How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 8 by RobertLStevenson

A literotic sexstories: How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 8 by RobertLStevenson ,
The mayor samples my daughter and is pleased.
This is the 8th chapter of a series-it will make much more sense and be more enjoyable if you start at the beginning.This is a near-future world where Fathers are deeply involved in the process of preparing their daughters to succeed in a local coming-of-age celebration known as the Festival where girls are released to the public for training; society has decided it is best for young women to be available to be taught sexual skills at nearly all times by any interested man who has a daughter who is of age.

As always your comments and votes mean the world. Also, if you’re a fan and have ideas for future scenarios you’d like to see in this story line, share them in the comments or email me—I’d love to integrate them. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.


The week after the Festival was a whirlwind. Jennifer’s first-place victory was a major event, and she and I had interviews with the news stations and papers, made appearances at several functions, and on Friday evening we were even dinner guests of the mayor and his wife.

A stocky, charming man with a shock of silver hair, Mayor Harlan Caldwell was in his late fifties and had been a leading man in politics in our town for decades. It was an honor to be his guest in his home, and was even more evidence of the amazing opportunities that Jennifer’s win would create for her. He and his wife lived in a large, country-style estate just outside town, and they met us at the door with big smiles and a warm welcome.

‘Come in, come in,’ he boomed, shaking my hand firmly, ‘Julie and I have been looking forward to having y’all over! Bianca, Tiffany, would you please take our guests’ coats?’

Two young girls appeared, dressed identically in white blouses and short black skirts, and as they took our coats Harlan explained that they were the Caldwell’s assistants.

‘They’ve been life-changers,’ he chuckled, ‘they’re smart, very attentive. We have them to help with cooking, cleaning, light yard work. And anything else that might need…attending to.’

My wife exclaimed that she loved the Caldwell’s home, and Harlan chuckled again.

‘Why thank you kindly, Mrs. Stevenson. We do love to share it with special folks. Tell you what, dinner is in half an hour-Julie, darling, why don’t you give Mrs. Stevenson the tour and maybe show her the garden, and Robert and Jennifer and I will take a little refreshment in the den, and we’ll meet in the dining room in thirty minutes?’

This suggestion was met with delight from both of the women, and as they set off arm-in-arm, Harlan took Jennifer’s hand and led us down the stairs to a large, luxurious room. Furnished with oversized leather couches and chairs, with heavy wood tables and one wall that was entirely a giant stone fireplace, it had a warm, western, masculine feel that was terrifically inviting. The art on the walls and several bronze statues were all of cowboys and other scenes of the wild west, and in the middle of the floor was a massive bear rug.

Harlan made his way to the bar in the corner, helped Jennifer onto one of the bar stools, then pulled down three glasses while chatting with her.

‘Well, Miss Jennifer, it is truly a delight to meet you in person, and I’m so happy that we get to have this special little celebratory dinner after your amazing showing at the Festival. I was in the front row that night, and I swear I knew, as soon as you stepped onto the stage, that you were going to win it all,’ he smiled as he poured two whiskeys on the rocks for himself and me.

Jennifer giggled and blushed, thanking him and telling him he was too kind. I took my whiskey, touched glasses with Harlan, and made myself comfortable in one of the giant leather chairs.

‘Goodness, not too kind at all,’ Harlan protested, ‘you came through in a big way and won decisively. Truly, there was no doubt as soon as your father removed your underthings-girls your age are generally always quite lovely, but the entire crowd knew you were in a different class altogether the moment you were naked in front of them.

‘Now I’m sorry dear girl, but of course you’re not old enough for a grown-up drink-would you like a Coca-Cola or a ginger beer?’

Jennifer nodded and said thank you. Harlan gave her a tall, ice-cold glass of soda and touched glasses.

‘Congratulations to you, Jennifer, and here’s to a wonderful future ahead of you! Now, tell me darling, what was it like at the end of the evening, when you were taken for the first time? That must be a very intense experience.’

Jennifer’s eyes got a little larger as she remembered that night, and she nodded soberly.

‘Yes. It was…a lot. I mean, it was my first time, of course. But also Mr. Milano is, um, pretty big, so it really hurt a bit when he first put it in me. But he started really gentle, and it got better. And also my dad stayed and held my hand, and that really helped, too.’

She suddenly grinned.

‘But oh my gosh, then I had an orgasm, which felt really good, and then he had a really hard orgasm, and it was super cool feeling his…thing…shooting his…stuff…inside me.’

