Love, Marriage, and Prostitution

An adult stories – Love, Marriage, and Prostitution by HotJim,HotJim I was a virgin when I met my wife. No, I wasn’t 40; I was 22. Still that’s pretty old to be a virgin. Gina seduced me on our third date. It only took her a few minutes to realize that she was my first. My surprise when she first put her hand between my legs was probably a giveaway. I remember my eyes bulging when she took off her sweater revealing her braless 34B breasts to me. She presented one to my mouth and told me to suck on it. Her mouth devouring my cock was new to me. I had never imagined anything like that. I peed with it. How could anyone even think it would be safe to put it inside a mouth? Even more mystifying was eating pussy.

Our first fuck was in the basic missionary position. Just before I entered her, she whispered that she was on the pill, whatever that meant. I didn’t last more than a minute. Her pussy suddenly became tighter. Her broad smile suggested that I had done something right. “You made me cum,” she said. I surmised that was a compliment. “You’re a wonderful lover. I wish you had been the one who popped my cherry.”

“You just popped mine,” I said. “I had no idea what we were doing.”

“I thought so. For a beginner, you sure learn quickly. I can’t wait to have you inside me again.”

“I don’t believe I can do it again.”

“That’s okay. Men take longer to recover from an orgasm than women. It’s a biological fact. Let’s clean up, and then we can cuddle under the sheets for an hour or so until you are ready again.”

The hour consisted of a ten-minute shower and a fifty-minute crash course on female reproductive anatomy. Gina covered just about everything imaginable from a woman’s smile to her legs and everything in between. She used both clinical terms like vagina and vernacular ones like pussy and cunt.

In contrast to our expressed desire for more sex, we laid on our sides gazing into each other’s eyes. There was no sense of urgency. I cupped her face in my hand and gave her a gentle kiss. She smiled and returned the kiss. Instinctively we scooted closer together until our bodies were touching. Her breasts pressed against my chest. We exchanged more soft, gentle kisses. My cock grew until it pressed against her pussy lips. “I told you that you would recover,” she said softly, “and I want you inside me again.”

“I’m ready to go back inside,” I said.

“Before I welcome you again, I need a little preparation. It’s time for you to learn how to eat pussy.” My face must have had an unpleasant expression. “It’s okay. We just took showers so it’s clean. I guarantee we will both enjoy it.” She took my hand in hers and guided mine to her nether lips. Pressing my finger into her slip, she slowly led it up to her clit. “Feel the hard spot? That’s my clitoris. I want you to just lightly circle it with your fingertip.” I did as she said. She closed her eyes. Her breathing became slower and deeper. She wiggled around onto her back. “You’re a natural. Now I want you to do the same thing with your tongue. Put it where your finger was and lick me with the same circular motion.” Again I must have been a very apt student. Her breathing changed to rapid gasps. On impulse I placed my lips around her clit and started humming. I began in the bass range and slowly rose to the treble range. Her hips bucked against my chin. Her legs clamped against my head preventing me from withdrawing, not that I wanted to. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” I didn’t stop until her orgasm subsided. “You’re no virgin.”

“I was until an hour ago.”

“Where did you learn to hum on a pussy? Nobody has ever done that to me before.”

“It just popped into my head.”

“Well, you just pop your dick into me. You’ve got me so hot that I can’t think about anything else. Fuck me, dammit!” I slid my boner balls deep into her dripping cunt with one smooth plunge. Immediately her pussy muscles gripped my cock and she let out a blood-curdling scream. Even with her hold on me, I was able to start thrusting inside her. Her eyes locked on mine. “Don’t stop. Whatever you do, don’t stop!” Her hips met mine with my every jab. Our mouths locked passionately together. I continued pumping her pussy as she came again. The pressure in my loins was becoming unbearable. My own breathing became ragged. I froze with my dick as deeply inside her as possible. I gasped for air when my seed blasted into her. Vaguely I was aware of her fingernails digging into my back. All sensations ceased until I had emptied my balls.

We laid still panting deeply for a minute. I noticed tears in her eyes. “Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“No, you wonderful man. You do everything right.”

“Then why are you crying?”

