Kira Tales Ch. 05: Kira's Capture by Williamdark963,Williamdark963

He slid into the driver’s seat, starting the engine. They made their way onto the main highway leading south. Twilight. Sir in his white shirt, black suit jacket and slacks. Shiny black Johnston & Murphys. Kira in her…

Bare skin.

Will I be naked more often than dressed? Will he really want me cumming as much as I need to?

Can he come to love me like he said?

Can this be real?


Dusk gave way to dark. Sir seemed to know where they were going but was quiet. The sound system, tuned to 91.5, was playing Mozart, she heard the DJ say.

Kira let the highway lamps sweep over her with their soft yellow glow. The car windows came halfway down, allowing river and lakefront air to swirl around them. A portion of her hair was swept out the window.

An exit sign said University of Rochester. Sir slowed down. A right, then a left… suddenly they were driving 15 miles an hour through the campus. Kira sat up. Cars were on the streets and people on the sidewalks. The Lexus came to a crosswalk and stopped. Pale blue light illuminated her body. Unclothed.

Kira absent mindedly folded arms across her chest.

‘No,’ said Sir. ‘Let them see you if that’s how it goes. As my girl, I will want you on display in one way or another most of the time. Tonight? It’s this way.’

Heart beating faster from the thrill of being ‘forced’ to show herself, she uncrossed her arms. She relaxed her knees; the thighs parted, an inviting V that might lead eyes to her core. The crosswalk lights changed and people moved. Closer. Closer. ‘Oh my goddd…’ Kira groaned. Sir was exposing her to hundreds of strangers, men and women who seemed to be heading towards some nearby sports event. They passed in front and back of the car. Talking, laughing, hauling coolers and padded seats. Looking ahead, they walked right past.

Oblivious of Kira.

‘Take a breath,’ said Sir. ‘People are wrapped up in their own small worlds. They rarely take the time to look around them.’

He ran the palm of his right hand across her chest. The breasts wagged and the nipples stiffened.

‘Look what they missed,’ he said.

Kira’s half shut eyes were a sign, if Sir had been able to see. She was alternately exhilarated and horrified that he had put her in this position. As sexual as she thought herself to be, this level of overt, brazen presentation was something she had never dared do on her own.

The car was in slow traffic…it became apparent that a baseball game was about to begin…with Kira completely nude as people strolled by or drifted past in cars within feet of her half open window.

Sir refused to let her cover up; fought her, in fact, if he thought she was shielding her breasts or pressing her knees too close together.

‘Sit up Kira. You are for them to enjoy just like I enjoy you,’ Sir said. ‘They might have you too. Any of them. The men, the women. I might give you to any of them. Or all of them. Being naked for them, letting them see, is just the beginning. Think about what I am saying. You are naked for them to see and enjoy, however the situation unfolds. This is what I want and expect from you.’

Kira’s breathing quickened more at the ideas Sir kept feeding her. She felt blood pulsing in her ears. She knew herself to be an exhibitionist, a slut, but how far did this man really want to take things? What was he really saying? That he might give her to any of these people? To be fawned over, fucked? Till..?

He made a quick left turn off of Wilson Street onto a feeder road named Library. Prince Athletic Complex, a sign said. A few feet later, another left, and he pulled the car to a stop between two pickup trucks.

‘Our space,’ he announced, shutting off the engine.

People behind them milled on zombielike, their destination in sight. Towers Field.

‘Tonight’s game is against Syracuse,’ Sir said. ‘Sorry but we won’t get to watch.’

Thank god, Kira thought. He won’t parade me through the stadium like this.

Sir stepped out of the car and walked around back to the passenger side. He opened Kira’s door.

What did he expect of her now, she wondered. That she would stand up naked in the side-cast stadium lights? With all of Rochester — or so it felt — within just a few feet of her?

‘Put the sweater on,’ he said. ‘Come with me.’

Kira paused… Thought about Sir’s command, then reached for the 5-button sweater. It barely reaches my hips, she thought.

My sex, my backside, my legs… all completely exposed.

He pulled her barefoot from the car, leading her hand-n-hand back towards Wilson Street. The asphalt pavement gave way to closely cut grass. A small grove of trees and landscaped, manicured hillocks appeared, bunched up against the intersection of Wilson and the side road they had entered. Behind the trees, she saw a tall wrought-iron fence separating the little woodland from sidewalk and street traffic.

The grove was a mix of evergreens — spruce, mostly — and Japanese maple. They were aged, a symbol of the campus’ long tradition. Cocoa bark mulch surrounding well-trimmed shrubbery gave a chocolate aroma to the damp night air. Two wooden benches offered in-the-know visitors a cool, quiet wooded retreat during hot, humid weather.

Sir led Kira to the nearest bench and sat her down. ‘Off with the sweater,’ he commanded. …As he reached for the zipper of his slacks. His cock was already halfway hard when it emerged from its worsted wool and cotton confinement. Kira, naked again, reached hungrily for Sir’s cock. At last, she thought.

He stopped her. ‘Wait,’ he said. ‘Pay attention. Look around us. Listen. Feel what’s going on.’

His hand was casually stroking his cock. He took in a deep breath. She stretched out her senses too. Just beyond the grove another world was buzzing in diffused neon light. Off in the distance an announcer’s voice came from a loudspeaker. There was the crack of a bat. Crowd noise rose. Latecomers drifted towards the stadium on the opposite side of the wrought iron barrier. No one seemed to notice the two figures seated on wooden benches, atop a grassy rise, surrounded by the shadowy branches of century old maples and evergreens.

No one saw that one of the figures, a shapely female form, was busily working a distended cock.

Sir’s member had grown. Fully extended, it was a small sword, a rounded dirk made of spongy tissue intertwined with millions of bulging blood vessels. Kira was impressed by its size. More than that, she was delighted by his giving it to her in this unexpected place. Would this be the cock that teased and pounded and pulsed inside her for who knew how many years to come? Would this be her cock? To work, to pleasure, to use, to cover with cum? It was like a lance in her hands, a solid object horizontal to the damp earth below, already connecting him to her.

Blood filled, passion driven, Sir longed for his cock to taste that open mouth, tease her tongue, fill her throat till she choked when he would release tens of millions of tiny swimming sperm determined to somehow unite with this special girl, merge with her, leading to…

He could not say. He didn’t know. He could only follow the clairvoyant urges that drove him to convert her to his will. It would begin in this essentially public space with his juice pumped into her so many times in years to come. He would gradually engineer in her an unrelenting madness craving sensations and sex more than any one man could fulfil but that many men together might temporarily satisfy. He would do so on purpose, holding the reins to her sexual slavery tight in his hands. The fire inside Kira was already lit and burning bright. Sir could see that much. Tonight he would ignite a frenzy. A storm of desire. And guide her towards levels of pleasure she could not yet understand. From then on the two of them would be inseparably bonded.

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