Step 2 — Making Him Beg
My plan was always to guide him step by step, every step of the way, thinking this was all what he really wanted. I read the various stories about slapping a man in a chastity belt, taking black mail pictures, and by the end of the evening whipping him until he breaks, leading to happily ever after. Maybe that has worked for some, but I wanted to be sure. I was willing to be patient and make him mine step by step, making him beg to become my slave, and eventually giving in and allowing him to serve me.
After our big weekend, I upped the pressure on him. I kept dressing as sexy as I thought I could get away with and did all the little things that I knew turned my husband on, but at night in our bedroom I was as distant as I could manage.
After ten days I let me have sex with me, with him on top, but I presented as limp and very underwhelmed. In truth it wasn’t bad at all, and I had to fight to not have an orgasm, but I wanted the contrast as stark as possible between this lackluster sex and the fun we had had when he was my Toy.
I monitored his computer and phone usage as much as I could, and even managed another couple rounds of adjusting his porn a little bit and included some more femdom searches into his internet ecosystem.
It was a Thursday, over two and a half weeks after our weekend, and we were both reading in the living room when he nonchalantly asked about where I had put the collar.
“You mean your slave collar?”
“Yeah, I was thinking about it the other day and wondered.”
“Like I said, if you want to be my sex toy again you will have to wait for me to order it around your neck, or you need to get down on your knees and beg. Being in charge is work and doing it meant something to me. I want to make sure you are serious before doing it again.”
Silence fell and we both went back to reading. Well, maybe he was reading, I was so excited I could hardly breathe. After a few minutes he got up and left the room. I was crushed. I thought that was the moment, and I was wrong. I struggled to read for another ten minutes or so, but it was no use, so I got up to go and get ready for bed.
There he was, naked and kneeling at the foot of the bed, waiting for me. I walked up to him, standing over him, deliberately crowding him. “Yes?”
“Jessica, could we please have another weekend, like we did? I loved being your sex toy. Please?”
I stepped even closer to him and looked up, seemingly thinking it over. I wanted to hide the joyous smile that filled my face. I couldn’t stop smiling for several minutes and had to clench my jaws to stop the burst of happy laughter that wanted out. Once I figured I could control my voice I stepped away from him.
“I have been thinking about it. I might be a bit rougher with my toy this time, since I know you like it. Are you sure you want to?”
“Yes please.”
“Kiss my feet and beg to be my slave and I will consider it.”
“Please let me be your slave, please.”
Suddenly my husband was kneeling, naked, and kissing my shoes, begging to be my sex toy this very weekend. If a year ago you had said a scene like that was one of the happiest of my life, I would have known you were insane.
“I expect you to be naked and kneeling when I come home tomorrow. No excuses.”
He had forgotten there was a retirement party at his work tomorrow, even though he had read the email invitation, and if I moved a couple meetings around, I could easily get home before him. The weekend was going to start out badly for him.
I was turned on all Friday and was so distracted that two different coworkers asked me if everything was OK. I got home even earlier than I thought I would, well before he normally made it home. I was able to monitor his progress home because of the app I had installed on his phone, and I masturbated with a vibrator thinking about the upcoming weekend. He made it home only a few minutes late, he must have stopped by the retirement party very briefly. I was a bit impressed but determined not to let him know that.
“No excuses,” I said as he hurried into the bedroom, already starting to shed his clothes. “This weekend is cancelled.”
“Please honey, I am so sorry, John had a retirement …” my glare stopping him mid-apology. “What can I do?”
“Get over here, put yourself over my lap, and after I have spanked you for letting us both down, I might consider letting you be my Toy. I can’t have a Toy who misbehaves, who doesn’t do what he promises.”
He was frozen in place, half dressed. I could plainly see emotions colliding in his brain and he struggled with the decision.
“I was worried you were not serious. Oh well.” And as I started to stand up, he suddenly came alive.
“No, wait, OK.” And he practically threw himself at me.
As he settled awkwardly into my lap, still only half-naked, I yanked down his pants and underwear and “accidentally” brushed against his penis, which stiffened nicely. I did my best to put his penis in between my thighs before the spanking.
I wanted this to be painful for him, he needed to learn an important lesson, but if I could make it a bit sexual also, linking my spanking and authority over him with sex as much as possible it would make his transition into my slave much easier.
That first spanking taught us both lessons. I know it hurt him, but not nearly as much as I wanted it to, and it hurt me as well. It turns out spanking can be more difficult and painful for the spanker than I knew, especially when spanking a grown man for the first time. I decided partway through that next time I would use a hairbrush or something.