As much as I didn’t want to, I knew I needed to interject. Jennifer was still learning to speak comfortably about sexual matters, and I wanted her to make a good impression on Harlan.

‘Sweetheart,’ I said softly, ‘remember what we learned about being a well-mannered young lady?’

Jennifer blushed again, embarrassed at the thought of having made a faux pas in front of the Mayor.

‘I’m so sorry, Mr. Caldwell. I should know better-I DO know better,’ she rushed to say, and recited a line from one of her etiquette books, “A young lady should use the proper terms for things in casual conversation. Euphemisms are appropriate while engaged in the act of being trained.”

‘What I meant to say is, that it felt really cool when Mr. Milano ejaculated, and I could feel his penis shooting his semen deep inside me for the first time. Like, I was literally feeling a thick, warm spray against my insides, filling me up, and it felt so good in a way I could never have imagined before.’

Caldwell nodded appreciatively, his eyes twinkling.

‘Well I’m so glad that you found you enjoy the experience. We all loved watching it-it really felt like a privilege to see you take your first cock, and I for one was grateful to have been there to witness it. You were quite beautiful as Tavio worked on you-once you settled in a bit, it seemed almost like a tranquil look came over you and your whole body opened up and relaxed a bit to let him do what he needed to do. It was truly lovely to behold, like an angel.’

Jennifer nodded vigorously, sipping her coke. She seemed flattered that Caldwell was so interested in the details of her experience, and she eagerly agreed with his observations.

‘Yes, I totally felt that. It was crazy, almost like, when he came, I felt almost like I became…I don’t know how to put it…like I was “one with humanity” or something silly like that,’ she giggled.

Harlan shook his head kindly.

‘It’s not silly at all, dear girl. In a very real way, when a young girl such as yourself is taken sexually by a man, from a biological perspective she is fulfilling her most fundamental purpose..

‘Certainly you have many wonderful talents and abilities that will allow you to make your mark on the world, but as a female member of the species, your primary function is to reproduce. All your DNA, practically every part of your body, all designed brilliantly for the express purpose of attracting males to couple with you.

‘It’s a sacred thing, and it’s perfectly reasonable that when you experience it, you feel deeply connected to your species-in reality, you are participating in a primal and ancient act for which you were purposely-and perfectly-created.’

As he spoke, Jennifer leaned closer, rapt in her attention, and her dark brown eyes grew wide and welled a bit at the corners. She smiled, clasping her hands.

‘Oh Mr. Caldwell, that is simply the most wonderful, beautiful way to put that. It’s exactly what I feel. You are so sweet.’

Harlan smiled kindly as he reached out and gently stroked Jennifer’s cheek.

‘Sweet thing, I have spent much of the last thirty-five years training young girls. It’s been a passion. Over the course of that amount of experience a man is liable to get a little philosophical.

‘So tell me, what are you most excited for in this next chapter of your life? What are you focusing on?’

Jennifer instinctively kissed his palm before she replied, her body beginning to respond naturally to his demeanor and touch. Harlan lightly brushed his thumb across her lips before she answered.

‘Well, I feel like I have so much still to learn, but I mostly want to be good at blowjobs, and I’m afraid I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. But I like practicing them, and cum is just really fascinating to me. I want to play with it and taste it and rub it all over me, which is real weird. I don’t know what that means or says about me.

‘But daddy’s been helping me practice a little bit, and I’m so glad. And each time I get to do one I feel like I get better.’

Harlan raised his eyebrows and glanced at me as he heard this revelation, and I just shrugged and nodded.

‘Well, obviously your dad loves you quite a lot and wants you to succeed, darling. You’re fortunate to have such a great relationship with him, and so much support from him.’

He smiled, and reached for the buttons of Jennifer’s low-cut sundress.

‘Now, you must have had quite an exciting time since the Festival. Have you gotten to do anything particularly interesting? And while you tell me, I’m just going to have a look at your lovely breasts here.’

My daughter’s breath caught for a brief moment as Caldwell’s fingers began undoing her dress, but I was pleased to see her maintain her composure and adhere to her training. Pulling her shoulders back a little and sitting up perfectly straight and tall, and gently pressing her bosom toward the older man to let him know she was available for him to do whatever he wanted, she fought to maintain her focus on answering his question.

‘Uh, yes, actually there has been a lot of crazy stuff. I think the one that really sticks out is when dad and I went on Mornings With Monahan on Channel 5. And Kyle Monahan and Dale interviewed us about the Festival, and then Mr. Monahan was like, “Well, I think it’s only reasonable to show the the studio audience and the folks at home what a First Place body looks like,” and so I had to undress right there on the set.

