Morgan: I’m a bitch? by BrittleCheze

Morgan: I’m a bitch? by BrittleCheze

Delve into the provocative tale of Morgan as she confronts a challenging question: Am I a bitch? Uncover the steamy and tantalizing twists in this erotic sex story by BrittleCheze. Explore desire, passion, and self-discovery in a tale that will leave you breathless. Read now for a thrilling journey into seduction and revelation.<br/>

I liked the story Morgan is a Bitch, so I decided to rewrite it from Morgan’s perspective. I hope the original author doesn’t mind!——————————

I’m on my way home from school. I am so excited for the weekend! My friend is having a party and she’s gotten some more alchohol… it’s been a while since we’ve just been able to go crazy. I smile to myself. I see my house and pick up the pace, ever got that feeling that someone was watching you before? I hear a noise from the bushes by my side, as a turn to look, a hand clamps something wet over my mouth. I inhale to scream but suddenly I become so weak and tired. My vision blurs around the edges and my knees collapse underneath me, the ground is rushing at me as everything goes completely black.

Something is around my neck, it’s the first thing I feel. I open my eyes, but everything is black. I suddenly remember being grabbed, I try to struggle, but my arms are somehow restrained behind my back. I try to scream but something is jammed in my mouth, I can’t spit it out either. Then I hear a voice, it’s dark and raspy, “Hello bitch. Nice to see you’re awake. Now, you have been a bad girl and I am going to punish you, you dirty filthy slut.” The thing around my neck starts to tighten and pull up. I pull against it, trying to stay on the ground. But it tightens more and starts to cut off my air, now choking I struggle getting up, I fall to my knees, they crack against the concrete and pain radiates through my legs. The collar is still chocking me and I start to feel light headed, I finally pull myself up, my knees shaking and sore.

“Good slut, when you do what I say, the better off you are,” The sound of his voice makes my heart drop into my stomach. My neck is sore from the struggle, he pulls on the collar again and I follow him, trying to stop the pain. Being blinded and forced to walk is terrifying, he could be leading me anywhere… we only walk a few steps before he stops. I can here him doing something, behind me, the rope tied to the collar tightens again, but stops after its taut.

“Now bitch,” I jump, he was right behind me, and I didn’t notice, “I’m going to take these cuffs off you. If you don’t do exactly as I say, the punishment I am going to give you will only get worse,” I realize the helplessness of the situation and start to cry. His touch on my arms makes my entire body shiver in fear, the cuffs click and come lose, my arms fall to my side, tired from being restrained, “Now, you are going to strip off that uniform or I am going to cut it off. Which will it be?” I just stand terrified. “Which will it be?” My body stiffens and I hold still, “I guess you want me to cut off your uniform.” I suddenly shake my head “no” I don’t want him with a knife anywhere near me…

“Do you want to strip for me?” Crying I bite my tongue and slowly nod “yes.” Suddenly the collar tightens again, forcing me to stand all the way up to breath, “Do it now slut or I will choke you!” He yells. My arms are numb as I pull them up from my sides, my fingers shake uncontrollably as I struggle to unbutton my blouse. I’m going as quickly as I can but it still felt like I was going so slow. I feel my bra become exposed and I blush in embarrassment. The last button comes undone and I allow it to fall off my shoulders. Leaving my bra and flat tummy completely exposed to his surely prowling eyes. “Good, now the rest.” My hand falls down to my skirt and I find my zipper. I roughly pull it down, it becomes lose, and falls down my legs to the floor. I was glad I was wearing boxers, it made me feel so much less slutty to this perverted creep!

I try to bend over to take off the stockings next but I feel the collar tighten around my neck and pull me to a standing position again, “Lift your leg up, it is a better way to take them off,” I sigh “dick” good thing he can’t understand me through this gag. I have a hard time balancing on my leg as I pull of my stalking and throw it to the floor. I do the same to the other leg as I fall over to the side and balance myself. I stand almost completely naked; in my underwear, in front of this man I can’t see. The cold air makes me shiver, I feel so vulnerable…
“Keep going, you stupid slut!” I jump and my body is racked with more sobs. He pulls on the collar again and pulls me to the tips of my toes. I can barley breath and start crying harder, choking on my own sobs. “Listen slut, either you do it or I choke you!” My hands are shaking harder then ever as I pull them behind my back and struggle to unclasp my bra. Finally it comes off and falls to the floor, my cheeks burn with emberesment as my breasts become completely exposed; out of extinct I cover them with one of my arms.

The collar suddenly jerks up ward and I completely go off the ground. My neck feels like it’s going to break. My rip at the collar with my hands trying desperately to break through and kicking at the air with my legs. “Put me down!” I scream, but it only comes out as a muffled noise. My toes touch the ground again and I can breath, “What a naughty slut, I told you to take your clothes off, not cover yourself up. Next time, the punishment will be worse. Now, take off the rest of your clothes!” My cheeks burn harder then ever, I’m completely humilated. Because I still can’t see anything, I slide my thumbs down my legs to the waste-band of my boxers, they slide underneath my fingers and I pull them down; they fall to the ground.

I hold back more tears, realizing that I am completely naked in front of this man. He grabs my arm again making me jump. He roughly grabs my other arm and pulls them both tightly behind my back. I feel the coldness of the cuffs again as he restrains my arm behind my back. “You have a whore’s body. Also, you took to long getting undressed, so I am going to punish you.” I pull against he cuffs and collar, trying to escape whatever he punishment he has planned. Sudenly I am lifted off the ground by the collar again, I can’t breath, and I fight to get lose.

I kick at the damp air and start to feel light headed. The lack of air just makes me struggle more and more. It feels like my lugs are going to burst but no matter how hard I try I can’t get air to go through my restricted neck. Finally my feet touch the ground and the collar losens, I breath heavily trying to regain oxygen, “Now you will remember to do exactly what I say, when I say it. Understand?” Breathing hard and terrified I nod my head “yes” vigoursly, “Good slut. Now, it is time to commence with you punishment.”

The rope comes lose like it was when he lead me around the first time, he is right in front of me, I can feel is breath as he says,“Slut, I am going to take the gag off, as long as you don’t scream. Will you scream if I take the gag off?”Him being this close causes my stomach to burn in fear; I shake my head “no.” His hands are around my head and I feel the gag click and come lose. I work my jaw trying to get the feeling back into my mouth. “Who are you?” Coughing, I ask, “Why are you doing this to me?”

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