Still, despite the pain I made it through, and by the end his ass was a nice bright red and his eyes were a bit watery. I was hoping for tears, but not this time.
After the spanking I had him stand up with his hands at his sides, while I examined him.
“If you apologize for making me do that, and thank me for it, we can put this behind us and still have a fun weekend.”
“I am sorry for being late honey and … uh … thank you for spanking me and giving me a second chance.”
I gave him a genuine smile, full of love and happiness. This smile I let him see.
“Kneel down and repeat after me … I, Jessica’s Toy, swear to obey and serve her to the best of my ability for as long as I wear this collar.”
Years ago, I had read that when a disagreement happened, when there were bad feelings, the best thing to do was resolve them as quickly as possible, and then put it behind you. Don’t dwell on the past or keep bringing it up, just settle it and move on. I was determined that was how I was going to run our new marriage. When he needed punishment, I would deal it out, and after he apologized and thanked me it would be over and done with.
The rest of the weekend went mostly as the first had. I was a little more demanding, and when I tied him up, I made sure he was secure and knew it, but still we had all the sex he could stand. At one point he tried to beg off, but I stroked and teased him until he was able to perform for me, always under me, of course.
As Sunday wrapped up, I again tied him to the bed, and we went over the weekend in detail. The first few questions I asked were a warmup for asking him about his being late and being spanked. When asking, and during his answer, I stroked his penis and balls the whole time.
“I am really sorry…”
“No, Toy, once you have been punished and thanked me you don’t have to apologize. There is nothing to apologize for anymore, all is forgiven. I want to know how you felt about it all though.”
“The whole thing was embarrassing. I felt… I don’t know, small? I was looking forward to the weekend and making love to you and I thought I had screwed it all up. I really didn’t like being spanked by you, I don’t want to do that again, but I guess I can see why you were angry.”
“Being spanked by me made you feel small? Which was worse the pain or that feeling?”
“The feeling was much worse. I am glad that is behind us now though.”
“It felt right to spank my Toy for misbehaving, but I don’t want to have to spank my husband, if that makes sense. I don’t ever want to hurt you or make you feel small, but if we continue these weekends, my Toy must behave, has to be good to his word. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I guess, Jessica.”
“I have been thinking, and I call you Toy when you are my slave, maybe you should call me by my middle name then. You can call me Miss Ann while you are wearing the collar. We can be Jessica and her husband Jack most days, and sometimes we can be Miss Ann and her Toy. That way Jack never has to feel small and always knows his wife Jessica loves him.”
“So, are we going to do this again?”
“Well Toy, I have discovered I enjoy sex with my Toy, more than I like sex with my husband Jack. And I think my Toy enjoys it as well. I think my Toy will want to come out and play again. All he must do is beg, or maybe, if I really feel the need, I will just order him into his collar.”
At that point I was so horny I could wait any longer and I untied him and told my Toy he had one last duty for the evening. His cunnilingus had improved with recent practice and the rest of that night was very enjoyable. It was hard to act distant after his collar was off, but by Monday morning I had put my game face back on.
Jack’s Journal — Second Excerpt
What the hell? That didn’t go as I thought it would. I am basically always on time for things, I hate being late. I don’t even mind it when other people are late, though Jess always being on time is one of her best qualities.
So anyway, I had high hopes that first “toy” weekend broke the ice and Jess and I could go back to having more sex, more touching, more everything I love about being married. I knew that I was equally at fault for how we had drifted apart, and I was willing to work to bring the spark back into our marriage, hopefully by one fun but kind of odd weekend.
Jess seemed more distant than ever after that weekend. The whole thing was dispiriting. I masturbated that week, much more often than usual. The one time I convinced her to have sex was … fine. Well, below average and Jess clearly didn’t enjoy it no matter what I did.
I needed to work to repair our marriage. I considered trying another sex toy weekend, but the whole thing seemed kind of gimmicky. I wanted a real solution. I tried a couple of things, and she seemed to appreciate it, but we didn’t make that connection, like we had that weekend.
After a week, I figured maybe I should give the sex weekend a try — if nothing else the sex was really good, and my hand just wasn’t exciting me. I brought it up and she reminded me that all I had to do was ask, OK beg, and she was willing. Thinking “what the hell,” I did.