‘Then after I was naked he had Dylan read Mr. Milano’s official report that he wrote after the Festival, describing what it was like having sex with me, and then he said that since their viewers trusted them when it came to news and information, it was probably best that he and Mr. Monahan verify all the points in the report. So they took turns doing what Mr. Milano did with me. And some extra stuff they thought was important for their viewers to see.’

Caldwell had unbuttoned Jennifer’s dress to her waist as she sat on the bar stool, and he carefully opened it, pressing the dress around her sides and revealing her soft, round breasts, which he admired for a moment before gently cupping them both and squeezing them softly.

‘My goodness, young lady,’ he said warmly, and with a little grunt of appreciation, ‘I do declare these are delightful!’

Jennifer flushed pink as she murmured a soft ‘thank-you’, and then bit her lip as Harlan took her nipples and gently tugged on them until they grew hard and crinkled, her small areolas a rich cocoa brown.

Harlan had grown up on a ranch, and even though he had been a successful business man for the last forty years, he still made a point of maintaining his small spread himself. I could see that his hands were rough and calloused, but he used a masterfully delicate touch to avoid hurting my daughter, much as he would with a newborn calf, or a duckling.

He moved on Jennifer like the seasoned rancher he was—capable, confident, strong, and an expert in raising and training and caring for valuable creatures. A fundamental skill for a farmer is evaluating his livestock on their genetic strength, temperament, conformation, and breeding desirability, and Harlan’s practiced eye twinkled with a knowing and professional pleasure as he inspected Jennifer’s breasts, his weathered hands lightly brushing across their sensitive skin, causing them to break out in goosebumps.

‘Why yes indeed, very fine,’ he proclaimed, as if he had ***********ed a prize heifer at the auction and was looking forward to taking her back to the ranch to meet his bulls. ‘Did she develop early?’

I shook my head. ‘No, actually she was a bit of a late bloomer. She was almost completely flat-chested for what seemed like forever—then she grew her pair almost overnight. It was surprising, because she’d been maturing in every other way completely normally-she’d had a full crop of pubic hair for a long time. It all worked out in the end, I guess.’

Harlan raised his head from where he had been sucking on one of Jennifer’s nipples, a loud pop sounding as the little nub of dark girl flesh came free from his hungry lips, and chuckled. ‘Well, I should say so. They seem quite healthy now.’ He cradled my daughter’s breasts in both hands, squeezing them gently and admiring how her nipples glistened beneath a thick coat of his saliva. ‘And it’s probably for the best anyways-if a girl grows her breasts later, it means less time for gravity to take its toll. These are probably going to stay this lovely for many, many years.’

There was a knock at the door, and as it opened Bianca, one of the Caldwell’s assistants, walked in. She announced that dinner would be ready in twenty minutes, and asked if Harlan needed anything before then. Harlan smiled kindly at the girl, and beckoned her into the room.

‘Thank you, Miss Bianca. As a matter of fact, come in here please-I was about to call you or Tiffany. Mr. Stevenson and I are enjoying a pre-dinner aperitif and discussing the importance of cultivating an appreciation for the finer things in life. Speaking of which, why don’t you undress and hop up on the chair with him, and let him play with you for a bit. Robert, I find that not much works up a healthy appetite like getting my hands on a beautiful little body, and I’m sure you’d agree.’

Bianca smiled and nodded, and with a cheerful ‘yes, sir’ she walked across the room until she was standing in front of me where I sat in the deep leather armchair, and began to unbutton her blouse.

‘It’s so good to meet you, Mr. Robertson,’ she said, with an adorable smile and only the slightest hint of a latinx accent. She had long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her thick lashes and strong brows were captivating. I’d noticed when we arrived that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and her breasts were deliciously full as she slipped out of her blouse. She was short-probably only a little over four-and-a-half feet-and extraordinarily curvy, with an amazing backside that she revealed as she stepped out of her short skirt. I was captivated as she stood there, her arms behind her back, allowing me to drink her in with my eyes.

‘It’s lovely to meet you as well, Bianca,’ I said, smiling kindly and leaning forward to get a better view.

She glanced at Harlan and ran her thumbs along the waistband of her thin cotton panties.

‘Um…panties too, Mr. Caldwell?’ she asked, uncertainly.

Caldwell nodded a bit impatiently.

‘Yes, dear girl, of course your panties too. It’s a matter of basic hospitality, as you should know by now. Mr. Robertson is our guest, and he deserves to enjoy you unencumbered. Do take them off please.’