“Because I am happy. I’ve never been this happy in my life. Where have you been hiding all this time?”

“For part of it, I was a toddler sticking keys into light sockets and getting yelled at for doing so.”

She giggled. “I meant during my adult life. You are a fabulous lover. You make me laugh. You’re a perfect gentleman. We’ve only been dating a month, but I feel like I’m the most important person in your life. I didn’t think it could happen so fast, but, Leo, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

It was my turn to stop and think. Did the fact that she took my virginity make her special? Or did it make me special in her eyes? One thing was certain: I didn’t want to go home that night unless she came with me. “Right now you are the most important person in my life. I can’t imagine another day without you. You are young and beautiful. Someday you will become old and beautiful. May I be with during the transition?”

Her eyes widened in shock. “Are you asking me to marry you?”


“Are you sure? I’m the first girl you have slept with, and you want to get married? Are you proposing or is your dick?”

“Both. Your beaming smile, your tight pussy, your rigid nipples, all make me very happy. Will you be my wife?”

“Before I say yes, I want you to do something. It will benefit both of us.”

“Name it.”

“I want you to sleep with at least three other women.”

It was my turn to be shocked. “What? You want me to cheat on you?”

“No, no, no. Not cheat. We aren’t married. Since I haven’t said yes, we aren’t even engaged. I’ve fucked other men. I want you to experience other women. Sew your wild oats and get it out of your system. Eventually you will wonder if you missed out on something. Learn new positions and techniques.”

“We can try different positions together. I don’t need someone else for that. As for technique, there’s tons of porn on the Internet. We can use it for instructional material.”

“Watching is not the same as doing. I know. I tried it. I don’t want us to go though life not knowing if we did the right thing.”

“In other words, I should cheat now so I won’t be tempted to cheat later.”

“Exactly. There’s a woman I work with that I could set you up with. She’s in her mid-thirties, so you would have had an older woman. Her boobs are twice as big as mine. She goes out bar hopping every night to pick up men. She has lots of experience. If you aren’t comfortable with that, call an escort service. Go to a massage parlor.”

“You sound like a pimp.”

“I guess I do.”

“Scheduling would be a big problem. You work nine to five. I work four to midnight. It will probably be ten years before I have enough seniority to get a day shift. I’m lucky to get weekends off. I insist on reserving weekends for us.”

“How about three out of four?”

“All four.” I wiggled my butt.

“You drive a hard bargain.”

A couple weeks later we moved into a large apartment together. While she didn’t ask directly if I had gotten any strange pussy, Gina did keep up her insistence that I do so. After a couple months, I decided to try a massage parlor on my way to work. I found one that had an unsavory reputation.

The masseuse’s uniform, if it could be called that, consisted of a tiny yellow g-string and a yellow bra with two very narrow strips of cloth that were only wide enough to cover the nipples on her ample breasts. She had me lay on my stomach with my arms at my sides first and worked on my back. I had been a bit nervous when I went in. Her technique got rid of the tension in my shoulders. Next she worked on the soles of my feet. I had not expected that. Again I felt more relaxed. I decided that even if I didn’t get laid, the visit would have been enjoyable. She spread my legs apart and did my calf muscles. Moving up to my thighs, she used long strokes from my knees to my bottom. The hand on my inner thigh stopped just short of my hips while the other hand continued up over my rump and back down rejoining the one on my inside and both went down to my knees together. She repeated the routine, but her inner hand went up a little further. I felt her fingertip lightly brush the head of my cock. It grew a little bit. She repeated the thigh strokes three more times with her touch on my dick head a little bolder each time. When she did my other leg, my cock was inflated enough for her to give it a lingering caress with each trip from knee to butt.

With my backside finished, she asked me to roll over onto my back. As I turned, my now rigid cock pointed at the ceiling. “I envy the lady in your life,” she said. “I could be tempted to try you out.”

“Seeing you in that outfit,” I said, “would make any man be willing to yield to temptation.”

“Thank you. You’re a really sweet guy.” She gazed briefly at my boner. I detected a little reluctance when she moved to my feet to work on their topsides. She applied pressure to each of the joints in my foot. I heard, rather than felt, one snap. “Did that hurt?”

