Immigrant Ch. 03 by Dash91830,Dash91830

After Henry left, Shani is struggling to come up with thoughts on what to do next. She knows that making him eat her menstrual blood might be a little too far, but she was so excited at the thought of degrading him like that that she didn’t pause to think of the possible consequences to her actions. It is only now that she realize she should’ve been a lot more careful in how she handles him. Granted, he said he’s okay when he left the house, and even smiled and gave her a kiss, but she is still worried that he might be trying to hide how bothered he is by what she did to him.

She knows she has to do something to make sure that he can’t leave her. It’ll have to be even more drastic than her feeding him her period blood. Shani already has an idea but she needs her father’s help for it. He will be a very important part of this plan, without whom it can not possible work. What she needs to do is get his approval and promise to help, and that’s what Shani intends to do the moment he gets home in about half an hour from now. The girl could barely hide her impatience as she walks around.

Finally, he gets home and she goes to him. He looks at his daughter, confused by her expression. Abdullah has never seen her look so desperate before. It is making him wonder if he should worry or not when Shani says “Dad, I’ve been waiting for you to get home. There is this really important thing that I need your help with.” She makes the man sit down on a chair and quickly gets him some coffee, placing the mug on the table in front of him. Shani also gets herself coffees after getting her father’s and takes a cautious sip from it.

Abdullah looks at her, waiting for the girl to say something but she doesn’t. It is obvious to him that his daughter is feeling conflicted about whatever it is she is asking him to help her with. There is a debate going on inside her on whether or not it is the right thing to do. “Tell me, Shani. If it is something can help you with, then I will,” he tells his daughter. He gently sets his hand on top of hers and rubs the back of her hand with his thumb, caressing it. “You know you can tell me anything.”

For the first time in her life, Shani feels afraid. She knows her father could get very upset by what she is about to tell him. But the Egyptian bombshell has to or else he wouldn’t understand and be able to help her out with this. The girl takes a very deep breath, and then two more. “Henry is angry with me because I put my period blood in his food.” The man just sits there staring at her. Shani braces herself for the shouting that she is sure would come soon. She is already wincing in advance of her dad’s yelling.

But to her surprise he does not start to pontificate. Instead, Abdullah only sits there with a stunned expression on his face. After some time, he reaches for his coffee with a trembling hand, taking a sip of it. Putting it back down on the table, he says “Well, I must say that I can understand why he would be upset. But this does show me just how much like your mother you are.” Shani is now frowning in confusion. The girl doesn’t know what he means by that and waits for him to explain. “What I meant is that she once did the same thing to me and tricked me into eating her period blood.”

Shani’s now the shocked one. The tall beauty never thought she was following in her mother’s footsteps when she did what she did. It comes as a genuinely shocking surprise to her. “Anyways, I need you to help me get him back,” she says. The exotic girl continues “I’m going to have sex with him and then you can help me tell him that you want us to get married in order to protect our family’s reputation. He will think of it as a cultural issue and do it. It is the only way to get him to agree to a teenage marriage, and will make sure he would not leave me. I know that you aren’t old-fashioned that way but I’m asking you to pretend to be, to get your daughter the perfect husband. Will you do it for me please?”

Abdullah considers it for a moment. He isn’t one for manipulating people, but Henry is a very nice boy who is good for his spoiled daughter. That kid is a good potential husband for her and he doesn’t want to let the opportunity slip away. Plus, Shani also wants him, and he wants his daughter to be happy. He nods. “I will do it. You can seduce him and get him in your bed, and I can play the enraged, patriarchal father, and he will believe it because of our country of origin. We’ll make him marry you by using his own sympathetic nature on him.”

Shani walks around the table to hug her dad tightly. “Thank you so much! I promise this is the only crazy thing that I will ever ask you to do. The only one!” She has never known such happiness before. Of course, the marriage would not be hard only on guilt-tripping. She knows that Henry also loves her. That is the reason why she is willing to do this. It is only to prevent the boy from leaving her if he gets too angry about what she did with his food when he was here the last time.

She waits eagerly after he’s left. The Middle Eastern girl has already asked Henry to come over to her house and he should be here any minute. As Shani waits for his arrival, she paces around the room. Finally Henry gets here and she prepares herself for what she is about to do. It might be a little difficult since she never had sex before and is still a virgin, but she knows that Henry is one too so that should make it manageable for her.

The girl folds her arms under her breasts, thrusting them up and together, deepening the valley between her large boobs. He can see the cleft between her mounds since she is wearing a low neckline T-shirt, and his penis grows hard in his pants. She smirks, walking towards him and saying “Hello, my love. I want to do something with you.” Then her hand reaches down to touch his cock through his pants, feeling him throb with arousal. “I want you to shove your cock all the way inside me and make you cum in my womb.”

Henry is startled and backs away, but she follows him and uses her other hand to gather his wrists, slamming them up against the wall behind him. She leans in, so that his covered prick is pressed against her groin. Her pussy is so hot right now he can feel the heat through their clothes but he still struggles. “Wait a minute, Shani,” he says. “I’m still a bit upset about what you did with my food the last time I was here. So not right now, okay?”

She shakes her head, fondling him through his pants before unzipping it. Yanking it down, she also gets rid of his boxers, revealing his pulsating shaft. Shani wraps her hand around the rod and strokes, jerking him off. “You are forgetting something. You are mine and I can do whatever I want with you. You have no right to protest,” she hisses into his ear, biting on Henry’s earlobe as her hand continues to caress his dick. “I’m going to put you in my cunt and make you fuck me bareback, until my pussy is full of your seed.”

Now he is starting to freak out, trying to escape from her again. But she holds him fast, her fingers still clenched tightly around the boy’s dick. “Unprotected? But you could get pregnant Shani!” he exclaims in shock, struggling to get her hand off his cock and failing. Her grip on his penis is way too tight. She is stronger than him and he doesn’t stand any chance against her. “Please don’t make me fuck you without a condom. I’m begging you.” He couldn’t believe what is happening when she rips her own skirt and panties off, before slapping him violently.


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