Margarita Mondays by MissAdventurous

Introduction: All characters are 18 years of age or older and are based purely on fiction. , I fidgeted nervously, wringing my hands against each other.

“Relax,” Rose said, her soft hand covering mine. “It's fifteen minutes of discomfort and then you're done.”

I tried to smile convincingly, but I was pretty confident I was unsuccessful.

Rose chuckled. “You'll be fine and I'll be there the whole time to hold your hand.”

I nodded and looked down, swinging my feet in my chair, filled with nervous energy.

The floor was tiled in a white and grey marbled pattern, something that looked high end. In fact the whole place looked expensive, Rose's promise of it being “her treat” was the only thing that kept me in the waiting area when I saw how much the full Brazilian wax cost. And that was without tip. How much do you tip someone who was going to see your lady bits and make them bald? I wondered to myself.

Rose squeezed my hand again and I looked up into her older, but still bright, blue eyes. She rubbed her thumb against the back of my hand soothingly and leaned in close to me. Shivers ran down my neck and she “mmm'd” into my ear.

“You're going to love the way it feels,” she said breathily. “Smooth and soft. Your juices will just slip and slide all over your bare pussy.”

My breath caught and her naughty words.

“And you know how wet you get already…” she continued. “This just means more for me to lap up.”

I blushed and quickly looked around, making sure no one else in the waiting area heard her.

Rose laughed softly. “Don't worry so much Ella. Everyone is here for the same reason, to make their bodies ready to get fucked.”

Another woman across the room looked up and laughed at Rose's bluntness. “Damn straight,” the other woman said.

“Right?” Rose replied to her. “This one is a nervous wreck about someone knowing she's going to get her pussy waxed by a stranger in a few minutes.”

“First time?” the woman asked, looking at me.

I nodded. “Yes.”

She shrugged. “Eh, you'll be fine. It's over before you know it and then you get to enjoy it for a few weeks.”

I shrugged. “I guess, yeah.”

The woman went back to flipping through her magazine.

Rose leaned into my ear again. “If you're good, I'll finger you in the car before we head home.”

My eyebrows shot up, my thighs squeezing together automatically.

“Yeah I figured that would get you more on board,” she chuckled.

Before I knew it, my name was being called by a woman in white scrubs. She was a few years older than I was, putting her around 30 or so. She was heavy set with dirty blonde hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail.


I nodded and stood up, Rose joining me.

“Have fun!” the woman still waiting called out to me.

“Oh she will,” Rose replied with a wink.

I blushed at the blatant casualness of the whole situation. Nothing about this was normal. Nothing.

“This way,” the woman in scrubs said, turning to walk down a hallway.

Multiple doors lined the hallway. We walked quietly for a minute until she gestured us into room with the door open. Once all three of us were inside, she shut the door behind us.

“Rose!” the woman said excitedly, holding open her arms.

To my surprise, Rose went immediately into them, giving the woman a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Laura, I'm so glad you're working today! I tried to make the appointment with you specifically, but they couldn't guarantee that you'd be working,” Rose said, still embracing the woman.

I stood there awkwardly as they caught up, apparently they knew each other for years. I took the time to glance around the room. It was brightly lit and almost clinical. There was a high, padded table in the middle of the room with a small step stool next to it. There was a chair in the corner and a small counter on one side with a few items on it. I assumed it held the wax and whatever tools they'd need.

“So is this Matt's newest?” Laura said.

“Mmhmm,” Rose replied. “Isn't she darling?”

“Oh yes, nice and petite. I'm sure you're both enjoying her,” Laura said, her eyes traveling from my hair down to my toes.

I blushed at her words and blatant inspection of my body.

“Laura this is Ella,” Rose said. “We've worked together for years, but only just started playing together. Isn't that right Ella?”

I blushed again and nodded. Why was she telling the spa worker so much? It wasn't something I was really comfortable with sharing and made my already high nerves skyrocket.

“Well it's very nice to meet you Ella,” Laura said. “So what are we doing today?”

Rose laughed, running her hand up and down my arm. “You know Matt likes a bare cunt to play with.”

I could feel my face turn scarlet.

“Of course, of course,” Laura murmured, staring at my breasts.

Without thinking, I crossed my arms over my chest.

Laura and Rose both chuckled.

“As you can see,” Rose said, lightly running her hand over the tops of my breasts that were still visible despite my arms. “Ella is a little shy.”

“Well,” Laura said, “that will have to change real quick.” She clapped her hands twice and walked over to the counter, taking out a few items. “Get naked lady.”

“N-naked?” I asked. I thought I'd just have to take off my pants and underwear.

Laura didn't bother looking over at me when she replied. “I don't want to get wax on your top or bra by accident and ruin them.”

I looked over at Rose and she nodded in agreement with Laura. “Strip and hop up on the table,” she said.

I hesitated again and Rose laughed.

“She acts as if I didn't just suck my husband's cum out of her cunt a few hours ago,” Rose said.

I gasped. “Rose!” I said, mortified.

Laura just laughed and patted the table. “Let's get this over with, I want to see how pretty that pussy of yours is.”

I looked at Rose for comfort and she just stared back at me impatiently. Seeing no other option, I sighed and turned around to take off my clothes. I folded them neatly and put them on the chair in the corner, keeping my back to them as much as possible. The room was cold, pebbling my nipples immediately. I crossed my arms over them again to try and cover myself a bit.

Before I was ready, I turned around and faced them. Laura was to the right of the table next to the counter and her tools while Rose stood on the opposite side next to the step stool.

“Mmm,” Laura said quietly. “Very nice.”

“Right?” Rose murmured. “Hop up Ella.”

I took the couple of steps toward the table reluctantly, stepping up on the step stool. The hard plastic of it was cold under my feet as I used it to boost myself up onto the padded table. The thin paper covering its surface crackled as I sat on it, quickly laying on my back and staring up at the blank, white ceiling.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my leg.

“Shh,” Rose said, rubbing my thigh lightly. “It'll be nice and quick.”

“So tell me Rose,” Laura said conversationally as she stirred the wax. “How did you and Ella start playing together?”

“Oh well that's a good story,” Rose replied, tapping my inner thigh. “Butterfly your knees and show Laura that pretty pussy of yours.”

Wanting to get this over with, I did as she asked, pulling up my knees and then letting them fall open, putting the bottom of my feet together.

“Oh yes,” Laura murmured and I could feel her gaze on my pussy.

“Show her your pussy,” Rose said again.

I looked at her, biting my lip, hesitating.

“Go ahead, like I taught you.”

I nodded and slid my hands down between my thighs. I closed my eyes in shame and pulled my lips apart so Laura could see my most private places.

“Oh what a good little whore. She's got such a nice cunt on her. It's going to look amazing bald,” Laura said, her voice going husky. “I'd love to hear how you found her Rose.”

“Well it really started years ago…”


I'm thankful that you made it this far into my latest story. If you'd like to read more about Rose and Ella and their naughty friendship, head over to and have a few more o's. I hope you love it!


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