“No, it actually feels better.”

“Joints sometimes get out of alignment for no apparent reason. Often it’s so little that we aren’t aware of it.” She finished my feet and calves before stroking my thighs again. This time there was no pretense that her touching my scrotum was accidental. When she was working on my chest, my hand caressed her hips and fanny. She made no attempt to stop me. Unexpectedly she moved to the end of the table and began to caress my face. Her fingertips met at the tip of my chin, then traced the sides of my jawbone up to my ears before starting over. She rubbed my face in front of my ears in a gentle circular motion a few times before laying her thumbs on my forehead. Her thumbs slid across my forehead from the center to my temples. Her finale was to lean across my head to rub my chest and let her breasts dangle against my cheeks. She stepped beside me and placed her hand over my throbbing cock. “How do you feel?”

“Relaxed. Very relaxed, except for one part of me.”

“What would you like to do about it?

“It should be massaged too.” She gently rubbed the length of my cock.

“You have a beautiful body, and I mean all of it. The trouble is I had to take a seventy-hour course to get my massage license. If you’re a cop, I could lose it in seven seconds. The course cost five hundred dollars. I can’t afford to lose it. I could be arrested just for touching you like this.” She continued to stroke me.

“I’m not a cop. I work for the power company as a lineman. I’m due at work at four, so I don’t have a lot of time. If there is an extra fee, I’m good for it.” I could see desire in her eyes.

Her hand encircled my dick, and she lowered her lips to it. While holding my cock with one hand, she cradled my nuts in the other. First one ball disappeared into her mouth, then the other. I tried to slip a finger under the strap of her g-string; her hand rested on mine. “Let me take care of it,” she whispered. She uncovered her nipples, and then took my hand to her large breasts. I ran my hand over her firm flesh and lightly pinched her stiff nipple. As I approached my point of no return, she climbed onto the table and straddled my legs. She held her boobs around my dick to tittie fuck me, something Gina could not do because hers weren’t big enough. As I erupted, she bent her head over trying to catch as much of my juice in her mouth as she could.

I was gasping for air when she climbed off me to get a towel. First she wiped my cum from my chest and tummy. She took what she could from her face and chest with her fingers and put it in her mouth before cleaning herself. I got off the table and picked up my pants to fetch my wallet. “No,” she said.

“I want to give you a tip,” I said.

“No,” she repeated. “That would make me a prostitute. I know that sounds silly in a place like this. I really don’t like working here, but I have to pay my bills somehow. I need to maintain some semblance of self-respect.” I put my pants down and held my arms out to her. We wrapped our arms around each other, her still naked nipples pressing into my chest. “Thank you for being so understanding. I can’t date customers. Conflict of interest and all that nonsense. Maybe when I have a real job, we will find each other again, and we can finish what we started today.”

“That sounds delightful. I hate to disappoint you, but I am engaged. I’m getting married in a couple months.”

I felt a tear run down my chest. “Why are all the good ones already taken?”

Damn. I was out two hundred dollars, and all I got was a tittie fuck.

Gina and I did get married two months later. After much discussion, we decided to wait to have children until after we bought a house with a decent sized yard for them to play in. Her job as a hospital administrative assistant was salaried. Mine was hourly, but overtime was scarce. When it came, it was because of a severe storm knocking power lines down, or an accident that took a pole down. After a year we scarcely had enough savings for an emergency fund.

Our sex life was a victim of our conflicting work schedules. She was usually asleep when I got home around one a.m. Because she had to get up early, I didn’t wake her. I did get up to have breakfast with her. After a goodbye kiss, I generally went back to bed until two p.m. Our weekends, however, did sizzle.

One night at work, I started coughing. Something was caught in my throat that wouldn’t dislodge. Fearing I was getting sick, the foreman told me to go home. I had only driven a couple blocks when my coughing stopped. I considered going back to work. Then I remembered Gina’s admonition to sleep with a few other women. She wouldn’t be expecting me home for a few hours, so I decided to do it. After all, I had her blessing.

