Law Order and Incest by Krombomich

He was just about to explode straight into his mom’s mouth when the sound of a police siren jerked him out of this wonderful waking wet dream. Right, that was his mother’s ringtone.

His cock went unattended for a few seconds while Anna scrambled for her phone. She came back in force, dropping all pretense of a massage and jumping straight into a deepthroat. She was multitasking the blowjob and the phone conversation, knowing she’d soon had to leave; there was no good news in Bay City.

“Smith, mmpf, slurp, slurp,” she said, talking with her mouth full. “Shit, glug, gag. Why didn’t you wait for backup?”

Damien didn’t last longer than the call…

Don’t engage. Gulp, gulp, gulp, I’ll be right there.” Anna hung up.

“I gotta go, my love,” she said, before siphoning his urethra of the last few drops of his load. “Did you wash my uniform?”

Damien had a hard time landing back on Earth, but he eventually summoned the memory of starting the laundry with his blood-stained shirt and the leather pants. “I started the load but didn’t get a chance to put it in the dryer.”

“Damn, I’ll have to wear my dress uniform.”

It took a while for Damien to notice his own phone ringing in the pocket of his discarded jeans in the bathroom. He was watching his mom’s breasts bounce as she rushed herself into a tight, extra-short skirt. But the second the melody reached his brain, he ran in there naked to answer. His phone never rang for good news either. Not since inadvertently joining the Hellhounds.

“Smith, where the fuck are you?” his boss said before Damien had a chance to say hello. “There’s a cute mix-breed piglet roaming around the compound. My guys wanted to let the dog have some fun, but then I remembered you didn’t get initiated yet. Normally, you have to bring your own sweet and sour pork, but I’ll throw you a bone ‘cause I like you so much. Don’t insult my generosity. Get your ass here ASAP.”

The line cut without Damien having said a word. Kidnap a Bay City cop and publicly and sexually humiliate her… every member had to make this happen to prove themselves worthy. He was in too deep and knew too much already; it was join-or-die for him at this point and he had been putting off this initiation trial for long enough to arise suspicion. His identity as the son of a chief of police had not been uncovered yet. He knew this because he wasn’t currently strung upside down under a pack of ravenous dogs while waiting for the ransom money to arrive. This was not an opportunity he could afford to ignore.

‘What a shitty situation’, he thought. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, let alone a cop. He knew how hard his mom’s girls worked to protect this city. She died a little bit inside every time a video of a new initiation was sent to the station. “Fuck! Mom!”

Damien had finally put the two phone calls together. He rushed to the bedroom knowing it was too late; Anna’s police motorcycle was already roaring outside like a blender full of bolts. He reached the window only to see her ride off with her long legs and string underwear exposed under the bunched-up mini skirt.

Thank you for reading. For more chapters and other stories, google my name.



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