Bianca complied with a slight twist of her lips. It seemed she wasn’t enthusiastic about getting completely naked for me, but she did her best to mask her reluctance as her duties required, and slid her soft undergarment down her legs, resuming her position in front of me completely nude, and avoiding my eye contact. It wasn’t up to a girl to decide what was best when it came to how much clothing she should wear or what eligible males should be able to do with her, however, so I didn’t take much notice.

I was delighted to see that she was completely—and evidently freshly-waxed, the splendidly smooth skin of her soft belly plunging seamlessly to a innocent-looking little slit between her legs.

‘My goodness, she is lovely,’ I exclaimed, and Harlan chuckled.

‘She is indeed. I’m glad you approve,’ he smiled proudly. ‘She’s a bit of a firecracker when she gets going, and every inch of her is worth the price of admission.’

I instructed Bianca to turn around and show me her backside, which was truly magnificent.

‘Oh my goodness, and she has perfect back dimples,’ I couldn’t help but exclaim. ‘I might be a little bit in love.’

Harlan laughed.

‘Ah, a fellow connoisseur of the dimples of Venus, I see. It warms my heart to see such a fine specimen get appreciated by a devotee. Bianca, let Mr. Stevenson see that fine backside in motion.’

Bianca smiled naughtily, and with a polite ‘yes, sir’ she bent forward a little, placed her fingers under her butt cheeks, and did a gentle little twerk, her round buttocks rising and falling in rhythm. I was entranced, and was also delighted to hear a sticky, wet, “schnick-schnick” accompany each bounce. Harlan laughed again.

‘I don’t normally have our girls wear panties, but Bianca is literally constantly wet, and it became a matter of preserving the furniture. Go ahead and check. The poor girl spends every waking minute soaked and ready to be enjoyed, whether she thinks she wants to be or not.’

Bianca blushed as Harlan described the state of her private parts, and I reached out and told her to spread her legs a bit, gently pressing my fingers into her soft, warm slit as she did so. Harlan chuckled again as my face betrayed my astonishment and delight, my fingers sinking easily between her folds and becoming instantly coated in copious amounts of her vaginal lubrication. In spite of her evident bashfulness, she gasped and grabbed my hand and gently pressed it harder against her vulva.

I could feel the heat radiating from her naked body, and I stood her up and turned her to face me, returning my hand to her wet slit from the front. I used my free hand to pat the chair cushion beside me.

‘Come on over here, cutie,’ I said, guiding her with a firm grip on her pussy to sit down and snuggle close beside me. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, her thighs spread and draped over my lap, my hand never leaving the warm confines of the wet treasure between them. Bianca nuzzled her head into my shoulder and closed her eyes, soft little whimpers coming from her as I took my time exploring her vagina. As I expected, some gentle stimulus to her young genitals and a firm guiding hand were enough to start arousing her, in spite of her earlier reservations. I looked forward to pushing her to her peak.

Satisfied that I was pleasantly occupied for a moment, Harlan turned back to Jennifer, who sat stock-still with a mixture of horror and delight on her face as she watched me hold a naked young girl tightly against my body and finger her casually while chatting with Harlan. Of course she had seen this sort of thing before, but it was the first time she had seen me directly involved. In addition to the shock, I seemed to also sense a hint of jealousy.

Jennifer liked to think of herself as my favorite, a delusion I was probably too willing to indulge. She felt that she was the only one who got to do many things we did together, which confirmed her belief that she held a special place forever. I realized that as far as she knew, she was the only girl who had been in Bianca’s position-she was daddy’s special girl, after all, and that proved it. So it was a bit of a rude awakening for her to realize that her place had been taken, and that there would only be more interlopers as time went on.

The moments we’d shared in her training were only the prelude to an endless line of young girls who would be in my arms and under my body over the coming years, doing things with me far more intimate than the things she’d done so far. I could see she was a little crushed, and I guessed she took small solace in the related realization that she would have to find her own special moments from now on in the arms of innumerable men, doing whatever intimate things they wanted.

I felt a little sorry for her, but I knew it was unavoidable. She wasn’t a child anymore. She had many things to learn at the hands of grown men, and I had a civic duty—and right-to train as many girls as I could. I knew she would eventually be alright; she just had to get used to seeing her daddy fondle and stroke other naked girls, instead of her.

She recovered her composure however, as Harlan lifted her chin with his hand and looked her in the eyes.

