Immigrant Ch. 03 by Dash91830,Dash91830

“First, I already got an IUD inserted just a few hours after meeting you. Now I don’t want to hear another word,” she tells him. “Your cock belongs to me and you can’t keep it out of my pussy. You have to do what I tell you to, because you are my boyfriend, lover and sex slave.” Her hand keeps on stroking him as he looks at the full bush above her powerful vagina. “Now beg me to fuck you hard or I’ll squeeze your balls until you cry. Do it now, Henry. Show me what a slut you can be.” Her left hand moves to cup his balls and he gulps, afraid that she would actually hurt him if he doesn’t do what she asks.

He believes he has no other choice if he wants to protect his genitals, not knowing that it is just a bluff. “Please fuck me hard, Shani. Make me your slut,” he begs her, tears in his eyes. She smirks and leads him into the bedroom, where she pushes him down onto the bed. Then she climbs on top of him and slides down, taking Henry’s shaft up inside her. Her cunt sheathes him completely. It envelopes him in tightness and warmth as the two lose their virginities to each other, or rather, Shani forcefully takes Henry’s away from him.

She smirks down at her cute boyfriend and kisses him on the tip of his nose, watching his tears stream out all over his cheeks. “Baby, you are always going to fuck me whenever I want,” she says to him, clenching her pussy around his cock and making him moan. Shani then rolls over onto her back so that he is now on top of her. “Go ahead. Start fucking me now, my fuck toy. If you don’t fuck me hard enough I’m going to hurt you.”

Fearing for his safety, he begins to thrust, slamming his pole into her. Drilling her snatch, Henry pounds his girlfriend into the bed. She smiles and rubs her clit, thrusting up aggressively, fucking him back harder than he is doing her. He forces himself to screw her as hard as he could. “That’s it, my little whore. Fuck me harder. I want to feel your balls slapping against my ass,” she orders him. He rams into her aggressively, his cock entering her again and again several times as she clings to his back.

Eventually, he finds himself unable to hold back his orgasm. The friction is too great and he begins to unload, pumping cum inside her. Soon, he is filling up Shani’s pussy with his jizz. “Take it out and spray the rest of your load on my face,” she orders him. Henry obeys her and withdraws his spasming dick from her pussy, and fires the remaining cum in his balls all over Shani’s perfect face. Strands after strands of his cum land on her beautiful cheeks. Within seconds, he has soaked his girlfriends’ face in his semen, drenching her completely. Looking at him with a smile on her glazed face, she gives him a smile.

Half an hour later, she shakes him awake. “Open your mouth,” she tells him. The groggy boy does what he’s told and she stands up with her crotch over his head, and starts urinating in his mouth. He is shocked and can do nothing but take it, swallowing her pee. She keeps on pissing in his mouth. He could feel her sour piss hit the back of his throat as she keeps on peeing for sometime before stopping. Henry looks up at her with his mouth full of her piss and forces himself to gulp it all down when she glares at him. She gives him a satisfied look before lying back down on the bed next to him and going to sleep again, curled up in his arms.


Henry is feeling better about being tricked into drinking his eating his girlfriend’s period blood now. She did prove her love to him when the two of them had sex. It showed him that they are in a serious relationship with each other and he is now willing to forget about what she did earlier. He has no idea what is about to happen to him as he reads on a couch in his living room. His mom and dad are away right now, and Shani will be arriving in just a few minutes. Henry is giving himself a short amount of time to go over some bits in his textbook that he’s read last night, to consolidate what he’s already learnt. Then he will focus his attention on his girlfriend entirely.

It makes him turn red to think of how he surrendered his body to her and let her have her way with him so easily. He feels a little bit used by then realises that it’s all okay because he loves her and she loves him. God he is willing to forgive anything. He just needs to be with her. Without her, Henry feels lost. It’s amazing how attached he is to his beautiful Egyptian girlfriend after they fell in love with each other. She means so much to him.

Shani arrives, frowning slightly. This makes Henry worry, since she’s always been in good mood whenever she visited his place before. Seeing her frown makes him think that something bad might have happened to her earlier, and that is what makes him more worried than anything can. “There is something we have to discuss, baby,” she tells Henry. “Could you please get me some milk? I could really use it right now.” He nods and goes to the refrigeration, opening it and getting out a carton of milk, pouring into a glass. “Thank you so much, darling.”

The boy sits down opposite her at the table, handing her the glass of cold milk. He waits as she drinks it, thinking about what could have possibly happened to make her look so serious. Finally, the suspense is too much for him. Henry has to know what’s wrong and if anything bad happened to his girlfriend. “What is it, baby? I really want to know. Is it something I can help you with?” He grasps her hands gently, looking deep into her beautiful eyes. Her flawless olive skin feels so warm as he touches her, and he thinks she looks fragile, unlike she ever did before.

Right now she is putting on a show for his benefit, acting like she is hiding a concern and doesn’t want him to get worried. In truth, Shani is devising the best way to manipulate her very cute boyfriend into marriage. She has already worked out the general plan earlier and is just thinking of the words she is going to use on him. “I talked to my father earlier today,” she informs Henry. “He knows that we had sex, and he did not take the news very well at all. That’s what we have to talk about today.”

Henry gulps very nervously. Suddenly the teenage boy is sweating. Shani notices this and tries to hide her smirk. It is starting to head the way she wants. She needs to keep him off balance and make sure that he doesn’t guess that she is deceiving him. “Did he yell at your or anything?” he asks her, worried. She nods “He didn’t hit you though, right? Please tell me that he didn’t hit you. I won’t be able to live with myself if I’m the reason you got hurt.” His concern for her makes Shani feel slightly bad for doing this, but she reminds herself that she has to, in order to ensure that the two of them stay together.

Shani knows that the next moments are going to be crucial to making her plan work. She takes a deep breath and then looks her boyfriend deep in the eye. “I might not have been physically hit but he called me many things and said that I am a disgrace to our family.” Henry winces as he takes in what she said to him. He can not believe that Abdullah would say something like that to Shani. The thing is, he didn’t, but Henry does not know that. “He also told me that if I don’t get married to you, he is going to disown me.”


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