I stopped at an ATM and drew out five hundred dollars in cash. Next I paid cash to rent a room at a nearby motel. Luckily there was a telephone directory in the room with Escort Services listings. I called one and requested a companion for an hour. Forty-five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I dashed to the door and opened it.



We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Finally I stepped back. “Come in,” I said uncertainly. She entered the room, and I closed the door. “Sit down,” I said as I pulled out the desk chair. I sat on the edge of the bed. “How did you know I was here?”

“Misty’s got a call from someone named Dave who wanted a companion for an hour. He gave this address.” I had identified myself as Dave when I called the escort service as a security precaution. “They sent me.”

“But why?”

“Because I was available.”

“I mean, ‘Why are you escorting?'”

“So we can have children. Let me finish. At the rate we were saving money, I knew it would be five years or more before we had enough for a down payment on a house. I tried moonlighting cleaning offices, but it only paid about a hundred dollars a week. That only lasted a couple months. One night after work I went out with some coworkers for a glass of wine. One of them told us she was making twice that much per hour as an escort. She had two or three customers a night. When I got home, I called the agency to find out if they were hiring. I was interviewed that evening. An hour later I went to fuck my first customer. That was two months ago. We now have twelve thousand dollars toward a down payment.”

I shook my head in astonishment. “Wow! That much in so little time. That’s amazing.”

“So why did you call for an escort?”

“Basically it was your idea. Remember the first night we made love? The night my dick and I proposed? You said I should experience other women.”

“I thought you already had when we got married.”

“I did try a massage parlor. All I got was a massage and a blowjob. She wasn’t as good as you.”

“So tonight you decided to fuck a different girl. You’re right. It is my idea. I have no one else to blame for your wandering eye. I won’t divorce you for cheating. If you want to divorce me for being a prostitute, I won’t fight you. You can have everything.” She stood up. “I should be going so you can have your strange pussy. We can talk more when we get home.”

“Don’t go!” I jumped up and blocked the door.


“I want you to stay.” I dug into my pocket and pulled out all the money I had left. Frantically I shoved it into her hand. “On the phone, they said the fee was three hundred dollars for an hour. Take this. I want you to be my escort. Here. I’ll pay you. Please stay.”

“But I won’t be a different girl. We might as well be at home.”

“Tonight you’re…you’re Ellen, and I’m Dave. I’ll just be another customer. Treat me like you do them.”

“I would have to deliver a hundred of this to the office tonight.”

“Then do it. Be a good escort and follow the rules.”

“You are really excited about my being a prostitute. Do you want me to continue in the oldest profession?”

“I want Ellen. She’s a damn whore. Dave wants to fuck her brains out.”

She stuffed the money into her purse. “Honey, I see a lot of men. I must insist you wear a condom. It’s as much for your protection as mine.” She extracted one from her purse and threw it on the bed.

Her short skirt, which barely covered her ass, had ridden up a few inches revealing her bald pussy. I shoved her back onto the bed and dove tongue-first between her thighs. My lips found her clit, and I hummed. My cock was trying to rip my fly open. Desperately I dropped my pants and boxers to the floor. Her hands found my dick and unrolled the condom onto it. “You have a big one,” Ellen whispered. “I love having big cocks in my cunt.”

Without hesitation, he rammed his rod into her steaming pussy. “You are tight,” Dave said. “My wife is tight, but you are even tighter. I’m not sure I can move.”

She thrust her hips against his. “I’m also very wet. That’s how I can accommodate your huge dick.”

They slammed their groins together repeatedly until the pressure within him became too intense to contain. Ellen’s pussy muscles held Dave firmly inside her as he emptied his balls. They lay gasping for air for a couple minutes before either found the strength to get up. She slipped the condom from his shaft and tied it off. Taking his hand, she led him to the bathroom. Using a washcloth, she cleaned his cock and balls, and then herself.

He escorted her to the door. “Your wife is so lucky to have such a fabulous lover for a husband,” Ellen said. “I hope I can see you again.”

“I believe that could be arranged,” Dave said. He watched her get into her car and drive away.

Leo was very eager to tell Gina about finally getting some strange pussy.


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