bit coz I like the smell..it did smell well, lemony like Pledge and it had a hallucinogenic bite to it..and I drifted into a sweet subspace where I was in a state of perfect Bliss..and I also got a Hardon..because of the Power Exchange, the Humiliation, the Smell, the whole Scene of perfect Subjugation.

You will need to earn the Bootlicker Certification Sissy..its your prelude to Anything else..realize that your Mouth is not for talking..its for Sucking. Licking and Spaazing..as say the Danes..a state of spaaz, trance, or subspace that is Bliss…your new Reality is to see yourself more as a Fucktoy, a Doll, a Slut, a Cocksucker and Cumslut…it is my way to reconcile with the Male gender..and help me overcome my own issues, my own spite for most men, except Sissies. I have no need for aggressive Men in my life.

Josie may need you as a Model in her Fine Arts class next week..so we need you prepped coz you ll be a Female in a Bra with pushup flesh to give you some roundness coz they dont like scrawny thin models…and they have little money..so help them..it is an Act of Service, of Altruism, Free Humiliation play for you and you are helping students. Anyways, it would please your Witness and the Photo students will send me pics of your Naked State, adorned as the perfect Maid.

Josie, take that Cup..show em how it’s done..Josie took the McDonalds Pop cup and took a vigorous sip…and she dropped to her knees, started licking her boots and started livcking her boots..Now, that’s proper slave Behavior..no hesitation and a flow that looks normal and natural, no matter where it is..whether in a Hotel Lobby or in a Parking lot somewhere.

She took a curved dick made of metal that looked like a Chastity but it was a funnel and she said…maybe this mode of ingestion will be more in line with your Sissy Fantasies…she put in in my Mouth and I put my lips around it like a Dick..Deep throat it she said..I did.oh..it’s too low..ok..like this..and she poured a third of the cup into the funnel and i ingested the liquid of pee.

It contains Vitamins, Nutrients, Sissy and estrogen that are good for you…she said.

Estrogen means more sensitive skin, especially when shaved and properly stockinged in Sissy lace and it will grow your Titties and make them very sensitive..You may also have mood swings..and become very emotional…and then your Dick will shrink and become a true Sissy Clitty.

So, you must go cook now..in a few days, we ll start your new Menu beefed up by more estrogen, a few Alpha Blockers to limit your Mood Swings..Josie looked at me and sighed…Yes I know Josie..Castration is a cheaper and better option and maybe in the end, you ll agree with her.

So, you have the Essentials now Sissy…and like my oiled heels a bit more while I french Josie…Josie gets very physical and sensuous once she’s ingested that boot wax…she said with a wicked Giggle.



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