‘Now sweet thing, while your papa enjoys Bianca, let’s have you hop down from there and suck my cock for a bit before the dinner bell. I’d love for you to show me what you’ve been practicing with him, and I might have some suggestions for you, too.’

Jennifer nodded soberly and got on her knees as Harlan undid his belt and slacks and freed his penis. He was not long, but quite thick, and Jennifer struggled momentarily to fit her mouth around him. He was patient but firm with his guidance as he stroked her cheek gently and encouraged her softly, all while slowly and firmly working more and more of his erection into her mouth.

Once she had managed to fit as much of his penis as possible into her throat, he held her there for a couple moments and instructed her to breath and calm herself; as she relaxed a little, he smiled and withdrew, a long strand of saliva following the head of his cock as it left her tongue. Patting her on the head, he told her she was doing a good job, and instructed her to lick and suck him as best as she could. As she focused on her task with determination and enthusiasm, he glanced over at me and laughed.

I’d taken Bianca’s ponytail and was using it to position her where I wanted; I was alternating between pulling her toward me and kissing her deeply on her full lips, my tongue exploring every corner of her sweet mouth; and pulling her away, tilting her head back so I could graze down her throat, over her collar bone, and across her breast to suck and nibble on her nipple to my heart’s content.

I loved how her breasts were so full and round, but seemed to taper to a point—they were extremely tantalizing, and I was enjoying watching her nipple become hard and sensitive as I savored its firmness in my mouth. I held her head firmly back, and my other hand never stopped rubbing and riffling through her soaking labia. She wasn’t struggling much, though she couldn’t have done much about it if she’d wanted to, but she arched and whimpered as I played with her body, and when it seemed like she couldn’t take the stimulation any longer I went back to giving her deep kisses.

‘How are things going over there, Robert? Satisfactory?’

I looked up with a silly grin on my face.

‘I should say so. She is such a peach. How long has she been working for you and Julie?’

Harlan was holding Jennifer’s head with both hands and slowly running his cock in and out of her mouth, a look of satisfied bliss on his face as he watched how hard she was working to accommodate him.

‘Just about three months,’ he answered.

I had assumed the Biancal and Tiffany were practically part of the family, so I was surprised at how new they were. Harlan released Jennifer’s head and allowed her to resume her own game of exploration, sniffing and licking and nibbling her way around his penis and scrotum, and he explained.

‘Well you may know I was raised in Millerton, up north about two hundred miles. It’s a tiny town, only about fifteen hundred folk, and there’s not a lot of opportunity. I grew up poor, and worked my tail off, and got a little lucky, and when my businesses began to take off I set up a scholarship fund as a way to give back and say thank you to my little town.

‘That was about eight years ago now, and it’s been a great success that has inspired quite a few other businessmen to copy it. It’s one of my favorite things to work on these days, because it’s truly heartwarming to be part of helping people get to the next level in their life.

‘Each year the incoming high-school senior girls are eligible to apply for the endowment, which is a full expense-paid scholarship for their first semester at any state school they choose. Before that first semester, they undertake a three-month internship here with Julie and me, where they live without expense, have significant free time, and learn many valuable skills.

‘Julie teaches them home economics-skills like cooking and cleaning and gardening and so on, as well as hospitality and other things important for an accomplished woman to know.

‘I have the opportunity to truly invest some quality time over three months in training them to the highest level I can. It’s an immersive sort of training; they live in the house, so they’re available for lessons at any time of day or night, and I feel that the sheer volume of the sessions that we’re able to accomplish really puts girls who take part in the program in a different category than their peers. I do my best to keep the curriculum challenging, and I really like having the chance to help them build some deeper knowledge over that course of time.

‘We take on two girls at a time, so that’s eight girls each year who get the scholarship. Shortly after the start of the school year I take a trip out to Millerton to review the applications and do the interviews. There are typically around twenty girls that have applied, and I try to be thorough in my process and open-minded in my ***********ions. It’s a shame that we can’t help all the applicants, but it is a merit-based grant, and only the top eight can earn it.’

He paused for a moment and gently raised Jennifer’s head with his hands, slowly pulling his cock free from her mouth and smiling kindly. I was happy to see how well-behaved she was being, and how attentive to her training; as good manners dictated, she widened her beautiful eyes and sought to maintain her gaze with our host as he spoke to her, and she kept her mouth opened, a strand of saliva strung between the head of his penis and her pink, slightly extended tongue. These gestures, of course, communicated to Harlan that she was paying attention and doing her best to follow his directions and provide for his desires, as well as showing that she knew it was her responsibility to welcome him back into her mouth, or anywhere else he wanted, whenever he chose.