It was kind of sexy kneeling there, all naked, and pleading, and the smile on her face made it all worthwhile. She tried to hide it, but I can always tell. She was even more excited than I was. It gave me hope for our sex life.
I promised I would be there waiting for her when she got home, and I completely fucked up. I had several things come up and then I forgot about John’s retirement, and I had to swing through there. I didn’t really have an excuse though. The very least I could have done was call her, but in my mind somehow, I figured I could make it on time or she would wait downstairs for me to get ready or something.
I hate it when Jess gets angry. She doesn’t lose her temper, not like I sometimes do, but she really holds onto it. She is still a little bit angry with her little sister for something that happened in High School. Some of our fights lasted up to a month at a time or more; heck there are probably some fights with me that she is still fighting, where I have long since forgotten whatever it was that we were fighting over.
There I was standing like an idiot in our bedroom, pants undone, and my efforts to try to fix our marriage had resulted in the furious woman sitting there in her chair looking sexy and imperious, but more than anything looking disappointed in me.
She pointed at her lap, and told me what she wanted, but my brain just didn’t comprehend it. At first, I had no idea what she had said, and then for an insane second, I imagined she wanted oral sex. But no, it was more unbelievable than that, she wanted to spank me like a misbehaving child. That was obviously not going to happen, but then I saw her face kind of close down and she cancelled our weekend and started standing up.
I guess in my mind I had built up this weekend as the best chance for saving our marriage and I realized my fuck up was going to ruin everything. I was losing my chance because I didn’t keep my promise. I panicked, and before I knew it I was awkwardly sprawled across her lap, pants around my ankles, hands splayed on the floor trying to not tip over, and my penis somehow wedged in between her thighs.
The whole thing was mortifying, from being late, to somehow not understanding what she was telling me, to the humiliating position I found myself in. I just wanted the whole experience to be over, but it seemed to last forever. I don’t think it even really hurt, physically anyway, at least not enough to penetrate the wall of shame that had formed in my mind.
For my trouble I did get another amazing smile, and miracle of miracles she put the entire event behind us after I apologized to her and thanked her for spanking me. That last part was a little weird, but at that point there was no way I was going to fuck it all up again.
That weekend was even better than the first one. Jess had a sparkle in her eyes, and I could feel the energy, not just sexual, but the energy between a man and wife who are friends should have. The spanking, horrible as the experience had been, seemed to have cleared the air between us. It was such a relief that my breaking my word hadn’t ruined everything that I was determined not to make any more mistakes like that again, and I was Jess’s sex toy as best I could be.
I had wondered if we would have another Sunday Night debriefing with me tied down to the bed, but well before then I guessed that what with the spanking and all that Jess would definitely want to check in with me and make sure I was OK.
We had it, and it seemed to go on forever. I think she was afraid that she had hurt me or that I might be angry with her because of the spanking, because we must have spent at least forty five minutes of the time talking about the spanking.
I figured when she first tied me down that I was pretty sexually spent from our weekend, but she broke out her flowery scented lotion and rubbed me with it everywhere, especially my balls and penis, and I quickly became very aroused. It was so distracting it made it difficult to focus on answering Jess’s questions. “How did it make me feel”, “Did it still hurt”, “Did my mom spank me”, I thought it would never end, and about ten minutes in I was OK with that, so long as the stroking kept up.
I hope that now, after we had made this great connection this weekend, we could start to get back to a new normal. I didn’t mind the weird stuff, but really, I just wanted to be husband to my wonderful wife. But once again, by Monday night it was clear we were back to square one again. I decided to give it a week off and then see if the third time was the charm. Maybe my nearly fucking everything up had been a setback, only just repaired by the weekend we had shared.
The other thing I realized early in the week following is that the thought of being spanked was starting to arouse me. Basically, every time I thought about it, and it crept into my head at weird times, I could feel my penis twitch a bit and got that feeling in my stomach. I think it was a combination of factors from the weekend, but it almost felt like the spanking and all the sex we had was linked in my mind. All the rubbing Jess did while I was answering her questions probably didn’t help any, I figured she had accidentally helped form the linkage.
It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, and some time on the internet seemed to indicate it was not all that uncommon, but anyway I figured it would fade in time. Truth be told, that was one of the reasons I waited an extra week before begging to be her toy again, it all seemed to be more intense and hitting me harder than I thought it would. It was hard waiting though, especially since she looked amazing that week. She was still distant, almost cold, every night though. She spent plenty of time with her friends, and I used the time to catch up with my friends, having missed a couple weekends of hanging out and doing things recently.