‘Dear girl, you are doing a VERY good job,’ he said warmly. ‘Now look, I want you to hold my cock with one hand—there you go-and just squeeze it and stroke it very slowly and gently—atta girl-and while you’re doing that, I want you to suck on my balls, one at time, also slowly and gently. Oh my stars, that feels amazing, sweet thing. That’s it, just keep doing it like that until I tell you to stop.’

Turning back to me, he continued.

‘When I’m choosing the girls, I’m looking for intelligence, personality, maturity, and of course the highest possible marks on all physical aspects. I sit with every candidate for a short interview and conduct a thorough inspection of her body, leaving nothing unexamined. The girls obviously haven’t celebrated their Festival yet, so I can’t actually have sex with them as part of the ***********ion process.

‘That contributes a bit of risk to my part of the program; since I can’t take them for a test drive, so to speak, I don’t know for certain what I’ll be dealing with sexually for the next three months when the girls arrive, but so far it hasn’t really been an issue. It’s just a matter of ensuring the girls to whom I award this money are attractive in every detail, healthy, responsive, and demonstrate a clear eagerness to engage in a vigorous sexual education once they’ve celebrated their Festival-and that becomes evident pretty quickly once you strip them down and make a thorough survey of every inch you can access.’

While Harlan had been talking I’d flipped Bianca onto her tummy and had her lay across my lap, and I’d been happily playing with her beautiful backside, periodically spreading her cheeks and dipping my fingers into her soaking little vagina.

She had practically no inner lips; just two fat, exquisitely curved outer labia that came together with a perfect seal. Each time I pried them gently apart, I was presented with a growing pool of shining, slick, crystal-clear lubrication, and it seemed like I could see all the way into her tiny hole. I’d drag my fingertips across the pool, gathering up her sweet juices, then delightedly massage her own lubrication all around her adorable asshole. She was not excited about my forays in that region, and groaned quietly and squirmed a bit, her tidy little star contracting and pulsing charmingly as I petted it with my fingertip.

It was evident this was an area in her studies where she was lagging; either Harlan wasn’t much into backdoor work, or Bianca was simply recalcitrant. Either way, it was important for a girl to learn skills pertaining to butt play, so her reactions were unacceptable. Admonishing her not to struggle, I wrapped my arm around her hips and reached my hand back through her legs, enabling me to keep her from wiggling while also having access to her clit, which I stroked softly. My other hand resumed exploring her butt hole, and as I sensed her relax a bit, I periodically pressed gently against it with the tip of my middle finger, a little further each time, until eventually I was in up to my first knuckle.

I didn’t feel the need to take things further, but since I was enjoying the pleasure of her tight anus as it squeezed and pulsed, I parked my hand on her bare butt cheek, leaving my finger inside her, while my other hand explored the rest of her beautiful body as she lay across my lap

Harlan watched with approval as I countered Bianca’s momentary resistance and maintained control of her in my little project of familiarizing her with anal play, and he complimented me on my technique, noting that the firm manner in which I’d held her steady seemed to help in calming her and making her more pliant to the invasion of my touch on her very personal area.

‘I must say, for a man who’s only just this week had his first daughter celebrate her Festival, you have good instincts for what a girl needs.

‘Bianca and I have been working regularly on helping her feel more comfortable with having her anus played with since she arrived. You can see she’s a little strong-willed, yet teachable, and I’m quite proud of her progress. As you can imagine, she had little trouble earning her spot. She’d never had sex before, of course, but as soon as I peeled her panties down her thighs and saw how wet she was, and how receptive to my further explorations, it was obvious that she possessed the fine qualities expected of a recipient of our scholarship.

‘In any case, it has been wonderful sharing the last three months with her and Tiffany, but I must admit I’m ready for them to move on to college—Bianca is attending Central when she finishes here, studying business, and Tiffany is going to be a Thornton biology major-and I’m looking forward to welcoming the next two recipients, Gina and Ali, next week.’

Just then we heard what turned out to be a literal dinner bell, and Harlan pulled his cock from Jennifer’s mouth with a pop and patted her one the head.

‘And there’s dinner,’ he said. ‘Darling girl, pull your dress together, and let’s go eat. Afterward, Robert, it seems to me a fine idea for the four of us to reconvene for dessert here.’

Jennifer sulked, and then brightened at Harlan’s suggestion. She’d been getting warmed up on his cock, and she obviously wanted to finish her lesson properly. I pulled my finger out of Bianca’s butt and gave it a couple light smacks before letting her get off my lap and get dressed.

She had evidently taken some offense at how I’d made myself at home with her anus, and didn’t seem too enthused about Harlan’s idea of meeting back here after dinner. She pouted and pulled her clothes on a little petulently, and I realized my dessert might be a bit extra tart. We all went upstairs to the dining room, Harlan with a patronly arm around Jennifer’s shoulder, his hand cupping her breast as they climbed the stairs.

Dinner was lovely, and the conversation flowed easily. Julie was a wonderful hostess, and she and my wife seemed to get along splendidly. Harlan regaled us with stories of his political career, and we feasted on steak and fresh roasted vegetables from the garden.

As we finished, Harlan stood up and kissed Julie on the forehead, thanking her and Tiffany and Bianca for a lovely meal, to which we all voiced our agreement.

‘Darling wife,’ he said, ‘I believe that Robert and Jennifer and Bianca and I will be taking our dessert in the den.’

Jennifer blushed slightly, and as she stood up her mother took her hand and kissed her cheek.

‘Have fun, sweetheart, and listen to Mr. Caldwell, alright? Just be a good girl, and do whatever he says. This is his house, after all, and you’re his guest. And Robert, remember she has her job interview in the morning—don’t keep her down there too long.’

‘Yes, mama,’ my daughter answered, and I reassured her mother that she’d already been well-behaved and quite accommodating, and that we’d be not much more than half an hour.

Once we’d returned to the den, Harlan wasted no time instructing Jennifer and Bianca to disrobe. His eyes twinkled with anticipation as Jennifer slipped out of her sun dress and pulled her panties down, and he immediately knelt to get a closer look at her vulva.

‘I’m telling you, Robert,’ he said, ‘this is a championship pussy-she could win nationals with this. So delicious,’ he murmured, one hand softly stroking her inner lips and feeling her wetness while he ran his other hand up and down her naked body. Jennifer exclaimed quietly and shivered at the touch of his rough hands as he handled her, but shifted her feet to spread her legs and give him better access to her girl parts.

I’d simply bent the marginally cooperative Bianca over the back of one of the large leather chairs, and was already working myself deep inside her since she was still—and apparently always—slick and dripping. I didn’t have any particular agenda; after the episode with her anus I was just planning on spending twenty minutes fucking her fairly hard to help her learn not to make it difficult for men to play with any part of her body. She yelped and jumped a bit, but she knew better than to resist, and eventually she had found a reasonably comfortable position on the chair and let me do what I wanted.

Harlan led Jennifer over to the coffee table and had her climb on it on all fours. Taking his time, he explored every inch of her body, pausing behind her to bend down and inhale deeply before giving the length of her slit several long licks with his tongue. Jennifer responded naturally by arching her back and presenting her vulva to him, trying to get her clitoris in contact with his warm, wet tongue.

‘Robert, allow me to congratulate you again on such a prize. She is truly a fine specimen,’ he said.

‘Dear girl, I know you need to get home and to bed soon, so I’m going to keep this simple and just enjoy you from behind for a bit. Come on now, bring that beautiful little box over here and put it on my cock…that’s a good girl…my stars you are tight…’

Jennifer let out a low wail as Harlan grabbed her hips and impaled her with his thick member; I could tell it was a very tight fit, but Harlan was experienced enough to keep her steady and prevent her from escaping as he pressed himself home, and then let her breathe and relax for a moment before beginning to fuck her.

I was proud of how quickly Jennifer found her rhythm and started to match Harlan’s movement and intensity, letting him dictate the pace and depth, regardless of how much his size challenged her. He petted her and spoke calmly to her, and gradually increased the speed and power of his thrusts as he plumbed her depths and stretched her inexperienced vagina to its limit.

Both of the girls were moaning and thrashing now as we reamed them as deeply as we could, and we took immense pleasure in the sensations of their tight, young pussies clenching down on us as we used them. Harlan finally slowed, and spoke to Jennifer.

‘Alright, cutie, it’s about time for your dessert. How would you like it? Inside you? On you?’

Jennifer gasped with need and urgency.

‘No, please…please-please-please…cum in my mouth! Please!’

I realized this would be her first experience of this; she was fascinated by semen and loved the taste, and I knew it would be a special moment for her. Tavio had cum inside her at the Festival, and at the Mornings with Monahan taping Kyle and Dale had both cum on her back. This was still just her first week since the Festival, and the only other man who had trained her so far was our neighbor, Brad, who’d elected to deposit his load on her breasts-so it looked like she was finally going to get her wish.

Harlan was only too happy to agree, and after a half-dozen extra hard thrusts, he pulled out and ordered Jennifer to turn around and open her mouth. She eagerly obeyed, her tongue extended, her eyes hungrily locked on the head of his cock. Harlan had her lick it gently a few times, then he grabbed her jaw to keep it open and with a low grunt unleashed a massive blast of semen straight into her waiting mouth. Jennifer blinked and her eyes went wide, and she half squealed in delight and half choked as shot after shot began filling her throat, millions of tiny swimmers swishing around her teeth and tongue.

I couldn’t hold on any longer myself, and as I watched her maintain her composure like the good girl she was and patiently allow our host to empty his testicles into her, I was rocked by my own orgasm and began filling Bianca’s little pussy with my own cum, driving her deep into the leather of the chair and holding her tightly in place with all my strength as my cock pulsed and pumped in the velvety confines of her young vagina. Her feet couldn’t reach the floor from where I’d driven her up over the back of the chair, and as her legs scrabbled for support I felt her begin to shudder as my powerful, hot jets of semen drove against her cervix and triggered her own unwilling orgasm.

As I came back to earth, I looked up in time to see my daughter proudly show Harlan all the cum in her mouth and then swallow, a giant grin on her face.

‘Oh, thank you, thank you so much, Mr. Caldwell,’ she gushed, ‘that was so amazing! It was better than I’ve dreamed. Daddy, did you see me? That was so fun! Mr. Caldwell shot his cum in my mouth-that felt so cool! Oh my gosh, I loved that so much! Oh, wow, I am SUPER wet after that…’

I smiled and chuckled as I let Bianca up, and she immediately shot me a dirty look before grabbing her clothing and scampering off upstairs, my cum running down her inner thighs with each step.

‘I’m so glad you liked it, honey,’ I said, a little unsteadily, still feeling the power of my orgasm. ‘Sounds like we kind of found your first kink—or wait, I guess second,’ I corrected myself, remembering how intense her orgasm had been when Ramer had stroked her clitoris while explaining how she’d need to be tied down securely in order to have her clit pierced (The Festival, Ch.3). I supposed that as kink combinations went, bondage, a little pain, and having men cum in your mouth was a pretty good one for a young girl to start life with.

Harlan stood beside Jennifer where she was still positioned, trembling slightly from the intensity of what she’d just been through, on all fours on the coffee table. He was taking advantage of our conversation to play with her pussy a little longer from behind.

While he rubbed it softly and reveled in the juices dripping from her slit, he complimented her on how good she’d been, saying that she was one of his favorite girls that he’d had the pleasure of training for a session. I figured this was probably a white lie that Harlan’s country personality used to make most girls feel special, but I could see that it infused my daughter with a fresh confidence and pride, which could only be a good thing. Jennifer blushed and thanked him, pressing her tender pussy against the old rancher’s rough, calloused hand to show her gratitude and asking, with shining eyes and a little quail in her whisper, if she could kiss him.

Harlan looked like he’d just seen the cutest puppy do something adorable, and assented. Continuing to gently pet her sore, swollen vulva, he caressed her breast and nipple with his other hand and leaned down, letting her give him the sweetest, deepest, hungriest kiss I’d ever seen. It was the kiss of a girl who had just been given a completely new, wonderful experience, and all she wanted to do was show how much she liked it and to offer herself for it again.

Harlan knew better than to give a young girl’s emotions free reign, of course. He pulled free from her kiss just as he felt her begin to melt, and brusquely filled her mouth with his semi-erect penis, reminding her that the most suitable way for her to express herself was by taking care of her responsibilities and cleaning his cock well.

Jennifer immediately complied, and began sucking and licking him, trying to lap up all traces of her juices from every fold and furrow of the soft, wrinkled skin of his genitals. I knew we needed to get going though, and I told her to put her clothes back on and we went back upstairs to leave. As we put on our coats and said our goodbyes my wife noticed that an errant shot of Harlan’s cum was still on Jennifer’s cheek, and she kissed her lovingly and licked it off.

Walking in the darkness to the car my daughter was on a high, chattering non-stop about how she couldn’t wait to have more men cum in her mouth and how she wanted to see how much semen she could hold and how she loved how the cum from each man she’d gotten to taste so far all had different flavors. My wife and I just looked at each other and smiled and shook our heads, and the last thing we heard as we pulled out of the driveway was Harlan’s booming voice.

‘Y’all come back now, ya hear?’


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